As You Wish Part 5 Hope looked out over the city through the huge doorway. "Tokyo?" She asked. Pluto nodded. "That's where they are. It's up to you to find them." She said. Hope looked doubtful. Even with the knowledge Pluto had given her about Tokyo, and the 20th century, she wasn't sure she'd be able to find Terra and the others. Pluto smiled, knowing what was on the young dragon's mind. "You'll find them." She said. "Trust me." In her hands appeared 5 small rings. "What are these?" Asked Hope, looking at the rings. The were 5 different colors, red, blue, green, orange and silver. On each was a different symbol. Pluto handed them to her. "These are power rings." She explained. "The senshi and generals no longer have the ability to transform instantly. They need these to use their powers." Hope nodded in understanding. "Are you sure..." She started. "I'm sure." Said Pluto. "You know all you need to know, you'll find them. Oh one more thing." She held out her hands and Terra's staff appeared in them. It began to glow and shrank into a small pen. "This is Terra's henshin wand." The small pen was silver. Perched on top was a small 16 pointed star with a rose engraved onto it. Hope nodded. She waved to Pluto and stepped through the door. "Awwwwwww! Come on Darien! Please!!!!" Pleaded Serena. "I'll only be a minute!" "That's what you said last time." He pointed out. She pouted. "I wasn't long." She argued. "Only two hours!" He muttered under his breath. "Please?!" She said again. His shoulders sagged in defeat. He just couldn't argue with her, it was against his nature. "Why do I let you rope me into taking you shopping?!" He wondered aloud. "Because you..." Serena was cut off by a scream piercing through the air. The two exchanged glances then took off in the direction of the sound. The rounded the corner and were faced by a girl, probably about Darien's age, surrounded by 3 hoods. "Give it back!" Growled the girl, blue eyes flashing. The first hood sneered at her. "Whatcha gonna do about it little girl?" He asked, dangling a purse just out of reach. "Plenty if you don't give it back." She said, her voice dangerously low. The hoods laughed. "Yeah? You and what army?" Said the second. "This one." Said Darien. All three hoods whirled around. Taking the opportunity, the girl launched her heel into the first one's gut, sending him flying backwards. Darien aimed a well-placed karate chop to the second's shoulder, and the hood fell backwards. The first picked himself up off the ground. "You're gonna pay for that." he growled as he advanced on the girl. "Do you take credit cards?" She asked, ducking his fist and launching a blow of her own. Darien looked up as Serena screamed and he saw the third hood heading towards her. "Serena watch..." Before he could finish the second hood regained his wits and tackled Darien from behind. Darien launched his elbow into the hoods gut, loosening his hold. All of a sudden, the third hood went flying, and Lita materialized out of nowhere, followed by Rei, Ami, and Mina. "Let's get out of here!" Shouted the first hood, suddenly realizing that there was no way they were winning the fight. The girl ran and recovered her purse, thumbing through it quickly to make sure nothing had been taken, then stood up and faced her rescuers. She flashed a brilliant smile. Darien looked at her carefully. She had long black hair, far past her waist, and was an average height, probably about 5'8". Her face was small, with sharp, but delicate features, much like Darien's own. The most striking thing about her though, was her eyes. They were blue, darker than even Darien's and they seemed to reveal a hidden power. "Thanks for your help!" She said. "I really appreciate it!" "No problem." Said Darien. "Are you okay" "Terri. Terri Rose." She said. "And you are?" "I'm Darien Chiba, and this is Serena Tsukino, Rei Hino, Ami Mizuno, Lita Kino, and Mina Aino." Darien held out his hand and shook hers. *"Hey." Said a voice from behind her. She turned her head around and looked at her brother. "What are you doing? You've been out here for a while." She smiled. "Oh. nothing just thinking." She said. "About what?" He lay down beside her in the grass. She gestured upward with her hand. "About up there, about down here, about where we were, and where we're going." She pointed to the moon. "About them, and about us." Endymion was silent. He stared up at the moon. "You miss her, don't you?" She asked. He sighed. "A lot more than I'd like to admit." He said. "But yeah. I do." The two lay in silence for a while. Each lost in there own thoughts.* Darien's eyes widened. He wondered, He looked at the girl, who had the same strange expression on her face. Judging by the surprise in Terri's eyes, she felt it too. "Do I...know you?" She asked. Darien narrowed his eyes. "I...don't think so." he said. Serena glanced at her watch. "OH MY GOD!" She screamed as everyone jumped. "I AM SOOOOOOO LATE! MOM IS GONNA HAVE KITTENS!" She turned back to Terri. "Sorry to leave you hanging like this, but I really have to go! I was supposed to be home 15 minutes ago!" Terri grinned and shook off the felling of De-Ja-Vu. "No problem. I'm supposed to be somewhere myself. I suppose I'll see you guys around!" She snuck one last curious glance at Darien before heading off. 23 year old Zachary Nielsen climbed into his car and headed off toward his favorite retreat, the library. He walked around the shelves looking for a particular book. 15 minutes later he still hadn't found it. He walked up to the desk and asked about it. The girl behind the counter looked at him then looked down at the computer screen. "It's been signed out by a...Miss Ami Mizuno." She reported. Zach's face fell. Noticing this the girl spoke up. "If it's important, she's sitting over there." Zach followed her finger and saw a small blue haired-figure reading the book he wanted. He flashed a dazzling smile at the girl and walked over to the blue haired one. "Um...excuse me." He said. The girl looked up, her blue eyes curious. *"The...the moon's really beautiful from down here." Said ami softly He turned to look at her. "Not as beautiful as you." He said. And he meant it. She blushed. He smiled. "I mean it." She blushed even harder. "Tha...thank you." She said nervously. She looked up at him and fell into his eyes. She tried to pull away, but her body just wouldn't listen to her mind. Zoisite seemed to be having the same problem.