As You Wish: Chapter 3 Terra looked up at the stars. For the umpteenth time that night she wondered what the future held for her and her friends. She knew Nephrite could read the stars, and maybe tell her, but it was forbidden to cast your own future. She knew that, and she would never ask him. But she couldn't help wondering. She sighed as the moon rose up above the trees. She missed her friends up there. <Wonder how they're doing?> She thought to herself. <Wonder if Sere and Rei have learned to get along yet?> She laughed silently at the thought of the two of them, constantly fighting. <Like Endymion and me.> She thought. She smiled as Hope flew across the moon. <I can't believe I'm actually friends with a dragon!> She smiled and laughed to herself. <Who would have thought.> She sighed contentedly and settled back down on the ground, waiting for Hope to land. "Hey." Said a voice from behind her. She turned her head around and looked at her brother. "What are you doing? You've been out here for a while." She smiled. "Oh. nothing just thinking." She said. "About what?" He lay down beside her in the grass. She gestured upward with her hand. "About up there, about down here, about where we were, and where we're going." She pointed to the moon. "About them, and about us." Endymion was silent. He stared up at the moon. "You miss her, don't you?" She asked. He sighed. "A lot more than I'd like to admit." He said. "But yeah. I do." The two lay in silence for a while. Each lost in there own thoughts. "Endymion?" Said Terra. "Yeah." He replied. "Do you ever wish, things had happened...I don't know...differently?" She asked. He looked at her. "What do you mean?" He asked. "You, if we had done something differently, or made another choice somewhere along the road, that maybe, none of this would have happened. Maybe we'd still be living at Castle Maetel, and maybe dad would still be alive." Endymion sighed. "yeah, actually. Lots of times. But it's too late to change anything, really." For a moment, there was silence. Then Terra spoke up. "Do you think we can beat her?" She asked. "I mean we're only 16, almost 17." Endymion turned over and looked at her. "Do you?" He asked. She was silent. "I don't know." She replied simply. They lay there for a while longer. "We had better be getting back." Said Endymion. "Kunzite will have another fit if we're gone any longer." Terra laughed. "He does take the protection thing a bit far sometimes." She grinned. "But then again, I guess that's why he's leader!" Endymion grinned to. "Come on." He said. "You go. I think I'll wait for Hope. She should be done soon." Endymion smiled. "All right. I'll tell Kunzite not to worry." She grinned. "Thanks." He walked away from the grove. Terra turned her thoughts back to the stars. It barely registered when Hope landed beside her. The dragon walked up to Terra. "Hey." She said, nudging Terra with her snout. "You okay?" Terra looked up. Despite the fact they had only known each other for a couple days, the two had become fast friends. Terra smiled up at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." She said standing up. "So Hope, how old are you, exactly?" Asked Terra. She had been dying to know, and the curiosity was killing her. "Actually, I'm only 200." She said. Terra gasped. "Why your not that old at all! Not even full grown!" She said. She looked up. "Are you really the last?" She asked quietly. Hope nodded her head sadly. "Yes. I'm the only one left. All the others were killed, a long time ago." Terra nodded. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked." She said. "It's okay. When you've lived alone for a century, it doesn't really bother you anymore." She replied. Terra looked up at the sky. "What's it like up there?" She asked. Hope smiled. "Would you like to find out?" She asked. Terra looked up at her in disbelief. "You're kidding right?" She exclaimed. "You mean you'd let me..." Hope laughed at the stunned expression on Terra's face. "Of course, silly. We're friends aren't we?" She said. "Yeah but...I mean..." She stuttered. "If you don't want to, it's okay." Said Hope. "Oh no! I want to, I mean I really want to." Said Terra. "Then what's the problem?" Asked Hope. "Oh see, well, I kinda have this tiny little fear of heights, and..." Hope grinned. "You climb trees don't you?" She asked. "Yeah but, those are only small heights. I mean that's, well, that's ...really high up there." Hope laughed again. "So," She said. "The invincible Princess Terra has a weakness." Terra made a face. "Come on." Coaxed Hope. "It's not that bad. I won't let you fall." Terra looked up at her uncertainly. "Are you sure?" She asked. Hope grinned. "Would I lie?" Terra hesitated. Hope, taking the opportunity, scooped Terra up in her claws and gently placed her on her back. Terra cried out in surprise. "Hope!" She cried. "Put me down this instant!" She gasped as Hope beat her powerful wings and took to the air. "Ohhhhh! Hope! Oh no!" She grabbed onto Hope's neck and shut her eyes tightly. "Tell me when it's over!" She wailed. She felt Hope laugh underneath her. "Come on Princess." She said. "Open your eyes, we're not rising anymore." Slowly Terra opened one eye, than the other. "Oh!" She gasped. She looked down at the woods and the villages, all asleep. "It's beautiful." She relaxed slightly. "See." Said Hope. "It's not so bad." Terra smiled. She was enjoying the feeling of the wind threw her hair, of Hope's powerful muscles moving underneath her, as she beat her wings, Pretty much the whole experience. She laughed joyously. "I don't believe this!" She whispered. "I'm actually riding a dragon!" "Why is that so hard to believe?" Asked Hope. "Well," Said Terra. "Ever since I was little, and my Dad told me stories of Dragons, I had always wanted to ride one, and now, I'm actually doing it!" She laughed again. "Oh look!" She said. "There's that soldier who trashed Molly's house! Oh what I wouldn't give for am overripe melon!" She said indignantly. Hope grinned, getting caught up in Terra's enthusiasm. A little while later, they landed on the ground. Terra climbed down, her cheeks flushed. "Oh thank you Hope, Thank you, thank you, thank you! This has got to be the best night of my life!" She was interrupted by a sharp cry from behind them. "Terra! There you are!" Shouted Kunzite. <Uh-oh!