Hey peoples! Well, here I am (finaly) two weeks late with part two. I am so sorry! Unfortunately, I have been limited on the computer, and now I'll probably only get the parts in, once every two weeks (I know this has been three, but this has been a bad week). Hope that's not a problem. I will still try my best to get them in every week, but it might not be possible. You know all the legal stuff, Sailor Moon is not mine. Whereas Terri, Quinn, Hope, Tanis, Tanthalasa etc. etc. are mine. Okay, for those of you who read the Dragon Lance books, you might recognize a couple of words and names. Namely, Quislas, Takhissis, Tanis, Tanthalasa (though it's actually Tanthalas in the books) and Fireforge. I used the words/names but with my own characters/definitions. In other words, the names aren't mine, but the characters are. If it's really bothering you as to why I used those names, e-mail me and I'll tell you, but I don't want to spoil the plot for anyone who reads the books. The song is not mine, I don't know the exact copyright, but It's one of Clay Walkers. This part may not be the best, and I apologize for any mistakes. Well, that's about it. Any comments or suggestions, e-mail me at sailormask@geocities.com , and/or (again, preferably and) visit my homepage, at http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ Arigato minna-chan! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ ***************************************************************************** PART 2 Serena walked into the crown café with Darien following her in. She smiled as She spotted her friends at their usual table. Ever since they had met Terri and the others two years ago, this spot had fast become their favorite hangout. She looked worriedly at Hope, who still looked a little pale from her fight the night before. Serena frowned as She remembered it. Luna had said that chances are it would happen again. They had to be ready. She laughed at herself then. She thought. She grinned to herself. She looked down at her hand and noticed the ring that now sat proudly on her finger. She smiled and felt a shiver of happiness run through her. She was engaged! She still couldn't believe it. She thought. Darien looked down at his fiancee. She was smiling happily. He shook his head as he felt a smile lighting up his own face. She seemed to have that effect on him. He looked at the ring on his own finger. He couldn't believe that She had actually proposed to him. He was startled out of his reverie as Serena spotted the others and began to weave her way toward them. "Where's Ami?" She asked when they got there. Then rolled her eyes. "Oh never mind, I know where She is, She's backstage with Zach." Mina grinned at her. "Bingo." She said. Serena laughed and She and Darien sat down. The light from the stage caught on the diamonds on Serena's ring just before they went out. She heard Mina gasp beside her. "Oh my God!" She said. "Serena! Oh!" Serena clapped her hand over Mina's mouth. "Shhhhh!" She hissed. "Don't tell anyone, Terri said she'd announce it formally. It's a surprise." She could feel Mina smile under her hand. She took it away. "Congratulations." Whispered Mina. Serena smiled. Suddenly the lights came back on as Terri, Quinn, Zach, Mike, and Sue appeared on stage. The crowd clapped enthusiastically as the band started up with a lively song. A little bit later, Terri stepped forward and picked up the mike. "Excuse me." She said. "I have an announcement to make." The crowd settled down. Darien squeezed Serena's hand gently. She smiled as Terri continued. "Well, actually, it's not my announcement, I'm just the one making it." She said. "As most of you know, Quinn and I are engaged..." She was cut off by polite clapping as the ones who didn't know started to clap. She raised a hand to silence them. "But last night two of our best friends proposed to each other." She winked at Serena and Darien. "I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Serena Tsukino and Darien Chiba on their engagement, and wish them all the best." She gestured to the couple to come up to the stage. They obliged, Serena stifling a laugh at the expressions on her friends faces. Everyone clapped as they climbed on stage. "And now a spotlight dance for the bride and husband to be." She said. Serena's eyes widened. Terri hadn't said She was gonna do this. "Any requests?" Terri asked, covering the mike. Darien grinned and whispered something in Terri's ear. Serena shook her head and decided to go along with it. She held Darien's hand as he led her out on the floor. Quinn picked up the mike and they began to dance as the band started to play; "She knew She caught my eye, And that was all it took, Ain't it strange how forever changed, With just one look, The magic filled the night, She touched my soul like no one else, Yes, the was that woman made me feel, Left me talking to myself, Oh, oh, You better run for cover, You better hide your heart, 'Cause once you start to love her, You know you'll never stop, She shines like a diamond, When She walks into a room, She could charm the stars, Hypnotize the moon, Once I held her close, I knew just where I stood, No, you never get a second chance, To ever fell so good, Then and there I knew, These words were etched in stone, If you can't fell the power of, The greatest love you've known, You better run for cover, You better hide your heart, 'Cause once you start to love her, You know you'll never stop, She shines like a diamond, When She walks into a room, She could charm the stars, Hypnotize the moon, You better run for cover, You better hide your