* Zach blinked a couple times. He wondered. "Are you all right? I asked if I could help you?" She said, concern showing in her eyes. He shook his head. "I...I'm fine. I was just looking for that book you have there." He said. "I need it for an assignment if you don't mind lending it to me for a few hours." he said. "No problem." She said. "In fact, if you don't mind waiting, I'm almost done with it." She was curious about this guy. He flicked a strand of reddish-brown hair out of his ocean green eyes, and sat down. "Sure, I don't mind waiting." When his hand brushed hers she felt a tiny spark pass between them. *She gave up trying to look away. She knew she was attracted to Zoisite. She had known it for the two years she had known him, but she had never felt anything like this. She held her breath as he leaned in closer. She closed her eyes, as their lips met. When they parted her cheeks were bright red. Zoisite had an amazed expression on his face. He looked at her. "Did you feel, what I just felt?" He asked. She nodded. "I think so."* Ami blinked in surprise. She wondered. She shook herself. "I'll be done in a few minutes" "Nielsen, call me Zach." He said. "And you are?" "Ami Mizuno. Pleased to meet you." She responded. "The pleasure's all mine." Said Zach, his usual smoothness slipping back in. Lita walked down the streets, lost in her own thoughts. That is, until she banged into someone else. She gasped as she fell to the ground. She was about to get up and give whoever it was a blast for not watching where she was going when a deep voice asked: "Are you okay miss?" Lita looked up into concerned brown eyes and felt her temper melt away. "Yeah I'm fine." She thought. "Let me help you up." He offered. She took his hand. *"Well, the stars know everything. Sometimes they tell me of the future, or the past. Sometimes about people." He said. "What are they saying now?" She asked. He smiled. "They're talking about you." He said. She blushed. "What are they saying?" She asked. "They're pointing to the future." He said. She looked at him. "Are you in my future?" She asked. He looked at her, surprised by the feelings that ran through him as he did. "That's up to you." He said. "What do you want?" Her only answer was to lean in closer, connecting with his lips. They pulled apart, almost reluctantly a few minutes later. She smiled. "Does that answer your question?" She asked.* Lita's eyes widened. She looked at the guy, who's expression mirrored her own. Regaining her wits, Lita let go of his hand, realizing she had been holding on to it for a lot longer than was needed. "I...I'm sorry." She said. She looked at him and he smiled. "I suppose I should introduce myself." She said. "I'm Lita Kino, and you are?" My name's Maxfeild Stanton. Call me Max." He said, flashing a brilliant smile. Lita admired him for a minute. He had dark brown hair, the same shade and length as hers, and his eyes were brown too. He was tall, taller than her, which was a feat in itself. Max took a minute to look over Lita. He thought. Suddenly Lita's eyes widened. "Did you say your name was Maxfeild Stanton, of Stanton electronics?" She asked. He winced. "Yeah, that's me. But I'm really not all that special." He said. Lita smiled, getting the hint. Maxfeild smiled back. "So Lita, if you aren't doing anything, would you mind if I bought you lunch, to repay you for knocking you down like that, of course." He said. Odd as it was, he wanted to get to know more about this girl. She had done something few other girls had managed to do, catch his attention. There was just something about her. She smiled. "I'd love to." She said. Max grinned. Jed Jensen ran a hand through his short blonde hair and looked up at the sign. 'Hikawa Temple'. This was his hideaway. Whenever he felt tense he came here. He entered the temple grounds, wondering once again what he was doing. It was odd, but there was something familiar about his place, like he'd been here before. He found his way over to his favorite spot. There was a large oak tree in the center of the temple grounds. He liked to sit under the shade of it. He sat down as he heard some familiar sounds from above him. Two crows swooped down. "Hey buddies!" He said, as the crows approached. He pulled some sunflower seeds out of his pocket and lay them on the ground. He grinned. "Haven't seen you two in a while. Where you been?" He looked up as he suddenly felt someone watching him. He looked around and spotted a feminine figure walking towards him. He immediately recognized the red and white robes of a shrine maiden. She spotted the crows and ran forward. The crows immediately flew to her, landing on her shoulders. "Phobos, Deimios, there you are!" She said. She looked at Jed, a curious look in her eyes. "Hi." She said. "Hi. Are they your crows?" He asked. She nodded. "It's funny, they don't usually take so well to strangers." She said. Jed grinned and held up the bag of sunflower seeds. "We aren't strangers. I've been coming here for a while, and these two usually show up." The girl smiled. "I'm glad you like our shrine so much Mr...." She said. "Jensen. Call me Jed." He answered. "Hello Jed. I'm Rei Hino." She walked over and sat down beside him, her hand brushed his. *"So." Said Rei. "How have you guys been doing?" She asked. Jaedite grinned. "Compared to what?" He asked. She grinned. "That bad, eh?" He smiled. "We're doing fine." He said. "Beryl's making our lives miserable, but we're surviving." She nodded. "Good to hear. That you're doing fine, not about Beryl." She said. "How are my cousin's holding up?" Jaedite sighed. "As well as is to be expected." He said. He turned to her. "How about you?" He asked. She nodded. "It's nice on the moon. And even though we're always fighting, Serenity is a good friend." He nodded. "Any nice guys on the moon?" He asked. She looked at him. "Jealous?" She asked. He looked startled. "Oh no. Jealous? Me? Why would I be jealous?" He asked. she laughed. An evil grin spread over her face. "In that case, yeah. There are." She said. "One really nice one, he's asked me out a couple times." She snuck a look at Jaedite's face and had to bite back a laugh. She punched his shoulder. "Relax!" She said. "I wouldn't go out with anyone else but you." He smiled. "Seriously?" He asked. "Seriously." She leaned in and kissed him. "Promise." He smiled. "Good." She laughed at him again.