Greetings people. Well, here it is (finally), more than a week late! I am sooo sorry! But I've kinda been putting it off for a while, though I hadn't meant for it to be that long. I realize that I have somehow managed to totally neglect Hope and Tanis during this entire story, I didn't mean to, but I kinda forgot about them. In case you're wondering, they're down in Elysia with the other Quisalas holding their own private ceremony according to Quisalas customs. There is no action whatsoever in this (at least not the fighting kind ^_~!), it's all romance! It's pretty much just tying up a coule knots . . . I mean loose ends! The usual disclaimers, Sailor Moon isn't mine, it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi and . . . dah well, I'm sure you all know who it belongs to. The translation at the end is by Edwin Ng and Wilfred Lam, something else that isn't mine. On the other hand, this story/any characters that aren't part of the regular Sailor Moon Universe/the poem Every Single Breath are mine. Please do not take them without my permission. Well, that's all I can think of for now! Please e-mail me with what you think! I'm begging you! Ja ne! Sailor Mask The Gateway to the Silver Millennium ******************************************************************* Terri McTavish smiled to herself and hummed the tune to At The Beggining With You to herself as she slipped on a black dress and sat down in front of the mirror to fix her hair. She surveyed her reflection for a minute, wondering how to do it. She smiled as her eyes fell upon a small picture of her and Quinn that was tucked up in the corner of the mirror. It had been taken not that long ago, just before the Senshi's now famous battle with the Takhissis, and that had been only a couple of months ago. She smiled and put her mind back to the task at hand. She skillfully maneuvered her long silky black hair up onto the top of her head so that it fell in little ringlets around her face. She clipped it into place with a small barrette and then walked out of their bedroom and into the small porch. She glanced at the clock. 8:59. He would be there any minute. She quickly grabbed a winter coat and slipped it on, slipping a pair of gloves into her pocket. She smiled as the door opened and Quinn stepped in, shaking the snow out of his silver hair. He was wearing a tuxedo he had borrowed from Darien (who never seemed to have any shortage), and despite the fact that Darien was taller than Quinn, the suit seemed to fit quite well. Quinn flashed her a brilliant smile. "Hi Terri." He said, leaning over to kiss her cheek, never taking his arm out from behind his back. Terri grinned quizzically at him. "What are you hiding?" She demanded. He smiled and pulled his hand out from behind his back, revealing a dozen white roses, each with a faint blush of crimson on the tips of the petals. "The red rose speaks of passion, And the white rose breathes of love, Oh, the red rose is a falcon, And the white rose is a dove," He quoted. Terri smiled and picked up the small poem, one of her favorites. "But I give you a cream white rosebud, With a flush on it's petal tips, For the love that is purest and sweetest, Has a kiss of desire on the lips." She smiled at him. "I love you Quinn." She said. "Do you know that?" "I'll never forget." He said. He gestured to the roses. "Terri McTavish, will you be my valentine?" Terri grinned crookedly at him. "Was there ever any doubt?" She asked. She graciously accepted the roses and put them into a vase of water before heading out. She sighed contenedly as they climbed into the car. "What have you got planned for tonight?" She asked casually, trying to keep the curiousity out of her voice. "It's a surprise." He replied evenly, trying to hold back a grin. "Why is it you always make everything a surprise?" She asked. "How come you never just tell me what you've got planned?" Quinn grinned then. "Because I know how curious you get, and then how mad you get when I won't tell you, and you look so cute when you're mad." Terri paused for a minute, not quite sure how to repond. "For your sake, I'm going to take that as a compliment." She said at last, sitting back to enjoy the ride. Ami stared at Zach from across her plate. She smiled shyly at him. He returned the smile, much to Ami's surprise with the same amount of shyness. She wondered about it for a minute. He was usually so self-assured. They were sitting at a secluded table in the corner of the restaurant. Ami shrugged it off and turned back to him. They talked for a few minutes Zach sipped his wine slowly. He felt unnaturaly nervous about what he was about to do. Normally he was confident, and self-assured, and he was especially comfortable around Ami. Everyone who didn't know her seemed to be under the impression that all she cared about was her studies and her dream of being a doctor and nothing more, but Zach knew better. As far as he was concerned, Ami was the most caring person he had ever met. She was warm, and bright, and perfect. She always listened, and she never judged him, no matter wether or not she agreed with what he said. If she spent a lot of time studying, it was because she had ambition, and was willing to strive to achieve her goals. Most of the girls Zach had ever known, with the possible exception of Terri, had been content to sit around and bat their eyelashes to gain his attention, as well as get their