> She thought. <He looks mad.> "Where have you been! you know how dangerous it is out here!" She rolled her eyes. "It's not like I was alone Kunzite!!!!" She shouted back. "I was with Hope." "Still!" Said Kunzite. "You could have at least told me where you were going." He stopped for a minute. "Where did you go anyway?" Terra grinned at Hope. She pointed upwards. Kunzite stared disbelievingly. "You? But your afraid of heights." He said. Terra tossed her hair over her shoulder and lifted her nose in the air. "Shows how much you know." She retorted. "Come on Hope, let's get back to camp." Hope shimmered into human form and followed Terra through the woods. "Where's Tim?" Asked Endymion, pacing back and forth. "He should have been here an hour ago!" "Calm down," Said Terra, "I mean, maybe he was just delayed." "Yeah!" Said Hope. "He'll be here. I hope." Endymion made a face. All of a sudden the object of their conversation ran in through the woods. "Tim!" Gasped Terra. "What happened, Where were you?" Tim stood there trying to catch his breath. "They've got roadblocks all over. Beryl is not happy about something, and she's gone all out trying to find out what it is." He looked up at the suddenly guilty faces around him. His eyes narrowed. "All right. What is it?" Terra grinned. "Well, we kinda let on a little secret, hoping to fluster her." She said. Zoisite grinned. "Looks like it worked." He commented wryly. "What secret?" Asked Tim curiously, wondering what could possibly cause this much trouble. Terra grinned. She looked over at Endymion. "Should I?" She asked. He shrugged. "You may as well now." "What are you talking about?" Asked Tim. In response Terra raised her hand into the air. "Earth Power!" She cried. Tim's mouth fell open as Terra was bathed in an incandescent light. After it had faded he rubbed his eyes. "'re...but...that means...a senshi?" He stammered. Terra laughed. She loved doing this to people. "Allow me to introduce..." Said Hope. "Sailor Earth!" Finished Terra. Tim stared in disbelief. "Sailor Earth. Earth has a Sailor Scout. I don't believe this. It's impossible." "Nothing's impossible!" Said Hope. Tim looked at her. "I don't believe we've met." He said, getting over his previous shock. "I'm Tim Brown, and you are?" "Hope." She said smiling. "I'm a dra...mmph." She was cut off as Earth slapped a hand across her mouth. "I think Mr. Brown has had enough shock for one night don't you?" Hope nodded. "Maybe you're right." She said after Terra removed her hand. "I hate to break this up, but I would like to hear the news that we have been waiting to hear for the past hour and a half!" Said Jaedite. Hope and Terra nodded. Tim's expression turned serious. "Mettalia's forces are advancing quickly. According to my sources, they will have reached our village by tomorrow morning." He said. "But what about all the other villages?" Asked Terra. "What happened to them?" "I'm afraid the people were either killed, or brainwashed into fighting on Beryl's side." Terra gasped. "Oh no!" She said. "It gets worse." He said. "Beryl has unleashed 7 warriors on this planet. They are virtually undefeatable by ordinary humans." He looked at Terra. "But maybe you could destroy them." "I'll try." She said. "What do we know about them? Are they like youmas?" "They are definitely not youmas. At least not ordinary ones. And we don't know much about them." Replied Tim. "They are apparently the most powerful warriors of the nega-verse." Terra winced. "Most powerful. I'm not all that skilled with my powers yet." She said. "Of course, if we could somehow get a message to my friends on the moon..." "There's a ship going out in twenty minutes from Candar." Said Tim. "But you'll never make it on time!" Terra's face hardened. "Yes I will." She sat down and wrote a quick note, signing it with the royal seal. She looked up at Tim. "Who can I trust with this?" She asked. "Jeff McLennan will help you out. But how do you expect to get to Candar in less than 20 minutes? He asked. She turned around. "Hope?" The girl nodded, assuming her natural form. Tim's mouth fell open. "She's a...She's a...a...d...d...dragon?" Endymion laughed and shook his head. Sailor Earth hopped up on Hope's back. "Let's go." She said. "As fast as your wings will carry you." The two took to the air and were off. Endymion settled back down and proceeded to quiz Tim about the shadow warriors. "How strong are they? What are their powers? How can we...Hey!" He said suddenly. "Isn't Terra afraid of heights?" He asked. "Don't ask." Said Kunzite, rolling his eyes. Hope flapped her wings, faster and faster. <We're almost there!> She thought. <Just a little further!> She felt Terra tense up on her back. "There it is!" She said, pointing towards a little group of houses in the distance. Hope sped up. Within ten minutes, they had arrived. <Better land in the woods.> Thought Hope. <Don't want to scare anyone.