* Rei gasped. She thought. Jed stared at the raven haired girl beside him. He wondered. "So Rei," He said, recovering his wits. "Do you work here?" She laughed. "I live here. My grandpa and I run this temple." She said. "Alone?" He asked incredulously. She smiled sadly. "Well, except for Chad, but even he's leaving. He came here to get away from his parents, but he just made up with them and he's going back, so now we need to find someone else to help out around here." She said. Jed smiled. "I could help you out." He said. "I mean, not full time, I have school and a small business, but on weekends I wouldn't mind helping out." he offered. She looked at him. "Really?" She asked. "We couldn't pay you very much." "You don't have to pay me, I love it here, and wouldn't mind the excuse to come a little more often." He said. She smiled. "Great!" She said. "If you like, we could go get you a uniform." He smiled. "Sure. Let's go." Mina sighed. She thought. She sighed again, lost in her own depressed thoughts. Suddenly she was broken out of her reverie by a horn blaring. She looked up startled, into the headlights of a car, bearing down on her. She screamed but couldn't move, like a deer caught in the headlights. Suddenly she felt strong arms around her waist, lifting her up of the ground, and launching her out of the way of the car. She gasped as she hit the ground. "Are you all right miss?" Asked a concerned voice. Mina was too shaken up to answer. The man above her frowned. He placed a hand on her arm. *Kunzite gazed down at the blonde head of the girl sitting at her side. He looked away abruptly. He thought. Still, he couldn't resist another look at her. Mina sighed sadly. Kunzite hadn't said a word to her since she had arrived. But she understood why. She stared at the ground miserably. Kunzite fingered the piece of paper hidden deep within his pocket. Zoisite was the poetic one put of the five of them, but he had managed to come up with a few words. He debated wether or not to give it to her. He was uncomfortable about his emotions and unlike Terra, he didn't like expressing them. He noted the sad look on her face. * He shook his head in confusion. He noticed the sudden shocked look on Mina's face. The flashback had stunned Mina into regaining her voice. "Thank you." She said shakily. He shook himself. "No problem Miss." he said, helping her up. "Call me Mina." She said. "I'm Mackenzie Sabre." He said with a reassuring smile. Mina looked into the calm blue eyes and felt her trembling stop. She surveyed her rescuer. He was tall, with white hair and pale blue eyes, that instantly commanded respect. He smiled down at her. "You still look pretty shaken up. Maybe you should sit down for a bit." He said. Mina nodded slowly. She thought. Then smiled at the thought of irritating her protector a little bit more. Mackenzie led her into the crown café. He ordered a coffee, and asked her what she wanted. "A chocolate milkshake!" She said, feeling her usual enthusiasm return. She couldn't believe her luck. One minute she had totally alone, and the next, she was sitting at a café with a man who had just saved her life and just happened to be incredibly good looking. It was like something out one of Lita's romance novels. Terri drove her motorcycle towards the little repair shop on the corner. She parked it in the driveway, then walked in through the door. She rang the bell on the counter. "Hello?" She called. A silver-haired man walked in through the back. "Hi." He said. "How can I help you?" Terri smiled. "My bike's parked out front. It's making some strange noises when I try to take sharp turns and I can't figure out what's wrong with it." She said. He smiled. "Let's take a look. I'll open the garage door, and you take the bike in side." He instructed. He watched the receding figure of the girl. He thought. Terri ran outside and put up the kickstand on her bike, pushing it into the small garage. The man whistled. "Nice bike." He said appreciatively. She smiled. "Thanks Mr...uh..." "McTavish. Quinn McTavish, call me Quinn." He said. She shook his hand and grinned. "As you wish." *"Terra," he said uncertainly. "Would to go for a...ummmm...walk?" He asked. She smiled nervously. "As you wish." She said, cursing herself for not being able to come up with anything better. Why was it, that lately, whenever she was around him, she got tongue tied. The two headed, hand in hand, out into the gardens. They eventually wound up where she had been crying the other day. They sat down in front of the pond. Terra sighed contentedly. She leaned back against Quartzite. "Terra, I..." He looked down at her. She tilted her head back and looked into his eyes. "Yes?" She whispered, unable to pull away from his gaze. "I...Ummmm..." His mind went blank as he stared into her eyes. All he could think about, was how much he wanted to kiss her. Slowly, they leaned closer together, until their lips were touching. They stayed like that for the longest time. The entire world stood still, and for a moment, everything revolved around the two.