As You Wish part 7 Terra gasped and grabbed on tighter to Hope's back, trying to balance against the strong winds that threatened to send her flying off the dragon's back. She wiped the rain out of her eyes and searched the ground, looking for a place to land. She squinted against the night as She spotted a commotion on the ground below. "Hope!" She shouted. "What's happening down there?" She asked, hoping that the dragon, who's eyesight was 10 times better than her, would be able to pick out what was happen. Terri grasped the dragon tighter as a gasp echoed through the large body. "It's Sailor Moon and the others!" Hope gasped. "Transformed? They must be in trouble!" Said Terri. She gasped as She noticed a dark figure descending through the rain, unaware of the two who watched. "Beryl." Terri whispered, her voice tainted with hatred. She stood up on Hope's back and raised her henshin wand into the air. "EARTH POWER MAKE UP!" She shouted. There was a bright flash of light that illuminated the sky for a split second. Sailor Earth called for her staff. "TAKE US DOWN HOPE!" She shouted, but the wind tore the words from her throat. Earth cried out as She felt something land on her back. She launched out with her foot instinctively and whirled around, coming face to face with a winged youma, grimacing in pain and holding its stomach. It looked up and the grimace turned to a sneer. "You'll pay for that brat!" It muttered. "The queen will reward me for keeping you from interfering with her revenge." Earth's expression grew dark. "Yeah well, you're keeping me from mine!" She growled. "So kindly take off now before I get really mad!" The youma laughed. Earth cast a sidelong glance at Hope who was oblivious to the fact She was carrying an extra rider, since She couldn't hear anything over the wind, and all her thoughts were focused on staying in the air. When She turned back around, the youma had taken off. Startled, Earth searched the air frantically. She gasped as She heard laughing from behind her, above Hope's head. Hope looked up and gasped, as She noticed the youma, preparing to blast Earth with a bolt of dark energy. Opening her mouth Hope launched a blast of her own, but not before the youma's own attack had been let loose. Earth cried out in pain and shock as the blast struck her just below the protective armor of her fuku and She went tumbling off of Hope's back and into the sky. Hope watched with satisfaction as the youma was sent hurtling through the sky from her blast, but it quickly faded to horror as She realized that Earth had fallen off her back. Frantically She dove down, but her huge wings, for the first time in her life, were hindering her flight, slowing her down. In a final desperate move, She folded them in to her body. Without them there to catch the air, She plummeted from the sky. She worked herself underneath the falling senshi and opened her wings wide, catching Earth as She righted herself in the sky. She groaned as her wings felt as if they were pulled from her back by the force of the sudden lift. Earth sat gasping and trembling for a second before catching her breath. "Thanks Hope!" She breathed, regaining control of herself. Hope nodded and continued looking for a place to land, ignoring the dull ache in her wings as She flew. "Where's the youma?" Earth asked suddenly, then screamed as She felt something grab her from behind. She could smell the burning flesh where Hope's lighting had hit home. She struggled to break the iron grip as the hands moved up to her throat. She gasped for breath as spots began forming in front of her eyes. She thought. In a final, desperate move She drove her elbow into her attackers stomach. He groaned and loosened his hold. Using strength She didn't She had She broke free of his hold completely and dove for her staff. She whipped around and pointed it at him. He laughed. "You wouldn't dare." She said nothing, even though She knew he was right. If She tried to use her attack, She would hurt Hope, which was especially dangerous at this point since they were doing a balancing act on Hope's back. Hope looked back, worried. She couldn't help Earth. If She tried to shake off Earth's attacker, She would knock Earth off as well, and her bruised wings wouldn't be able to pull off another dive like the last one. It was up to Terri now. Earth thought hard. Suddenly She had a flashback from the moon. *Earth's warrior instincts kicked in. She called for her staff and blasted Quartzite back with it, all in a split second. He gasped and fell backward. She stood up. She gasped as her staff started to glow and shrink. After it has stopped glowing, in her hands, instead of he staff, was a sword, still faintly glowing.