part four Endymion watched nervously as the moon rose slowly in the sky. Absent-mindedly, he fingered the locket Serenity had given him. He smiled as it's comforting melody drifted up on the air. In about a half an hour, he'd be 18. When the moon reached it's peak in the sky, he would be King, and he would be able to swear in the generals, breaking Beryl's hold on them. He prayed nothing would go wrong. "GENERAL ASHKALITE!!!" Shouted Beryl. The general transported in to the room. "Yes my Queen?" She asked. "I want a report on your luck locating the Prince and Princess." She ordered. "We have narrowed it down to one area. It is a secluded stretch of woods, they will have no where to run." Said Ashkalite. "Excellent." Said Beryl. "Send a full troop, and the seven Shadow." She said. "I want them alive!" Ashkalite bowed low. "It shall be done." She said, transporting out. Terra stood beside her brother and Quartzite in a circle around the dying fire. It was time. The moon had reached it's peak, it was midnight. She and Endymion were now 18, and it was time to swear in the generals. Endymion looked up and faced Quartzite. "General Quartzite." He said, attempting to remember the words to the spell. "I am here." Said Quartzite. Endymion turned to him. "Do you renounce your bond to Beryl and swear your loyalty to me and my kingdom?" Asked Endymion. "I swear it." Said Quartzite. Endymion nodded. "Then I accept your . . . " He started, but he never got to finish. Before he could, the ground was ripped apart in a huge explosion. Everyone jumped to their feet. "Earth Power!" Shouted Terra. In a flash she had transformed. Hope assumed her natural form. All of a sudden, a dozen youmas poured into the glade. Terra raised her staff. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!!!" She screamed, dusting two with one blow. Endymion picked up a sword and dusted another. Hope gave up attempting to fight in Dragon form. There wasn't enough room in the small glade, so she changed into a human, unfortunately, she was unskilled in human combat methods. She cried out in surprise as a youma tackled her from behind. "Hope!" Cried Quartzite, running forward. He grabbed his sword and attacked the youma. The two battled it out. "MOLTEN SILVER ERADICATION!!!" Shouted Kunzite. His attack flew into a youma, and sent him flying backwards, turning to dust as he hit the ground. "ETHEREAL FLAMES SEAR!!!" Jaedite launched his flames, and engulfed two youma who were standing in front of him. "POLAR WINDS RAGE!!!" Screamed Zoisite. "CELESTIAL TEMPEST STRIKE!!!" Zoisite and Nephrite's combined attacks destroyed three youma hovering nearby. Quartzite quickly dusted the youma he was fighting. "Quartzite LOOK OUT!" Shouted Hope. He turned around, as a youma powered up to blast him. "STARLIGHT SHIELDS DEFEND!!!" He shouted, raising his hands in the air. They began to glow with power and created a force field around the two of them just as the blast struck. Hope gasped as Quartzite nearly fell to his knees from the force of the blow. She held her hands in front of her and lightening began sparking between them. "Quartzite drop the shield!" She ordered. He did so and she sent the lightening flying. The youma screamed as it connected, reducing him to dust. Quartzite grinned up at her. "Thanks!" He said. She smiled. "Any time!" She said. He looked up as Terra dusted the last two. She looked around warily. Quartzite watched in horror as a dark figure emerged behind Terra. "Sailor Earth WATCH OUT!!" he screamed. Too late. The figure emerged and grabbed her from behind, twisting her arm behind her back. She dropped her staff and cried out in pain. "It's the Shadow Warriors!" Shouted Kunzite. "Protect the Princess and Prince. Terra struggled desperately to break the Shadow's grip on her arm, but to no avail. All of a sudden, the other 6 appeared behind the others. Each making a grab for someone. Quartzite and Zoisite were caught, but Endymion Kunzite, Nephrite, Jaedite and Hope escaped. "ETHEREAL FLAMES SEAR!" Jaedite shouted. His eyes widened as the shadow emerged from the flames, unharmed. "No way!" He shouted. He gazed over at Terra. "And Terra took you on alone?!" He cried out in surprise as the shadow launched itself at him, pinning him to the ground. "Jaedite!!" Shouted Endymion, rushing forward. The prince was fast, but Kunzite was faster. He grabbed Endymion's arm and held him back. "Hope!" He called. "Get him out of here!" He shouted. "No way!" Endymion argued, as the shadow began there slow advance. Kunzite looked him in the eye. "You are the King now, and you won't be much of a king if you get caught too." "But Terra . . . " He said. "We'll get Terra. Now go." He looked at him. "Good luck." He said. Endymion didn't answer as he launched himself onto Hope's back. The dragon took off, narrowly averting a shadow's talons. Endymion watched as the scene faded from view. A few minutes later, Endymion turned to face Hope. "Hope, we have to turn around." He said. "But Kunzite said..." "I know what Kunzite said, but I won't abandon them." Hope looked dubious. He sighed. "Look." He said. "I'm not stupid. I won't attack, I know we can't beat the shadow, but maybe we'll find out what they're planning on doing with the others." There was a long, tense silence. Finally Hope nodded. "Okay." She said, turning around. Endymion and Hope crouched low behind a tree and watched as Beryl suddenly appeared in the glade. The others were all tied up, hands behind their backs. Beryl walked around, an expression of almost girlish delight on her face. "Game's over kiddies!" She crooned. "You lost." She walked over to Terra who struggled against the ropes holding her tight. "I swear Beryl, when I get out of this..." Beryl laughed at her. "You won't be getting out of this." She said happily. "None of you." She turned to the generals. "And you will belong to me, once more." The generals struggled desperately against