PART 6 Quinn McTavish stared up at the top floor of a large apartment. He thought. He didn't want to think about what would happen if he didn't. He started to head for the door, but then noticed Susan heading home and he turned back. He sighed frustratedly, kicked a rock with the toe of his shoe and walked dejectedly down the street. He wondered. He argued with himself. He sighed. Terri Rose stared out her window, and spotted a silver haired figure walking down the street. She thought. Then banished that idea as fast as possible. She wasn't ready to talk to him. Not yet. She was still confused as to why She was still alive. Just then the door opened and Susan walked in. "Hey Terri! Mike and I just had the most amazing time! How're you feeling?" Terri frowned. "Depressed." She said. She wondered again. Susan looked at her roommate in concern. "Terri what's wrong?" Terri looked up, startled out of her thoughts. "What makes you think anything's wrong?" She asked. "Come on Terri. Tell me. Is something bothering you?" Sue asked. "Please tell me. It might help." Terri looked up. "Look, it's nothing, really, I'll be fine. Don't worry." She said. She stood up. "Listen, I've need some air. I'll see you in a bit." She put on her coat and boots then headed out the door. Sue stared after her, a worried expression on her face. Darien walked along the streets, heading towards Terri's apartment. He wanted to talk to Terri. The night before, after noticing She had disappeared, Zach had asked him to explain things to her, since he had to work and couldn't do it. Also he was worried. Zach had said that Mike had said She hadn't been feeling very well when She got home. Despite all this he found himself intensely happy. All his life he had had no family, up until he met Serena, he had been alone. But now, he had a family. A twin sister no less. He was startled out of his reverie when he looked up and spotted Terri across the street. "Hey Terri!" He called. She looked up, them crossed the road. "Hi Darien." She said. "Listen, can I talk to you?" He nodded. "That's why I was looking for you. Let's get out of the street." The two walked to the Crown Parlor, since it was closer than the café. They sat down in a secluded booth and ordered coffees. "What's up?" Asked Darien. She sighed. "I have so many questions I don't know where to begin." She said. "Okay, first of all, how is it possible that we are still alive? I mean, I was there, I watched you die, yet here I am, sitting in a booth in a restaurant talking to you." Darien grinned. "Well, after Beryl had destroyed the moon kingdom, Queen Serenity unleashed the power of the Silver Imperium Crystal. She trapped all of us including Beryl inside the Crystal, and sent us to the future." He explained. "But Beryl broke free?" Asked Terri. "Yes. But the scouts defeated both her and Mettalia. We all died in that fight, but somehow the crystal brought us all back to life, and took us back in time a year, so none of us, or anyone else for that matter, remembered anything. Then it gets complicated." Terri raised an eyebrow. "Okay then, how is it, the generals are back on our side, when the only one who was sworn in was...Quartzite." She said. "Well, Pluto said, that after Mettalia had been defeated, Beryl's hold on them was broken. I swore them in last night, just in case." He looked at his twin sister. "Terri, what happened between you and Quartzite?" He asked. She looked down. "He killed me." She whispered. Darien's eyes widened. "But I thought he was..." "Sworn in? So did I. But I guess things change." Darien looked at Terri. They sat in silence for a minute, until their coffees were brought. Terri looked at her cup thinking. "Darien, what are your parents like?" She asked, taking a sip of her coffee. Darien sighed. "I don't have any. My parents were killed in a car accident when I was six. I survived somehow, but with complete amnesia." He looked up as Terri choked on her coffee. She looked up at him, her eyes registered intense surprise. "Did you say when you were six? In a car crash?" He nodded. "Why?" He asked. "Do you know what their names were?" She asked. He was surprised by the urgency in her voice. "Um...The doctor said they and Rose I think." He said. "Why?" Terri's eyes had grown very wide. "Because my parents were named Rose and Jason, and they were killed on my sixth birthday in a car crash, as was, at least I thought, my brother. Only I can't remember his name." Now it was Darien's to choke. "You don't think...?" He asked. "Well why not? We were twins in a previous lifetime