* Earth looked down at her staff and concentrated. In a second She was holding the sword She had used a thousand years ago against Quartzite. Only this time was different. It wasn't Quartzite, and She wouldn't lose. The youma called for a sword of his own. The two warriors launched at each other, the sound of metal clashing against metal filled the air as Hope desperately looked for a place to land. "STARLIGHT HONEYMOON THERAPY KISS!!!!" Shouted Sailor Moon as Beryl launched her own attack. The two powers met in the middle and were held stationary. Suddenly Beryl's power broke free and hit Sailor Moon square in the chest. She gasped and struggled to remain conscious as Tuxedo Mask dropped to his knees beside her and called her name. She groaned and opened her eyes, standing up shakily. Tuxedo Mask glared at beryl and called for a rose, as Beryl powered up again. Suddenly the air was filled with the crackle of electricity and white lightning shot down from the sky and connected with the unsuspecting Beryl. The senshi watched as Hope landed and a winged figure jumped from her back. There eyes widened as it was immediately followed by another figure. Tuxedo Mask watched stunned as Sailor Earth grappled with the youma. She managed a scathing glance at her brother. "Yo moron!" She shouted at him, landing a solid punch in her enemy's gut. "I could use some help!" Snapping to his senses, Tuxedo Mask launched the rose he had been holding in his hand. It struck the youma in the small of it's back and it gasped out in pain. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Sailor Earth drove the sword into the youma's chest. "Sayonara sucker!" She said as the youma was reduced to dust. She grinned triumphantly. The grin faded however as a bolt of black lightning struck her in the side and sent her tumbling to the ground, darkness closing in. Quinn gasped and gripped his head. He suddenly realized what was wrong. He thought. He took off running down the street. and ducked into an alleyway, away from any prying eyes. "By the spirit of Earth!" He whispered, as the alleyway was filled with light. Earth groaned and struggled to remain conscious. She gripped her side and stood up shakily. She would have fallen over if it weren't for Jupiter and Nephrite holding her up. She glared at Beryl, blue eyes blazing with cold fury. Beryl just grinned. Sensing the senshi was in no condition to resist, She turned and aimed towards Serena and Darien. "NO!" Shouted Earth. Ignoring the intense pain in her side, and the pounding in her head, She propelled herself forward and jumped in front of Darien and Serena, just as Beryl let her attack fly. "STARLIGHT SHIELDS DEFEND!!" Shouted Quartzite, setting up a shield around all of the senshi. He had arrived in time to see Earth jump in front of Darien and Beryl launch her attack. Reacting instantly, he threw up the shield. He groaned as Beryl's lightning hit the shield, which began to shrink under the force. Noticing this, Nephrite whistled sharply. Recognizing the signal, Quartzite let the shield drop as nephrite launched his attack. "CELESTIAL TEMPEST STRIKE!!!" The whirlwind met with Beryl's attack and held. Quartzite collapsed from exhaustion and Earth stumbled over to him, forgetting the pain in her concern. "Quartzite, are you okay?" She asked. He nodded. "Just need to rest a minute." He said. He stood up and looked at her. "What happened?" "Well, Hope and I were flying, trying to find a place to land when we noticed the senshi and..." Her voice died as a searing pain shot through her from the wound in her side. She gasped and fell to her hands and knees, placing one hand to her side. Quartzite dropped down beside her. his eyes widened as he noticed the ugly wound on her side. She coughed painfully. She noticed his expression and attempted to force a smile, failing miserably. "I'm fine, really." She said. He shook his head. "No you're not." He said. "Let me heal you." She shook her head vehemently. "No, there's no time." She argued. He was about to say more but the air dropped several degrees. "MERCURY AQUA RAPHSODY!!" "POLAR WINDS RAGE!!!" Shouted Mercury and Zoisite at the same time. Beryl once again met their attacks with one of her own. Mars grinned over at Jaedite, who returned the look. "What say we add some fire to their ice?" She asked. he smiled. "Great minds do think alike!" He said. "ETHEREAL FLAMES SEAR!" "MARS FIRE IGNITE!" Fire met ice and held. All of a sudden the attacks dissipated and a blue and red ball formed around Beryl. Kunzite gasped. "NO!" He shouted. "She's using an absorbtion spell! She can absorb any energy you throw at her and reflect it back!" Mina rolled her eyes. "Yeah, we know! You used it on us once." She said. Suddenly they were interrupted as four screams echoed through the wind and rain. Rei, Jaedite, Ami and Zoisite collapsed to their knees, dripping wet and burning at the same time. Lita's expression darkened. She vaulted into the air, the small antennae coming up from her tiara. "Lita wait!" shouted