> She set down and shimmered into human form. The two ran as fast as possible to the loading dock. "Wait!" Cried Terra. "WAIT!!!" The man getting ready to let the boat go stopped and looked up. His mouth fell open. Terra ran up to him. "Do you know where I can find a Jeff McLennan?" She asked. "Who wants to know?" Asked the man suspiciously. "Sailor Earth. I'm a friend of Tim Brown." The man's face lit up at Tim's name. "Aye, I'm him. Now what would ye be needing?" He asked. "I have a message." She said, handing him the paper. "It must get to my cousin, Rei, Princess of Mars, of the Princess Serenity's court. It is urgent. No one else is to set eyes on it. Can you get it through." "Aye, but Queen Beryl has banned any contact with the moon, other than trade..." Terra detransformed. "By the order of Princess Terra, and Prince Endymion of the Earth Kingdom. This message must get through." Jeff's eyes widened. He bowed. "It will be done your highness." He said. "Thank you sir. Please let my cousin know as soon as possible." He nodded. She raised two fingers. "God speed." She said, before vanishing with her friend. Back at Maetel Castle, Beryl was tearing her hair out. "A sailor senshi!" She fumed. "Sailor Earth. Earth has a Sailor Scout!" She was pacing back and forth in the throne room.. "SHORPROLITE!" She screamed. He appeared almost immediately. "Yes my Queen." He asked nervously. "This Sailor Earth, was she powerful?" She asked. "Yes my Queen. Maybe even more so than the others, but the only reason I can see for that would be that she is on her own planet. It augments her power..." "Does she have a weakness?" Asked Beryl. "I don't know?" He said. Beryl was enraged, and getting more so by the second. "Where is the dragon?" She asked. "The...dragon?" Asked Shorprolite. She glared at him, her eyes glittering dangerously. "You lost the dragon, as well as the battle? And you've probably given them a weapon?" She roared. "No my Queen, I can explain! Please, it wasn't my fault, It was..." "You've failed me for the LAST TIME SHORPROLITE!" She shouted. "NO MY QUEEN!!! NOOO!" He screamed, as Beryl's blast struck him. Reducing him to dust. "Let that be a lesson to the rest of you!" She said, calming down. The next morning Sailor Earth was setting up in the village, preparing for the battle the next day. "Jake!" She shouted. "Make sure every man has a sword!" He nodded. She sharpened her own and fastened it tho the hilt around her waist. <Just in case I lose my staff.> She thought. She turned to Molly. "Get everyone who can't fight, including the kids, into the woods, away from the battle." Molly nodded, and bustled off. Terra gasped as someone came up and grabbed her from behind. "Woah!" Said Quartzite. "Relax! It's just me." She glared at him. "Quartzite! Stop doing that to me!" She said. He grinned. "I just thought I'd wish you a Happy Birthday." He said. "But my Birthday's not until tomorrow." She said. "Why now?" He smiled grimly. "In case I don't get a chance to tomorrow." He said. She nodded and kissed his forehead. "Thanks." She said. She looked around. "Hey, where's Hope gone?" She asked. "She wanted to stretch her wings without scaring the villagers." He said. Terra nodded. "I think we should introduce her now, so it's not a surprise tomorrow." She pointed out. "We don't need them all running off scared in the middle of the battle." Quartzite smiled. "That might not be a bad idea." He said. "Oh there she is now! I'll let you talk to her." He kissed the top of her head and left to find Kunzite. Hope came up. "Hey Terra." She said. "Hi Hope, listen I was thinking..." "So how do you propose we do this?" Asked Molly. Terra winced. "I don't know, that's why I asked you. You know these people, and how they would react. Any suggestions?" She asked hopefully. "Well, we could gather everyone in the town square, and let them know, before Hope changes about her." She said. "That way they maybe won't be scared." Terra nodded. "Let's do it!" Hope came up behind her. "Are we ready?" She asked. "I'd like to get this over with." Terra nodded. She turned to Molly. "Could you get everyone gathered?" She asked. Molly nodded. "Definitely. Come to the town square in about 10 minutes." She instructed. Terra nodded. 10 minutes later, they were all gathered in the square. Terra looked at the crowd. "You up to this Hope?" She asked. The girl nodded nervously. She hopped from foot to foot. "I hope so." She said. "Don't worry." Said Quartzite. He watched as Endymion turned to the villagers. "Before we show you this, we would like to stress the fact that there is no danger. Please don't be afraid." He turned to Hope and gestured for her to come forward. She complied nervously. "This is Hope." He said. "With her help, we may be able to beat Beryl." He nodded to her. She shimmered and assumed her dragon form. A gasp went up from the crowd. "Don't worry!" Said Terra. "She won't hurt you! She's a friend!" Despite their reassurances, the people were still scared. All of a sudden they heard someone shouting from behind them. They all turned around. A man on horseback rode at breakneck speed into the center where Terra and Endymion were. His eyes rested only a minute on the dragon before he turned back to them. "I have urgent news, your majesty's." He said. "Speak!" Said Terra. "Beryl and her forces are headed this way. They'll be here within the hour." At this, pandemonium raged. Terra silenced the crowd with a hand. "It thought you said..." She said. "They've sped up, and they've doubled. They're using some sort of..." "Black Magic." finished Terra grimly. She transformed in a flash and hopped on Hope's back. She grabbed her hood and cape and pulled it on over her head. She looked at Quartzite. "Help this man out, prepare the villagers, I'll go scout this out." She looked at Endymion. He nodded. The two rose into the sky. Endymion watched until they were just a shadow against the setting sun. He turned back around to help out. Sailor Earth crept closer in the darkness. She peered around the trunk of a large oak tree. Hope came up behind her, still in dragon form. "What are they doing?" She asked. "Shhhh!" Hissed Earth. "I don't know." She looked around. She grinned slightly. "Well, they aren't expecting much resistance. There couldn't be more than 100 youmas there." "Yeah, but they've got those 7 warriors." Pointed out Hope. She frowned. Her sensitive hearing picked up something behind them. She turned around. Earth felt the dragon tense and turned around to see why. "What is it?" Hope shook her head. "We should go." She said. "But we just..." "Now." Earth shrugged and climbed up on Hope's back. She took to the air and headed back to the village. Just after they had left, a dark figure entered into the woods where they had been hiding. "Terra?" Said Hope after they had left Beryl's army far behind. "Do you think that Kunzite and the others should fight?" She asked. Earth looked Perplexed. "Why shouldn't they?" She asked, not understanding. "Well, didn't you say that if Beryl managed to trap them, she could activate that spell? And Beryl will no doubt be there. Are you sure it's safe for them?" Earth frowned. "I never thought of that." She frowned. Hope was right, she didn't want to risk her friends. <But how to convince them?