weren't we? Why not in this one too?" Darien sat there, considering the possibility. It wasn't like he remembered wether or not he had a sister. All he knew was what he had been told. The two looked at each other for a minute, then burst out laughing. "All these years I thought you were dead." Said Terri. "All these years I thought I had no family." Said Darien. And despite the seriousness of the situation, they started laughing again. Terri walked into her apartment, followed by Darien. "Sue?" She called. "Susan?" No answer. She shrugged her shoulders. "She's probably with Mike." She said. "Come on in." They shrugged off their coats and boots and walked into the apartment. "There's something I want to show you." She walked into her room and pulled out a very dusty box. She smiled sadly. "When I woke up in the hospital, I only had part of my memory. I could remember certain events, faces, things like that, but everything else was a blur. I had this box with me when I was found. Apparently someone had dragged me away from the wreckage and brought me to the hospital. I can remember what She looked like. Want to take a guess?" Darien thought for a minute. "Silver hair, lavender eyes?" He asked. Terri grinned. "Right on, though I didn't know her at the time. I remembered why I had the box. Because we were going somewhere for my birthday, but I can't remember where. The doctors never thought of looking in it for some clue as to who I was." She opened it up slowly. Darien looked in. "I don't show this to many people. Not even Zach knows I have it. But if you really are my brother, then this is yours too." She pulled something out and handed it to him. He looked at it. It was a small picture of a man, a woman and two kids. The man was tall, with jet black hair and green eyes. The woman had long curly brown hair, and blue eyes that sparkled. The kids looked almost exactly alike, the only difference, one had long hair and one had short. Darien looked up from the picture. Terri smiled. "I figured you might want to know what your family looked like." She said. He didn't know what to say. She grinned and handed him the box to look through. There was all kinds of things. Stuff any typical 6 year old would take on a trip. Teddy bear, various toys, an old coloring book. Terri grinned and opened the book. Darien laughed at the picture She turned to. It was a clown someone had attempted to color, with the letters D.C. written beside them. He grinned. "Darien Chiba." He said. He pulled out a small ring. "What's this?" He asked. She smiled. "It was moms. Rose's. She let me play with it sometimes." She explained. Darien nodded. "So," He said. "If you can remember all this, why couldn't you remember my name?" "Well, when I woke up in the hospital, I couldn't remember a thing. But the doctor said that some of my memories would come back in time, but not all of them. To tell you the truth, I didn't even know my parents name, but," She said, reaching into the box. "I found this in there. Read the back." In her hands was a small locket. He took it and read the back. "To Rose: You're in my heart, Jason." Darien's eyes widened slightly as he recognized some of his final words to Serenity that fateful night 1000 years ago. He smiled. Suddenly he glanced at his watch. "Oh no! I have to meet Serena in 15 minutes." He put the locket back in the box, and picked up the photograph, standing up. He started to hand it back. She made a split second decision. "I at least have part of my memories. You don't have any. Keep it." She said. "Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded. He smiled. "Thanks Terri." He said, heading towards the door to the bedroom. "You know it's funny, but you aren't half as annoying as I remember you." He laughed and ducked as the pillow of her bed came flying at his head. "See ya!" He called, running out the door. She grinned. "Some things never change." She turned back to the box and started putting it away. She had just finished when there was a knock on the door. She stood up and walked out to the porch. She opened the door, leaving the deadbolt in place. "Hey Terri." Said Quinn. "Can I come in?" "Why?" She asked. "Please Terri. I really need to talk to you." He pleaded. "I know you hate me, just let me explain." She frowned, then shut the door. Quinn sighed frustratedly and turned away, as the door reopened. He turned back around and walked into the apartment. They walked into the living room. "So talk." She said, sitting down. Sue sighed as She fished around in her pocket for her keys. Finding them She