Nephrite. But she didn't hear him. "JUPITER THUNDER DRAGON!!!" She shouted. The dragon engulphed Beryl. Lita laughed. "Got her!!" She said. "Not quite!" Said Kunzite, as the dragon dissipated and Beryl reappeared, surrounded by lightning this time. "Uh oh." Said Lita, as Beryl launched the lightning. In a flash, Nephrite was by Lita's side, blocking her from the blast. When it faded she and Nephrite were on the ground, he had collapsed on her. She rolled Nephrite off of her. "Nephrite!" She gasped. "Come on! Wake up!" She slapped his face, hard. He coughed and opened his eyes. He groaned. Mina stepped back to back with Kunzite. "You know how this spell works. What can we do?" She asked. His mind was racing. "It will absorb any power aimed directly at it, and allow the caster to reflect the attack." He said. Mina sighed, this was information she already knew. Suddenly it hit her. "It only absorbs power aimed at the caster right?" She asked. He nodded. "Well, what if we didn't go directly for her, what if we surrounded her with something, like a chain?" She suggested. Kunzite's eyes widened. "Of course! But where are we goin to get a chain?" Mina grinned. "Leave it to me love." She said. She raised her hands. "VENUS... LOVE CHAIN...ENCIRCLE!!!" She shouted. The chain shot forward and surrounded Beryl before she knew what was happening. She gasped. "NOW KUNZITE!" Shouted Venus. "MOLTEN SILVER ERADICATION!!!" He shouted, launching his attack. Beryl gasped as the molten metal struck her. She struggled against the chains. Suddenly she broke free, sending little peices of the chain scattering all over the ground. The chain reasembled in Mina's hands. Beryl glared down at them angrily. Suddenly her eyes widened. Darien looked around. "Hey, where's Hope and Earth?" He asked. Serena looked around. She whirled back around as Beryl screamed. She shielded her eyes as Beryl was engulphed in white lightning. Hovering high above her was Sailor Earth, standing defiently on top of Hope. The senshi glared down at Beryl, blue eyes as cold as ice, yet burning with an intense hatred. Suddenly the ice melted and her eyes were immediatly filled with another kind of burning. Once again pain went shooting through her body from the wound in her side. With a small cry of pain she toppled from the dragon's back. With a gasp Quartzite bolted forward and caught her in his arms. He ran over to where Darien and Serena were standing and lay her gently on the ground. He looked in dismay at her wound. "Terri let me heal this!" He pleaded. She shook her head. "I already told you! We don't have time! I'm fine, just a little weak." She tried to stand up but fell miserably back down to the ground, her strength tapped. Darien watched his sister with growing concern. His attention was drawn forward by an urgent tug on his sleve from Serena. He turned around and noticed. much to his dismay, the large black storm clouds that seemed to be growing directly over Beryl. Kunzite gasped. "She's casting a comtainment spell!" He shouted. Mina sighed again. "Yep, you used that one too." She said. Suddenly there was a sound like a whip and the air around the group grew dark as they were surrounded by a huge dark dome. Black lightning started crackling around inside of it. There was a mixture of screams and groans as the lightning connected with soft skin. Earth cried out as a bolt struck her side and she went limp in Quartzite's arms. He gasped and struggled to remain conscious himself. "Earth. Terri. Terra! Wake up! Come on!" He looked around. Ami, Rei, Zoisite, Kunzite, and Lita were unconcious already, and one by one the others were falling. Tuxedo Mask was doing his best to sheild Sailor Moon, but to no avail. He collapsed on top of Sailor Moon, who as far as he could tell was still conscious, and that was the last thing Quartzite saw before darkness closed in. Sailor Moon gasped as Tuxedo Mask lost consciousness and collapsed on top of her. Beryl looked down, seein no movement from inside the dome, she deactivated the spell and looked in satisfaction at her enemies, now completely at her mercy. She gasped suddenly as Tuxedo Mask shifted and Sailor Moon crawled out from under him. The girl stood up slowly and glared at Beryl. "I am...Eternal...Sailor Moon. Champion of justice...and the... princess of...the moon kingdom. In the name of the moon...I...will... punish you!" She said softly, though the words seemed to echo through the night. She looked around at her fallen comrades, even Hope, who lay unconscious. Beryl's eyes narrowed. "No matter. I will simply finish you off here." She raised her hands and black lightning began to form between them. Sailor Moon raised her Eternal Tier. "SILVER CYRSTAL POWER KISS!!!!" She shouted. Tuxedo Mask forced himself back to consciousness. he thought. Slowy, he opened his eyes and raised his head. He spotted his Future Queen