way. He didn't go for that. Ami, on the other hand, was quiet and shy. She didn't bat her eyelashes at him, or flirt with him every second. She was different. He couldn't explain it, but he liked it. And he loved her. With that though in mind, he turned to her, his expression serious and thoughtful. Ami looked up, studying his face. He only wore that expression when he was about to reveal something important. She gazed into his green eyes and felt herself falling into them the way she had a thousand years ago. She liked Zach. More than she had ever liked a guy. The only other guy she had ever felt so strongly about was Greg, but, she knew that Zach was different. What she felt for Zach was deeper somehow. He was all she thought about, even when she was studying, where as usually she would have been totally engrossed in her work, now, she would constantly pause, look up and wonder what he was doing. It was more than just the two of them being a couple, he was her, and she was him. She couldn't imagine life without him, she didn't want to. She had recently started reading a few of Lita's romance novels. "What wrong?" She asked, genuine concern showing in her bright blue eyes. Zach took another long sip of wine. He swallowed hard. He had never done anything so hard in his life. Suddenly unable to remember the words he had been wanting to say to her ever since he had met her, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, rectangular box. He handed it to her swiftly, his heart beating wildly. He couldn't believe it. He had faced everything from Shadow Warriors to Dragons, and he had never been as terrified as he was at this very moment. Quizzically, her own heart beating a mile a minute, Ami gently took the box from Zach's hands. She looked up at his eyes and saw hope and apprehension. Her heart beat quickened. She opened the box slowly and saw a delicate silver chain, with two trinkets on the end. One was a heart that had the word 'forever' written on it. The second was a small ring. She looked at it and felt her breath catch in her throat. It was a small gold band, with a small diamond on it, but the way the diamond caught the light and reflected it back, almost like a prism took her breath away. Her heart stopped beating all together. She looked up at him, disbelieveing that this was really happening. "Ami, I . . . Will you . . . marry me?" He asked softly. Her breath came out in a long gasp. "Oh! Zach! I . . . I . . . " Her only reply was to lean over the table and kiss him like it was the first and last time. She pulled back and stared at the small box in her hands. He pulled back and stared in awe at her. "I've got a lot to learn about you Ami Mizuno." He said, feeling his voice return. She smiled as he pulled the pendant around her neck and slipped the ring around her finger. "You've got an eternity to find it out." She replied, turning around and kissing him again. Mina strolled casually around the moonlit park, her hand in Mackenzie's and her head against his shoulder. She smiled. "This has been the best Valentine's Day ever." She pronounced. Mackenzie smiled, totally agreeing. Mina suddenly giggled. "All we need now is a car try to run me over." She said. Mackenzie laughed, recalling the first time he had met Mina. She smiled and shook her head. "I love you Mackenzie Sabre." She said. "I can't believe I ever lived without you." Mackenzie stopped then and looked down into her eyes, searching. Mina meant the world to him. A thousand years ago, he had thought that he couldn't be with her because of seperate duties. But now that Serena and Darien were married, their duties were the same. Now he could be with her, without abandoning his duty to his prince and princess. "Have I told you how beautiful I think you are?" He asked. Mina blushed a beet red. The two wandered over to a bench underneath a snowcovered oak tree. Mackenzie felt the small box he had in his pocket press against his chest. He swallowed. Mina glanced up a Mackenzie. He had seemed somewhat preoccupied all night, and he was more serious than usual. He looked down at her and smiled, his normally ice blue eyes melting when they met hers. She loved his eyes. But she loved him more. She loved him with all her heart, and never wanted him to leave. He stirred restlessly. Then, apparantly reaching a decision, he reached into the breast pocket of his shirt and pulled out a small box, wrapped in paper. Mina's heart sped up. "Mackenzie . . . ?" She asked, not daring to hope. He handed her the box. With shaking fingers, she slowly unwrapped the box and looked at the paper. It was a poem. "Every single breath I take, Every dream I dream, Every thing I've ever said, Every place I've ever seen, Every single step I take, Every battle won, Every star that comes to shine, Every thing I've ever done, All of this is nothing, Meaningless, untrue, None of it means anything, If I can't have you, You are the very life I breath, You are the dreams I dream, Every thing I've ever said to you, All of it I mean, Every single step I take, Leads me to your door, With every star that comes to shine, You shine that much more, You have my heart, you are my soul, All I have I give to you, You are the inspiration, That makes my dreams come true, Just once in a lifetime, You get to feel like this, What I wouldn't do if I, Could feel your tender kiss, Nothing else compares to you, Not heaven's shining