opened the door slowly and walked in. She was about to call out to see if Terri was home, but was stopped by voices coming from the living room. "...I'm sorry about what happened, that night." Said a male voice, She didn't recognize. "But it wasn't..." He was interrupted by Terri. "Sorry? You're sorry?" She said. "Well thanks, but sorry doesn't cut it. You killed me! You betrayed me, and Endymion and our kingdom, not to mention Serenity's. I mean, I...I...I trusted you! Not only that, I loved you! And you betrayed me, you killed me. Why? How?" Sue's eyes widened. She had never heard Terri sound like this before. "I swore you in Quartzite. There was no way for her to reactivate the spell. Did I do it wrong? Did...did I...forget something? Tell me." Quinn looked down at Terri and his heart went out to her. He hated the fact that he had caused her so much pain. He stepped forward, and She backed up. "I love you Quartzite...Quinn, nothing will ever change that. But I'm not so sure I can trust you anymore." She felt tears welling up behind her eyes, much to her horror. She hadn't cried since the day She woke up in the hospital, and She didn't want to cry in front of him. "Oh Terri! I am so sorry! And I know that's not good enough, but, just let me explain." He said. When She didn't answer, he continued. "After Beryl had captured us, and you and Endymion managed to escape, Beryl brainwashed me. She erased all my memories and turned me into her puppet. If you don't believe me ask Darien, or Serena. They've been through it." Terri looked up at Quinn. She wanted to believe him. God! She wanted to believe him. Suddenly a dam exploded in her heart and the tears that had been threatening to spill, did so. Quinn sat down beside her and held her tightly. Not sure how, but somehow just knowing, that things were all right again. Sue's eyes were wide and her mouth was partly opened. She had no idea what had just happened, but She knew it was important. She gasped as Terri started crying. She had known Terri since She was 17, and She had not once heard her cry. Terri melted into Quinn's arms. All the grief, all the sorrow, all the pain that had built up over the years came pouring out. Quinn just held her. As far as he was concerned, he was never going to let her go. A little bit later, She eventually calmed down. Her breathing slowed to rhythmic motion and Quinn knew She was asleep. He gently laid the sleeping senshi (that one's for you Tuxedo Moon) down on the couch, and crept out of the room. He'd come back later. Sue gasped as She heard someone coming towards the door. In a panic She dove into the little closet as a silver-haired man walked out the door, shutting it quietly behind him. Sue stuck her head out then walked into the apartment. She looked at Terri, asleep on the couch. Then sat down on the chair, wondering what She had just stumbled onto. Darien smiled at Serena as they walked back to his apartment. He felt the picture Terri had given him in his pocket. He wanted to show it to Serena, but had decided to wait until they had left the crowded restaurant. Once they were inside, and on the couch he pulled it out. He handed it to Serena who looked at it in confusion. She looked at it. "Who is it?" SHE asked, curious. Darien grinned. "It's me. And those are my parents, and that's Terri." He said. She looked up. "You mean you two are really brother and sister?" She asked, starting to catch on. He nodded. "Oh Darien! That's great! Now you have a family again! Where did you find this picture?" "It was Terri's, but She said that I could have it." Serena smiled brightly. "Now you at least have some sort of clue as to who you are!" Darien grinned in amusement. She was just as excited as he was. Terri stretched and opened her eyes. She looked around for Quinn. "Sue?" SHE called. "You home?" "I'm in the kitchen!" Terri wandered over to the counter and sat down. "Terri, can I ask you something?" "Sure, ask away." "Who's Endymion?" Terri's eyes widened. "How did you..." " you talking with Quartzite, or Quinn or whatever his name was." She explained. "Oh boy." Said Terri. "Um...I suppose there's no use keeping it from you now. Okay, Just let me make a couple phone calls, then I'll explain." She went to the phone and dialed Zach's number while Sue listened. "Hi Zach? You know that secret Pluto said we couldn't tell anybody 'cause it would be too dangerous? It's not that much of a secret anymore." She nodded for a minute. "Come on over. I'm going to call Darien, because he knows more about than we do. Okay, see you then." SHE hung