> She asked herself. Hope was thinking the same thing. "If you're going to convince them not to fight, you're going to have to do it differently for each one." Earth nodded. "I'll talk to Endymion when we get back. He may have some ideas." She said. Hope landed silently in the square. Earth hopped off, her cape blowing in the wind that had suddenly appeared. <She's almost here.> She thought. <I can feel her.> She looked around for her brother. "Endymion." She called. He looked up and came out to meet her. "What's up?" He asked. "Hope and I need to talk to you. We may have a problem." Quickly she explained about the generals. "But how are we supposed to convince them?" She asked, after she had finished. Hope sighed. "Why don't we each take one or two and try to convince them, one on one." She suggested. Terra nodded. "I'll take Jed and Quartzite." She said. "Endymion, you should probably take Kunzite, as he'll listen to you." Endymion rolled his eyes. "Since when!" He muttered. "I'll take Zoisite and Nephrite then." Said Hope. Endymion nodded. "Let's go. We have maybe a half an hour until the attack." The nodded and split up. "Kunzite!" Called Endymion. "I need to talk to you." Seeing the concern on his face, Kunzite quickly walked over. "What's wrong?" He asked. Endymion looked at him. "I don't think you should fight today." He said bluntly. <No sense beating around the bush, that'd just annoy him.> He thought. Kunzite's eyes widened. "What? Why shouldn't I?" He asked. "Because of Beryl." Answered Endymion. "What if she takes you? What then?" He asked. "Endymion no." He argued. "I promised I'd protect you and Terra, and I can't very well do that if I'm not with you, now can I." Endymion groaned inwardly. There was no use reasoning with him, Endymion knew. His sense of duty was to strong, and he would never desert it. Unless... "Then you leave me no choice." Said Endymion. "I order you not to fight. You are to go back to camp with the others, and stay there until summoned." He said. He winced. He hadn't wanted to do that. Kunzite's mouth fell open. "I...I He sighed. He had no choice. He had been ordered. He hung his head in defeat. "All right." He said. He looked up. "Promise me you'll be careful." He said. Endymion grinned. "You got it." He said. "Nephrite?" Asked Hope quietly. He was in a small glade, staring up at the stars. He looked up as she approached. She shimmered into human form so she could fit into the small glade. She walked over and sat beside him. "Hi Hope." He said. She looked at him. "Can I talk to you?" She asked. He smiled. "Sure, what about?" He asked, although he was pretty sure he knew what about. "I know about your promise to protect the Prince and Princess, but would you mind, just this once..." She started. "Not fighting?" He asked. She looked at him. "How did you know?" She asked. He smiled. "It was written in the stars that this would not be my battle." Hope smiled. "Thanks!" She said. "I was worried I wouldn't be able to convince you." She frowned. "Now to convince Zoisite." Nephrite smiled. "Leave it to me." He said. "I know how to convince him." "Hey Jed." Said Terra coming up to him. He smiled at her. "Are you ready for the fight?" He asked. "Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to you about." She said. She regarded him closely. "I don't want you to fight." She said. His mouth fell open. "Why not?" He asked. "Well, I'm worried about you. What if Beryl gets her hands on you?" She asked. She grinned. "I'd miss you too much!" He smiled. "Terra, I understand your concern, but..." He started. "Jaedite please." She interrupted. "Don't fight. I'm begging you. As a friend, don't be foolish." "But what about you?" He asked. "I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself, thank you." She said. Jaedite looked unconvinced. "Please Jaedite." She said. "Just once! Please." He looked at her. "You're really serious about this aren't you?" He asked. She nodded . "Well," He winced. Kunzite would kill him for this. "If it means that much to you." Her face lit up. "Oh thank you!" She cried hugging him. "If you are in any trouble, any trouble at ALL, you call me. Do you understand?" He asked. "Yes dad." She said grinning. He laughed. Nephrite approached Zoisite who was pouring over some kind of map. "Hey Zoy." He said. "Oh hey Nephrite." He responded. Nephrite debated eith himself for a minute on how to go about this. He decided to apply to Zoisite's logical side. "Hey Zoy listen." He said. "I was thinking, it wouldn't be very sensible for us to fight this battle." He said. Zoisite looked up, startled. "What? Why?" He asked. "Because. If Beryl should manage to trap us somehow, and activate the spell, we will have given her 5 weapons, that could be used against the Prince and Princess." Zoisite nodded. "I suppose, but our oath." He said. "We swore we would protect them, but if Beryl gets us, we will be fighting them, and we will have broken our oath anyway. So..." Said Nephrite. "By staying out of the fight and away from Beryl, we would in a sense, be protecting them, from ourselves." Said Zoisite. "Exactly." Said Nephrite. "WHAT?!" Exclaimed Quartzite disbelievingly. Terra winced. <This is not going to be easy.