their bounds. "You witch!" Shouted Terra. "Leave them alone!" Beryl turned back to face her. "You could join me too you know." She offered. "As much as I despise you, you are certainly powerful and could be of great use to me." Terra glared at her, blue eyes sparked with hatred. "I'll die first." She snarled. Beryl glared at her. "So be it, child!" She shouted. She raised her hands above her head and a long, twisted staff appeared in them. She leveled it at Terra as it began to glow with a lightless power. Quartzite struggled desperately, trying to free himself. Terra held her head high and stared hatefully at Beryl. "Goodbye Princess." She said. The bolt struck Terra in the chest, but she refused to cry out. She could feel her strength fading away. Suddenly Beryl's face lit up in an evil grin. "Wait." She said. "I have a better idea." She laughed and looked at Terra. "You will live long enough to watch your friends betray you, then you will die." She said. Terra glared up at her, rage burning in her eyes. Beryl laughed at the Princess's predicament. In the trees Endymion felt anger rising in his chest, but was helpless to do anything about it for two reasons. First, he knew all efforts would be futile, he would just be captured along with the others. And Second, Hope had wisely placed a hand on his shoulder and held him in place. He thought. He snapped to attention as the small group headed off toward Maetel Castle. Thought Terra, Terra struggled against the chains that held her to the wall. She looked across through the bars of her cell at her friends, in cells across from her. She smiled encouragingly at them. The guards hauled a reluctant Quartzite into the dungeon. "What do we do with this one?" Asked one of the guards. "There's no cells left." The other considered for a minute. "Through him in with that one." He said, pointing to Terra. They dragged him into the cell and, since there were no chains left, tied him up. They then walked over to Terra and laughed. "What's the matter little Princess?" Asked the first. He laughed. "Some Sailor Senshi, she's nothin' without her staff." They laughed again. Terra glared at them. "No one can help you now, Sailor Earth!" Said the second. "Not even you Dragon friend will be able to stop us!" They laughed again at her. She glared at them, then grinned. "Gee." She said. "For someone apparently so brave, you sure are far away. What's the matter boys?" She asked. "Afraid to come to close? Afraid I might hurt you?" The first glared at her. "I'm not afraid of nothing!" He said angrily. "Oh sure!" She said. "I bet that's why your merely a guard instead of a general right! Cause you're soooo brave." "SHUT UP!" He shouted. She laughed. "Oh I'm sorry, did I hit a sore spot?" She laughed again. He walked right up to her. "You had better shut your mouth right now, or else." He threatened. "Or else what," She said. "You'll do this?" She brought her knee up between his legs as hard as she could. He cried out and fell backward. His partner started laughing. He got up a few minutes later and limped out of the cell, glaring at her. "You can laugh now Princess, but you won't be laughing when Beryl gets through with you." He turned to his partner. "Shut up." He muttered. They walked away from the dungeon. Kunzite stared at her. "What was the point to that?" He asked. She grinned and held up her hands, revealing the knife that had been hooked to the guards belt. Jaedite laughed. She tossed the dagger to Quartzite who wriggled his way toward it. After a bit of maneuvering, he managed to pick it up with his hands. He proceeded to cut the rope binding him. Luckily, the knife was sharp and cut through the ropes easily. He walked to Terra and examined her chains. He shook his head. "I can't get you out without the key." He said. She gestured to the door. "Can you get out?" She asked. He walked over and looked at the lock. He turned back disappointedly shaking his head. "Nope, I'm still stuck." Terra blew a hair out of her eyes frustratedly. Suddenly Zoisite's eyes widened. "Terra!" He called. She turned to face him. "Quick, swear him in!" She looked at him. "Can I do that?" SHE asked. "Isn't Endymion supposed to?" Zoisite nodded. "Yes, but you can do it to." He said. She looked at him. "But what about you guys?" She asked. "I can't swear you in! We're too far away." Kunzite shook his head. "We don't matter. Just do it!" She looked at him. He nodded reassuringly. She turned to Quartzite. "Do you renounce your bond to Beryl and swear your loyalty to me and my kingdom?" She asked. "YOU WHAT?????!!!!!!!" Screamed Beryl. "YOU IDIOTS!!!!" She raced down the stairs toward the dungeon, followed by the startled guards. She had just found out that they had put Quartzite and Terra in the same cell. She had to separate them before Terra activated the oath. She heard voices as She approached the dungeon. "Then I accept your oath." She heard Terra say. "NOOOOOOOO!" Beryl screamed, flying down the stairs. Terra and Quartzite joined hands and were surrounded in a bright light. When it had faded Beryl was at the bottom of the stairs and Quartzite's gray general uniform had changed. It was now like Endymion's armor, only his was silver. Terra stared at him appreciatively. Beryl stared at them in rage. She grabbed the keys and opened the door. She launched an invisible blast at Quartzite knocking him into the back wall. The guards rushed in and grabbed him. She stalked up to Terra who stared at her defiantly. Beryl blasted her hard. She gasped as darkness closed in, and she lost consciousness. When she woke up, She was still chained, but this time, it was in the throne room. Beryl grinned evilly at her. "Hello little princess." She said. "Hope you slept well." "Witch." Terra muttered. In response Beryl blasted her again. She gasped but did not cry out. She bit her lip to hold back the pain. She vowed. Beryl laughed. "You have spirit, I'll give you that." She