up and dialed Darien's number. "Hey Darien, It's Terri. Um...could you come over for a minute? We've got a slight problem. Sure bring Serena, and Luna if you can find her. Thanks bye." She turned back to Sue. "They'll be here in a bit." 20 minutes later, Terri, Sue, Serena, Darien, Zach and Luna were gathered in Terri's living room. She snuck a sidelong glance at Sue. "Um, Terri," Whispered Sue. "Why do we need a cat here?" "Why don't you ask the cat." Replied Terri, a look of amusement on her face. Sue regarded her roommate suspiciously. "I'm not joking." Terri assured her. "Am I Luna?" "No She's not." Said Luna. Sue's mouth fell open. " mean...that is...huh?" Serena stifled a laugh. "That's what I said." She said. Luna rolled her eyes. "I really don't see what is so hard to believe about a talking cat." She huffed. "Why does everybody react that way?" "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to insult you, it's just...I..." Stammered Sue. "Luna as far as I know, there are only two cats on this planet that can talk." Said Darien. "That is why everyone reacts like that." Luna frowned. "Well it still bugs me." Now it was Serena's turn to roll her eyes. "I hate to break this up, but Sue still doesn't know what's going on, and I have a few questions of my own." Said Terri. "Like what?" "Like, does Beryl, or did Beryl, really have a machine that could brainwash people? Like erase their memories and all that?" She asked, a not of urgency to her voice. Darien made a face. "Yes. And they are not pleasant." He said. Serena held his hand. Intense relief flooded over Terri's face. "Um...Beryl?" Asked Sue. Terri looked up at Sue, then turned to Luna, who nodded. "It all started 1000 years ago, on the moon..." Hope looked up at the condo. She thought. She sighed and started her journey up. She finally reached the top and knocked on the door. Ami answered it. "Hope?" She asked. Hope nodded. "Yep, I need your help, and your computer." She said. Ami nodded. "Sure, come on in." The two walked over too the living room and Ami pulled out her mini-computer. "What do you need to find?" She asked. Hope grinned. "Beryl." She said. "I thought Luna should be here, but She and Serena are gone somewhere." "You mean you don't know where Beryl is?" Asked Ami. "I thought you and Pluto knew all about this." "Correction. Pluto knew all about this. She told me enough to find all of you, and to know when and where Beryl was gonna attack. She never told me you guys would be facing Beryl! All She said was that I needed to bring back Terra...I mean Terri's and the other's memories." Ami nodded. "That sounds like Pluto. I'll put a trace on her, it could take a while though, would you like something to eat while we wait?" "Um...Just some green tea, Setsuna has me hooked on the stuff." Said Hope. Ami grinned and went into the kitchen. "So, what have you been up to for the past thousand years or so?" Rei asked Jed. He grinned. "Other than trying to make a living and get through college?" He asked, a twinkle in his eye. "Not a whole lot." He looked at Rei. "But I intend to change that, and fast." Rei smiled. "Not too fast I hope." She responded. "Who me?" He asked, feigning innocence. She laughed again, then stepped closer to him. "So exactly how are you going to change things?" She asked. "Well that all depends on you." He said, continuing the game. Rei grinned. Never a dull moment. "Well how's about we head on over to that tree you like so much and talk." She suggested. He grinned. "You haven't changed a bit Rei Hino." He said. "And I hope you never do." In answer She stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him gently. Lita and Maxfield sat under the shade of an oak tree in the park enjoying the picnic Lita had packed. It wasn't supposed to be a meal, but once Lita got going there was no stopping her. They looked out over the lake as the sun began to dip below the horizon. Lita sighed in content and leaned against Maxfield. "God Lita, I've missed you so much." He said. She smiled. "Remember that time, in the woods, when you were talking about the stars?" She asked. He nodded. "Do they still talk to you?" She asked. He smiled. "They never stop." He said. She suddenly smiled. "What are they saying now?" She asked, although She was pretty sure She knew the answer would be the same as it was 1000 years ago. He smiled. "They're talking about you." He responded, smiling. "What are they saying?" She asked. "The same thing they've been saying for the past 1000 years. And will keep saying for the next 1000 years." He looked