Well hello again! Hmm...it's been only a week since I got part 7 of As You Wish in, and here we have this brand-spanking new story! Whast can I say, I was sick today, so I have been on the computer all day writing it. That's my excuse, by the way, if there's any mistakes, I'm sick. So anyways, you know the drill, Sailor Moon doesn't belong to me, it belongs to Naoko Takeuchi, Toei Animation, Kodansha, DiC, and probably a whole lot of other companies I can't think of right now. On the other hand, Terri/Terra/Sailor Earth and Quinn/Quartzite and Hope and anythign else that doesn't fit into the regular Sailor Moon world are mine. Do not take them. WARNING THIS STORY COMES RIGHT AFTER MY OTHER ONE, AS YOU WISH. IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE FIRST ONE, THIS MIGHT NOT MAKE A WHOLE LOT OF SENSE TO YOU, SO I WOULD SUGGEST IT Don't forget to e-mail me your comments! sailormask@geocities.com . Also, visit my homepage (which, for those of you who read As You Wish, has moved to:) http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ .Arigato! Ja ne! Sailor Mask **************************************************************************** At The Begining With You; prologue Ikuko Tsukino hummed happily as She thumbed through the mail. Her fingers stopped at one letter addressed to Ms. Serena Tsukino. She looked at the return address, Juuban University. She gasped and ran into the house. "Serena!" SHE called. "Serena! There's a letter for you from the university! Hurry!" She looked up as Serena came running in, followed by Ami, Lita, Mina, and Rei, who had come over for a bit. Ikuko handed the envelope to Serena who stared at it. "Well are you going to open it or not?" Asked Rei impatiently. "Oh! But what if I wasn't accepted?" She asked worriedly, still staring at the envelope. "What if I wasn't good enough?" "Well dear, you'll never know if you don't open it." Said Ikuko. Serena stared a moment longer then finally ripped open the envelope. She read through it quickly, then read through it again faster. Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "What does it say?" Asked Lita. Serena looked up, dazed. "I've been accepted." She said. Mina threw her arms around Serena and hugged her. "Oh Serena! That's great!" She said. Kenji and Sammy walked in. "What's all the noise?" Asked Sammy. Ikuko walked over. "Serena's been accepted to Juuban University! Isn't it great?" She said. Sammy's jaw dropped. "No way! That meat-ball head got into University?" He said in disbelief. Serena glared at him. She picked up the letter and waved it in his face. "Yes I did, and, for your information, I aced the entrance exam!" Sammy grabbed the letter to read it over and Serena turned back to her friends. Sammy shook his head. "I don't believe it." He said. "There's no way! It's impossible!" Kenji grabbed the letter from his hand and read it. His shocked expression turned to one of extreme pride. "Ha ha! My little girl is going to University!" He shouted. Terri squirmed as Hope put the finishing touches on her hair. She stood up and faced her friends. Sue and Hope smiled appreciatively. "Wow." Said Sue. "You look great! You should dress up more often!" "As if!" Replied Terri, though She was blushing. She turned around and looked into the full length mirror. She was dressed in sleeveless white dress, trimmed with bits of silver, and a silver belt. Over the dress was a jacket type piece of a veily material. Her hair was done up in a tight bun with several little ringlets left sticking out, as well as a small red rose in the side of it. "You're gonna knock Quinn's socks off." Said Hope. Terri blushed again, then gasped as the doorbell rang. "Oh no that's him!" She said. She asked herself, trying to calm the butterflies flitting about in her stomach. "Um...You may want to answer the door Terri." Suggested Sue. Terri looked up startled. "Oh yeah!" SHE gasped. She ran to the door, straightened herself out and opened it. Hope's shoulder's shook with compressed laughter at Quinn's expression. He was visibly impressed, it took him a full minute to put his jaw back together. Terri smiled. "Ready to go?" She asked. Quinn shook his head and found his voice. "Yeah. Come on. Se ya later Hope! Sue!" He called as they left. Terri waved happily. Quinn opened the door of his car and bowed low. "Your chariot awaits, my princess." He said. Terri laughed and curtsied. "Thank you kind sir." She said, as She climbed in. "And where would we be going this fine evening?" Quinn grinned as he jumped into the drivers seat. "That, my lady, is a secret." He said. She regarded him closely. Intense curiosity sparked in her eyes. "Quinn, what are you up to?" She asked suspiciously. She didn't like being in the dark. "Nothing Terri. You'll