heart, 'Cause once you start to love her, You know you'll never stop, She shines like a diamond, When She walks into a room, She could charm the stars, She could charm the stars, Hypnotize the moon." Serena and Darien slowed as the music stopped. Everything else in the room disappeared, and for a second, the only people there were the two of them. Slowly they fell into each other and kissed. They broke apart as the room was filled with applause and cheers, the loudest of which, coming from their own table. They smiled and blushed, then sat down. Terri grinned and the band immediately started up again. Terri threw her bag on over her shoulder and waved as Sue and Mike drove off. She went and joined Zach, Ami and Quinn as they left to find the others. They found them out in the parking lot. Rei, Lita and Mina were gushing over Serena's ring, while Darien, MacKenzie, Maxfield, and Jed stood in the background, talking to each other. Ami joined the scouts, while Zach and Quinn joined the generals. Darien spotted Terri and walked over to her. She grinned. at him. "Congrats bro." She said. "You got yourself a good girl." He smiled. "I know. Hey, thanks for the song." He said. She smiled. "No problem." She said. He looked at her. "Terri, how come you gave me that ring?" He asked. She looked away. "Well, Serena had told me before what She was planning to do so I..." Darien shook his head. "That's not what I mean." he said. She sighed. "I know. The reason I gave it to you is because it's what Mom would have wanted." She said. "But it meant so much to you." Said Darien. She smiled. "Maybe, but now it means even more to you and her." She looked down at her own hand and the small ring shaped like a rose. "Besides," She said. "I've got my own ring now." He smiled. "So when are you two actually going to get married. You've been engaged for over a year now." Asked Darien. Terri rolled her eyes. "As soon as you two get married." She said. 'You know perfectly well I can't get married before you do." Darien grinned. "That was a thousand years ago you know. We aren't exactly royalty and more." He pointed out. She stuck her nose up in the air. "No, but we will be eventually, according to Pluto, so we should get married according to the old customs, which is I don't get married before you, because you are the heir to the throne. And I bet you any money the scouts will refuse to get married before Serena does too." Darien laughed. "Don't ever change Terra." he said. She grinned as he used her old name. "Whatever you say, Endymion." She said. She looked up as Quinn called her. She gestured to him to give her a minute. "Darien, what was it Serena wanted to tell us?" She asked. Darien shook his head. "Drop by later and she'll tell you, She hasn't even told me." Terri grinned and shook her head. "See you later!" She called, jogging towards Quinn. She pulled her helmet on. The two got on their motorcycles and drove off. Darien walked up to Serena. "Ready to go?" He asked. She smiled. "You bet." The two waved and got into the car. Once inside She asked; "Is Terri and Quinn coming over?" Darien nodded. "They had to get something at Terri's apartment, but they're coming over after." "Do we really need both bikes?" Asked Terri. Quinn considered this for a minute. "I don't think so." he said. "Yours can fit two people can't it?" Terri nodded. "Let's go then." She said. Quinn put his helmet back on. "Can I drive?" He asked. Terri grinned as She slipped her helmet on. "Quinn, I trust you with my life, my secrets, and my heart," He winced, knowing what was coming next. "But I don't trust anybody with my bike." She finished. Quinn laughed. "I get the point. Let's go." They climbed on and drove off. "Serena no!" Argued Terri. They had gotten to Darien's apartment and were now seated in the living room, listening to Serena's idea. "No way." "Why not?" Asked Serena, pouting. "What's wrong with a double wedding?" "Well nothing, except..." Said Terri. "Except what?" Asked Serena. "Except you two are one day going to rule this planet and you should rightfully have your own wedding." Finished Quinn. Terri nodded. "Oh stop that! This isn't the tenth century! It's the twentieth! We don't have to go by the old rules." Argued Serena. Darien just sat back and listened. He would go along with whatever Serena decided, it was against his nature to argue with her, but he could see the points to both arguments. "Besides, neither one of us can get married before Darien anyway." Said Terri. Serena rolled her eyes. "Well if you're going to do it that way, then Quinn can't get married ahead of MacKenzie because Mackenzie is his superior officer, and MacKenzie can't get married ahead of you, so neither of you get to be married anyway." Terri sighed. She was losing this argument. "Yeah, but that's different." She said. Serena rolled her eyes. "How is it different?" She asked. Terri sighed. "Please Terri?" Said Serena. "If you want, Darien and I will say 'I do.' before you do, then technically we'll be married ahead of you." Terri looked up at Quinn who shrugged. She sighed again. "Fine." She said. "We'll have a double wedding." Serena's face lit up in a smile. She dove at Terri and hugged her fiercely. "Oh! Thank you!" She cried. "Thank you!" Terri laughed and pushed Serena off. "All right, all right, all right, all ready!" She said. "We can plan it all out later." Said Darien. "Right now I have to get Serena home, before her father decides to come looking for her with a shotgun." "Speaking of which, Serena have you told your folks yet?" Asked Terri. Serena blushed. "Um...no. See...I've