at, gathering his courage. She waited in anticipation. "I love you." He finally said. She smiled and leaned closer to him. "I love you to!" She said. They leaned in closer until their lips met, and they didn't pull away for a long, long time. Mina held MacKenzie's hand tightly as they walked through the park, lit only by the moon and stars. "I've missed you." She said. He grinned. "Now how is that possible when you only actually remembered me a day ago." He said. She thought for a minute. "Well, I don't know. I just did. I just didn't realize it until yesterday." He smiled. "In that case I've missed you too." She sighed contentedly and leaned up against him. They walked in silence for a bit, just enjoying each others company. "MacKenzie?" Mina asked suddenly. "Do you remember that poem you wrote me, about the price of duty?" He nodded. "Yeah, what about it?" He asked. "Well, now that I think about it, our duty's are the same now aren't they. I mean, you're sworn to protect Endymion and his family, and I'm sworn to Serenity and hers." MacKenzie nodded wondering where She was going with this. "So, in the here and now, those two are practically engaged, and even if it isn't official, we all know they're going to get married." "Well you never know, something could happen between now and then." He said. Mina shook her head. "Trust me, we know. I'll explain later. So anyway, if they get married, that makes them family doesn't it? So then we'd be protecting the same people." She said. MacKenzie nodded. "So in other words, the price of duty just went down." Mina smiled. "Exactly." She reached into her pocket. "Here." She said. "I wrote this in English. It was originally supposed to be for Serena and Darien, but then you came, so I decided to give it to you." MacKenzie took the paper and opened it slowly. The two had wound up by a bench and sat down while he read. 'I'm not supposed to know you, We weren't supposed to meet, But fate brought us together, Our destiny's complete, I knew that when I saw you, The only one was you, Forever, our two hearts are one, There was nothing I could do, God help me but I'm falling, I've flipped head over heels, Together our two halves are whole, This must be how love feels, I'm not supposed to know you, We weren't supposed to meet, But fate brought us together, Now destiny's complete.' He looked at her, She was blushing slightly. He smiled. "It's beautiful." He said. "I've never seen better." And he meant it. He had longed to hear those words from her, he had longed to say those words to her, but had lacked the necessary words. "I couldn't agree more." She looked up at him, eyes shining. He smiled, and She smiled back. Ice blue met ocean blue, and didn't move. Slowly they leaned in closer. Mina closed her eyes as their lips connected. She was smiling and blushing when they pulled away. He was amazed. He had waited 1000 years for that. It was worth the wait. Terri and Quinn sat in her living room. He had shown up just as they had finished explaining things to Sue, who had decided to go visit Mike. Serena and Darien had gone off to finish their date, Luna went to find Artemis, and Zach to find Ami. Leaving just the two of them. He was stretched out on the couch with his head in her lap, and She was running her fingers through his hair. "Quinn?" She asked. He looked up at her. "Yes love? What is it?" "Do you think, that when we face off against Beryl, we'll beat her? I mean, She beat us once before. And now She's even stronger." She said. "Yeah, but so are the senshi. I mean, look at Sailor Moon, She never had wings before, and the senshi are super or something right? And they defeated Beryl and Mettalia before." He said. She nodded, but did not look convinced. "Don't worry about it Terri. We'll beat her." She sighed. "I guess you're right." She said. "But what about..." He put a finger to her lips. "Don't think about it. You shouldn't be worrying. This should be the best time of your life. You've found your family and your friends, and you have a chance to get even with Beryl. Now stop worrying." She smiled at him. "As you wish." She said. He sat up until he was looking straight into her eyes, and She was staring into his. "Terri, I will always love you. No matter what happens, that won't change." He said. She smiled, recognizing the words She had said to him earlier. "But just in case something does happen, I want you to know that. I don't want to lose you." Terri smiled even brighter. "Quinn, I told you once, a thousand years ago. You can't lose me. I love you too, no matter what." Quinn