just have to trust me." He said, starting the engine. Terri sighed. She didn't like trusting people either, though She had come to trust several people in the past year. She sighed, resigning herself to the fact Quinn was not going to tell her where they were going so She may as well sit back and enjoy the ride. She looked out the window and noticed the city lights start to fall behind them. She sat up straighter. Now she was really curious. "Quinn, you realize of course, I don't like surprises, and I tend to get violent under suspense." She said. He grinned and shook his head. "Then I guess you'll have to hurt me, 'cause I'm not telling you a thing until we get there." He replied. "Quinn!" She whined, imitating Serena. "Why does it have to be a surprise? Can't you give me just a little hint? Please?" Quinn laughed. "You've been hanging around Serena too long, and no I can't give you a hint." He grinned as Terri sighed frustratedly and sat back in her seat. In a few minutes Terri looked up as Quinn slowed the car. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a blindfold. Terri scowled. "Not a chance Quinn. No way. You are not putting that thing on me." She definitely did not like not being able to see where She was going. Quinn pouted. She shook her head. "Don't make that face." She said, feeling her resolve start to crack. Quinn's only answer was to put on his most innocent, hopeful, disappointed face. Terri sighed. "Fine. If it means that much to you." She said, giving in. He grinned. "I knew you'd see it my way." He said happily. She sighed as he tied it on, careful of the rose in her hair. "When am I gonna learn to say no to you?" She asked. He grinned. "Probably about the same time I learn to say no to you." She smiled, feeling her good mood return. She shivered involuntarily as Quinn took her hand. She laughed to herself. She thought. Quinn guided her carefully. She sighed in relief as they finally stopped and sat down. Quinn carefully took off the blindfold. She gasped as She saw the view in front of her. They were on top of some sort of bluff overlooking the city. Terri inhaled sharply. "Oh Quinn, it's beautiful." She breathed. Tokyo was laid out below them like one of "Loni Leni's" paintings. A thousand lights sparkled like stars. She could see the Starlight Tower, and suddenly understood where it got it's name. Quinn smiled. "I'm glad you like it." He said. She turned to look at him. "Like it? Oh Quinn! I love it! It's...breathtaking!" She said. Quinn smiled. "I thought you would." The two sat in silence for a few minutes. Quinn reached into his pocket and his hand clasped around a small box. He shook his head. He decided. "Um...Terri?" He said. She turned around and looked at him, picking up on the note of uncertainly in his voice. "Yeah? What's up?" She asked. He swallowed. "Well...um...We've been together for a long time now right?" He said. "I'd say so, a thousand some odd years." She said, wondering what he was getting at. "Well...I've been thinking...and um...well..." He stuttered, trying to remember the words he'd rehearsed. "You remember that duet we sang, just after we beat Beryl last year?" He asked. She nodded. The song had become one of their biggest hits, not to mention one of her favorites. "Well, you know the last line?" She nodded. He swallowed again, trying to keep his courage up. "Well, in the end, that's where I want to be." He said. He looked her in the eye. "I want to be at the beginning with you." Terri's heart started to beat faster as it finally sank in what he was about to ask. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket and handed it to her. Slowly She opened it. Inside was a small ring shaped like a rose. The band part was green and was in kind of a wavy pattern representing a stem, and had tiny emerald leaves coming off of it. On the front was a small red rose, with a large diamond dewdrop on one petal. She held her breath and looked up at Quinn. "Quinn...?" She asked. He gathered up what was left of his courage. "Terri, will you marry me?" He asked. She couldn't speak. She looked at the ring, then at Quinn, then the ring, then back to Quinn. She finally found her voice and said the first thing that entered her mind. "As you wish." She managed to squeak out. "I will marry you." Quinn's face lit up like a star. He quickly took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her left hand. She looked at it for a minute, then looked at Quinn and smiled happily. She threw her arms around him. He laughed and pulled her back. The two stared at each other for a bit then slowly, they leaned in closer together until their lips met. When they parted Quinn held on to Terri. "I'm never going to let you go." He whispered into her ear. She