As You Wish part 2 Terra patted her horses neck encouragingly. They had been riding since sun up, and the poor animal had to carry both her and Quartzite. She leaned back against Quartzite as she thought back over the past week or so. She looked over at the files that had caused all this trouble in the first place. Quartzite's eyes widened as he read what was in the files. "Oh my God!!" He breathed. "Quartzite!!" Whispered Kunzite, a note of urgency to his voice. "Quartzite, Beryl's heading this way!" "It doesn't matter!" He called back. "We've got what we were looking for. Let's go!" They headed toward the door, but just before they could reach it, Beryl opened it and stepped in. Her mouth fell open when she saw them. Her eyes rested on the files in Quartzite's hand. "Guards!" She screamed. She moved forward to take the files but Quartzite bolted, dragging Kunzite with him. "GUARDS!!!" She screamed. "We're not gonna make it!" Shouted Quartzite as about a dozen soldiers lined up to block their way. Kunzite raised his hands. "MOLTEN SILVER..." Recognizing the words to his attack, half the soldiers scattered. "ERADICATION!!!" With cries and shouts the rest of the soldiers leapt out of the way. Quartzite grinned at Kunzite. He spotted Terra up ahead, as two guards closed in on her. "TERRA!!!" He screamed. "RUN!!!" She looked up, seeing the two guards and started running toward Quartzite. "Quartzite!" She yelled, catching up to them. "What is going on?" She gasped as an arrow landed beside her foot. "I'll explain later!" He yelled, as they sped up. They met up with Endymion, Jaedite, Nephrite and Zoisite near the palace doors. They were also running away from the onslaught of arrows. "Quartzite?" Shouted Nephrite. "Don't talk, just run!" He shouted back. He heard Terra cry out beside him and turned to face her. She was gripping her shoulder, and had an expression of pain on her face. It only took him a second to realize what had happened. He thought worriedly. He gasped as another arrow flew by his head. "We're almost there!" He heard someone shout from the head of the group. He sped up, pulling Terra with him. They raced as fast as they could off of the palace grounds, and didn't stop until they had reached the nearest village. "This is as far as I can take you." Said Tim. "I have to turn back here." "Thank you Tim." Said Endymion. "We appreciate your help." Tim nodded. "Just remember." He said. "I'll come about once a week at midnight, with news on the invasion. Molly will hold down the fort at home. As of now, messengers are on their way to every town, village and city that's under your reign." He raised two fingers in the standard farewell of the Earth Kingdom. Endymion repeated the gesture. "Farewell my friends." Said Tim. "Good luck!" He vanished into the woods. Terra smiled. "It's because of him and Molly we were able to make it this far you know." She said. "Quick!" Whispered the woman. She lifted a carpet on the floor, revealing a trap door underneath. "In here!" Seeing no other choice, the group climbed down into the pitch black cellar. Just in time, as they heard one of the soldiers coming in through the door. "Good day sir." Said the woman. "Is there something I could help you with?" She asked. "500 pieces of silver for the traitors, Princess Terra, Prince Endymion, and their guardians." He said coldly. "I'm sorry, but I don't have a clue what you're talking about." Said the woman. "There's no one here but me." They heard the man walk to the door and whistle. 2 more soldiers like the first entered the small house. "Search the place." Said the first. The group down below listened in horror as the soldiers began tearing the place apart. Terra groaned slightly as her injured shoulder touched the cold stone of the cellar wall. Quartzite made his way over to her. It was too dark to see the wound, but he was pretty sure it was serious. He placed a hand on her good shoulder, reassuringly. He felt her tense as she heard the soldiers approaching the carpet they were under. He gasped silently as he heard them shuffling around on top of it. A sliver of light peeked through as they lifted the carpet. "Ah ha!" Said one. "And what's down there." he started to lift up the door. They teenagers pulled as far back as they could into the shadows, praying for something to distract the soldiers. "Hey!" Shouted someone new. "Let's get out of here, they're not in this village." The soldier let the trap door fall shut with a clang. "All right. I'm coming!" He shouted back. "The punishment for harboring criminals is death. Remember that if the fugitives should show up here." He said to the woman before leaving. The group breathed a sigh of relief as the soldiers left the house. A few minutes later, the woman opened the trap door. "All right." She said. "The coast is clear, you can come out now." Cautiously they withdrew from the cellar. Endymion surveyed the faces of his friends. They were all covered in scrapes and bruises. He gasped at the sight of his sister's shoulder. "Oh my God! Terra what happened?!" He said. She winced. "I was hit when we were leaving the palace." She said. She cried out in pain as Quartzite examined the wound. He placed his hands on her shoulder and they began to glow, as the woman bustled around, offering bandages and wet cloths for the others. She watched curiously as Quartzite finished up with the healing. He took a washcloth for Terra and began to wash up her shoulder. She glared at him. "I'm not a baby Quartzite, I'm perfectly capable of washing my own shoulder." Quartzite just grinned and handed her the wash cloth. He looked up as the door to the house opened. They all stiffened, and