pulled her into his arms and held her tightly. She turned her head around. "Quinn?" She asked. "Do you know how to sing?" His eyes widened. "Sing? Why?" He asked, startled. "Because we need another male singer in our band. Mike doesn't like singing, and Zach is our only drummer, so he can't sing all to often anyway, and all that leaves is me and Sue." She explained. She looked up at him. "Sing." She said. "Sing what?" He asked. "Anything! Just sing." He thought for a minute, until he found the perfect song. "She's sun and rain, She's fire and ice, A little crazy but it's nice, And when She gets mad, you best leave her alone, 'Cause she'll rage just like a river, Then she'll beg you to forgive her, She's every woman that I've ever known, She's so New York, and then L.A., And every town along the way, She's every place that I've never been, She's making love on rainy nights, She's a stroll through Christmas lights, And She's everything I want to do again, It needs no explanation, 'Cause it all makes perfect sense, For when it comes down to temptation, She's on both sides of the fence, No it needs no explanation, 'Cause it all makes perfect sense, For when it comes down to temptation, She's on both sides of the fence, She's anything, but typical, She's so unpredictable, Oh but even at her worst She ain't that bad, She's as real as real can be, And She's every fantasy, Lord She's every lover that I've ever had, And She's every lover that I've never had." Quinn looked down at Terri who had a dreamy expression on her face. "Wow." She said. "That was great." "Thanks." Said Quinn. "You should come with us next Saturday." She said. "We could use a voice like that." He smiled. "If it makes you happy." He said. She smiled. "You make me happy." She replied. She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. "Ai shiteru*." She whispered as they pulled apart. "Ai shiteru." He said. (*Ai shiteru=I love you) Ami felt the Ferris wheel lurch as it started it's upward ascent. She looked over at Zach who grinned back at her. She felt a sudden pang of guilt when She remembered that this was where She and Greg had spent there first and last date, but it was gone a minute later when they reached the top and saw the view. It was spectacular. It was like a thousand tiny stars had fallen and landed in Tokyo. All different colors. She smiled as a breeze blew across her forehead, riffling her hair. "Nice view, eh?" Said Zach. "It's breathtaking." She agreed. The two sat in silence for a bit. "So did you and Hope manage to get a fix on Beryl?" He asked. Ami had told him earlier about it. "Not yet, since She's mostly made of energy, and has no solid form, it's hard to get a lock on her. Hope is still trying." Hope had encouraged her to go out with Zach, saying she'd need this chance to relax for when they did eventually find Beryl. Zach nodded. "She's right. Although, I think She should rest too. I mean after all, She has spent the last 50 years looking for us, right? I think She deserves one too." Ami nodded. "I'll go relieve her after." She said. "We'll go relieve her after." Said Zach. "I want to see this mini-computer of yours, from what I've heard, there isn't anything like it on this planet." Ami grinned. "That's because it's from Mercury." She said. She looked up at him and met his gaze. His green eyes looked straight through her own blue ones. Slowly they moved closer together, until finally, before Ami knew what was happening, they were kissing. The pulled away only when need for air demanded it. Zach grinned. "Wow!" He said. "So much for quiet little Ami." Ami blushed bright red. He grinned. She smiled back at him, then She kissed him again. "See you later Quinn!" Called Terri as Quinn drove out of the parking lot. She was going to go pick up Sue at Mike's, but decided it was to nice of a night to drive and decided to walk over. She headed out and decided to cut through the park since it would be shorter. She walked along for a bit, lost in her own thoughts. Suddenly She spotted a familiar silver head just in front of her. "Hey Hope!" She called. Hope turned around and grinned when She saw her friend. "Hey Terri! How are you?" She asked. Terri smiled. "Pretty good, how about you?" She said. The two burst out laughing. "A thousand years and that's all we can come up with!" Laughed Hope. Terri grinned. "Pretty pathetic. So, have you really been searching for us for fifty years?" She asked. "No." Hope shook her head. "Pluto thought it better to introduce me to modern society slowly, rather that all at once." Terri nodded. "Makes