smiled happily. "As you wish." She said again. **************************************************************************** At The Begining With You; chapter 1 Terri laughed and side-stepped her brother easily as he tried to get the ball away from her. She pivoted quickly and passed it to Quinn, then shot forward. Quinn took the ball and dribbled it forward a bit before he was intercepted by MacKenzie, who grabbed the ball and ran in the opposite direction. Mina cheered from the side. Mackenzie gasped as Terri bolted in front of him and he lost the ball. She was on it in an instant and shot towards the other net. She jumped up and let the ball fly. Darien groaned as it sailed through the net. Terri and Quinn cheered and gave each other a high five. "We win!" Said Terri. Darien grinned. "Good game." he said. MacKenzie nodded. It had been a tie all the way through, and Terri had scored the point that won the basket-ball game of two on two. Quinn looked over at where Rei, Lita and Ami were sitting. He whistled and they looked up. "You're on!" He shouted. Rei and Jed took the court against Lita and Maxfield. Terri grinned as the four started the game and picked up her drink. She grinned at Darien. "You play well." She said. He grinned back. "You're not so bad yourself." He replied. Zach walked up. "Can it be?" He asked. "These two played against each other, and neither one of them attacked the other? That's a first!" Terri stuck her tongue out. "You're the one who's going to get attacked!" She said. "Besides, that was a thousand years ago, I've learned to control my temper!" "Ha!" Laughed Zach, then gasped and ducked as Terri's water bottle nearly hit his forehead. He grinned at her. "Point proven!" Said Darien laughing. Terri glared at the both of them and sat down next to Serena muttering some choice words about Brothers, and her brothers in particular. Serena grinned, and Quinn laughed. "I know how you feel." Said Serena. "I've got a brother myself." The two old friends suddenly laughed. "Feels good to laugh!" Said Terri. "Can you believe it's been 2 years since we defeated Beryl?" She asked. Serena nodded but didn't say anything. "I can't believe I've actually graduated, and was accepted into University!" She said. "Who would have thought?" Terri smiled. "Everyone who's in this park." She stated. Serena blushed a bright crimson. "I mean it, Sere!" She insisted, using her old nickname for the younger girl. "There isn't anyone here, including Rei," She said as saw Serena about to object. "who doubted you." "Yeah well, Ami helped me out a lot." She said. Terri Grinned slyly. "I hear Darien did some tutoring too, eh?" She asked, then laughed at the expression on Serena's face. "So...um...your birthday is tomorrow, right?" Asked Serena, changing the subject. Terri looked surprised. "Who told you?" She asked. Serena grinned. "I figured since you and Darien were twins, you'd have the same birthday. I missed it last year. August third right?" Asked Serena. Terri nodded. "Yeah, but you don't have to get me anything." She said quickly. Serena smiled and decided not to argue. She looked up as Rei and the others came off the field. "Who won?" Asked Serena. Rei gave a triumphant grin. "We did!" She said. Lita smiled good naturedly. "Only by 4 points." She argued. Terri smiled. Zach looked down at his watch and gasped. "Terri! Quinn! We gotta go!" The two looked at him startled. "Does the word practice mean anything to you?" Gasping Terri bolted to her feet and shoved her bottle in her bag. "Bye Serena, bye guys! See ya later!" She called as the three of them tore off towards Zach's car. Hope looked up from her book as she heard a knock on her door. She stood up and looked out through the peephole. She smiled as she recognized the silver-hair and lavender eyes outside of her doorway. She opened the door quickly. "Hi Tanis!" She said brightly. "What are you doing here?" He smiled shyly. Hope liked it when he smiled like that. "Well, I was around and thought I'd stop in and see how you're doing." He said. She smiled. "Come on in!" She said, opening the door wider. He walked in and slipped his shoes off. The two had been good friends for the past year, ever since he had walked her home that night. The worst thing was, Hope really liked him, but she wouldn't admit it. It wouldn't work out, she was a dragon and he was a human. She told herself everytime. She walked into the kitchen and put the kettle on. Tanis followed her in and sat down at her small table. "So," She started. "What brings you to this neighborhood?" "I was supposed to be at a...meeting, but no one showed up, so I thought I'd stop by and say hi. Hope you don't mind." He explained. Hope smiled. "I don't mind. It's nice to have some company." She