said. "But do you really think you can last against the powers of the nega verse?" She asked. Terra remained silent. Beryl slapped her across the face. "Do you hear me?" She shouted. "You can't win! Your planet is doomed!" Still Terra refused to answer. Beryl grinned evilly. "You know what I'm going to do next?" She asked. "I'm going to attack the moon." She said. Terra's head snapped up."I'm going to annihilate that twit Serenity, and her pretty little daughter. Not even the Imperium Silver Crystal will be able to defeat me. Not once I join the shadow warriors, once I've unleashed the invincible shadow." Terra glared at her and ran forward, only to be snapped back by the chains. She glared at Beryl who laughed manically. She blasted Terra again, sending her crashing into the wall. Kunzite looked up as someone came down the hall. It was 2 youma. He glared at them. They approached his cell and unlocked it. "You're first." The first one said. They grabbed his arms and undid his chains, then dragged him up into the throne room. He gasped as he noticed Terra on her knees by the wall. She looked up and attempted to force a smile, but couldn't. "Terra!" He gasped. "Hello Kunzite." Said Beryl from her position on the throne. Kunzite struggled against the youma holding his arms to his side, but it was no use. Beryl grinned and raised her staff. It began to glow with an ominous power. Kunzite's eyes widened as the power left the orb and floated slowly toward him. Terra pulled weakly at her chains. "No." She murmured. "Kunzite, no!" She gasped. He struggled harder as the power drew closer. He thought. He glanced over at Terra's horrified expression before the power surrounded him. He felt the youma let go, but he couldn't move. The power engulfed him. He screamed as it connected. Terra watched in horror as the power surrounded Kunzite. Her eyes widened as the light faded. "Kun...Kunzite?" She asked. He looked at her, his eyes filled with ice. Beryl laughed triumphantly. "Welcome to the nega-verse, General Kunzite." Said Beryl. She turned to Terra and grinned evilly. "What say you now. Princess?" She asked. Terra glared at her. "You will pay for this Beryl." She growled. "I swear to God you will pay." Beryl's only answer was to laugh. She turned to Kunzite. "Bring me Jaedite." She said. He bowed. "Yes my Queen." he transported out. Terra stared at the spot where he had been a moment ago. She blinked back her tears and focused her gaze on Beryl. Hatred burned in her eyes. Endymion gestured to Hope. "Coast is clear!" he said. She shimmered human and followed him into the castle grounds. They ran to the wall and hid there in the shadows as a guard walked by. Endymion hit a loose brick with his hand. A secret door opened. They walked in. Hope gazed up at the stairway that was directly in front of them. Endymion gestured with his hand. "Let's go." Hope crawled up the stairs slowly. "Where does this lead?" She asked. Endymion grabbed a torch of the wall and lit it up. "To the throne room." He answered. "If I know Beryl, that's where she'll be." Hope nodded. They continued upwards. Terra cast her eyes downward as Nephrite was turned against her. All that was left now was Quartzite. Suddenly she felt a spark of hope rise in her chest. She thought. She frowned. Endymion reached the top of the stairway and peered around the corner of the secret door, which he had opened part-way. He gasped when he saw Terra. He thought. He looked over at Hope. "Do you have her staff?" He asked. She nodded and it appeared in her hand. He grinned. "Good." He looked up as Quartzite was brought in. He gasped when he recognized the four guards bringing him in. His heart sank. "We're too late!" He gasped. "Beryl's turned them!" Hope looked where he was pointing and gasped. "Wait, Endymion, look at Quartzite's armor!" His eyes widened. "She swore him in!" He said, amazed. Terra looked up and noticed with shock the secret door standing ajar. She glanced over at Beryl who was looking the other way. She looked up at it. Endymion stuck his head out and put a finger to his lips. She tilted her head, signaling him to come over. He and Hope crept over. She smiled weakly. "Hey guys." She said. Endymion grinned. He looked at her chains. "We have to get you out of here." He looked over at Hope. "Think you can get these off?" He asked. She grinned as lightening sparked between her hands. "With pleasure, but I'll need a distraction." Endymion grinned "Leave it to me." He stood up and crept over to Beryl, while Hope worked on Terra's chains. He stepped in front of Beryl's face. "Hello." He said. Her mouth fell open. "YOU!" She screamed. Recovering her wits, She lashed out at him, but he ducked and pushed her, sending her sprawling into the throne. He turned around to face the generals. Taking advantage of the distraction, Quartzite elbowed Jaedite in the stomach and broke free of their grip. Hope finished slicing through Terra's chains with her lightening. Terra collapsed onto her. "Terra are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Terra grinned. "I'm fine, just get me my staff." Kunzite noticed the princess was free and ran toward her. Hope handed Terra her staff. Kunzite drew his sword and faced off against her. Terra brandished her staff. "Kunzite." She said. "Snap out of it! It's me. Terra. Sailor Earth." He didn't respond. "She looked into his eyes. They were so cold. The warmth and kindness that once dwelled there, were gone. Replaced by Coldness, and cruelty, and evil. She shivered. "Enough chat." He said. He rushed at her with his sword. She blocked but refused to strike back. "Kunzite please!" She said. "Remember." She looked up at him. "What about Mina?" He looked at her. "Who?" He asked. She gasped. "What is wrong with you?" She asked. Out of the corner of her eye, She noticed several youma heading her way. She threw Kunzite backward and turned to face the youma. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!!!!" She shouted, dusting the youma. Beryl screamed in rage as she picked herself up off the throne. She launched and energy ball at Hope. "Hope!" Shouted Terra, running towards her. "WATCH OUT!!!!" She dove in front of Hope taking the blast. SHE groaned. "Terra!" Gasped Hope. She glared at Beryl, shimmering into dragon form. The youma's scattered. Hope watched the generals battling Terra and Endymion. She looked up at the ceiling and opened her mouth. Her lightening blew a hole in the roof. She blasted a couple more youma, as Terra climbed reluctantly onto her back. Endymion and Quartzite raced forward toward her. Endymion shook off Jaedite, but Zoisite managed to grab Quartzite. Endymion turned back. "Go!" Ordered Quartzite. "No!" Shouted Endymion. "I won't!" "GO!" Shouted Quartzite as Jaedite regained his feet. Quartzite looked at Endymion. "Please." He said. "Take care of her." Endymion took one last look, before running towards Hope. He jumped on her back, as she lifted off. Terra stared down at Quartzite. "We can't leave him!" SHE shouted. "We can't." Endymion held her. "We don't have a choice. We have to go." He said. Hope lifted up out of the castle and flew as fast as she could towards the woods. Hope landed in a field a far distance from the castle. Terra, by now, had dissolved into sobs. Endymion just held her and let her cry. After she had calmed down a bit, She looked up at him with a tear stained face. She suddenly remembered what Beryl had said. "Endymion." She whispered. "The moon." She said. "We...we have to get to the moon." Endymion stared at her. "What are you talking about?" He asked. "Why do we have to go to the moon?" She stared at him. "Beryl, said something about attacking the moon kingdom." SHE said. "She said she'd unleash shadow." She said, struggling to remember the what Beryl had said. "She said she was going to kill Serenity, Sere too! We have to stop her." Endymion's eyes widened. "But how can we get there?" He asked. "No ship will be able to get there in time, even if there was anyone left on Earth who wasn't working for Beryl, and Hope can't possibly fly the entire way to the moon. Terra looked down. Suddenly she remembered something Rei had told her, something about...teleporting. She looked up. "I could do it." She said. He stared at her. "Terra, what are you...?" "No really." She said. "Rei said something about a Sailor Teleport. She used it to rescue me from the Shadow Warriors, remember?" Endymion nodded. "Only one problem." He said. "They needed all 4 Senshi to do it. You're only 1 scout. How can you?" She frowned. "Well," She said. "I am more powerful than them, since I'm on my home planet. Maybe..." She looked at her staff, then at the ground. She gripped the staff tightly. "Please." She whispered. "Lend me power. The power of the legendary Elysia. Elios, lend me power..." Endymion stared at her in surprise. Elysia, was just a myth as was it's supposed protector, Elios. But to his surprise, she got the power she asked for. She began to glow with it. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She opened them suddenly. "EARTH POWER!" She shouted. "SAILOR TELEPORT!!!!!!" In a flash they were gone. Queen Beryl stared into the lid of what looked like a coffin. Inside was Quartzite, his eyes closed. Kunzite stared down at him. "Mind if I ask what this contraption is?" He asked. Beryl smiled. "It's a brain washer." She said. "It will erase all his memories and turn him to our side." Her expression darkened. "Since that brat swore him into her service, I have to do it this way." She grinned at the body in the 'brain washer'. "One way or another, you will work for me." She said. When Endymion opened his eyes, he was in the royal gardens, on the moon. He looked over at Terra, who collapsed weakly to her knees. "I did it!" She grinned. Endymion smiled. "You sure did!" Said Hope. They took a minute to get used to the sudden change in gravity before proceeding forward. Terra spotted Princess Serenity on a balcony. She turned to Endymion. "You talk to Sere. We'll find the others." He nodded and headed off towards the balcony. Terra and Hope turned around to try and find the Senshi. They split up. Terra headed off towards the inner gardens. She found Mina, in Senshi form sitting underneath a tree, staring sadly at a small piece of paper. "Mina!" She called softly. The blonde looked up and her eyes widened at the sight of her friend. "Terra!" She replied, hastily stuffing the paper into her sub-space pocket. "What are you doing here? Where's Endymion?" She regarded her friends ragged appearance. "What happened to you?" She looked around. "Is Kunzite here?" Terra winced, and for a moment, felt tears swelling up in her eyes. Mina looked at her. "What is it?" She asked. "Mina...I...Kunzite is...he's..." Mina looked at Terra, confused. "Beryl has him." She finished. "He...he's been turned to the nega-verse. So have the others." Mina's mouth fell open. She sank back down on the ground. "No." She whispered. Terra nodded, taking a seat beside her. She looked at her friend sadly. "Mina. I'm sorry. I tried to help him, but I...I..." She stopped. She was going to start crying soon, and that wouldn't help anything. "Mina, there's something else." She said. Mina looked at her. "Beryl's going to attack the moon kingdom." Mina's face hardened. "I'll grieve later. I'm a Senshi first." She said. "But Mina..." Said Terra. Mina shook her head. "I have a duty to protect the princess. That comes before my feelings." She said. Terra nodded slowly. "Do you know where the others are, I have to warn them." Mina nodded. "Follow me." The two left the gardens. 