sense." She turned to look at her friend. "Hope, can I ask you something, really important?" Hope nodded. "Sure. What do you need to ask?" "Were you the one who pulled me away from the car crash?" Hope regarded her younger friend seriously. Then finally, nodded. "I was." Terri smiled. "Thanks." She said. Hope grinned. "What are friends for?" She said. "So what exactly have you been doing for the past 50 some odd years?" Asked Terri. Hope grinned. "I'm a secretary." She said. Terri laughed. "A secretary? Well that's the last thing that I thought you would be!" They laughed. "How long has it been since you were last in Dragon form Hope?" Asked Terri. Hope smiled slightly, an expression of guilt on her face. "50 years." Terri's eyes widened. "Hope! That can't be good for you! I thought you hated being human." She admonished. "I do, but every time I tried to change back, someone was around." She said. Terri looked around. "Well there's no one around right now." Said Terri. Hope grinned. "You want to come up?" She asked. Terri looked startled. "I...uh...well...that is..." She stammered. Hope laughed. "You aren't still afraid of heights are you?" She asked. Terri grinned sheepishly. "Then let's change that." With a final look around, Hope transformed. She stretched her great wings out and sighed. "Oh after 50 years that feels so good." She scooped Terri up in her claws and placed her gently on her back. She started to beat her wings and in seconds was off the ground. Terri swallowed her fear and looked down. "Oh wow!" She said. The view was spectacular. She felt a laugh rising in her throat. Hope grinned a very dragon type grin. How She had missed this. Terri threw her arms around Hope's large neck. "Oh I missed you Hope!" She said. Hope smiled. "Same here Terri. Same here!" Zach looked down at Ami who had fallen asleep in his arms. He smiled and laid her gently down on the couch. All of a sudden the room was filled with a loud beeping. Zach looked down at the computer on the coffee table. The screen was blinking a bright red. He picked it up and looked at it. "Got her!" He said, as thunder crashed in the distance. Serena screamed and jumped as thunder crashed. She and Darien ran through the downpour. They reached the center of the street and crashed into Lita and Maxfield. "Lita? Maxfield?" "Serena? Darien?" All of a sudden Mina, MacKenzie, Rei and Jed ran through the little intersection. "What are all you doing here?" Asked Serena. All of a sudden Ami and Zach ran into the little group, they were panting. "Guys, we got big problems." Said Ami. Zach nodded. "What's going on Zach?" Asked Darien, as Ami became absorbed in her computer. "Beryl's back!" Answered Zach breathlessly. "We finally got a trace on her!" "Where is She?" Asked Serena. Suddenly Ami gasped. "Oh my God! She 's right above us! Transform! MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER!" "MARS CRYSTAL POWER MAKE UP!" "VENUS CRYSTAL POWER MAKE UP!" "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER MAKE UP!" "MOON ETERNAL MAKE UP!" "FOR THE HONOR OF EARTH!" "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" The streets were filled with a bright light for a split second, and when it had faded, where 10 people had once stood, now stood 10 warriors, ready for battle. With a crash of thunder and a crack of black lightening, Beryl appeared in the street. Good looked evil in the eye and not for the first time, felt afraid. But they refused to back down. Serena stepped forward. "I am Sailor Moon, champion of Justice and sworn enemy of the nega- verse. I will right all wrongs and triumph over evil. In the name of the moon, I will punish you." The scouts stood behind her, Tuxedo Mask beside her, and the generals behind him. "The time has come Sailor Senshi! This time, it is I who will punish you!" Said Beryl, She raised her hands over her head and they were filled with dark lightening. The scouts and generals (and Tuxedo Mask) powered up. And the battle began. THE END (stay tuned for more!) **************************************************************************** So? What did you think? Better than part 5? Was it worth the wait (not that I made you wait purposely)? Also, for anyone who forgets the poem about duty that Kunzite gave to Mina, go to my site, or e-mail me and say pretty please and I might send you a copy^_^! In case you haven't guessed by now, I am very into poetry, and if you like The Price of Duty, and I'm not supposed to like you, there are some more on my site. Direct all comments to! Arigato and Ja ne! Sailor Mask