been waiting for the right time." Stammered Serena. Terri looked at her sternly. "Serena, you can't exactly not tell your parents your getting married, I think they're gonna notice!" She said. "Yeah but...my dad..." She started. "No buts!" She looked at Darien. "Much as I like my brother's head where it is, you've gotta tell them. I mean, you're in college now! I don't think your parents will freak!" Darien cleared his throat. "Um...you haven't met Serena's dad have you? That guy does NOT like me!" He said. Terri rolled her eyes. "Oh come on! He can't be that bad! Come on, Quinn and I will go with you." "WHAT!!!!!" Shouted Kenji Tsukino. "YOU'RE WHAT???!!! TO WHO?!!!" Terri gasped as Darien hid behind her. Ikuko was trying in vain to control her husband. "I'm outta here!" Gasped Sammy as he took off up the stairs. "Now dear..." She said. "Don't you now dear me!" He shouted. "There is no way I am letting my little girl marry this...this...ruffian!" "Daddy! I'm not a little girl any more! I'm 18 years old!" Yelled Serena. "18 or 80 you are still my daughter, and you are NOT MARRYING THIS POOR EXCUSE FOR A..." Started Kenji. "NOW JUST A MINUTE!!!!" Shouted Ikuko. Everyone in the room turned around, even Kenji was stunned into silence at the sight of his very, very angry wife. "Kenji Tsukino! This is supposed to be one of the happiest moments in our daughters life! I will NOT LET YOU WRECK it for her!! You are supposed to encourage her! If this is the man She loves, then for God's sake, she's gonna marry him! And you are NOT GOING TO STOP HER!!! If you have a problem with that, then you can sleep in the doghouse!!!!" "But...but...we don't have a doghouse!" Stammered Kenji. "THEN YOU CAN BUILD ONE! 'CAUSE YOU ARE NOT SETTING FOOT IN THIS HOUSE UNTIL YOU AGREE TO SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGE YOUR DAUGHTERS WISHES!!" Shouted Ikuko. They all stood visibly shaken at the normally calm mother's rampage. Kenji had gone pale. He took one look at his wife's face then ran towards Darien. He grabbed his hand and shook it fiercely. "Congratulations young man, you have made a wise choice." He said. Darien gasped and tried to pry his hand out of the vice like grip. "Um..sir...my hand..." He said. Ikuko slapped Kenji upside of the head. Kenji let go quickly. "Now, who wants pancakes?" Asked Ikuko happily. "Um...mom...it's 10:00." Said Serena. Ikuko looked surprised. "Oh, I suppose your right. Well then, I'll just make hot chocolate!" She said. All of a sudden the entire room erupted in laughter. Even Kenji laughed. He patted Darien on the back, though to Darien, it felt like a little bit more than a pat. A few minutes later they were all gathered in the kitchen sipping hot chocolate and laughing happily (or nervously as in Darien's case). Deep below the Earth, a large shadow stormed down the hall, its blue scales lit only by the occasional torch in the wall. Obsidian was not having a good day, and he was defiantly angry. He had been called for an audience with the dark queen, no doubt for his failure against the senshi dressed in silver and the young Quisalas. He quickly devised a plan he hoped would put him back in the Queen's good graces. He walked into the audience hall and bowed low. "I am here my Queen." he said. "You wished to see me?" "Obsidian. I am disappointed in you." Said Queen Ebony. "You failed me. Explain yourself." Obsidian swallowed. Here goes everything. He cleared his throat. "Yes your majesty, I had some unexpected...resistance. There were two senshi and two men, and a...um..." He thought. "A...um...Quisalas." Ebony's eyes widened. "What!" She shrieked. "That's Impossible! They could NOT have been awakened!" Obsidian winced. This was not good. "If it pleases your majesty, I have a plan that may help us to defeat the senshi, the Quisalas we can deal with later, She is only a hatchling." He said. Ebony regained her composure immediately. "Go on." She said. "What is your plan?" "Divide and conquer." Replied Obsidian. Terri Rose struggled under the load of boxes and bags She was carrying, filled with everything from dresses to shoes. She, Serena, Hope and Serena's mother had gone shopping in order to "Get away from it all" as Serena had put it. Thought the exhausted bride-to-be. She frowned as the words Quisalas and Takhissis ran through her head. She knew she'd heard them somewhere before. She shook her head. She chided herself. She smiled as She remembered the day Quinn proposed to her. She managed to look at her ring. She wondered ho much it must cost. Every time She asked Quinn, he changed the subject. She frowned. She gasped as the person in front of her suddenly stopped short. She staggered backwards and would have fallen if Hope and Ikuko hadn't caught her arms and righted her. She peered around the side of the boxes to see what had caused the disturbance. Serena had stopped in front of a dress shop and was staring at something in the window in shock. Curious, Terri walked forward and gasped. "Um...Serena...isn't that the dress you wore as Princess Serenity?" She whispered. Serena nodded. Ikuko gasped. "Oh Serena! That dress is perfect for you! Come on, let's go try it on!" The dress was long and white, and looked like a mix between Neo-Queen Serenity's and Princess Serenity's, with the loose skirt, but sleeveless top. It had a large bow on the back. Terri allowed herself to be pulled into the store by Serena with her free hand. Terri sat down, glad to be able to put down her boxes. Quinn and Darien walked through the mall. He looked up as he spotted Terri and Serena heading into some kind of