> She thought. "Quartzite please." She said. "What if Beryl gets you?" She asked. "I'd never be able to live with myself." "What if Beryl gets you?" He responded. "You think it would be any easier for me?" "Why do you have to be so stubborn?" She shouted. "Just this once." He shook his head. "Not a chance." He said, refusing to budge. She glared at him. "Quartzite, please! I'm begging you." He shook his head. "No way Terra! I am fighting this battle, nothing you say will change my mind." She dropped tiredly into a chair. "Quartzite, please!" She said, softly. She looked at him and felt tears springing up in her eyes. He winced when he saw them. "Look." He said, a little bit softer. "I understand why you're worried, but that doesn't mean..." "No you don't." She said. "You don't." She looked at him and started crying. "Because of Beryl, I lost my father, my friends, my home, my life! And I can't stand the thought of her taking you too." She sobbed. He sighed. "Terra." He said. "Come on Terra. Please don't cry." He winced. He couldn't stand it when she cried. He sighed again, this time in defeat. "Okay, okay." He said. "I won't fight. But you have to promise me you won't do anything stupid, and stick close to Hope." She looked up and sniffled. "Really?" She asked. "Really. But you have to promise." He said. "As you wish." She said. She smiled. "Thank you Quartzite." He smiled, and tilted her face towards his. He kissed her and held her tightly. Terra waved to Quartzite and the others as they headed into the woods with Molly. She turned back to Endymion. "You up to this bro?" She asked, shimmering into senshi form. He grinned. "Ready as I'll ever be." He said. They looked up as a man came running up over the hill. "THEY'RE HERE!!!" He shouted. "THEY'RE HERE! GET READY TO ATTACK!" He shouted. "CHARGE!!!" Shouted Endymion. The group moved forward, waving swords , pitchforks, you name it. If it could be used as a weapon, they were using it. "REMEMBER!" Shouted Terra. "ONLY ATTACK THE YOUMAS!" She had clarified this the night before. The villagers were hardly equipped to deal with a nega-verse general. Most of them had never even held a sword, let alone used one. She and Hope took to the air. Hope opened her mouth and dusted 3 youma with her lightening. She cleared a path and set Earth down before taking to the air again. Terra grinned evilly at a youma. It laughed at her. "Hello little one." It said. She just glared at it. It laughed again. "Do you really think you can stand against me?" He said. "You pitiful human." Terra grinned. "Beryl didn't tell you who I am, did she?" She grinned again. "She underestimates me, as usual. Allow me to introduce myself. I am the sailor soldier of life, Sailor Earth, and you..." She laughed again. "Are dust!" She raised her staff above her heads. The youma looked unimpressed. She raised her staff as it began to glow with an incandescent light. The youma's eyes widened. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!" Terra slammed her staff into the ground, which erupted in power. The youma didn't have time to scream before it was disintegrated. She laughed. "Who's laughing now?" She said smugly. "That would be us!" Said a voice from behind her. She whirled around and stiffened. In front of her was a general. And behind him were 7...shadows. "You're good Sailor Earth." He said. "But not good enough to beat all of these." She glared up at him. "Allow me to introduce, the 7 Shadows." He laughed manically and disappeared, as the 7 Shadows advanced. Endymion blocked an attack with his sword from one youma, while throwing a rose and dusting another. He winced as the youmas sword banged off his shield. He Parried, thrust, parried, thrust, and parried again. Until the youma brought the hilt of his sword down on Endymion's shoulder. He cried out and dropped his sword. The youma pushed him down onto the ground. "Say goodbye Prince!" Said the youma. Endymion suddenly remembered something his father had told him, before he had been corrupted by Beryl. The body is a weapon as well, to ignore that, is to lose. Remembering this, he lashed out with his foot and sent the youma flying backward. "Not until you do!" He said, grabbing his sword and running the youma through, reducing it to dust. He grinned. He looked around at the battle. He gasped as he spotted Sailor Earth, surrounded by what looked like 7 odd youmas. <Wait a minute?> Thought Endymion. <Those are no ordinary youma! Then what...> His eyes widened as he realized what they were. <The 7 Shadow!> He gasped. He bolted forward. <There's no way she can take them all on at once!> He thought. He was almost there, when a general suddenly materialized in front of him. "Ah ah ah, little Prince." He said. "You wouldn't be trying to interrupt the 7 shadow and help your sister now would you?" He asked. Endymion sneered at him. "Get out of my way nega-trash!" He growled. "Before I get mad." "Big words." Said the general. "But can you measure up?" "Why don't you find out?" Challenged Endymion, keeping one eye on his sister. The general laughed. "Whatever you say!" He said, diving forward. Endymion winced as the generals sword struck his own. <He's strong.> Thought Endymion. <This could take a while! I hope Terra can hold out!> Terra watched as the youma's advanced, throwing people aside. <They're too strong!> She thought. <I have to get them away from here before someone...> Before she could finish the thought, on of the shadows reached out an grabbed a human, draining him in a matter of seconds. Earth gasped as the lifeless body crumpled to the ground. She glared at her enemies. She watched as each one moved. They were literally shadow's. They didn't speak, and made no sound when they walked. In fact, the only evidence that they were there at all, other than a movement her an there, were the 7 pairs of red eyes, glittering dangerously in the dark. She backed up slowly, until she was at the edge of the battle field. Slowly, the shadows followed, draining as they went. <Just a little bit closer.