* Terri pulled her hand back quickly. She thought. Quinn shook his head. He wondered. He shook it off and forced himself back to reality. "Now, back to the bike." He said. Terri was silent for a minute, then nodded. "Yeah, the bike." She said. She looked at Quinn carefully. She thought. He had silver hair that hung around his ears, and as it that wasn't odd enough, his eyes were even more silver than his hair. She stared at him curiously. She thought suddenly. So," She said. "Do you own this shop?" "Yep, well, actually, I'm only half owner, my friend Jed Jensen owns the other half. It's not a lot, but it helps me get through college." He said. Terri rolled her eyes. "You're telling me! School is so expensive now-a-days." She said. "My brother, Zach, and I play in a band at the Crown Café on weekends just to cover the rent expenses on our apartments." She said. Suddenly they both grinned. "Looks like we have something in common." He said. Hope looked up from her computer and looked around the room. It had been 50 years since she had left the 10th century. She narrowed her eyes as she felt something. She gasped as she felt someone place a hand on her shoulder and she whirled around. "Setsuna!" She gasped. "Don't sneak up on me like that!" The tall green haired woman looked around the crowded office. "It's time." She said. "They will be needed soon." Hope looked at her in surprise. "Are you sure?" She asked. Setsuna nodded, her eyes grave. "There's no way around it. They must be awakened." She said. Hope regarded her friend carefully then nodded slowly. "I'll gather them. The prince too?" "All of them. It is time for them to regain there full memories." Terri smiled at Quinn. She listened to the engine of her purple and silver motorcycle. "Wow! it sounds great." She said. "Thanks." Quinn grinned. "No problem." He said. She smiled. "Hey, we're playing at the Crown Café tonight, if you want to come down and check us out." She offered. He smiled brightly. "I'll do that." He said. "Great! Bye Quinn!" She called as she zoomed off on her motorcycle. She raced through the streets, enjoying the feeling of the wind blowing the hair that was sticking out under her helmet. She arrived at the apartment she shared with Susan, her best friend, and a member in the band. She walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. "Susan?" She called. "You here?" She shrugged when she got no answer. She hung up her coat and helmet and slipped off her boots. She walked over to the small kitchen and opened a cupboard, looking for something quick and easy to make. She spotted a can of chicken-noodle-soup. She opened it and stuck it in the microwave for a few minutes. She glanced at the clock. She thought. She downed her soup, then grabbed a bun off the counter and a binder and headed out the door. "I never realized how hard it is to run a temple." Said Jed. "And you did this by yourself?" "Well, my friends help me out when they can, some more than others," She said, picturing Serena. "But yeah, mostly I did." Jed grinned. "You're amazing." He said. Rei blushed furiously. "Oh, it's nothing." She said. Jed shook his head. "No, it is. This is a hard job. Do you ever get a break?" He asked. "Every now and then." She said. "Would you like to take one tonight." He asked. She looked up at him, startled. "Are you asking me out?" She asked. "Oh no, it's just um...ah...I think you...deserve a break." He said. She laughed. "All right then, sure. Do you have anything in mind?" She asked. "Well, the Crown Café has a band that comes in and plays on weekends." He said. "You wanna go?" Rei smiled. "Okay, that sounds good." Jed grinned. "It's a date!" He stammered. Rei laughed at him, and soon he was laughing too. Lita laughed as they got off the ride. Maxfeild had decided that dinner wasn't enough to pay her back so he took her to the fair. Lita looked over at Maxfeild, who was turning kinda green. "Ah...maybe we had better not go on any more rides." She said, grabbing his arm and holding him up. Max groaned. "Maybe you're right." They sat down on a bench. Lita looked up as she noticed a familiar blonde head walking through the crowd. The blonde haired girl noticed her almost immediately. "Hey Lita!!" Called Mina. "Hi Mina, come on over here for a minute." Mina turned around, then walked towards the bench, followed by someone else. Max looked up as they approached. "Hey Lita, I want you to meet someone." She gestured to the man beside her. "This is MacKenzie Sabre." She said. "MacKenzie, this is Lita." They shook hands. Lita grinned. "This is Maxfeild Stanton." She said. "Max, this is my friend Mina." The two shook hands. Suddenly a feeling of De-Ja-Vu ran through the small group. They all blinked in surprise. Lita was the first to recover her wits. ", what have you got planned for tonight." She asked. Mina snapped out of it. "Oh, well, MacKenzie's invited me to the Crown Café." She said. "Would the two of you like to come?" Asked MacKenzie. "Any friend of Mina's is a friend of mine." He said. Lita looked at Max, who's color had started to return. He nodded. "We'd love to." Said Lita. Ami looked up as Zach inhaled sharply. He was looking at his watch. "Oh no!" He gasped. "I'm late! Terri's gonna kill me!" Ami looked on confused. "Who's going to kill you?" She asked. "Oh, my sister. We're in a band, and right now I'm supposed to be helping everyone to set up." He paused for a minute and looked at Ami. "Do you want to come?" He asked. Ami smiled. "If it won't be a problem." She said. "I don't want to get in the way." Zach smiled. "You? In the way? I can't see that happening." He said. "It's a date then, but we gotta book it before Terri really gets mad!" The two ran out of the library and took off towards the Crown Café. They burst through the back entrance and came face to face with a very angry girl. Ami gasped as she recognized her as the girl from that morning. "Zach!" She nearly shouted. "Where have you been?! We aren't even half set up and we go on in a half hour!" " distracted at the library." He said, sneaking a sidelong glance at Ami who blushed. Terri noticed the blue-haired girl. "Hey, aren't you one of those people who helped me out this morning?" She asked. "Ami isn't it?" Ami nodded. "Nice to see you again." Said Ami, shaking her hand. Thought Terri. "I see you've met my idiot brother." She said, glaring at Zach who grinned in return. Ami smiled. "Yes, I'm afraid that it was my fault he was late. So, you two are brother and sister? Why is your name different?" She asked. Terri nodded. "I was adopted by the Nielsen's when I was fifteen, by then I had already chosen the name Rose, so the Nielsen's let me keep it. My real family was killed a long time ago." Answered Terri. Ami could tell she didn't want to go any further in to it, so not being one to pry, she changed the subject. "What kind of music do you play?" She asked. Terri flashed her a thankful smile. "Pretty much anything we can get our hands on." She said. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Zach trying to sneak away. She whirled around. "And as for you, the drum set is still in Mike's van. I suggest you go get it." She ordered. Zach grinned and saluted. "Yes Sir!" He said. Ami bit back a laugh. "Come on Ami, I'll introduce you to the rest of the band." Ami followed Terri towards the corner of the room. "Hey Mike!" Called Terri. A tall man with blonde hair and black roots looked up. His blue eyes took in Ami. "Ami, this is Mike, the lead guitarist. Mike this is Ami. She's one of the ones I told you about." Mike grinned and shook hands. "Pleased to meet you." he said. "And this," Said Terri, pointing to a short, blonde haired girl. "Is Susan, our keyboard player." "Pianist." Corrected Susan, green eyes sparkling. "Sue, this is Ami." Introduced Terri. "Sue's my roommate." Ami shook her hand. "What do you do?" Ami asked Terri after they had set off to find Zach. "I'm the lead singer, and I play the flute and guitar." She said. Ami nodded. Just then Zach appeared. "Everything's set up, Captain!" He said. Terri, in a much better mood, laughed. "Good, then get ready, we go on in about 15 minutes." She said. Zach grinned and took Ami's hand and lead her around to behind the curtain. "If you like, you can stay here during the performance." He said. She nodded. "Sure! Hey Zach, not to pry or anything, but, how did Terri come up with the last name Rose?" She asked. Ami couldn't understand why she was so curious about Terri. "Truthfully, I don't know. She's never told me." He said. "But aren't you two brother and sister?" She asked. "Yeah, but Terri's always been independent, and her trust isn't easy to gain." He looked at Ami, debating wether or not to tell her. "Terri's real family, her mom, dad, and brother, were killed in a car accident on her sixth birthday. By some miracle she survived, with half her memory. Since no one knew who she was, she was placed in an orphanage where she stayed until she was 13. Then she ran away and lived on the streets for a year until she was eventually caught and put back in the orphanage. We adopted her soon after that." During the entire story, Ami's eyes had widened, and now her mouth was slightly open. She thought, stunned. "Anything wrong?" asked Zach. "Oh nothing, it's just that..." Ami was interrupted by Terri calling to Zach that it was time to go on. "Coming!" He shouted back. "Hey Ami, don't tell Terri I told you that, she'll never forgive me." He wondered for a minute why he had told her. "I won't." She promised. Zach grinned. "Catch you in a bit!" He called as he headed towards the drum set. Darien sighed and tried to concentrate on Serena but for some reason he couldn't get his mind off of that girl, Terri Rose, and he felt irrationally guilty about it. Serena looked up at him. "Darien are you okay?" She asked, concerned. "You seem preoccupied." Darien looked down at her, debating wether or not to tell her. He decided to tell her. "It's that girl from the alley way. I can't stop thinking about her, there was just something...I don't know...familiar about her." he didn't mention the flashback. "I know what you mean. I felt like I knew her from somewhere." Said Serena. "You do." Said a voice from behind the two. They whirled around and came face to face with a small, silver haired woman. The color of her hair would have suggested a senior, but this woman was anything but old. "What did you say?" Asked Darien. "You did know her. Terri Rose, I mean." She answered. Her lavender eyes took in the couple. "Do you mind if I ask who you are?" Asked Serena. "My name is Hope. Hope Draco. And, if I'm not mistaken, you are Prince Endymion of Earth, and Princess Serenity of the moon, am I correct?" The stunned look in Darien and Serena's eyes told her she was. "How did you..." "I knew you, 1000 years ago." She said, answering Serena's unfinished question. "But I don't remember you?" Said Darien. Hope shook her head. "That's because you don't have all your memories back." She explained. Darien narrowed his eyes and stepped in front of Serena. "How do we know your on our side?" He asked. She smiled. "You haven't changed a bit Endy...I mean Darien. I'll prove to you I'm not out to harm you if you'll let me." She said. Darien nodded slowly. He didn't know why, but he trusted this strange woman. "What do we need to do?" he asked. "Follow me." She said, heading in the direction of the Crown Café. Down below the earth, right under Point-D in the Arctic, a shadowy figure was pushing her way to the top. She thought. With a final burst of power, she shot through the ice, and into the air. She laughed. A cold cruel sound that sent all the animals below scattering. "Revenge will be mine!" She shouted, and in a flash, she was gone. Rei clapped as the band finished another number. She had recognized Terri at the start of the show. She glanced over at Jed out of the corner of her eye. It was odd how familiar he felt. She stiffened as she felt an evil presence. She narrowed her eyes, trying to identify it. It was oddly familiar, but she couldn't place it. Whatever it was, she didn't like it. She looked around at her friends and one by one they felt it too, she was surprised to notice that it almost seemed as if the guys they were with felt it to. She glanced over at Jed who looked startled. All of a sudden, the music stopped. Rei looked up and noticed