dress shop. He nudged Darien and gestured towards the small store. "Let's go say hi." He said, and started toward the store. Darien caught hold of his arm. "Oh no you don't!" They're probably in their looking at wedding dresses, and it's bad luck to see your bride in her dress before the wedding." Said Darien. He made a face. "Besides, if they catch us, they'll skin us alive!" Quinn sighed and turned back around. "You can't tell me you're not curious!" He said. Darien rolled his eyes. "You have no idea how curious I am, but I've seen Serena beat the living daylights out of a youma in a bad mood, and I am not about to test that." Suddenly his face lit up in an evil grin. "Besides, there's no rule about going back later to try and see if we can figure out what they bought. Quinn laughed. "Sneaky." He said. Darien grinned again. Serena admired herself in the mirror. "Oh I want it!" She gasped. Terri nodded. "You look great." She said. Ikuko smiled. "You'll knock Darien's socks off." She said. Serena blushed. "But...um... shouldn't you wait until you look around first?" Asked Ikuko. Serena shook her head fiercely. "No, I don't have to look around, I won't ever find a dress to top this, believe me!" Said Serena empathetically. "I think you should get it Serena," said Hope. "It's not only beautiful, but...symbolic." Serena and Terri smiled and Ikuko looked confused. She shook her head and forgot about it a second later. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cheque book. She turned to the seamstress. "We'll take it." She said. The seamstress nodded and set up fitting times with Serena. She smiled and waved goodbye as they left the store. Terri looked at her watch. "We had better go meet the guys at the plaza." She said. Ikuko smiled. "Well, we'll see you girls later!" She called, taking the packages from Terri and Serena. "Would you like a ride home Hope?" She asked. "Yes please, if it's not any trouble." Said Hope. Ikuko grinned. "No trouble, I pass right by your apartment anyway." The two waved and disappeared into the crowd. Serena smiled. "Come on! Let's go!" She said. Terri grinned and followed the enthusiastic girl into the mall. Terri and Serena raced to the table Darien and Quinn had managed to save them. They sat down panting and laughing. "I win!" Said Serena. "No way! I beat you by a mile!" Said Terri laughing. Quinn and Darien grinned. "What do you guys want, I'll go place out order." Offered Quinn. "Um...just a cheeseburger please." Said Terri. "Same here." Said Darien. "I'll have a couple pieces of pizza, and a milkshake." Said Serena. Quinn nodded and turned around. Terri raised an eyebrow. "That's it? You usually order twice that!" She said. Serena grinned sheepishly. "Yeah but, if I want to be able to fit into that dress, I'm gonna have to cut back on how much I eat." Terri and Darien laughed. A few minutes later Quinn came back with the food and the four set down to the basic plans for the wedding. "Terri, who's gonna give you away?" Asked Serena. Terri frowned. Zach's father...her father, had died the year before. Though the two had never gotten along all that well, they had loved each other to pieces, and She was upset when he died. But Serena had a point, without him, who was going to give her away. "Isn't it supposed to be your next of kin who's a male?" Asked Quinn. "Yeah but that would be me," Said Darien. "And I can't because I'm getting married at the same time!" "What about Zach?" Asked Serena. Darien nodded. "He's defiantly your next of kin, by heart, if not by blood." He said. Terri nodded. "Okay, that will work." She said. She looked at Serena. "Serena, who are you picking for your maid of honor?" Serena looked startled. "Uh-oh." She said. "How am I supposed to pick one of them? They're all such good friends." Terri grinned. "I'm sure you'll figure it out." She said. "There's lots of time 'till the wedding." Serena grinned. "You're right!" She looked at her plate. "Enough worrying! Let's eat!" They laughed. "Now there's the woman I'm going to marry!" Said Darien. Once again laughter erupted at the table. Luna sat on top of Lita's coffee table watching the evening news, purring happily as Mina rubbed behind her ears. She looked down at Ami and Rei seated in front of the TV on the floor, with Mina and Lita seated behind her on the couch. Luna sat up straighter as the anchor-man came back on. "This just in." He said. "There are several reports of lizard-like monsters attacking people, all throughout Tokyo!" A large map pf Tokyo appeared on the screen, 6 red dots, flashing on and off. "Citizens are advised to stay indoors! I repeat, do not go outside! The police will take care of it." Lita stared in dis-belief at the screen. "I really don't think the police will be able to handle it." She said. There were stunned nods from all over the room. "Quick! Call Serena and the others! Let them know what's going on." Instructed Luna. Ami nodded and immediately set down to work. In short minutes they were all headed in 6 different directions. Sailor Earth scanned the ground warily. Ami had said there were some odd youma's around this area of the park, and She was on full alert. She shifted in her saddle to look behind her. She smiled as She spotted two figures dressed in green hopping from roof to roof, behind the park. She thought. Then She frowned. She turned around. "Hey Hope! Turn around! Something's up!" She called. The massive dragon obliged and swung around in a full circle. Earth watched the figures retreating over the roof tops and noticed a few minutes later that they weren't human. She scowled. "Got