Konnichi-wa minna-chan! Well, here it is (finally), the final part to At The Beggining With You. The wedding and the final battle! And it's only what, two, three weeks late? Gomen Nasai minna-chan! I don't have any excuses this time except for neglect. I was writing something else for a friend of mine and was busy with that for a bit. You know the legal stuff, Sailor Moon isn't mine, but anything that doesn't fit in with the regular storyline is mine. I would like to take this oppourtunity to offer a huge thanks to Tuxedo Moon for her help with 'planning' the wedding, as I know nothing about weddings. Couldn't have done it with out ya! Well, that's about it for now! Enjoy! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ The Gateway to the Silver Millennium **************************************************************************** PART 6 "So this is the twentieth century." Said Revera. "Yep, this is it." Said Rei, shaking the snow out of her hair. "I think we need to practice with our Sailor Teleport." Said Zach, popping up out of a snowbank. Terri looked up at the sky, obscured by a blizzard. She shivered. "Just our luck, the first snowfall of the year had to be today!" Quartzite pulled off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. She smiled up at him. He helped her to her feet. Darien wrapped his arms around a trembling Serena. "We should get inside." He Said. The others shivered in agreement. "Where is your . . . apartment?" Asked Silvara, stumbling over the unfamiliar word. Pluto frowned. "It's a long way from here." She Said. "We're closer to the temple." Rei nodded. "I recognize the trees now." She looked around and did a quick head count. 12 senshi and generals, including herself, and 12 Quisalas. 24 people. "There should be enough room for all of us." She Said. "There's no way any of you could go home in this storm anyway." She gestured with her hand. "Come on, lets go." She led the way back to the temple. After they were all safe in the temple, Grandpa made hot chocolates for everyone while the exhausted warriors telephoned parents and roommates, letting them know they'd be staying over at the temple. "What time is it?" Terri Asked. Darien looked at his watch. "About 2:00 in the morning." He replied. He yawned. "We'd better call it a night." The others nodded tiredly. Ami, Mina, Jed, Quinn, Silvara and Pyrite had already nodded off. Rei stood up and headed off to find blankets for everyone. Rannon brushed a hair out of Silvara's eyes. He turned to Setsuna, concentrating on the unfamiliar Japanese words. "Satsana . . . " "Setsuna." She corrected. He smiled. "Setsuna, if you speak Japanese, how come we could understand you in Elysia when we didn't speak the language?" He Asked slowly. Setsuna smiled, taking a handful of blankets from Rei and setting them out. Rannon carefully lay Silvara down and covered her up. "In Elysia, there is no such thing as languages." She explained. "It's kinda like there's a built in translator, you would have been able to understand us no matter what language we spoke." Rannon nodded as he slipped under his own blankets. He frowned. "Are you sure it's okay for the males to . . . um . . . be in the same room as the females?" He Asked, looking disapprovingly at Hope and Tanis curled up together in the corner. Setsuna smiled knowingly. "It's fine." She Said. "Just try and get some sleep." Rannon nodded and curled up under the blankets, within moments, he was fast asleep. "YOU WHAT!" Shrieked Ebony. She drew herself up to her full height and drove her taloned claw into the ground. "YOU LET THEM GET AWAY! WITH THE QUISALAS?!" Scarlet swallowed and backed up a few feet. Ebony paced furiously around the chamber, thinking fast. She whirled on Scarlet. "How many Takhissis are left?!" She snapped. "T... Twelve including you and me." She Said. "Only 12!" Ebony cried. "You left with 19! What happened to the other eight?!" Scarlet cleared her throat nervously. "The senshi and their friends destroyed them." She Said meekly. "WHAT!" Ebony screamed in frustration. "We're facing twelve Quisalas, with 12 riders." She Said. Scarlet cleared her throat again. "Actually your majesty, there are sixteen of the warriors." "WHAT?!" Screamed Ebony again. She forced her self to calm down, a plan forming in her mind. She whirled on Scarlet. "Find 14 of our best Dark Elves. Train 12 of them for battle in the air." SHE Said. "When the next planet aligns, we will destroy the senshi and the Quisalas." She growled at Scarlet. "Do not fail me, or you'll find yourself in much the same situation as our dearly departed Obsidian." Scarlet bowed low. "Yes . . . yes your majesty." She transported out before Ebony could change her mind. Serena opened her eyes slowly. She stood up and rubbed them, looking around at the sleeping forms on the floor. The events of the night before came back in a rush. Yawning She pushed them out of her mind and glanced at her watch. 