> She thought. <A little bit...NOW!!!> She took off running, as fast as she could into the night. Just as she had hoped, the shadows followed. They had caught up to her in no time. Three in front of her and four in back. She watched as they closed in. She raised her staff. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!!!!" She shouted. Sending her attack flying. When the light had faded, the shadows still stood there, unhurt by the blast. "Wha...!" She thought. <Not possible!> She raised her staff again. "Terra firma vibra..." She didn't have time to finish as the shadows attacked. She cried out as one sliced it's claws across her shoulder. She fell to the ground, her staff clattering far out of reach. She winced and stood up, grabbing the sword in the hilt at her side. She adopted a fighting stance. She knew she wasn't winning this fight. She hadn't been here for more than five minutes and she was already bleeding. out of the corner of her eye she saw one head for her. She whirled around a blocked it's attack with her sword. Seizing the opportunity, another shadow leapt at her back and sliced through it. She cried out in pain and collapsed to her knees. She was breathing hard. She winced as the shadows attacked again, She felt the claws rip into her arm, and leg. <This is it!> She thought. <I'm dead.> All of a sudden, She felt the air around her cool several degrees. <It can't be!> She thought. <I'm hallucinating!> But sure enough when she looked up, all around was a cold fog. "Mercury?" She groaned. "And Mars!" Said another voice as the fog cleared. "MARS FIRE IGNITE!!!" The shadows turned to face their enemy, only to be engulfed in flame. When it had faded, the shadow were gone. Mars grinned smugly. The grin suddenly faded from her face as the shadows reappeared behind the senshi and knocked them all to the ground. "Jupiter and Venus are here too." Groaned Venus from her position on the ground. "For all the good we did!" Muttered Jupiter. The senshi regained their feet, except for Earth, who was close to unconsciousness. Mercury looked at her worriedly. "We have to get her out of here guys!" She said. "We need Quartzite, and fast." She looked up as the shadow began to advance again. "Sailor Teleport?" Asked Jupiter. Mercury nodded. "MERCURY POWER!" She shouted. "MARS POWER!" "VENUS POWER!" "JUPITER POWER!" "SAILOR TELEPORT!!!!" They shouted, disappearing in a flash of light. The shadow looked around confused, then disappeared as a silent voice ordered them to retreat. "RETREAT!!!!" Screamed Beryl. The villagers erupted in cheers as the nega-verse forces pulled out. Endymion watched worriedly for his sister and the senshi. He hoped they had gotten to her in time. Half of Beryl's army teleported out, the remaining ran for their lives as the villagers chased them, dusting most of them. Endymion was worried. He didn't know what had happened to Terra. One minute she and the shadows were there, the next they were gone. <Please let the senshi find her!> He prayed. As if in answer to her prayer, the senshi teleported in. He gasped and ran forward. "Oh my God!" He gasped, his eyes resting on Sailor Earth. "What happened?!" He asked. "No time to explain!" Said Mercury. "We need Quartzite and his healing ability. Where is he?" She asked. "In the woods, a few miles north of here." He said. The senshi prepared to teleport. "Wait!" He said "I'm coming to! Tim take over!" He shouted. Tim nodded as the group disappeared. "Quartzite!" Shouted Endymion as they teleported into the camp. Quartzite came running at the panicked tone in Endymion's voice. "Endymion what's..." He stopped short as he saw Terra. "Oh my God!" He gasped rushing forward. "Get her into the tent!" He ordered. Endymion picked her up and carried her in. Quartzite placed his hands on her forehead as they began to glow. He looked down at her and kicked himself for not fighting with her. <I knew this would happen!> He thought. Slowly her wounds all healed, but she didn't open her eyes. "Why hasn't she woken up?" Asked Endymion nervously. "Her wounds are healed," Said Quartzite. "But the blood loss will take time to mend. She needs rest." He said. He looked down at her. All of a sudden Hope rushed in. "Where is She?" She asked breathlessly. She relaxed when she saw her friend lying on the table, all in one piece. She sighed in relief. "When Mercury told me what had happened..." She said. "What did happen?" Asked Endymion. Mercury walked into the tent. "If you come out I'll explain." She said. Endymion took one last look at the sleeping form of his sister and left the tent. "Okay Ami, so what happened?" Asked Kunzite. "How did she wind up in that shape?" Ami winced. "Well, when we got there, She was facing off against all 7 shadows, and not doing so well." She proceeded to explain what had happened after they had arrived. Endymion shook his head. "She lead them away." Said Quartzite, not knowing wether to be angry or happy. "Of all the stupid, reckless..." He was interrupted as Hope walked out of the tent. "She's awake." She announced. Endymion went in first. "Hey Terra." He said. She grinned up at him. "Is Quartzite angry?" She asked. He looked at her. "Everybody's angry! What were you thinking?!" He said. "You knew you couldn't take on the shadow alone!" She glared at him. "Yeah well neither could anyone else, and at the rate they were going, we would have lost the battle. I had to lead them away!" Endymion shook his head. He laughed. "I'm glad you're okay." He said. "And I won't yell at you anymore." He rolled his eyes. "But just thought I'd let you know, that the generals are ready to tear you apart." She winced. "I expected as much." He laughed and left the tent. She groaned as Kunzite walked in, not looking very happy at all. A little while later, after hearing pretty much the same thing from everybody, Terra looked up as Quartzite came in. He looked at her and sat down on the side of