Terri had her head in her hands, a reddish haired guy came up to her followed by Ami, coming from somewhere backstage. Terri stopped mid-song and grabbed her head. She wondered. She felt something, she couldn't explain. Something familiar, something foreboding, something...evil. It barely registered as Ami and Zach ran up to her. "Terri, are you okay?" Asked Zach. "Terri?" All of a sudden, there was a huge crash, as part of the ceiling caved in. A dark figure descended. Serena gasped as she recognized the transparent shape. "No way!" She whispered, her face draining of it's color. "It's not possible." Said Darien. The others watched in shock as the people piled out of the building. Lita felt Maxfeild grab her hand. "Lita snap out of it, let's go!" He said. Lita's eyes widened as the figure dove at them. "Too late!" She gasped. They dove to the side. Lita looked around. The only people left in the building were Terri, Ami, Mina, Serena, Rei, Darien, Maxfeild, herself and four other guys she didn't recognize. She didn't have time to wonder what had happened to the rest of the band, as Mina and Serena's voices rang out. "TRANSFORM!!!!" "But what about..." started Lita, but then saw there was no other choice. "JUPITER CRYSTAL POWER..." "VENUS CRYSTAL POWER..." "MERCURY CRYSTAL POWER..." "MARS CRYSTAL POWER..." "MOON ETERNAL..." "MAKE UP!!!!!!!!!" They shouted simultaneously. In a flash of light they had transformed. The figures eyes widened. "You!" It screamed. All of a sudden the door burst open and Hope burst in. "Sailor Moon! You have to be outside! You don't have enough room to fight!" Sailor Moon nodded and the scouts ran out, followed by the figure. Hope ran in and turned to Terri and the others who all had stunned expressions on there faces. "STARLIGHT HONEYMOON THERAPY KISS!!!!" Shouted Sailor Moon, launching her attack. The figure laughed as it passed right through her. "What is this thing?!" Cried Rei. "Don't you recognize it?" Said Serena in disbelief, then suddenly remembered that of all the scouts, she had been the only one, save Tuxedo Mask who had ever actually seen her. Rei looked at Serena, startled by the fear in her friends eyes. "Serena who is she?" She asked. Serena looked at Rei. "It's Beryl." Terri stared at the silver haired figure in front of her. "What's going on?" She asked. She wondered. Suddenly the others who were in the room were behind her, waiting for the woman’s answer. "The time has come." She said. Terri narrowed her eyes. The woman held her hands out in front of her and they were filled with a bright light. Suddenly, five rings and a pen appeared in front of them. She handed one to each of the people. MacKenzie's was the orange ring, with a little gold heart on it. Jed had a red one, with the symbol of a little flame engraved onto it. Zach's was blue, with a water droplet. Maxfeild had a green ring, with a little tornado emblazoned on it. Quinn's was silver and had a little rose on it. Terri held the silver henshin wand. She peered at it. "What...?" She started when the rings and wand started to glow. Terri gasped as the light surrounded her. *Terra looked up as Quartzite came up behind her. She blocked his sword with her own. She didn't know why. It's not like she had anything left to live for, but her warrior's instinct pushed her on. That's how She was fighting now. Instinct. She wasn't thinking anymore. Quartzite laughed as he managed to disarm her. Her sword went flying over The balcony. Quartzite stared at her. "Die." He said, running his sword through her stomach. She gasped and started to fall. "As..." She breathed. Quartzite pulled back as if burned. Something flickered in his memory. "You..." He gasped and clutched his head as The brainwashing slowly came undone. Memories came pouring into his mind. "Wish." She said. Letting out her last breath slowly.* Maxfeild shielded his eyes against the light and fell backward into Jed. *She watched as Rei and Lita paired up, back to back against Jaedite and Nephrite. They were watching The generals, but failed to notice The invincible shadow, bearing down on them. It launched and greenish bolt of power. Terra fell back on The balcony as it connected with The two Senshi. Their bodies were thrown up into The air and in the air they stayed, unmoving.* Zach's eyes widened as he was enveloped in the light from the ring. *Mercury fought desperately to stay alive, but she wasn't used to actual combat. Her powers were useless at this close range. Besides, she had always been The person who planned The attacks, or found the enemies weakness. She was numb with grief at her princess's death and Zoisite knew it. "It's your fault." He said. "If you had of been there, instead of trying to convince me that I shouldn't be on Beryl's side, you may have been able to save her." Mercury put her hands over her ears. "No." She said, falling to her knees. "No." "Yes." Said Zoisite. "It's all your fault." He raised his sword over her head. She looked up, but refused to fight anymore. He brought it down quickly. "AMI NO!" Terra watched in horror, as one by one her friends all fell, lifeless to The ground.* MacKenzie shook his head, trying to clear it of all the confusion and memories. *Venus felt as if she had been stabbed. She had failed her princess. She had failed to protect her as she had vowed to do. She had failed in her duty. Even as she stood there, the moon kingdom was falling. The palace lay in ruins, and The gardens were littered with body's and soldiers. So caught up, was She, in her grief, She failed to notice Kunzite come up behind her. She whirled around at The last minute. But she was too late. Kunzite ran his sword through her heart. "VENUS!" Screamed Terra.