3 hours later Terra was sneaking through the palace on her way to the throne room. She had to find the Queen, and not get caught doing it. She thought. She regarded the hallway in front of her. She noticed the royal seal above a door to the right. She thought. She ran towards it, and slipped inside. She watched as Queen Serenity gazed out the window at the Earth. Seeing no one else, Terra stepped forward. "Your highness?" She asked weakly. The past few days had left her emotionally, and physically drained. Startled, the Queen whirled around. She gazed at her in surprise. "Who are you?" Asked Queen Serenity standing up. "How did you get in here?" Terra sighed weakly. She touched the brooch on her bow and detransformed. Queen Serenity gasped. "Princess Terra!" She looked at the tired girl standing in front of her. "What happened, how did you get here? When did you become a Senshi?" Terra looked up at the Queen. She gazed into the eyes she had trusted in ever since she was old enough to walk. Even though Terra had never had a mother, Queen Serenity came close to one. Terra felt her resolve break down as she stared at the Queen. She burst into tears and collapsed on the floor. Shocked Queen Serenity ran forward and wrapped her arms around the distraught girl. "Shhhhh. Terra it's all right." She said. "What happened? Where's your brother, and your guardians?" At the mention of her guardians, Terra cried harder. "They...they...Beryl got them." She sobbed. "Kunzite, Jaedite, Zoisite, Nephrite, even Quartzite." She said. Queen Serenity's eyes widened at this news, but didn't let Terra see. "Terra where's your brother?" She asked. Terra pulled away from the comforting embrace. "He's okay." She said. "He's talking to Sere." Queen Serenity looked down at the little princess. "Do the Senshi know?" She asked. Terra looked down and nodded miserably. "I told them." She said. "They know." She suddenly looked up, a look of horror in her eyes. "Oh I forgot!" SHE cried. "Beryl, She's planning to attack the moon kingdom! She's...She's bringing something called the Invincible shadow." Her expression darkened. "And if it's anything like the 7 Shadow, then were done for." "Shhhh." Admonished the Queen. "Don't talk like that. You need to have faith. And hope. Without hope, we're surely done for." She said. Terra nodded. All of a sudden the door to the throne room burst open. Two armored men entered, dragging a struggling Endymion behind. "Let me go!" He shouted. Terra gasped and stood up. She transformed and stepped in front of the startled Queen. She lifted her staff into the air. "Let him go!" She said. "Another one!" Said the first man. "Get her!" Terra gasped as one of them headed towards her. "Terra firma..." She started. "STOP!!!!" Shouted the Queen. She raised herself up to her full height. "Release him." SHE commanded. "But your majesty he's from..." "I know perfectly well where he's from." She said. "Now release him." "They're your guards?" Asked Terra, holding her attack. Queen Serenity nodded. The guards released Endymion who stumbled into the room. Terra put her staff into her subspace pocket and walked up to her brother as the flustered guards left the room. "Hey bro." She grinned. "I can't leave you alone for a minute, can I?" She asked. Endymion grinned back, then turned to Serenity and bowed low. "Your majesty." He said. She smiled. "No need for formality, Endymion." She said. He smiled gratefully. "Good, because I'm out of practice." Queen Serenity nodded. "I would like to know..." She started, but was interrupted as the doors crashed open again. Another guard ran in and bowed hastily. "Your majesty." He panted. "A dragon, in the courtyard." Queen Serenity gasped. "A dragon!" She said. "Uh-oh." Said Terra. She and Endymion exchanged glances, then took off toward the courtyard. If she hadn't been so worried, Terra would have laughed. Hope had managed to corner half of the palace guards. She was glaring at them angrily, smoke drifting from her nostrils. People were screaming and diving for cover as the remainder of the guards tried to trap the animal by lassoing her with ropes. "Stop!" Shouted Terra. The guards payed no attention. "Hope!" She shouted. "Calm down!" Hope couldn't hear her. Queen Serenity came up behind her and shouted for the guards to stop, but they couldn't hear. Frustrated Terra ran forward. She thought. She ran forward and vaulted onto Hope's back. "Take to the air!" She shouted. This time, Hope heard. She beat her powerful wings and left the ground, soldiers crying out down below as she lifted them off the ground. They quickly dropped the ropes they had secured around her neck. They flew up into the air. "Just circle for a minute." Said Terra. Hope angrily obliged. Terra waited until she saw Endymion signal to her from below. "Take her down Hope." She said. "No way!" Said Hope. "Those people are crazy!" Terra laughed. "Relax." SHE said. "Just do it, okay." Hope refused to budge. "Come on Hope." She said. "Have I ever let you down before?" Hope sighed. "Fine." She said. "But if they come anywhere near me, I'll roast 'em" She descended slowly. Terra climbed off her back and glared at the guards as Hope shimmered human. Queen Serenity's eyes widened. She gestured to Terra Endymion and Hope to follow her. They walked back into the council room. Waiting in there, was Princess Serenity and her court. "Have a seat." Said Queen Serenity. She sat down at the head of the table. She looked around at the faces at the table. "Now, would someone mind explaining to me what's going on." "What makes you think something's going on mother?" Asked Serenity in a last ditch attempt at innocence. The Queen regarded her daughter. "Serenity." SHE said, in a warning tone. The princess winced. "What do you want to know?" She asked. The Queen turned to Terra. "How long have you been Sailor Earth?" SHE asked. Terra blushed. "Since I was 15." She said quietly. "3 years?" Said the Queen in amazement. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" She asked. "Because I didn't want Beryl to know." She replied. "I thought maybe if we kept it a secret we might be able to surprise Mettalia and beat her." She sank down in her seat. "For all the good it did." She muttered. Rei placed a hand on her shoulder. The Queen turned to Hope. "And how about you?' She asked. "It's a long story." Hope sighed. "Start at the beginning." Said the Queen. Endymion proceeded to tell about their escape from the castle, meeting Hope, their battle against the shadow. He turned to Terra. "As for the generals, I wasn't there." Queen Serenity looked at Terra. "Can you tell me what happened?" She asked. Terra nodded miserably. She told of their capture and of the generals betrayal. "And now we're here and Beryl's on her way." She finished. She looked up at the Queen who was seriously considering what she had learned. She looked up. "Serenity, why don't you show our friends to the guest wing where they can rest." She said. "There's a ball tonight. I think you should go." "But what about..." Started Endymion. "If and when Beryl comes, none of you will be in any shape to fight, unless you get some rest, and have a chance to relax. The ball is the perfect place to do so. As for Beryl, leave it to me." Too tired to argue, the group headed off towards their rooms. Several hours later, at the ball Serenity and Endymion were dancing together. "Well, at least someone's happy." Said Lita. The other 5 were sitting up against the wall. They had turned down several offers to dance. Terra sighed and thought about that ball, 3 years ago, where she and Serenity had paired off the Senshi and the generals. She smiled at the memory. Too bad it would never happen again. All of a sudden the music stopped as Luna and Artemis came running into the ball room shouting. "Beryl's attacking! To the armaments! We need all the help we can get!" Shouted Artemis. Immediately, all the men in the room ran towards the armaments, some of the women too. Mina stood up. "Everybody TRANSFORM!" SHE shouted. "VENUS POWER!" "MERCURY POWER!" "MARS POWER!" "JUPITER POWER!" "EARTH POWER!" In a flash the Sailor Senshi were running to the outside of the palace. "Endymion, get her out of here!" Mina shouted over her shoulder. They ran out into the battle and stopped dead in their tracks. Looming over the Palace was a huge shadow! The only thing distinguishing it from the night was the glowing red eyes and dark energy surrounding it. Mars shivered. "I've never felt anything like it!" She said. "It's so evil. What is it?" "The invincible shadow." Gasped Earth. She spotted Beryl standing atop a pillar. Her eyes narrowed. "Look!" Shouted Mina. In the middle of the fray was four generals, leading the attack. The Senshi paled as they recognized the faces of their enemies. "No." Whispered Mina. Rei gasped as she attempted to sense any good in them. "They're...they're evil." She confirmed. Earth looked at the ground. "I...I told you. They're Beryl's puppets now." The Senshi were aghast. Mina shook her head fiercely. "Get it together scouts!" She ordered. "We have got to stop Beryl." She turned to the advancing forces. "VENUS CRESCENT BEAM..." She aimed her beam at the shadow. "SMASH!!!!!" The invincible shadow laughed as it hit. He returned the attack with one of his own. Earth gasped and dove out of the way. She exhaled sharply as she was instantly confronted by three youma. She rocketed to her feet and called for her staff. "Terra Firma VIBRATION!!!!" She screamed slamming it into the ground. The youma were blasted backward, but not destroyed. Terra gasped and looked at her staff. She thought. She didn't have time to ponder as the youma advanced. They were interrupted as a rose sliced through the air and landed between them. Terra looked up. Endymion was standing a few feet away in the Tuxedo and Mask he had been wearing at the ball. He threw Terra a sword. All of a sudden they heard Serenity scream from behind them. "Go!" Shouted Terra. "I'll handle these twits." She said. Endymion nodded and turned to go. "Oh, and, Endymion." SHE said. He turned around. She grinned. "You might want to change into your armor." He grinned sheepishly and raised two fingers in a farewell, then he was gone. Terra turned to the youma. "Who's first?" She asked. Endymion ran to where he had heard Serenity scream from. He spotted Beryl diving towards her. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a rose, hurtling it with all his might. Beryl cried out in pain and shock as it connected. Endymion ran and stood in front of Serenity. "Prince Endymion!" SHE gasped. "How did you...?" She paused. "Not that it matters. You have promise, Endymion. Great Promise. I can see why she'd hang to you, but why not join me. We could rule the universe together." Endymion sneered. "Thanks but no thanks, Beryl." He said. "Why would In want to join a snake like you? All twisted and ugly and full of bitterness." Beryl's face became a mask of rage. "Oh!" She fumed. "No one talks to Queen Beryl like that!" She raised her sword over head as it began to glow. "VENUS WATCH OUT!!!" Shouted Sailor Earth, as Kunzite came up behind the unsuspecting scout. Venus whirled around in time to block Kunzite's sword with her own. "Kunzite snap out of it!" She cried. "Wake up! It's me!" He continued, relentless. "Give it up Venus!" He said coldly. "You can't win!" Venus thrust her sword out at him. "Zoisite it's me, Ami!" Pleaded Mercury as Zoisite came at her. She jumped out of the way. "Zoisite!" She cried. "Zoisite please!" "Figure the odds Mercury." He sneered. "Prepare to die." He lunged at her again with his sword. "So we meet again Jupiter." Said Nephrite coldly. Jupiter turned to face her old friend. She forced herself to think about him as an enemy. She told herself. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!!!!" She shouted. "CELESTIAL TEMPEST STRIKE!!!!" The two attacks met in between the two warriors and held. They were equally matched. "Give up Jupiter! You can't win, It's written in the stars!" Jupiter glared at him. "That's what you said to me a long time ago. About us. And now look at us!" She groaned slightly under the constant onslaught of Nephrite's power. She thought. Rei dodged a blast from Jaedite and returned with one of her own. Jaedite barely managed to dodge it. Rei scanned him again, desperate to find some good in him, but it was no use. "What has she done to you?" She said. "Made me better." He replied. "I'm stronger, smarter and better than the old Jaedite. New and improved." He launched another fireball, this time, it connected with Mars's wrist. She cried out in pain and clenched her wrist tightly. "In the name of Mars, I'll punish you." She said, realizing he was no longer the man she loved. Earth finished off a youma and looked around to see how her friends faring. She spotted them, fighting the generals. She gasped and moved to go help when she spotted someone else, Queen Serenity, on the front balcony. Behind her was a nega-verse general, She couldn't make out his face. She squinted and noticed something different about his armor. SHE gasped as he walked up to the unsuspecting Queen, sword raised. She searched for a way around the battle but her path was blocked. "HOPE!" She cried. "HOPE!!" In response, the dragon flew overhead. "I NEED A PATH FROM HERE TO THE CASTLE!!" Shouted Earth. All of a sudden, lightening blasted a way through. She was off in a flash, shouting a thank you to her friend as she went. She arrived below the balcony and jumped up. The Queen looked up in surprise. "Watch out!" Cried Terra, as the mysterious assailant brought down his sword. Terra pulled her own out of it's hilt and blocked the blow, shoving the Queen out of the way. She pushed the figure back and gasped as She recognized him. "Quartzite?!" SHE gasped. "It's not possible!" But it was. He was standing there. The only difference from the last time she saw him, was his armor was now the same color as Endymion's. Black. SHE looked into his eyes. Something was different, there was something missing. They were so cold. Like Kunzite's. "No." She whispered. "How? were sworn in!" "Things change." He said. Terra blinked back the tears. "No matter who you were, In won't let you do this." She said. "If you fight me you'll die." He said. She looked down. "So be it." She said. They launched at each other, swords drawn. The sound of their swords clanging against one another rose above the battle. Earth jumped back as Quartzite swung at her. She countered with a swipe of her own, but her sword bounced harmlessly off his armor. Her thoughts raced. SHE thought. She dodged another attack. SHE gasped as Quartzite knocked the sword out of her hand and pushed her to the ground. He raised his sword and brought it down. Earth's warrior instincts kicked in. She called for her staff and blasted Quartzite back with it, all in a split second. He gasped and fell backward. She stood up. She gasped as her staff started to glow and shrink. After it has stopped glowing, in her hands, instead of he staff, was a sword, still faintly glowing. She looked up as Quartzite rushed her again. She blocked and countered. This time she connected, and the sword cut through his armor like a knife through butter. She connected with his shoulder, rendering his left arm useless. He dropped his sword and gripped his shoulder. Terra raised her sword, prepared to do him in. Beryl and Endymion fought fiercely, but it was no use. Beryl cheated every chance she got and Beryl was winning the fight. Finally, She knocked his sword away. She put the tip of hers against his neck. "This is your last chance Endymion." SHE said. "Join me, or die." Endymion looked up at her. "I will never join you. Never." "So be it." Said Beryl. She stabbed him through the chest with her sword. He crumpled to the ground. "Nooo!" Cried Serenity. "Endymion NOOOOOO!" Terra started to bring her sword down but was stopped by an intense pain in her chest. She cried out and clutched a hand to her heart, knowing immediately what was causing it. "Endymion!" She whispered. "Oh no!" She looked up at the balcony on the other side where Endymion and Serenity were. She gasped as she saw her brother's lifeless body, and Serenity crying. She watched in horror as Serenity lifted Endymion's sword. "Sere NOOOO!" Shouted Terra, but it was no use. Serenity was too far away to hear her, but the Senshi weren't. They looked up at Terra's cry, and watched in horror as their beloved Princess took her own life. Venus felt as if she had been stabbed. She had failed her princess. She had failed to protect her as she had vowed to do. She had failed in her duty. Even as she stood there, the moon kingdom was falling. The palace lay in ruins, and The gardens were littered with body's and soldiers. So caught up, was She, in her grief, She failed to notice Kunzite come up behind her. She whirled around at The last minute. But she was too late. Kunzite ran his sword through her heart. "VENUS!" Screamed Terra. Mercury fought desperately to stay alive, but she wasn't used to actual combat. Her powers were useless at this close range. Besides, she had always been The person who planned The attacks, or found the enemies weakness. She was numb with grief at her princess's death and Zoisite knew it. "It's your fault." He said. "If you had of been there, instead of trying to convince me that I shouldn't be on Beryl's side, you may have been able to save her." Mercury put her hands over her ears. "No." She said, falling to her knees. "No." "Yes." Said Zoisite. "It's all your fault." He raised his sword over her head. She looked up, but refused to fight anymore. He brought it down quickly. "AMI NO!" Terra watched in horror, as one by one her friends all fell, lifeless to The ground. She watched as Rei and Lita paired up, back to back against Jaedite and Nephrite. They were watching The generals, but failed to notice The invincible shadow, bearing down on them. It launched and greenish bolt of power. Terra fell back on The balcony as it connected with The two