shores, Nor the angel choir's, praising songs, I'd give my life for yours, One day I will show you, How much you mean to me, The day that you unlock your heart, And hand to me the key." Mina's breath caught in her throat. Her heart stopped beating all together. She looked up at Mackenzie. He gestured at the box. Slowly she opened it up. The moonlight caught on the small diamond set in a gold band and relflected it back. She looked again at Mackenzie, praying she wasn't dreaming. "Mackenzie?" She asked again. He smiled and took the ring out of the box. He took her left hand and slipped the ring on. "Mina, will you do me the honor of being my wife?" He asked, his own voice low and soft. Mina was speechless. Mackenzie wouldn't look at her. He was afraid that she would say no. She opened her mouth to try to speak, but no sound would come out. She suddenly felt something cool and smooth against her skin. She rememberes the small chain she always wore that held the key to her diary, where all of her secrets were kept. She smiled suddenly. She took her hand out of Mackenzie's and undid the clasp on her chain. She slipped the tiny key off of her neck and pressed it into Mackenzie's hand, but didn't let go. "Yes." She breathed. "Yes I will." Mackenzie looked up at her, then down at the key in his hand. Smiling he leaned over and kissed her, neither of them coming up for a long, long time. Rei brushed a black strand of hair out of her eyes as and continued sweeping. She looked up as she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. Jed crossed his arms across his chest and frowned. "Rei! You promised me you wouldn't work tonight!" He accused. Rei looked down. "I know, but I was just sweeping." She said. "This porch gets so dirty, and . . . " "No buts." He said. "You promised me." Rei sighed and leaned the broom up against the temple wall. "Happy now?" She asked. Jed grinned at her. "Never happier." He said, taking her hand. With his other hand, he pulled out a blindfold. She looked up at him. "What's this for?" She asked suspisciously. He smiled. "I have a surprise." he replied, tying it around her eyes, careful of her hair. He grabbed her hand and led her into the dining room of the temple's living quarters. He left her standing in the middle of room and walked back a little bit. "Kay, you can look now." He said. Rei slowly pulled off the blindfold and gasped. "Oh Jed!" She cried, looking around at the candlelit table with an elaborate supper set up. She turned to look at him. "Grandpa helped me out a bit." He said, smiling at her. "I figured you needed a nice break." He reached behind him and pulled out a large buquet of white lili's. "Casablancas!" Cried Rei happily. "My favorite! How did you know?" She took the flowers from his hand and inhaled their sent deeply. Jed smiled and said nothing. She placed the flowers in a small vase and turned around to Jed and threw her arms around him. She kissed him softly and smiled at him. "Thank you." She whispered. "Happy Valentine's day." He whispered back, kissing her cheek. The two smiled and walked over to the table, sitting down to eat. A half hour later Rei sat back, still smiling. Jed grinned at her. "Ready for dessert?" He asked. She raised an eyebrow. "Dessert? I don't think I could eat another bite! That was the best meal I've had in a long time." She said. Jed smiled. "Not even a peice of cake?" He asked. He left to go get the cake. Rei sat back and waited, enjoying the perfectly contented feeling she had. She looked up as Jed walked back in, carrying a silver platter with a small chocolate cake on it and a single candle in the middle. She laughed. "A candle?" She asked. "I thought it was a valentine's day cake!" Jed frowned as he set it on the table. "It's a valentine's candle." he replied. "Blow it out and make a wish." Rei smiled and shook her head. She quickly thought about what she wanted to wish for. Deciding quickly, she blew out the 'valentine's day candle'. As she looked up at the now grinning Jed, a tiny sparkle caught her eye. She looked back down at the cake and noticed something small and round placed around the candle. Smiling quizzically, she pulled the candle out of the cake and set it at the side of the platter, than plucked the object out of the icing. After wiping the icing off with a napkin, she looked at it closely, her heart beating a mile a minute. Her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the engagement ring. She looked up at Jed who was smiling at her. "Did you get your wish?" He asked. With a wild cry of happiness she ran around to the other side of the table and threw her arms around his neck. She pulled back and stared in wonder at the ring. Laughing, Jed took the ring and carefully placed it on her finger. "I'll take that as a yes." He said with a grin. "Take it as anything you want!" She cried, kissing him several times in a row, pulling back only to look at her finger and then kiss him again. Outside the door, Grandpa pulled back from his position at the hole in the door and grinned to himself. He walked off, whistling the tune to 'Oh Starry Knight' to himself. Lita laughed as Maxfield placed his hands over eyes. "Quit peeking!" He cried. "It's no fun if you ruin the surprise!" Lita smiled. "Where are we going?" She asked as she climbed into the car, keeping her eyes shut. Maxfield climbed in the other side. "Nowhere." he replied. "Hey! I said no