ya!" Hope spotted them and sped up. Earth released one hand from the saddle and called for Excalibur. They had caught up to the unsuspecting lizards in no time. Earth stood up on Hope's back. Hope steadied, instantly recognizing the silent signal. In a flash Earth had launched off of Hope's back and on to the roof behind the odd youma. "Hey boys," She said. The youma turned around. She swung Excalibur around in a slow circle. "Wanna have some fun?" The lizard like youma's tongues flicked in anticipation of the fight. In a split second the first had lunged at her. She sidestepped him easily and hit his back with the hilt of her sword. The youma gasped and fell to the ground. She turned back around with a grin. "Come on!" She said to the next one. "Make my day!" Hope watched with amusement as Earth toyed with the youma's. She thought. Nonetheless, She stood poised to attack if necessary while her friend took her frustrations out on the youma. Quartzite, Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon raced towards the school. Quartzite wondered for a minute if Terri would be all right, then pushed the thought out of his head. But despite his assurances, he still felt worried. He sighed and concentrated on the matter at hand. He gasped as a chair flew out of one of the second story windows. "This must be the place!" He said. The jumped in through an open window and raced up the stairs. At the top it didn't take much to spot what they were up against. Two youma's stood, poised to throw a desk out the window. Serena gasped as She recognized the little picture someone had carved into the corner. Two figures, that looked incredibly like her and Darien were carved in the desk. She gasped in anger. "How dare you try and throw my old desk out the window!" She said. Startled, the youmas dropped the desk and whirled around. "I am Sailor Moon. I fight for love and justice, and in the name of the moon, I will punish you!" The youmas smiled happily, snake-like tongues flicking between their lips. Serena took a step back. "Ew...What are you?" She asked. "We are dracons." Said one. "And we're hungry." The other lunged at Sailor Moon. She gasped and fell back. Tux reacted instantly, sending a rose flying and catching Sailor Moon all in one move. She quickly righted herself and glared angrily at the now wailing dracon. The first started laughing at his partners pain. "Um...they aren't the brightest youmas are they?" Asked Quartzite. Jupiter and Nephrite dove out of the way as the dracon they were fighting lunged at them. Jupiter laughed. "JUPITER THUNDERBOLTS CHARGE!!!!!" She cried, letting her new attack fly. She watched in satisfaction as the dracon writhed in pain. But almost immediately it recovered and dove for her. "HEAVENLY CYCLONES ROAR!!!!" Shouted Nephrite, pulling out the Stars of Strength. He threw them in a wide arc over the dracon's head. They stopped right above it and began to spin in a large circle, creating a cyclone above the dracon. It gasped as it was suddenly surrounded in fierce winds and lifted off the ground, only to be suddenly smashed back into it again. It lay on the ground, not moving. Nephrite grinned. "Well," he said, "that was easy." She returned the look. "A little too..." She didn't get time to finish as She felt something slam into her back. She gasped as She felt the wind get knocked out of her. Nephrite gasped as the second youma attacked Jupiter. He threw himself at the youma and dragged it off of her. He cried out as it knocked him to the ground. Mars glanced warily around the temple grounds. She felt Jaedite's comforting presence behind her. He smiled reassuringly, though who he was assuring he wasn't sure. "Sense anything?" He asked. "Nope, not a thing!" She replied. She looked up as She heard Phobos and Deimios cawing above them. They flew a few circles before diving into a thin woods. Rei looked at Jaedite and nodded towards the woods. Jaedite nodded. Quietly they crept forward and into the woods. They spotted two dracons wandering around as though they were lost. Rei looked startled. She thought. Jaedite to was confused. He wondered. He quickly took a step forward. Rei winced as She heard a twig snap under Jaedite's foot. She glared at him. "Way to go!" She whispered as the dracons turned around. They stared in stunned silence at the two warriors. Rei took advantage of their surprise and powered up. "Mars volcanoes ERUPT!!!!!" She shouted, sending a stream of molten lava at the dracons. The first regained his wits and dove out of the way as the second got hit by the attack. It shrieked in pain as his partner launched itself at Rei. In a flash Jaedite called for the Crossbow of Faith. He knocked an arrow into it and the arrow immediately burst into flame. "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!" Shouted Jaedite. The dracon gasped as the arrow connected with it's armor, and it was immediately went up in flames. It screamed and desperately tried to put out the fire. By now the first dracon had recovered and it tackled Jaedite. "Jaedite!!!" Gasped Rei. The gasp turned to a cry as the second dracon smothered the last of the flames and took advantage of her concern and threw her to the ground. Venus looked around warily. She glanced around the dark shopping mall. It was closed, but She and Mackenzie had managed to get in through the skylight. She knew the dracons were here, but She wasn't sure where. She heard a shuffling behind her. She whirled around, but saw nothing. "Kunzite?" She asked nervously. "Mina WATCH OUT!!!" She heard Kunzite call from behind her. She whirled around to face him as She felt something connect with her and lift her off the ground. She cried out in pain as whatever it was squeezed her stomach with such force She started breathing in short gasps. Mackenzie felt his blood boiling at the sight of Mina in trouble. He reached deep into his sub-space pocket and pulled out the Sword of Honor. "Fortifying steel ASSAULT!!!" He shouted. The blade emitted a single beam of light that struck the dracon, who had turned it's back on Mina. It dropped Mina as it was consumed by the light. Mina collapsed, gasping for breath. Kunzite ran forward. "Are you all right?" He asked worriedly. She looked up at him and smiled. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need to catch my breath." She said. Kunzite looked her over as if reassuring himself, then nodded. "I...KUNZITE!!!" Shouted Venus. A second dracon suddenly appeared behind Kunzite and seized him. He lashed out with his foot, catching the dracon in the stomach. It groaned and doubled over as Kunzite jumped away. Mina stood up. "VENUS PROMISE RINGS ENTWINE!!!" She shouted. Several golden rings of power surrounded the dracon, growing smaller and smaller. She turned around to check on Kunzite and gasped. "Kunzite watch out!" She gasped. Kunzite whirled around in time to see the first dracons talons sweeping down towards him. He gasped and blocked with his sword. Mercury looked up and down the aisles of the library. She raised an eyebrow as She spotted the book she'd been looking for. She reached up to pull it down when She felt a hand rest on her shoulder. She screamed and whirled around. Zoisite took a couple steps back. "Whoa!" he said, grinning. "It's just me!" Relief flooded over her face as She tried to catch her breath. "Zach! don't ever do that to me again!" She said. "You scared the living daylights out of me!" Zoisite laughed. "Sorry!" he said. She shook her head and turned around again. She wandered up and down the aisles for a few minutes, looking for anything suspicious. After 15 minutes and not finding anything, She sat down. She thought. She took the book and started reading it when She heard something from behind the shelf in front of her. She looked up but saw nothing. She shook her head and turned the page on her book. She grinned as She felt a hand rest on her shoulder. "Nice try Zach but I'm not falling for it this..." She turned around to face Zoisite, but was instead greeted by a pair of red eyes and glistening teeth. She screamed in fright and toppled out of the chair. She screamed again as the dracon lunged for her, then gasped as another dracon came flying over the bookshelf and landed on the first one. Before She knew what was going on, Zach was behind her picking her up off the ground. "Come on." he said. "We can't fight them here!" Mercury nodded and stood up. The two ran out of the building as the dracon's recovered. They ran into an alley and whirled around to face their enemies. Both of the dracons launched simultaneously. In a flash Zoisite pulled out the Staff of Wisdom and twirled it around expertly. He knocked the first one to the ground. "Frigid winter BLAST!!!!" He shouted, whirling the staff around as it turned to ice in his hands. He pointed the tip of it at the dracon as a burst of icy power blew out of it. The power connected with the dracon and froze it in no time flat. "Mercury gales VANQUISH!!!!" Shouted mercury. The dracon didn't have time to scream before it was picked up by the frozen wind and slammed into a wall. Hope watched in amusement as the dracons tried in vain to defeat Sailor Earth. She gasped as She was gripped with an all to familiar feeling of hatred. She shook her head. She thought. She was about to shout a warning to Earth when the dracons suddenly retreated over the roof tops. Sailor Earth moved to follow and finish the fight when She was interrupted by a huge shadow crossing her path. She looked up as the blue dragon from the other day, Obsidian, rose up from behind a building. She reached for Excalibur, but Obsidian anticipated her move and blasted her. The inferno missed her, but the force of the blast sent her tumbling over the edge of the roof. She screamed, even as her arm shot out and She gripped a window ledge. "Sailor Earth!" Gasped Hope. She felt her hatred rise to a fever pitch at the loss of her friend. She whirled on the blue dragon who's eyes widened at the sight of the fully healed Quisalas before him. Then his eyes narrowed. "Welcome hatchling." He said. "We were not formerly introduced the last time we met. I am Obsidian, Dragon High Lord to Queen Ebony. And you are?" Hope snarled, trying desperately to control her raging emotions. "I am Hope, friend and confidante to the Princess Terra, of the line of Coronus, and her brother, King Endymion, of the line of Coronus." Replied Hope. Obsidian's eyes widened at the mention of Coronus's name. "The line of Coronus! Then they were reborn! Well, we'll soon take care of that." he said. He peered over the edge of the building. "Come to think of it." He said unemotionally. "Unless I miss my mark, I've already taken care of one of those pests." That was the last straw. Hope felt all of her control snap and She lunged for Obsidian who dodged easily. He opened his mouth and let loose with a large stream of fire. Quartzite stared the dracon down, daring it to attack. Snarling the monster accepted the dare and lunged forward. Laughing, Quartzite stepped to the side and the dracon flew down the stairs, where Tuxedo Mask finished it off with his rapier. "Silver crystal POWER KISS!!!!" Shouted Sailor Moon, raising her new