said, pouring the hot water into two cups and adding tea bags. She stirred it up and handed a cup to Tanis. "So what have you been up to?" He asked. She absent-mindedly stirred her tea. "Oh, this and that." She said vauguely. "This and that?" He prompted. She grinned at him. "And just why is it you are so curious as to what I do?" She asked, quickly changing the subject. He returned the grin. "Maybe I'm just curious about you." He said. Hope blushed and Tanis smiled, then they both laughed. Luna frowned as she watched the planets slowly moving along their orbits, ont the screen of the Sailor V video game. "A thousand years..." She mused watching them. "They will allign again in a thousand years..." She murmered, remembering the words of Queen Serenity. "They were alligned when the moon kingdom fell and they're alligning now." Her frown deepened, trying to remeber what this signified. "When the planets allign, evil power is at it's peak." Her frown deepened even more. "Powerful forces are stirring, we should be on guard." With that she took off through the doors and disappeared. "...At the begining with you." Sang Terri and Quinn together. The song had become one of their greatest hits since the first time they had sung it. Terri turned around and grinned at the band. "Nice job guys!" She said. She glanced up at the clock. "Let's break it up for tonight. It's late, and I've got to ride home." The rest of the group nodded. "When do you next have the garage signed out, Mike?" Asked Zach. Mike flipped open a mini calender and skimmed a finger down the page. "Next Saturday at 8:00." He said, as the rest of the group pulled out similar planners and wrote it down. "See ya then!" Called Terri, as she and Quinn walked out. Quinn handed her her helmet and gave her a peck on the cheek. "See ya tonight, I'll pick you up at eight." he said, pulling on his own silver one. She smiled. "As you wish." She said, pulling on her helmet, carefully tucking her long black hair underneath it. The smile changed to a grin as she blew a kiss and flipped the visor down. She hopped on her bike and gunned the engine. He waved as she disappeared around the corner. Deep below the earth, a dark figure raised it's head. Teeth gleamed in the dark. "It's almost time." She said. Shaking, she rose to her feet. All around her other shapes were beggining to stir. The figure laughed triumphantly. "Soon!" She said. Flames flickered between her lips. "Soon." Serena sighed. She looked over at Mina and Mackenzie. "Come on Mackenzie, you know her better than I do? What should I get her?" She asked. She was having trouble finding something for Terri for her birthday. She didn't have much money left after getting Darien's present, which was sitting safely in the pocket of her dress. Mackenzie rolled his eyes. "I've known her for about as long as you have!" He said. "She's not Princess Terra anymore, she's the same person, but different." He replied. "You gotta have some kind of clue!" Proded Serena. "I don't. I don't know what she wants!" He sighed. Mina was about to say something when Serena cut her off. "What about you Mina? Any idea's?" "None. I don't even know what to get Darien!" She replied. Serena grinned. "That's it! I'll ask Darien! he's bound to know!" She turned around quickly. "I'll see you guys later!" She said, then bounced off happily. Mackenzie grinned. "It's amazing how much she reminds me of you." He said. Mina blushed. He smiled and tilted her head upwards. She smiled at him. "Ai shiteru.*" She whispered, as he leaned down and kissed her gently. (*Ai shiteru=I love you*) Terri opened the door and smiled as Quinn walked in. "Right on time." She said. He smiled as she pulled her coat on. "Listen, can we stop by Darien's for a minute beore we go? I have to...um...give him something." Quinn nodded. Terri smiled brightly as she wakled out. Calling out to SUe that she was leaving. She carefully felt around in her pocket until her fingers closed around something small and metal. She smiled. She thought. "So why exactly do you need to see Darien?" Asked Quinn curiously. Terri grinned secreitively. "Sorry, promised I wouldn't tell." She said. Quinn pouted. "Oh stop that!" She said. "I promised! You'll find out tomorrow anyways." SHe said. He grinned at her. A few minutes later they arrived at Darien's apartment. Terri got out. "Stay put." She said. "I'll be right back." She walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. Darien opened it. "Terri?" He asked, surprised. "Weren't you and Quinn going out to dinner or something?" "Yeah, but I needed to talk to you for a minute." She said. She pulled a small carefully wrapped package and smiled. "Happy birthday bro! You'll figure out what to do with it eventually!" She turned around and