of Crystal Tokyo battling it out with the Queen of Darkness. He forced himself to his feet and called for a rose. Remembering a trick he had used with Rubeus, he called for several more, launching them all at the same time, causing beryl's attack to explode without actually connecting with anybody. Beryl glared at him as he walked up to his princess and took her in his arms. When their hands touched they were suddenly surrounded by a bright light. When it had faded the Silver Emperium Crystal and the Glden Crystal had appeared in front of their respective masters, who immediately transformed into the Princess Serenity and Princes Endymion. At the awakening of their prince the generals began to regain consciousness. The awakening of the princess was having the same effect on the immobile senshi. Sailor Earth groggily opened her eyes wincing at the pain in her side. She could fell the presence of Endymion nearby. She thought. She struggled to her feet, suddenly feeling Quartzite's supporting arm around her waist. She smiled up at him suddenly feeling a whole lot better. She looked around. Slowly the senshi and generals were all regaining their feet while Beryl looked on, horrified. "NO!" She shrieked. Suddenly Endymion's and Serenity's hands began to grow hot and the crystal's started to glow. Ami worked her way over to Zoisite and helped him stand up. He grabbed her hand, suddenly glad of her presence. He looked down as his hands began to grow warm. Ami's and his hands began to glow. Mina and Kunzite exchanged smiles as they stood up and faced Beryl. They noticed with surprise that their hands had grown extremely warm and they began to glow. Lita looked down at her hands curiously as they began to glow. She glanced over at Nephrite who was also staring at his hands in bewilderment. Rei held Jaedite's hand as both of their hands began to glow with warmth. They looked at each other in surprise. Terri looked at her hands in wonder as the glow and warmth began to spread through her body. She gasped as the pain from the wound in her side began to subside. Looking down she saw it had been completely healed. She looked up at Quartzite who was also glowing. Serenity raised the Silver crystal over her head as it began to glow brighter. In a flash it had changed its shape into that of a 16 pointed star. Four beams of different colored light shot out from it, stopping in front of the four inner senshi. They stared down at the light as it began to take shape. Each of the beams turned into a 16 pointed, star shaped crystal, of the respective colors of the planets. Slowly they raised the crystals over their heads. "MERCURY CELSETIAL POWER..." "MARS CELESTIAL POWER..." "JUPITER CELESTIAL POWER..." "VENUS CELESTIAL POWER..." "MAKE UP!!!!!!" Shouted the inner senshi. Each was surrounded with a bright light of their respective colors. When the light faded, the Super Sailor Senshi no longer existed. In their place was the Eternal Sailor Senshi. Their outfits were identical to Eternal Sailor Moon's, only instead of pink, they were blue, green, read and orange. the only difference was that they all had real wings. "COSMIC MOON POWER!" Said Princess serenity. In a flash she had transformed into Neo-Queen Serenity, a perfect set of wings on her back. Endymion followed the example of his love and raised the golden crystal over his head as it immediately transformed to the same shape as the others. 6 beams of light shot out of it and they stopped in front of the generals. But instead of forming crustals, they formed weapons. In front of Kunzite, the Sword of Honor, Jaedite, the Crossbow of Faith, Zoisite, the Staff of Wisdom, Nephrite, the Stars of Strength, and in front of Quartzite, the Daggars of Spirit. The generals gasped as they recognized the weapons of the Knights of the Round Table. They looked at Sailor Earth Expectantly. She stared in wonder at the Sword in front of her. It was exquisitly crafted. The blade was long and thin, but made of an unbreakable metal. It wieghed almost nothing in her hand. The hilt was laden with jewels, and was intricately carved. She noticed the picture of a dragon that was carved on the hilt. The King Arthur's Pindragon. She exhaled slowly. "Excalibur!" She whispered in disbelief. She looked up as she felt Hope come up behind her. She mounted the dragon and raised Excalibur high. Slowly, the generals and raised their weapons. "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER!!!!" Shouted Sailor Earth. A silver light eminating from the sword surrounded both her and Hope. It faded slowly, revealing the changes that had taken place. Eternal Sailor Earth raised her head and glared at Beryl, blue eyes blazing. Her outfit mirrored the inner senshi's, only her had no wings. Hope had also changed. The lavender eyes remained, but her scales had changed from green to silver, and they shone as the