her bed. "Hey Terra." He said softly. He opened his mouth, but was interrupted by Terra. "I know, I know." She sighed. "I was reckless, what was I thinking? Of all the stupid idiotic things to do, etc. etc. etc. Right?" She asked. He smiled at her. "No. I just wanted to say I'm glad you're okay." He hugged her. She smiled up at him. "I'm sorry to worry you." She said. "But I had to get them away from everybody else." He smiled. "I know." He said. "Just don't do it again, Kay?" She grinned. She put her hand behind her back and crossed her fingers. "Promise." She said. "You know, you're kinda cute when you're worried." He pouted. "Only kinda?" She laughed and whacked him with her pillow. He grinned. "There's someone here who wants to see you." He said laughing. He walked out as someone else came in. Terra's mouth fell open as she recognized the figure before her. "Se...Sere?" She gasped. Serenity giggled. She was dressed like a senshi. "Don't panic!" Said Serenity. "I'm not a real senshi, it's just a disguise." She grinned. "What do you think?" She asked showing off her outfit. "Sailor Moon." Laughed Terra. "I like it!" The two dissolved into giggles. Terra smiled. "God I've missed you guys!" She said. "I take it you got my message?" Serenity nodded. "Just in time too." She said "We teleported down as soon as we got it, and Endymion told us you had disappeared. By then they had things pretty well under wraps in the village, so the senshi left to find you, and you know the rest!" Terra rubbed her head. "You're not kidding!" She said ruefully. Quartzite came in. "Hey Serenity, I think Endymion's looking for you." Serenity grinned. "Thanks Quartzite." She turned back to Terra and gave her a hug. "Take care!" She said. "I'll come see you before we leave." Terra crossed her arms. "I'll come see you." She said. Quartzite shook his head. "Oh no you don't. You need to rest." He said. She glared at him. "Try and stop me." She said. Serenity grinned, and waved. "See ya Terra!" She called, vanishing outside the tent. Quartzite turned back to Terra. "How're you feeling?" He asked. She smiled. "A lot better." She said. She looked up. "Are the others still angry?" She asked. Quartzite smiled. "Nah. Just thankful you're all right." He said. She smiled. "Good." She suddenly grinned evilly. "And I suppose the generals are taking good care of the senshi?" She said. Quartzite grinned. "I don't think that's a problem." Said Quartzite. "So, what did Molly have to say?" He asked. The woman had been in there earlier. Terra made a face. "Not a whole lot. She pretty much just fussed over me." Quartzite laughed at the expression on her face. She turned serious. "How are repairs on the village going?" She asked. "There moving along. Slowly, but there moving." He said. "Beryl's army did a lot of damage." He said. She grinned. "You're telling me!" She said. She looked at Quartzite carefully. He had seemed, preoccupied ever since she had woken up. "Quartzite?" "Yeah? What's up?" He asked. She looked at him. "Why don't you tell me?" She asked. He looked at her. <How does she always know?> He wondered. "I don't understand." He said, playing innocent. She frowned. "Quartzite, come on. I can tell something's wrong." She said. "Is it about what happened?" She asked. He turned away. It suddenly occurred to her what was wrong. "Quartzite, it wasn't your fault." She said. "If it was anyone's it was mine." "But if I had been there..." He said. "You would have been either taken by Beryl, or destroyed by the seven shadows protecting me." She said. "Quartzite, don't blame yourself." He looked at her. "When I saw you there, with the other senshi, the first thing that ran through my mind was that I had failed you." He said. "I was so afraid I had lost you." She shook her head and wrapped her arms around him. "Quartzite, you will never fail me." She said. "It is impossible. And you can't lose me." He held back his tears. She held him tighter. He calmed down. They just sat there for a while. "Feel better?" She asked after a bit. He smiled. "Yeah. Thanks." She kissed him lightly. "Any time." Ami shifted nervously in her dress. She could feel Zoisite's hand close to hers. He leaned in closer. She shivered in pleasure as his hair brushed her cheek. "The...the moon's really beautiful from down here." She said softly. He turned to look at her. "Not as beautiful as you." He said. And he meant it. She blushed. He smiled. "I mean it." She blushed even harder. "Tha...thank you." She said nervously. She looked up at him and fell into his eyes. She tried to pull away, but her body just wouldn't listen to her mind. Zoisite seemed to be having the same problem. "I feel...kinda dizzy." She said. "Kinda light headed?" Asked Zoisite. She nodded. She gave up trying to look away. She knew she was attracted to Zoisite. She had known it for the two years she had known him, but she had never felt anything like this. She held her breath as he leaned in closer. She closed her eyes, as their lips met. When they parted her cheeks were bright red. Zoisite had an amazed expression on his face. He looked at her. "Did you feel, what I just felt?" He asked. She nodded. "I think so." She said. Adrenalin pumped through her body and her her heart was fluttering. Kunzite gazed down at the blonde head of the girl sitting at her side. He looked away abruptly. <No.> He thought. <I can't. It will only cause trouble in the future. She's from the moon. And I have my duty to Endymion and Terra. It would never work.> Still, he couldn't resist another look at her. Mina sighed sadly. Kunzite hadn't said a word to her since she had arrived. But she understood why. <He's lives on Earth. He has his duty, and I have mine. There is nothing I can do about it. It is my destiny. He won't leave Endymion and Terra, and I won't leave Sere.