headed back down the stairs. Darien shook his head as he closed the door. He opened the small package slowly. Inside was a small ring. He recognized it instantly. It was the ring that Terri had had since she was six. Their mother's engagement ring. He held it up to the light. He had never really closely examined it. It was a simple gold band, but on the front was a stunning arrangement of diamonds in the shape of a cresent moon. His eyes widened. He wondered. Terri descended the stairs and smiled as she saw two familiar pigtails entering the building. "Hi Serena!" She called as the girl looked up. "Hi Terri! What are you doing here?" She asked. Terri smiled. "Oh, not much, just dropping of my gift early is all." She said. "Have you got yours?" Serena grinned. "You betcha!" Terri laughed and waved goodbye as she went out into the parking lot. She climbed into the car where Quinn was waiting. He looked at her expectantly. "So?" He asked. She smiled. "I told you you'd find out tomorrow, now let's go, I'm getting cold." She ordered. Quinn sighed and shook his head. Then pulled out of the parking lot. Back beneath the surface of the Earth, a long shadow slinked through the darkness towards an even darker shadow. Flames hiss from their mouths. "I am ready my Queen." Said the first shadow. "Excellant Obsidian! When Neptune and Pluto allign with the Earth, go to the surface. You will be joined by others as the planets allign and my power increases." She said. "What is our mission?" She asked. "To have our revenge on the ones who imprisoned us down here, of the line of Coronus, and on those who defeated your sister, the dark Queen Mettalia, in order to once regain our rightful place as the rulers of the Earth." He responded. Once more flames lit the darkness, and red eyes glowed brilliantly in the dark. Serena slipped her hand into Darien's and squeezed it tightly. He smiled. She returned the look. "Happy birthday Darien." She said. "I have something for you." He looked down at her as she fished around in her pocket, thinking of what she could say. She pulled out a small box. "A long time ago you gave me a ring." She said. "We've been through a lot since then, and I don't want it to end." She said seriously, handing him the box. He opened it and noticed a simple ring inside. Just a gold band, but it had something inscribed on it. "You're always in my heart." He read. She smiled. He looked up at Serena. "Serena does this mean that you...?" She nodded. "Darien, will you marry me?" Far up in space, the planets continued along their orbits. Neptune and Pluto began to allign with the Earht, and there was a quick burst of power that illuminated the sky. Terri smiled at Quinn over the dinner table. The birthday supper had been his idea. She gasped as she had a sudden overwhelming sensation of intense evil, a power she'd never felt before. She gripped her head tightly and squeezed her eyes shut. Quinn, alarmed, stood up and rushed over to her. "Terri? What is it? What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. She shook her head. "Something's happening! We have to go!" She said. She stood up. There was no mistaking the look of alarm in her eyes. Something was definately wrong. They paid their bill and ran out of the restaurant. "Should we take the car?" Asked Quinn. Terri shook her head. "We'll be able to spot it sooner if we take the rooftops." She said. He understood instantly and raised his hand, the silver ring on his hand starting to glow. "By the spirit of Earth!" He cried. "Earth Celestial Power MAKE UP!" She shouted. For a second they were bathed in an incandescent light, then they stood in battle mode. In a split second they were on the roof and on their way through Tokyo. Darien stared at her in shock. He was speechless. He suddenly felt Terri's 'present' in his pocket and had to smother a grin. He thought. He reached into his pocket to pull it out when the ground beneath them began to shake. Serena gasped as she toppled into Darien and they both flew to the ground. Suddenly the ground in front of them erupted, showering them with dirt, and a large, dark shape shot out from it. Serena'a mouth opened in a silent scream. Darien's eyes widened. "A dragon!" He gasped. Hope sat reading her book. She was at the climax, when suddenly she was hit with an indescribable feeling of danger. She shook her head to clear it, but the feeling refused to go away. She wondered. She had never felt anything like it before. She headed up to the roof, thoughshe didn't know why. In a flash she reverted to dragon form, startling herself with her new silver scales. She almost laughed at herself. She remembered the golden saddle on her back and looked behind, just to be sure it was still there. Satisfied she opened