got ready to bolt. But instead of a soldier, a farmer walked in. He smiled at them. "Don't worry!" He said. "I live here." Terra relaxed sightly as the woman smiled at him. Terra stood up. "Thank you very much for you help Mrs...." "Molly. Molly Brown." She turned to the man. "And this is my husband Tim." Terra smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Brown." She said. "We appreciate the help." "Call me Molly, and it was no problem." She glanced at them. "Now if you don't mind, could you please tell us why Queen Beryl was after you?" Quartzite gasped, suddenly remembering the files he held in his hand. "Because of these." He said. "What's in them Quartzite?" Asked Endymion. "Whatever it is had better be good." Muttered Terra. "Oh it's not good. It's bad. Very bad." Replied Quartzite. "Enough with the suspense already!' Said Kunzite. "Just tell us what's in the files!" Quartzite looked at the group. "I couldn't translate it all," he said. "But it is basically a detailed description of the Planet Melder and what happened there." He looked around. Terra looked confused. "But what does that have to do with Beryl?" She asked. "You remember the Queen of Melder, the one who was possessed by Mettalia?" He asked. Terra nodded. Suddenly her eyes widened in sudden realization. " don't mean that Beryl...?" Quartzite nodded. "Beryl is the Queen of Melder. And She's working for Mettalia!." They all sat in stunned silence. "Oh my God!" Whispered Molly. "I knew it! I knew it the day Coronus married her!" The teenagers stared up at her in surprise. She blushed. "Oh I'm sorry." She said. She smiled sheepishly. "Your father was one of our best friends, until several years ago, when he married Beryl, then we never saw him again." "Speaking of which, how is Coronus?" Tim asked. Terra looked down. " Last night." She said. Tim gasped. "Oh I'm sorry Princess! I had no idea!" He said. "It's all right. And call me Terra." She said. She looked up. "That's the least of our problems." She said. "Oh?" Said Molly. "What else?" Endymion looked up. "Beryl has pulled Earth out of the Silver Millennium." Terra climbed off of her horse and looked at the area in front of them. It was a large clearing, with no trees. She sighed. "There's a good chance of an ambush if we cut through there." She said. "Yeah, but it would take to long to go around it." Argued Endymion. He peered through the trees. "We have to set up camp somewhere, and we have to do it before nightfall. I say we risk it." "I agree with Endymion on this one." Said Kunzite. "Speed is of the essence." Terra sighed and nodded, then climbed back on the horse with quartzite. "Shorprolite!" Called Beryl. "General SHORPROLITE!" She shouted, getting impatient. A figure materialized in front of her. "You called my Queen?" He asked. She glared at him "Yes. I want a report on your luck finding the Princess and the others." She said. " is...I...ah..." He stammered. "We... haven't found of yet." He said. "May I remind you that Failure is not tolerated, General Shorprolite." She said her voice rising an octave. "No my Queen, I mean Yes my queen, I mean..." They were interrupted when another figure materialized in the room. "General Shorprolite." He said. "What is it?" He asked, grateful for the distraction. "We have located the traitors. They are in a field just west of here. Would you like me to send out a squad of youmas to meet them sir?" "No." Said Shorprolite. "I have something much better in store for them." He grinned wickedly. He turned back to Beryl. "Permission to be excused." He said. "Permission granted." She replied. Terra shifted uncomfortably in the saddle. She groaned. "Tell me again why we can't walk across the field?" She asked. "Because we need to get across as fast as possible, before Beryl's spies locate..." He stopped mid-sentence as a large shadow passed over them. All eyes were cast upwards, at the giant shape towering above them. The sun glinted off of green scales, and sharp claws. It opened it's mouth and let out a loud screech, causing those below to cover there ears. Terra looked up in disbelief. Barreling down at them at breakneck speed, was a huge... "DRAGON!!!" Screamed Endymion as they dove for cover. "Nah, ya think!" Terra shouted back, as the dragon swooped low, gauging two long holes in the ground with it's claws. Terra picked herself up off the ground as a figure appeared, hovering above them. "Greetings." He said. Terra glared at him, recognizing the gray uniform. Quartzite tackled her from behind as the dragon swooped again. "How do you like my new pet?" Asked the general. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am General Shorprolite." Terra narrowed her eyes as he fiddled with the buttons on some kind of black box he held in his hand. The dragon howled in pain and attacked again. As it flew by Terra noticed a huge metal collar on its neck. "ETHEREAL FLAMES SEAR!!!!" Shouted Jaedite. His attack connected with the dragon's leg. It cried out in pain and glared at Jaedite. It opened it's mouth and sent lightening cruising toward them. Quartzite raised his hands and created a shield, blocking the attack. He groaned as it connected. Terra watched as Shorprolite again pressed a button on the box. Her eyes wandered up to the collar the dragon was wearing. It began to spark with electricity. The dragon cried out again then dove towards them. She thought in horror. She broke out of the shield and ran toward Shorprolite. She thought. "Earth Power!" She shouted. She called for her staff. "Terra!" Shouted Endymion. "What are you doing?" Her only answer was to raise her staff. Shorprolite noticed her as she ran forward. His mouth fell open. "A Sailor Scout! That's impossible!" He cried. "Nothing is impossible!" Shouted Sailor Earth. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!!!!!" She cried, slamming the head of the staff into the ground. Shorprolite cried out in surprise and dodged, just as the ground exploded with power. He landed on the ground and the box went flying out of his hands. "You'll pay for that, brat!" He shouted. He held his hands in front of him and they began to glow with a lightless power. He launched a ball of black energy at Earth. She screamed as it connected. "TERRA!" Screamed Endymion. He felt his anger build up. All of a sudden something materialized in his hand. He looked down. He thought. He remembered that day, a year ago, when he had used a rose against a general, when Terra had first discovered her power. He shrugged his shoulders and threw it with all his might. Shorprolite screamed as it hit his shoulder. "See how you like it!" Muttered Earth. She raised her staff again and brought it down on the black box before Shorprolite could stop her. It exploded, and with it, the collar fell off the dragon. The dragon fell out of the sky, as Kunzite's attack connected with it's wing. Terra turned back to Shorprolite. She raised her staff. "TERRA FIRMA..." Suddenly a thought struck her. She grinned wickedly. She stepped closer to Shorprolite, and brought the staff down on his head. He crumbled to the ground, unconscious. She laughed. "Nice move." Said Endymion coming up behind her. "But why didn't you dust him?" Terra smiled. "Because, I think it's time we..." She was interrupted by a groan from behind her. She turned around and looked at the injured dragon. It's lavender eyes were filled with pain. She walked slowly up to it. It looked at her pleadingly. She was shocked at the trust in the dragon's eyes. She thought in surprise. She cautiously put a hand on the dragon's snout. It moved back slightly. "It's okay!" Said Earth. "I won't hurt you. I promise." The dragon relaxed slightly. Earth turned around slowly. "Terra, what are you doing?!" Said Endymion. "Have you gone nuts?!" She turned around. "Quartzite." She called. "Come over here." His mouth fell open. "Your kidding?" He gasped. "What if it tries to eat me?" Earth glared at him. "It's not going to eat you!" She shouted, exasperated. She turned back to the dragon and started to stroke it's snout. Quartzite approached cautiously. He stood close to it's mouth. "T...Terra?" He stammered. "Now what?" She sighed. "Heal her dummy!" She said growing impatient. Quartzite carefully placed his hands on her snout and they began to glow. After the healing was complete, Quartzite stepped back quickly. The dragon stood up and shook itself out. It flapped it's wing slowly, satisfied that it still worked. She Lay back down and put her snout near Quartzite and Terra. Terra smiled and Quartzite trmbeled. The dragon started to glow, and when it had faded in it's place was a young girl. Her hair was silver except for one streak of purple and fell all the way down to her ankles. She had lavender eyes and delicate features. She was clothed in a long white dress. "Thank you." She said quietly. Zoisite's mouth opened and closed, but no sound came out. He thought. He couldn't believe it. Earth smiled and de-transformed. "Your quite welcome." She said warmly. She curtsied. "I am Princess Terra, of the Earth Kingdom. And this..." She gestured toward the others. "Is my brother Prince Endymion, General Kunzite, General Jaedite, General Zoisite, General Nephrite, and General Quartzite. And you are?" The girl smiled. "I'm afraid I don't..." She was interrupted by a groan as Shorprolite woke up. Terra smiled and retransformed. "Earth Power." She said. She walked over to him, followed by Endymion. "So, why did you not dust him?" He asked. She smiled. "I think it's time we let Beryl know that this planet may not be a part of the Silver Millennium, but it is far from helpless. Don't you agree?" Endymion nodded. "Couldn't agree more." He said. Earth turned back to Shorprolite. She picked him up by the collar of his uniform. "I have a message for Beryl." She said coldly. "Tell her that Sailor Earth has been awakened, and she's ready to kick some nega-verse butt." Shorprolite nodded glancing nervously at the staff she held in her other hand. She threw him on the ground. "Now go." He scrambled to his feet and dissappeared. She turned back to the dragon and the others. "What's your name?" She asked curiously. The dragon/girl smiled shyly. "I...I don't have one." She said. Terra raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You don't?" The girl shook her head. "Would you like one?" Asked Jaedite. The girl looked up. "Oh yes! Very much, thank you!" She said happily. Terra suddenly smiled. "I have the perfect name." Said Terra. "What do you think about Hope?" The girl smiled. "I like that." She said. "Hope." "So, do you have anywhere to go? A home? Family?" Hope shook her head sadly. Endymion smiled. "Would you like to come with us?" He asked. "We could use a dragon in our fight against Mettalia, and I can see you and Terra are practically friends already." Hope looked around uncertainly at the faces in the circle. Seeing nothing but warmth and acceptance, she slowly nodded. "Okay." She said. "Let's go!" Together the small band headed off into the woods. The End (till next time!) ***************************************************************************** Think I have enough characters yet! I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to keep them all straight^_^! Well? What did you think? Send all comments to Don't forget to visit my homepage Arigato! Ja Ne! Sailor Mask