> She stared at the ground miserably. Kunzite fingered the piece of paper hidden deep within his pocket. Zoisite was the poetic one put of the five of them, but he had managed to come up with a few words. He debated wether or not to give it to her. He was uncomfortable about his emotions and unlike Terra, he didn't like expressing them. He noted the sad look on her face. <Maybe I should...> Lita leaned up against Nephrite. The two were sitting back to back amid the trees, staring up through the dense foliage at the stars. Lita sighed happily, content just to share his company. She knew they were leaving in a little bit, but was determined not to let that ruin the moment. She felt the wind blow across her skin. "God I love this planet." She said. "It's so much warmer than Jupiter, and the moon." She said. "And the gravity is just right. Not to light, like the moon, and not to heavy like Jupiter." Nephrite smiled. "It is a beautiful planet." He agreed. "The stars are very bright tonight." He comented. She nodded. "Do they really talk to you?" She asked. He nodded. "What do they say?" He looked thoughtful. "Well, the stars know everything. Sometimes they tell me of the future, or the past. Sometimes about people." "What are they saying now?" She asked. He smiled. "They're talking about you." He said. She blushed. "What are they saying?" She asked. "They're pointing to the future." He said. She looked at him. "Are you in my future?" She asked. He looked at her, surprised by the feelings that ran through him as he did. "That's up to you." He said. "What do you want?" Her only answer was to lean in closer, connecting with his lips. They pulled apart, almost reluctantly a few minutes later. She smiled. "Does that answer your question?" She asked. "So." Said Rei. "How have you guys been doing?" She asked. Jaedite grinned. "Compared to what?" He asked. She grinned. "That bad, eh?" He smiled. "We're doing fine." He said. "Beryl's making our lives miserable, but we're surviving." She nodded. "Good to hear. That you're doing fine, not about Beryl." She said. "How are my cousin's holding up?" She asked. Jaedite sighed. "As well as is to be expected." He said. He turned to her. "How about you?" He asked. She nodded. "It's nice on the moon. And even though we're always fighting, Serenity is a good friend." He nodded. "Any nice guys on the moon?" He asked. Shelooked at him. "Jealous?" She asked. He looked startled. "Oh no. Jealous? Me? Why would I be jealous?" He asked. she laughed. An evil grin spread over her face. "In that case, yeah. There are." She said. "One really nice one, he's asked me out a couple times." She snuck a look at Jaedite's face and had to bite back a laugh. She punched his shoulder. "Relax!" She said. "I wouldn't go out with anyone else but you." He smiled. "Seriously?" He asked. "Seriously." She leaned in and kissed him. "Promise." He smiled. "Good." She laughed at him again. Serenity and Endymion walked through the woods, holding hands. "I've missed you." She said. He nodded. "Me too." He said. "But I promise, as soon as this is over, we'll be able to be together again." He said. She smiled and leaned up against him contentedly. "I wish we didn't have to leave." She said. Endymion smiled. "It'd be nice if you didn't have to, but it's too dangerous right now. And besides," He grinned at her. "Where would the moon be without its Sailor Scout?" He said. She pouted. "But where will the moon's Sailor Scout be without you?" She asked. He shook his head. "Hopefully safe." He said. He leaned over and tilted her face up to his. "You're in my heart." He said. He bent down and kissed her lightly on the lips. "No matter what happens," He said. "I promise I'll be there for you." He said. "I will protect you." She smiled sadly. "I know." She said. He held her tightly. "I love you." He whispered. She didn't say anything, afraid she'd start to cry if she did. Endymion watched as the senshi were surrounded in a bright light. When it had faded, they were gone. Terra laid a hand on his shoulder. "Hey bro." She said softly. "Are you okay?" He nodded. "Yeah. yeah. I'm fine." He said. "One more year." She said. "If you can hold out for one more year." He smiled. "Thanks Terra." He said. She smiled. "Hey!" She said. "I heard Molly still has some Apple pie left over, if we hurry, we may be able to beat Tim to it." She said. Endymion grinned. "Well what are we waiting for?" Asked Jaedite coming up behind. "Let's go!" The others nodded their agreement and headed off towards the camp. On the moon, Mina was undressing and getting ready for bed. She pulled her night gown on over her head and undid the bow holding her hair in place. She glanced out the window and watched as the shield was put up around the kingdom. She picked up her clothes and something fell out of the pocket. Curious, she picked it up. It was a letter, addressed to her. She studied it for a minute. She recognized Kunzite's handwriting. She opened it slowly, pulled out the letter and looked at it. It was a poem of some kind. Tears welled up in her eyes as she read it. 'Dear Mina, On the outside I'm emotionless, it doesn't bother me, On the inside, though, I'm falling, but I'll never let you see, And now my heart is breaking, because I know what I must do, I belong to duty, but my heart belongs to you, Oh why must I be human, to live and love and feel, My emotions I must hide, away they must be sealed, I am bound to duty, but I know you'll understand, For you've got a duty too, waiting back in your home land, The price of duty's high and so, we must stay only friends, But I want to say, before you go, I'll love you 'till the end. Eternally yours, Kunzite.' Mina held back a sob as she folded the letter and placed it in her jewlery box. She folded back her covers and climbed into bed. The last thought she had, before fallling asleep was of Kunzite. The End ('till next week!) **************************************************************************** Don't forget to e-mail me with your comments. I really want to know what you thought of this^_^! Ja Ne! Sailor Mask