her wings and flew, she didnt know where she was going, just that she had to go. Sailor Earth gasped suddenly and pointed straight ahead. "There!" She shouted. The two sped up towards the park. Quartzite gasped as Earth skidded to a stop. He ran up behind her and was about to ask why she had stopped when he saw why. He stared in disbelief. "Oh my God!" he breathed. "It's not possible! I thought Hope was the last!" He said. Earth shook her head, regaining her senses. She looked at the sight before her. Hovering high in the air was a huge, blue dragon. It's scales glinted from the lights of the city, and it's red eyes glowed, not really illuminating the dark, only seeming to add to it. It let loose a horrible cry which snapped the two back to reality. Quartzite gasped as he spotted a familiar couple on the ground. "Earth! It's Darien and Serena!" He shouted. Earth followed his fingers and gasped. "No! We have got to get down there and help them!" She yelled. In a flash she was off, Quartzite not far behind. Earth concentrated and called for Excalibur as the dragon dove to attack Serena and Darien. She raised it high and the moon glinted off of its surface. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!!!!!" She shouted. She raised the sword high over her head as it began to glow with an inner power. She brought it around in a circle, then slashed it diagonally down. The power exploded from the blade in a flash of light and flew toward the blue dragon. Earth watched in satisfaction as the beam hit it's mark. In a flash she was at Darien and Serena's side. "Transform!" She ordered. "Moon eternal MAKE UP!" In a flash they had transformed. "What is it?" Asked Tuxedo Mask, now dressed in a lavender tuxedo and no hat. "Well gee I don't know! It must be a 200 foot lizard!" Said Earth sarcastically. Tuxedo Mask glared at her, she glared back. "Well whatever it is it's coming straight for us!" Shouted Sailor Moon. With screams and gasps the four warriors threw themselves out of the way of the now very angry dragon. Earth could see the mark where her attack had blackened the scales as the dragon tore down at them. Hope flew faster and faster, the feeling of danger growing with every wingbeat. She spotted the park just a head and the feeling of danger abrubtly turned to one of hatred. Pure, intense, burning hatred. She snarled and flew faster. Earth gasped as Quartzite grabbed her around the waist and shoved her out of the way of the dragon's fire. She looked in shock at her singed skirt and boots. She thought. She looked up as Sailor Moon was thrown to the ground by a huge claw. She thought frustaratedly, as Quartzite helped her up. Suddenly the dragon turned two red eyes on Earth, who held up Excalibur defiantly. It's mouth turned up at the corners, but she couldn't tell wether it was a smile or a snarl. The dragon rose into the air, Earth watched with growing apprehension. SUddenly the dragon let out a cry and dove towards Earth. She gasped, she had no time to jump. In a split second she had pushed Quartzite out of the way. She crossed her arms over her head and waited for the dragon to strike. It never happened. SHe looked up as she heard the dragon scream in pain. SHe gasped as she spotted a flash of silver on the blue dragon's back. "All right Hope!" She shouted. Hope had her teeth buried in the creature's neck. The blue dragon screamed and finally managed to throw Hope off. It whirled around to face it's attacker and gasped. "Quisalas!" It gasped. Hope bared her teeth, gripped by a hatred she did not understand. The blue dragon bared his teeth also. He regarded his opponent. "Why you're nothing but a child!" He laughed. Hope opened her mouth and let loose a blast of fire. The blue dragon dodged easily but there was no mistaking the shocked expression on his face. He had not expected such power from such a little dragon. He growled and took to the air. Hope started to follow. "Oh no! not without me you're not!" Said Earth. Before anyone could stop her she had vaulted onto the saddle on Hope's back. Hope didn't seem to notice. She rose up into the air and was immediately met with a blast of fire. She gasped and dodged, looking around, but she couldn't see where the fire had come from. All of a sudden the larger dragon materialized behind her. "HOPE LOOK OUT!" Shouted Earth. Hope whirled around in time to dodge a taloned claw heading for her head, but the move left her wing exposed, taking hold of the oppourtunity, the blue dragon slashed through it. Hope screamed in pain and struggled to stay airborne. She lashed out with her tail and sent the blue dragon reeling. Earth was hanging on for dear life. "Hope!!!" She shouted. "You have to land! You can't fight with a bad wing!" Hope finaly seemed to