* Quinn gripped his head tightly as memories long since buried pushed their way to the surface. *Quartzite gasped and fell to his knees as The brainwashing came totally undone. He shook his head in disbelief. "What have I done?" He whispered. He crawled forward and picked up Terra's lifeless body and held it closely. Tears started slipping down his cheeks. He looked up as he heard Beryl laughing. She stood a top a pillar, her hair blowing wildly in The wind. "The universe is no longer!" She shouted. "Only The Nega-verse prevails!" Quartzite shook his head in disbelief. "No!" He said. "It can't be!" He noticed Kunzite and The others. All of a sudden, Beryl was above him. He looked up and glared hatefully at her. "So." She said frowning. "The little tramp managed to turn you against me again. Not that it matters, you are no longer of importance to me." She raised her staff as it began to glow. He looked down and hugged Terra tightly, not bothering to defend himself. He had nothing left to live for. He felt a tear slip down his cheek. Suddenly pain enveloped his body and that was The last thing he felt.* The light faded slowly, bringing the small group back to the present. Terri's hands were clenched at her side. Jed's eyes were wide. Maxfeild's mouth was moving, but no sound was coming out. Zach and MacKenzie's eyes were closed. Quinn looked as if he had been kicked in the stomach. Terri shook her head. She looked at the silver haired figure. "Hope?" She whispered. "I...I don't understand. How is this... how are we..." Hope smiled. "I'll explain everything later, I promise. Right now the scouts need your help." Said Hope. Terri turned around and looked at her long lost protectors, but refused to meet Quinn's eyes. She turned back to Hope. "What about Endymion?" She asked. Hope grinned. "You've already met him." She said. Terri's eyes widened as she realized who Hope was talking about. "Oh my God!" She said. "Darien?" Hope nodded. "Then that would make Serena, Sere?" She shook her head. Suddenly the silence was broken by a scream from outside. Terri's head snapped up. "Let's go." She said. She looked at the henshin wand. "Um...Hope?" She said. Hope grinned. "Hold it up and say the transformation phrase." She said. Terri held the wand up high. "EARTH POWER MAKE UP!" She shouted. She was immediately bathed in a purple and silver light streaming like ribbons from the top of the henshin wand. They wrapped around her, concealing her and the henshin wand completely. In the light, the wand stretched, and became her staff. The light dissipated in a flash, leaving Sailor Earth to do her pose. Zach looked at his adopted sister, then at the ring in his hand. He slipped it on and lifted his hand into the air, the others following suit. "FOR THE HONOR OF EARTH!" Shouted MacKenzie. "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" Cried Maxfeild. "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" Yelled Jed. "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" Shouted Zach. "BY THE SPIRIT OF EARTH!" Cried Quinn. In a flash of light they had transformed, and stood in armor like Endymion's, all different colors. Maxfeilds was green, MacKenzie's gold, Jed's red, Quinn's silver, and Zach's blue. Terri looked confused for a minute, then decided to save her questions for later. "Let's go!" She shouted. They raced out of the Café. Sailor Venus groaned from her position on the pavement. It was an incredibly painful position. She picked herself up and stood, rather shakily. She noticed Sailor Moon doing the same. "I don't get it!" Said Moon. "She was never this powerful!" Beryl laughed. "That's because I'm no longer just Queen Beryl." She said. Sensing that her opponents were in no position to take advantage of the situation, she started talking. "After Mettalia had taken over my body, my spirit lived on. Even now, I have no permanant body." She looked down at herself. "I'm like a shadow! I'm not solid!" She lamented. "And all thanks to you! And although you had defeated Mettalia, and destroyed my body, Mettalia's power still remained. I absorbed it! I'm bigger, and better than Mettalia ever was, and this time, there will be no stopping me!" She started laughing manically. All of a sudden someone else was laughing, but not crazily, and the sound wasn't evil, although it was cold. Beryl stopped laughing and listened. "Hello Queen Beryl." Said a male voice. "It's been a while, hasn't it." Zoisite stepped out of the shadows. "You thought you could control us that easily?" Asked another. Kunzite stepped out of the shadows. "You were wrong." Jaedite stepped out of the shadows. "You're not the only one who's new and improved." Nephrite stepped forward. "We're no longer you're puppets Beryl." Said yet another voice, as Quartzite stepped out. Suddenly the laughter started again, suddenly, Beryl's eyes widened as she recognized it. "No!" She cried. "It's not possible." "Oh but it is!" Said another voice, this one feminine. "I see you remeber me. Do you remeber that night, on the moon kingdom?" Asked the voice, a touch of bitterness tainting it. "You took away everything that mattered to me, everything. Well, I'm back. And this time, it's your turn." Her voice grew dangerously quiet. "In the name of the Earth." Sailor Earth stepped from the shadows, her face hard, and unfeeling. "I will punish you." Beryl's eyes went from wide to narrowed. "So, you were reborn as well." She said. "Well I can remedy that!" She raised her transparent hand over her head as black lightening began to form between them, much as Mattalia had, that fateful night in the Arctic. She threw the lightening at Earth, as Quartzite raised the shield. "STARLIGHT SHIELDS DEFEND!!!" He cried. The generals and Earth powered up. Jed turned to grin at the startled senshi. "We could use your help on this one." He said simply. Coming to their senses, the senshi powered up. "MARS FLAME SNIPER!" "JUPITER OAK EVOULOUTION!" "MERCURY AQUA RAPHSODY!" "VENUS LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!" "STARLIGHT HONEYMOON THEREAPY KISS!" The generals and Earth raised their hands/staff. "CELESTIAL TEMPEST STRIKE!" "POLAR WINDS RAGE!" "MOLTEN SILVER ERADICATION!" "ETHEREAL FLAMES SEAR!" "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!" Beryl screamed as the unexpected attacks hit her, full on. Once they had finished she glared at them, considerably weaker, but