peeking!" he admonished when she opened one emerald eye. "Fine!" She said. "I'm not peeking!" She opened her eye again and glanced at him. "Hey!" He cried. Lita laughed. "All right, all right!" She said. They drove for a few more minutes. Lita was tempted to open her eyes again as the car slowed to a stop, but decided against it. She'd find out soon enough. Maxfield took her hand and led her across the sidewalk. They stopped a few steps later. "Okay," he said. "Now you can open your eyes." She did so, and inhaled sharply. She was standing in front of her new little restaurant. Mr. Brown, the previous owner, had died a few months before, just after Terri, Quinn, Darien and Serena's wedding, and he had left the entire business to Lita, the closest thing to a daughter he had ever had. But that wasn't what was so surprising. The building had grown, or rather, it had taken over the building next to it. She took a step forward. The shop next to the restaurant was filled with flowers. "You always said you anted a restaurant and a florist shop." Said Mackenzie from behind her. She frowned and turned around. "So that's why you've been keeping me away from here!" She said. "Maxfield! You shouldn't have! This is too much!" Maxfield grinned. "Not for you it's not." He replied. "besides, I can afford it." Lita was about to argue, the her shoulders slumped in defeat. She knew better than to try to talk Max out of something when he set his mind to it. He didn't become the richest man in Tokyo letting people talk him out of his own ideas. She smiled. "Thank you Max." She said. He tossed her a key. She beamed at him and ran to the flower shop's door, quickly unlocking it and running inside. Maxfield grinned and shook his head, following her inside. Lita gasped and exclaimed over every detail. Running from corner to corner, looking incredibly like a kid in candy shop. Max just leaned up against the door and let her run around. "You like?" He asked with a grin. "Oh yes!" She cried. "I like! I like! I love!" She clapped her hands together happily and continued to look around. Maxfield smiled, content to watch her. He reached into his pocket and felt the small ring he had there. His smiled broadened. He was the slightest bit nervous, though he knew he shouldn't be. He had asked the stars for guidance the week before and they had never led him wrong before. Suddenly Lita materialized in front of him, beaming happily. "Oh! Thank you!" She cried. "Oh! I've gotta be dreaming!" Max smiled and pulled the ring out of his pocket. "How would you like to never wake up?" He asked, getting down on one knee and holding the ring out. "Lita, will you marry me?" He asked. Lita gasped and stared at him disbelievingly. She dropped to her knees in front of him, making eye contact. She felt like her heart might burst from her chest. She looked into his eyes and felt her soul melt. She let out the breath she hadn't even known she was holding. She suddenly burst into tears. Maxfiled gasped and quickly reached out and wrapped his arms around her. "Lita! Lita, what's wrong?" He cried. "Lita?" Lita sniffled. "It's nothing, it's just that, I . . . I've never had . . . anyone . . . before. I've never had a family, or even a decent boyfriend, until you! And . . . and now you . . . I . . . yes!" She finally cried. "Yes! I'll marry you!" Maxfield smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around her, placing the ring on her finger. He reached up and picked a single red rose out of a buquet and handed it to her. She smiled and kissed him. Serena smiled as Darien handed her a single red rose. The two were sitting in a row boat on the lake at the park listening tot he small portable radio that Serena had brought along. Serena's hand trailed lazily in the water, causing the reflection of the moon to rippled underneath her fingers. "Oh, Darien." She said. "This is perfect." He smiled. Suddenly she giggled. "I wonder if the generals have proposed yet." She said. Darien smiled and shook his head. "All I know is that we are going to have some very happy senshi tomorrow." He said. "And what about us?" Asked Serena. "What about us?" Darien replied. Serena smiled and leaned forward. "This." She said softly, pressing her lips to his. He smiled as they pulled apart. "I love you Serena." He said. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone." "Mmhmm." Said Serena, not wanting to interrupt him. He smiled and reached into his pocket. The moonlight reflected off of a golden chain and small locket shaped like a crescent moon. Serena gasped and accepted the locket. She opened it up and found a picture of their wedding inside it. She looked up at him, her eyes shining. Smiling, Darien leaned over and managed to fasten the clasp around her neck without tipping over the boat. She smiled brilliantly at him. "I loe you Darien." She said simply, though her voice portrayed a feeling deeper than that. They kissed again as the last few strains of Moonlight Densetsu filled the air. "Unintentionally, miraculously, we cross again, So I meet with you again, Choreography of the stars can predict, All the love which has come and gone, Together on the same earth, a miracle romance, Something I do believe in - a miracle romance." ******************************************************************* Well, what did you think? Was it worth the wait? Lemme know! Ja ne! Sailor Mask The Gateway to the Silver Millennium