break free of the hatred for as moment. She landed quickly and gingerly folded her injured wing to her side. The blue dragon thinking she had been defeated, followed after her. It landed with a thud as both dragon's raised their claws and bared their teeth. Earth jumped off and collapsed into Quartzite. From behind the park a pair of lavender eyes watched with intrest and concern as the two dragon's battled with each other. Hope doged and attacked, dodged and attacked. Her wing was killing her, but she refused to back down. She gasped as the other dragon's long blue tail whipped out and struck her side, the spikes ripping into her scales. She cried out and collapsed. She vaguely heard Earth's voice call to her, but she was focused on the dragon hpvering above her. It smiled. "You fight well little Quisalas." It said. "But not well enough." It opened it's mouth to finish her off. She closed her eyes and waited for the blow. "Hope NO!" Shouted Earth, her voice cracking. She started forward, but Quartzite caught her and held her back. "Let me go! I have to help her! HOPE!" SHe screamed. She couldn't just stand by and watch her best friend be killed like that. "Earth! Terri!" Said Quartzite's voice. "If you try to help her you'll be killed too..." He started when the air suddenly grew very hot. A blast of fire came from nowhere and struckt he blue dragon, sending him flying backwards. He was not so quick getting up. In a second Earth broke free and ran to Hope. Quartzite looked around, trying to find the source of the blast. The blue dragon got to his feet and looked around wildly. He thought. He made a decision. He turned back to the dragon he had fought. "You have won this time! But not even you can stop the Takhisis from rising! Queen Ebony will return! I can promise you that!" He shouted. He flew into the sky and disappeared. Earth glared at the spot where he had been, then turned back to Hope. "Hope?" She asked worridly. "Hope? Can you hear me?" Hope opened her eyes slowly. "Terri? I'm okay. Really. Just a few scratches." She said. Quartzite came up behind them. "It's not just a few scratches. I can heal you, but the wounds are so big, it would help if you were in human form. Think you can manage?" Hope nodded painfully. She closed her eyes again and shimmered human. The wounds looked much worse now. Earth closed her eyes and swallowed. She quickly de-transformed as Quartzite began to work. When he had finished Hope sat up wearily. "The blood-loss will take time to heal, but other than that you're fine." Hope smiled weakly. SHe looked at Terri. "Happy birthday." She said softly. Terri smiled and hugged her friend. Later that night all of the senshi, the generals, Luna Artemis and Sue were gathered in Terri's apartment. Sue was deathly pale after Terri had told her what had happened. Hope sat weakly in the chair beside Terri, Quartzite on the couch next to Terri, keeping his eye on Hope. Thought Hope wryly. Luna and Artemis were on the table and the rest of the senshi were scattered through the room. Terri frowned. She kept thinking about what the blue dragon had said. She looked up as Luna mentioned something about the planets alligning. "Have all the planets alligned yet?" Asked Zach.Luna shook her head. "You mean there's a chance we'll have to fight more of those dragons?" Asked Serena. Luna nodded. "it's highly likely." She said. Terri sat up straighter. "Oh no! Luna, that thing took us all on and almost won! And we weren't even the ones who beat him! Somebody else helped us out." She looked at Hope, who looked worried. Artemis nodded. "We know, but there's not much else we can do about it until we know what we're up against." He said. Terri sighed. "Look," Said Luna. "We're all tired, there's no sense in worrying over it tonight. We may as well all go home and get some rest." The others nodded in agreement. One by one they filed out of the apartment. Darien offered to drive Serena home. "Now, where were we?" He asked once they had gotten into the car. "Will you marry me?" Asked Serena for the second time that night. Darien smiled and took the small gold band out of its box. Serena put it on his finger. "I will if you'll have me." He said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring Terri had given him. Serena gasped. He slid it onto her finger. She smiled. "Oh Darien! Of course I'll have you! There's nothing else I want!" Darien wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her gently, and refused to let go. **************************************************************************** Well? How was it? Don't forget to email me and tell me what you thought of it^_^! And thanks again to all those who wrote for As You Wish! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/