scepter. A beam of pure white light was emitted from the top and struck the second dracon. It screamed as the power if the Imperium Silver Crystal tore it apart. Sailor moon smiled in satisfaction. She turned around as She heard a gasp behind her. Quartzite doubled over. He suddenly had the incredible feeling he was falling. he knew immediately what was wrong. "Terri!" He said. Tuxedo Mask's eyes widened. he looked up at Sailor Moon. "Let's go." She said. Tanis Fireforge walked quickly down the street. His mind focused on one thing. "Obsidian." he murmured as he sped up. Earth gripped the ledge with all her might, suddenly remembering why She was afraid of heights. She looked up to see that Excalibur had gotten hooked on a nail just above her head. She looked down and suddenly wished She hadn't. "Oh no! Um...okay...now what?" She looked around for someway to hoist herself up over the ledge, but it was to narrow, and there were no footholds. She shook herself. There had to be someway. She was bout to try breaking the window somehow and pulling herself up through it when She suddenly felt something solid beneath her feet She caught a glimpse of silver scales and immediately allowed herself to fall on the dragon's back. She sighed in relief. She was about to turn around and thank Hope when the words died in her throat. She looked down the long expanse of what She thought was Hope's back. it seemed a lot longer. She thought, Slowly She turned around, almost afraid to look. What She saw confirmed her fears. She was not on Hope's back. Jupiter ran forward to help Nephrite, but the first dracon recovered and jumped on her back. With and angry cry She threw it off and drove her foot into it's stomach. "Hang on Nephrite!" She shouted. "I'll be right there!" She powered up for her attack, as her fist began to glow with electricity. "JUPITER THUNDERBOLTS CHARGE!!!!" She shouted. But instead of letting the electricity leave her hand and fly towards the dracon, She drove her fist into it's stomach. The dracon screamed as the electricity surrounded it. With a brilliant flash it was reduced to dust. She turned around to help out Nephrite but found he was in the process of finishing the dracon off. She shrugged her shoulders then looked down as her communicator beeped. Jaedite struggled against the iron grip of the dracon. In a last ditch attempt to free himself he brought the heel of his boot down on the dracon's foot...hard. With a yowl the creature released his grip and began jumping up and down, gripping his foot. Jaedite would have laughed, if he hadn't been so caught up in freeing Rei from the other dracon. Rei was on the ground, with the dracon on top of her, pinning her to the ground. She struggled, trying to free her wrists from the taloned claws. The dracon grinned, seeming to enjoy his prisoners pain. It opened it's mouth, exposing a very large set of jaws. "Jaedite!!!" She cried. "Help!!!" Jaedite ran forward, but was suddenly cut off as a youma jumped in front of him. "Rei!" He called. "Hang on! I'm coming!" The only answer he got was Rei's scream as the dracon moved to finish her off with his teeth. With a cry of fury Jaedite slammed his fist into the youma's stomach. He aimed his crossbow at the Dracon threatening Rei. "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!!" He shouted, letting the arrow fly. The dracon cried out as the arrow struck him in the small of it's back. It flew off of Rei as the arrow pierced his scales. In a second, there was nothing left but dust. Jaedite whirled around and knocked another arrow, aiming for the last dracon's heart. It screamed. It's scream was cut off however by a sudden flow of molten lava. "MARS VOLCANOES ERUPT!!!" Jaedite turned around as the dracon turned to dust and raised an eyebrow. Rei smiled weakly at him. "Who says guys have to have all the fun?" She said. He smiled and sat down beside her. He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by her communicator. Mina watched in horror as Kunzite battled with the dracon. Steel against talon. She searched around for some kind of weapon, She whirled around as She heard something clang behind her. The first dracon had broken loose from her rings and they dissolved instantly. The dracon grinned and lunged at her. Acting immediately, Mina grabbed a can of whipped cream off the shelf behind her and sprayed the dracon in the face. it screamed in pain, and it took it a full minute to realize that it wasn't hurting. He looked up, two seconds too late as Mina unleashed her rings again. "VENUS PROMISE RINGS ENTWINE!!!" The dracon screamed as the rings surrounded him, but this time, Venus did not lose concentration, and the dracon did not break free. Bit by bit, the rings shrunk, until he burst into dust. She whirled around to help Kunzite, who was still battling with the second dracon. She thought frantically. he r eyes widened. She thought. It had been a while since She used it, so She needed a minute to recall the complex steps. They weren't as easy as everybody seemed to think. In a second She had them. She waited until the dracon's back was facing her. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM SMASH!!!!" She shouted. The beam hit the dracon in the back and disintegrated it instantly. "Wow!" She said. "I don't remember it being that powerful." She looked up at Kunzite who had collapsed, panting. She ran up to him and noticed with alarm his shoulder was bleeding. "Oh my God! Kunzite! You're hurt!" She said. "It's nothing, just a scratch." He said, not wanting her to worry. "I'll get Quartzite to look at it later." Venus was about to argue, but the beeping of her communicator cut in. The dracon collapsed to the ground, falling on his frozen buddy, and knocking him to the ground. The frozen statue shattered. The dracon shook his head and stood up. It growled fiercely. "You will pay!" He snarled. "Once Obsidian is through with your silver friend's then he'll..." He stopped as Mercury and Zoisite's eyes widened. He gasped as he realized he'd said to much. he turned to run, but Zoisite was on him in a second. He grabbed him by the collar of his armor and threw him into the wall. "What is Obsidian planning to do to our friends?" He growled. The dracon snapped his mouth shut. "I'm not telling nothing." He said. Zoisite was about to say something when Ami pushed him out of the way. The small girl grabbed the dracon, blue eyes blazing. "You've got 5 seconds to tell me who Obsidian is and what he's planning on doing with my friends before you end up in worse shape than your buddy down there." She growled. The dracon took one look at the shattered dracon and started talking. "Obsidian is the dragon that your friends fought the other day, and he sent us dracons all over Tokyo to split you up, so he could get revenge on the senshi with the silver fuku, and her Quisalas." He said. Ami glared at him. She put a hand to his chest and stuck her face in his. "Mercury..." She whispered. The dracon shook his head. "Gales..." She whispered. "No!" Said the dracon. "You' can't!" "Vanquish." She finished. The dracon didn't have time to blink as he was frozen from the inside out. Mercury let the dracon drop, and it shattered into several hundred pieces. Ami turned around and face Zoisite. She quickly hit the all call button on her communicator. "All senshi alert! I repeat, this is an all senshi alert! Get to the park now! Terri and Hope are in trouble! That dragon's back!" She closed the lid and turned around, leaving the alley. She paused and turned back around. "Zoy, it might be a good idea to put your jaw back together so we can get going." She suggested, feeling her normal calm set back in. Earth put her head in her hands, trying to stay calm. She thought. Slowly She opened her eyes, then instantly shut them. "Okay," She said out loud. "I'm not fine. I'm on the back of a strange dragon, a thousand feet in the air and...and...and..." She couldn't finish. She turned round again to look at the dragon's head. It turned to look at her, lavender eyes light with concern. "Are you okay, princess?" He asked. She nodded slowly then suddenly stopped. "P...princess? Why did you call me...princess?" She asked, trying to keep from looking down. The dragon chuckled and turned back around. "That's who you are isn't it?" He asked. "Princess Terra, of the line of Coronus, twin sister to King Endymion. Are you not the owner of the sword Excalibur, and a mysterious silver dragon?" Earth looked up. "I am the protector of this planet, and the owner of the sword Excalibur," an insulted look crossed over her face. "But I am not the owner of that dragon! She is not a possession! She is my friend, and I..." She was cut off as the great dragon laughed. She growled. "What's so funny?" She asked. The dragon smiled. "You're just like your father." He replied. Earth raised an eyebrow. "My father?" She asked. She wondered. Why do I should I trust him? I don't even know him!> "Your father, King Coronus." He answered. Earth gasped. "You knew him?" She asked eagerly, throwing her caution to the wind. The dragon nodded. "We were friends, he and I. But that was way before you were born. He had just become king, he hadn't even met Maetel yet." Earth smiled at the memory of her father, then her face darkened at the memory of Beryl. "Something wrong princess?" "It's nothing, just..." SHE stopped short as She suddenly remembered Hope and Obsidian. "Oh my God! Hope!" She gasped. She had been so caught up in her conversation She had forgotten. "On no! That dragon will tear her to pieces! I've got to go!" The dragon looked around. "I can't help you, there is no room to turn around here, and I can't go any higher in broad daylight. If I go above the trees, I'll be seen." Earth stood up and called for Excalibur. It materialized in her hand. "Then I'll go by myself." She said. "Thanks for everything Mr. ...um..." "Call me Tanthalasa! Good luck Princess!" He called as She vaulted off his back and into the trees. Hope battled Obsidian with fierceness She didn't know She had. She slashed and clawed and snapped, but so did he. They were evenly matched. While he was older, and more experienced in fighting, Hope was small, and agile. The two battled, occasionally letting loose a breath of fire. Hope dodged one of these breaths, but wasn't fast enough to avoid Obsidian's tail. With a cry, She stumbled and fell. They had managed to work their way into the woods, which was probably why no one had noticed the two. Obsidian laughed and prepared to finish her off, when a cry from behind him cut him off. "NO! EXCALIBUR"S BLADE STRIKE!!!!" Obsidian screamed as the attack tore through his right wing. With a furious cry he whirled around to face the tiny human. "Earth!" Shouted Hope. "You're all right!" Earth grinned. "But not for long!" Shouted Obsidian. Sailor Earth laughed confidently. "What's wrong with you Obsidian?" She asked. "You can't even get rid of a lowly human being." She sneered. Obsidian growled. "We'll see about that!" He snarled. He lunged at her, jaws wide. With a laugh She jumped straight up in the air and landed on his head. Angered, he started to whip his head from side to side. Earth gasped and held on.