not destroyed. The good guys stared up in shock. "No way!" Gasped Tuxedo Mask. "Not possible. A blast like that should ave destroyed her!" Exclaimed Mercury. Beryl glared down at them, deciding to retreat. "It's been fun, but I'm bored of playing with you. Your days are numbered Sailor Scouts." She disapeared in a flash. The generals and Sailor Earth approached the senshi cautiously. Mars quickly gave them the once over with her powers, and decided they weren't evil. "Who are you?" She asked. Earth smiled. "I'm the sailor soldier of life, Sailor Earth. And these," She said, gesturing to the generals. "Are General Kunzite, leader of Endymion's generals, General Zoisite, General Jaedite, General Nephrite, and General Quartzite of Endymion's army." Rei couldn't help but pick up on the stifness in her voice when she introduced Quartzite. She wondered why. She looked around at the senshi and was surprised to notice they had gone into battle mode at the mention of the generals name. She knew why, the last time they had messed with the generals was under Queen Beryl, but she had sensed no evil from them. "Woah! Hold on guys! It's okay, they're not evil." She assured her friends. The senshi relaxed slightly. "Ami, can you verify that?" Asked Luna, who had shown up halfway through the battle. Ami nodded and pulled out her mini-computer. "Rei's right, all traces of dark energy are gone." She said. "That's right." Said a new voice. Hope walked out into the street. "When Mettalia was destroyed, her hold on the generals was broken." She turned to Darien. "But now that Beryl's back, you have to swear them into your service before she gets a chance to reactivate the spell." Darien looked confused. "Swear them in?" He asked. Hope slapped her forehead with her hand. "Oh of course! You all don't have your full memories back, none of you!" She looked thoughtful. Suddenly a new voice was heard. "Allow me Hope." Said Sailor Pluto. Behind her were the outer senshi. "I didn't feel like explaining things twice, so I brought them along." She explained. "Yeah, and now I'd like to know what this is all about. I don't appreciate being ripped out of my bed in the middle of the night." Said Uranus as Saturn rubbed her eyes sleepily.. Pluto rolled her eyes and turned back to the group. "In order to bring your memories back, I need to bring you back to the time of the Silver Millenium. It would mean reliving a lot of stuff, some of it not so nice, including the final battle on the moon." She said. The scouts paled but nodded. The outer senshi were ready, they hadn't been told a whole lot about the final battle. They hadn't been there. Pluto nodded. She raised her staff high and ti began to pulsate with red light that enveloped all in the area. Bit by bit, the past came back to those inside the glow, the birth of the twins, Beryl's marriage to Coronus, Coronus's death. Everything. Granted, the memories were different for each person, but when they reached the final night on the moon, all minds were united. Slowly, the light faded, leaving only the stunned senshi standing on the street. Darien reached down and grabbed Serena's hand for support, wether he was supporting her or it was the other way 'round, was beyond him. He looked up at Sailor Earth, who had her eyes closed. She opened them and met his. She smiled slightly. "Hey bro. Long time no see." He smiled back. Sailor Moon looked at Earth. "Terra?" She asked. Earth's smile broadened. "The one and only." With a cry of delight Sailor Moon wrapped her long lost friend in a huge bear hug. Earth regarded the senshi. "Hmmm." She said. "The age difference is, well...different. You all used to be older than me." She said. They all laughed. They turned around as Artemis cleared his throat behind them. "I hate to break up this reunion, but there is still the little problem of Beryl running rampant arounf Tokyo." He said. Zoisite shook his head. "We can figure it out in the morning. Right now, we're all too worn out to think straight." He said logically. Artemis sighed. "I suppose you're right. A meeting tommorrow then, and 5:00 at the temple." They all nodded. Earth watched them talk to one another then left before they had finished. She wanted to be alone for a while to try and figure out all the memories swimming around in her mind, plus, she didn't want to deal with Quartzite just yet. The others had forgivin the generals instantly, but why shouldn't they have, it hadn't been the generals fault that they were turned against them. They wern't in control that final night. But Quartzite...Earth sighed and detransformed. Quartzite had been sworn in. There was no way Beryl could have activated the spell, because she had broken it. She knew Darien was probably swearing in the generals, and she knew she should be there, but she couldn't look Quartzite in the eye. She sighed again as her thoughts drifted to the happy times she had spent with him, but they all wound up back on the moon. There was no way around it, he had killed her, after she had watched everyone else die. She winced and blinked. She thought. She was confused. She realized she probably should have stuck around to find out exactly why she was still alive. She sighed. She reached her apartment and was immediately bombarded with questions from Mike and Susan. She put her head in her hands. "Listen I'm fine. Nothing happened, the Sailor Scouts showed up, Zach's all right too. Now if you don't mind, I really need to go to sleep." She said. Sue suddenly noticed the tierdness in her friends eyes. She nodded and Terri walked into her room, slipped into her pyjamas and lay down. She thought she wouldn't be able to sleep, but as soon as her head hit the pillows sleep took over. The end ('till I get around to writing the next part^_^) ***************************************************************************** Well? What did you think? Sorry for the sucky ending, but I'm still suffering from writers block, and figured this was starting to get too long. So anyways, e-mail me your comments, Ja ne! Sailor Mask