moon reflected off them. Perched on her back was a golden saddle. She opened her mouth wide and let out a fierce roar, which was immediately followed by a long stream of fire instead of lightning. "FOR THE HONOR OF EARTH!" "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" "BY THE SPIRIT OF EARTH!" In a flash the generals had transformed again. Their armor hadn't changed, but each held a shield bearing the same symbol as their rings as well as a single red rose in the background, showing their alligence to the Earth Kingdom. Endymion's crystal began to glow and in a flash in his place stood King Endymion. Beryl's eyes widened, then instantly narrowed. "Special effects don't impress me!" She shouted, even though the confidence had left her voice. The group of Heroes and Heroines quickly formed two circles. On the inside were Sailor Earth, still sitting high atop Hope, King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity. Around them were the Eternal Sailor Senshi and the Generals. All raised there new weapons. "The time has come to rid the planet of this evil!" Shouted Sailor Earth. "As protector of this planet, I call upon the planets of the Silver Millennium to aid me in my quest!" Excalibur began to glow. "As King of this planet I banish you!" Shouted Endymion. The golden crystal flared with power. "Guardians of the Silver Millennium!" Called Serentity. "Lend me your power!" The silver crystal flashed brillantly. Beryl gasped and powered up, as the scouts followed suit. "MERCURY CELSETIAL POWER..." "MARS CELESTIAL POWER..." "JUPITER CELESTIAL POWER..." "VENUS CELESTIAL POWER..." "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER.." Shouted Sailor Earth, the generals and King Endymion. "COSMIC MOON POWER..." Shouted Serenity. A bolt of power rocketed out of each crystal and each weapon and all joined above the innercircle. Hope opened her mouth and added her newly aquired fire breath to the shining globe of power. "UNITE!!!!!" They all shouted together and the rainbow of powers suddenly melted together forming a giant white ball of light. Beryl's lightning flew from her hands and struck the globe, but it had no affect. Angered she kept it up, but the light just kept growing, extinguishing the darkness she had worked so hard to create. "NOOOOOO!" She shouted. "NOT AGAIN!" All at once the light stopped growing and launched itself at Beryl. Beryl screamed again as the brightness slowly tore her apart. In a flash she was gone, and the street was dark again. The senshi all groaned and collapsed, Hope turning back into a human. They looked up at the sound of footsteps approaching. Uranus and the other Outer Senshi came running up. "Did we miss anything?" Asked Neptune. The senshi on the ground laughed weakly. "Peace at last!" Sighed Serena, smiling at her friends all gathered around the table at the crown cafe. Rei grinned. "Yeah, but who knows how long it's gonna last!" She said. Serena pouted. "Well I plan to enjoy it." She said. "I'm not gonna wast a minute of it." "Until the Arcade opens tomorrow!" Snorted Rei. Serena stuck her tounge out and Rei mimicked her. "Shhh you two!" Admonished Ami. "They're on!" The entire group turned to look at the small stage as Terri and her band came on. The small crowd cheered. Terri smiled and waved. She went through the introductions quickly, pausing for minute at Quinn. "And the newest member of our band, lets have a big hand for Quinn McTavish!" The crowd responded enthusiastically, then silenced as Terri raised a hand. "Quinn, Zach and I would like to dedicate this song, to some of the best friends we could have, Serena Tsukino, Dairen Chiba, Rei Hino, Jed Jenson, Maxfield Stanton, Lit Kino, MacKenzie Sabre, Mina Aino, and Ami Mizuno!" She gestured towrd the table where the group sat and the crowd started cheering again, then silenced as Quinn and Terri picked up the mikes and the music started. They began to sing a duet. Terri sang; "We were strangers, starting out on a journey, Never dreaming, what we'd have to go through, Now here we are, and I'm suddenly standing, At the begining with you..." Quinn picked up the song. "No one told me, I was going to find you, Unexpected, what you did to my heart, When I lost hope, you were there to remind me..." They both sang. "This is the start! And life is a road and I want to keep going, Love is a river that's gonna keep flowing, Life is a road, now and forever, Wonderful journey, I'll be there when the world stops turning, I'll be there when the storm is through, In the end I want to be standing, At the beggining with you. I knew there was somebody somewhere, All alone in the dark, Now I know my dreams will live on, I've been waiting so long, Nothing's gonna tear us apart! And life is a road and I want to keep going, Love is a river that's gonna keep flowing, Life is a road, now and forever, Wonderful journey, I'll