Senshi. Their bodies were thrown up into The air and in the air they stayed, unmoving. Terra watched in horror. SHE looked up as Hope flew overhead. "Hope NO!" SHE shouted. The youma on The ground noticed The dragon too. They had a catapult set up and they let a rock fly. It hit The side of The cliff behind The palace, and sent rocks tumbling down towards Hope. Terra screamed as Hope was buried under a massive pile of stones. Queen Serenity was also watching all this. She turned and ran into The palace. She went straight to The vault. She opened it up and reached in, pulling out two items, She had sworn never to use. Terra looked up as Quartzite came up behind her. She blocked his sword with her own. She didn't know why. It's not like she had anything left to live for, but her warrior's instinct pushed her on. That's how She was fighting now. Instinct. She wasn't thinking anymore. Quartzite laughed as he managed to disarm her. Her sword went flying over The balcony. Quartzite stared at her. "Die." He said, running his sword through her stomach. She gasped and started to fall. "As..." She breathed. Quartzite pulled back as if burned. Something flickered in his memory. "You..." He gasped and clutched his head as The brainwashing slowly came undone. Memories came pouring into his mind. "Wish." She said. Letting out her last breath slowly. Quartzite gasped and fell to his knees as The brainwashing came totally undone. He shook his head in disbelief. "What have I done?" He whispered. He crawled forward and picked up Terra's lifeless body and held it closely. Tears started slipping down his cheeks. He looked up as he heard Beryl laughing. She stood a top a pillar, her hair blowing wildly in The wind. "The universe is no longer!" She shouted. "Only The Nega-verse prevails!" Quartzite shook his head in disbelief. "No!" He said. "It can't be!" He noticed Kunzite and The others. All of a sudden, Beryl was above him. He looked up and glared hatefully at her. "So." She said frowning. "The little tramp managed to turn you against me again. Not that it matters, you are no longer of importance to me." She raised her staff as it began to glow. He looked down and hugged Terra tightly, not bothering to defend himself. He had nothing left to live for. He felt a tear slip down his cheek. Suddenly pain enveloped his body and that was The last thing he felt. Beryl laughed evilly enjoying her triumph. She frowned as she heard someone on The balcony. "...if you use The crystal, you won't have any strength left." Said a black cat. "It's The only way, Luna." Said The Queen. "It's The only way for any of you to be happy again. In must sacrifice my kingdom if we are to have peace again." Beryl watched in disbelief as The Queen raised The legendary Crescent Moon Wand over her head. On top was The Imperium Silver Crystal. "Cosmic Moon Power!" Serenity cried. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Screamed Beryl as The crystal's power tore into her. "You can't do this to me! I am Queen Beryl!!!" Exhausted Queen Serenity fell back onto a pillar that had toppled during The battle. "Pluto." She called weakly. The Guardian of The Gateway to Time appeared in a flash of light. "In am here my queen." She said. "In am sending Serenity and her court to a new future on Earth. I want you to watch over them." Pluto bowed low. "It shall be done." She said. Using The last of her power, Queen Serenity sent The princess, her court, Terra, Endymion, The generals, and Luna and Artemis through The Gateway into The future. Hope regained consciousness underneath a pile of rocks. She painfully unburied herself from underneath The pile. Her eyes widened as She regarded what was left of The moon kingdom. Trying to calm The panic rising in her, She took to The air to see if anyone was still alive. She thought. She flew over The entire kingdom until she finally spotted someone. She looked like a Senshi, but not any of The Senshi she had ever seen. er fuku was black, and her hair was green. Hope flew down towards her. She noted in puzzlement, that The mysterious Senshi held two staffs in her hands. She landed in front of The Senshi and shimmered into human form. "Hello Hope." Said The Senshi. "In am Sailor Pluto." Hope's eyes widened. " did you know my name?" She asked. Sailor Pluto smiled. "I guard The Gateway to Time." She responded. "I am in charge of making sure things run smoothly in The past present and future." Hope nodded. "Then, do you know what happened here?" She asked. Pluto nodded. "I do, but I'm sure by now you've already figured that out." Hope sighed. She looked up. She gasped in surprise as her eyes laid upon The staffs in Pluto's hand. One she had never seen before, but The second She recognized instantly. "Oh my God!" She gasped. "That's Terra's staff! What happened to her?" She asked, dreading The answer. "I'm afraid she didn't survive." Replied Pluto. "None of them did." Hope fell to her knees. "But don't worry," Said Pluto. Hope looked up. "Why?" She asked. "My friends are dead, why shouldn't I worry?" "Because," Said Pluto. "You're friends aren't dead." Hope shook her head. "But you said..." "Queen Serenity saved them." Said Pluto. "She sent them to The future, to be reborn." "The...The future?" Asked Hope, not understanding. "That's right." Pluto nodded. "And right now, I need your help." "With what?" asked Hope. "To make sure things happen The way they should. And to help your friends." Replied Pluto. "What do I have to do?" "Follow me, and I'll show you." Said Pluto. She waved her hand and a huge door appeared out of nowhere. The doors opened silently. "Let's go." Pluto urged. Seeing no other choice, Hope followed Pluto through The doors and into a whole new world. The End (for a bit anyway!) **************************************************************************** So, how'd you like it? Don't forget to e-mail me with your comments. Arigato minna-chan! Ja Ne! Sailor Mask