be there when the world stops turning, I'll be there when the storm is through, In the end I want to be standing, At the begining with you." The group finished to thundrous applause. Terri and Quinn grinned and bowed low, then Terri began to sing another song. "Great show tonight Terri!" Said Serena. "Hey! Terri's not the only member of the band you know!" Said Zach, with mock hurt. Ami grinned. "Well I thuoght you did well too Zach!" She said. Lita laughed. "You would!" She said, as Ami blushed a bright red. Mina smiled and lay her head on MacKenzie's shoulder, or would have if she could reach it, instead she just leaned up against him. "Cut it out you guys!" She said. "Let's enjoy the peace for as long as it lasts!" The others nodedd their agreement. Terri sighed happily as Quinn took her hand. They had done it. beryl was gone for good. The group reached the center of the park. "Well," Said Jed, "Here's where we split up." Darien grinned down at Serena who returned the look. The friends said their goodbyes and spilt up into couples, all except Hope. Hope waved goodbye as her friends left then sighed as she felt very alone. She tried to quell the jealous urge that managed to work it's way into her mind. She sighed again and began to walk toward her apartment. She thought bitterly. She looked dwon the path Terri and Quinn had taken and felt a lump rising in her throat. She thought. She sighed again. Her thoughts were cut off as she banged into something and fell backwards with a little cry of surprise. She gasped and looked up seeing a man on the ground, apparently looking for something. He found what he was looking for, a pair of glasses that had fallen of his face. Quickly he slipped them on and looked up at Terri. His lavender eyes showed genuine concern. Terri gasped inwardly as she noticed his hair. It was silver as hers. He smiled, almost shyly. "Are you okay miss?" He asked, standing up and offering her his hand. She smiled and accepted it gratefully. "Yeah, I think so. I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going. I was caught up in my own thoughts." She said, blushing at the obvious attention he was paying to her. "That's fine, I was caught up in my own thoughts as well. Are you sure you're all right, miss..uh..." "Draco. Call me Hope." She said. "And you are?" He smiled and bowed. "Tanis Fireforge, at your service." He said. "Did you say your name was Draco?" He asked, curiousity in his eyes. She smiled. "Yes, it's latin for dragon." He smiled back at her. "Hope Draco." He said. "Hope of the Dragon's. That's pretty." She blushed. "So Hope, what are you doing here all by yourself? It's dangerous around here at this time of night." She blushed. "Well I was with some of my friends, but then we split up, and I didn't have anyone to go with." She explained. He smiled, again with a hint of shyness. "Well, if it's all right with you, I'll walk you home if you want. It's much safer than going by yourself, and I'm heading in that direction anyways." He said. Hope smiled and smothered a laugh, if he had been going her way, how was it he had banged into her from the front. She gave him the once over and decided he was trustworthy. She held out her arm. "I would love for you to escort me home." She said. He gave her a delighted smile and linked her arm. Together they headed off until they were no more than shadow's in the moonlight. The End **************************************************************************** Well? What did you think? Any good? Let me know if you would like some more stories about Hope and Terri and Quinn and all the others. I've got a few good ideas already, but it helps if I know what you want^_^! Arigato Minna-chan! Thanks for your support. I suppose this is where I thank all the little (and not so little)people who helped (sometimes hindered) me. Here's a list: Sailor Taurus, for being my editor Catlin, co-editor Tuxedo Moon, for all those lengthly Sailor Moon disscussions, as well as the Zoisite vs. Greg issue (for anyone who read An Ami and Greg Story, you know what I'm talking about, although I'm not sure I should thank her for that^_^) Mrs. Boots, who just wanted to be mentioned when I finish my "great novel" Mr. Boots, for coming to my rescue when the computer crashed Mom, for letting me have the computer time to write this Universe, just because Fire Starter, just because (plus her birthday is soon!) Gwenivere, just because Sarah and Jen, just because Alexis (or Theia), Cullen, JD, Serena Carcasole, Delilah, Willow, Misao, Senshi, Tissa, and Ursula Hamilton for all their help, comments and support! As well as everyone and anyone who took the time to read this story, I couldn't have done it without you! Arigato Minna-chan! You're in my heart! Ja ne! Sailor Mask "May your way be green and golden." -Traditional Farewell of the Qualinesti and Silvanesti Elves