11:00. She smiled and started to lie back down. Suddenly She sat bolt upright. "11:00!" She shouted. "OH MY GOD WE'RE SOOOOO LATE! TERRI, QUINN, DARIEN! GET UP!" Terri gasped and jumped up from the blankets, instantly awake and expecting nothing less than a dozen dragons and a whole troop of Dark Elves and dracons. She looked around, noticing several others in the room in the same, battle ready stance as She was, as Serena hurriedly woke Darien and Quinn. She ran over to Lita. "Lita, wake up! We're late!" "Uhhh . . . " Groaned Terri, falling back onto the blankets. "Serena, what are you rambling about?" "We were supposed to meet Mr. Brown today at 10:00!" She shouted. "It's 11:00!" Terri gasped and bolted out of her blankets. She ran over and kicked Darien, who sat up groggily. "Ouch! Terri!" He Said. "What was that for?" "Get up you imbecile! We're late for our meeting!" By then, the majority of people in the room were up, wondering what was going on. Lita gasped and jumped up. She ran to the phone. "What are you doing?" Asked Quinn, shaking himself awake. "Calling Mr. Brown and telling him we'll be a bit late. After all, we've all got to go home and get changed." Quinn looked down at himself and grinned. They had all slept in their clothes, having nothing else to sleep in. His own were wrinkled, and still damp. Terri ran to the mirror and ran her fingers through her long black hair. Wondering, as She did every time She brushed it, wether or not She should cut it. It hung down past her ankles, but as always, decided She wouldn't be able to part with it. Mina was at her side in a second, producing a brush out of nowhere. "Here," She Said helpfully. "Let me." Terri happily obliged, turning around and letting Mina brush out her hair. Lita got off the phone and grinned. "Don't panic guys." She Said. "Mr. Brown says the whole city's closed down because of the blizzard last night, they haven't even gotten the roads plowed yet." Quinn sighed in relief. Tanis grinned. "Which means none of you can get to your apartments for spare clothes." Quinn's sigh turned into a groan. "What are we supposed to do now?" He Asked. "We could teleport to our apartments." Offered Maxfield with a grin. His only response was 23 pillows coming from various parts of the room. Hope smiled. "Don't worry about it." She Said. "If you don't mind giving us your house keys, Tanis and I will fly over and pick up your stuff." They all happily handed over their keys. "Be careful to stay above the cloud cover." Said Michiru. "The last thing we need right now is for someone to spot two dragons flying over the city." Hope nodded. She moved to the door and pushed. Nothing happened. Frowning, She walked over to the window and pulled the curtain back. Suddenly She laughed. Tanis looked at her. "What's so funny?" He Asked. "Looks like we're going out the window." She Said. "We're snowed in." "Couldn't someone shovel us out?" he Asked. "Dressed in what?" She retorted. "None of them have any ski suits. At the best they've got fall jackets." Tanis grinned ruefully. "I suppose you're right." He Said. The two, with Jed's help pried open the frozen window and jumped out into the snow. Checking quickly to make sure Grandpa wasn't nearby, the two transformed and jumped into the sky. Mina deftly twisted Terri's hair up into a bun on the top her head and secured it. Terri smiled. "Thanks Mina." She Said. She looked at her hair in the mirror. "You know you're really good at this!" Mina just grinned. "Anytime!" She Said. Terri's smile widened as a sudden thought struck her. "Anytime, like a certain upcoming wedding?" Mina looked startled. "Shouldn't you have it professionally done?" She Asked. Terri grinned. "You're better than any professional I've ever seen." She Said. Mina blushed furiously. "It . . . um . . . comes with modeling, a lot of times I have to do my own hair, or sometimes I help out with others." She explained. Terri smiled. "So, will you?" Mina grinned. "Sure." She Said. "Why not!" A half an hour later, Hope and Tanis had returned with clothes enough for the senshi, generals, as well as borrowing stuff from various peoples closets they thought would fit the bedraggled Quisalas. The bathrooms were held up for another half an hour as they all changed. Faith eyed herself critically in the mirror as Hope helped her with the unfamiliar zippers, a new device to someone from the tenth century. She was dressed in one of Mina's blue skirts that came up, far above the knee, and a long sleeved top that didn't quite cover her midriff. She squirmed uncomfortably. "Are you sure this is proper?" She Asked, wrapping her arms around her slender waist as Hope did up the skirt. Hope smiled. "Yes Faith, trust me, this is what most girls wear now a days." "But I'm not a girl, I'm a dragon." Faith argued. Hope grinned. "So am I." She pointed out. Shaking her head and laughing, She pushed Faith out of the bathroom and right into Lightning. She blushed furiously and stepped backwards. "Sorry." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around her stomach again. Lightning grinned. He wasn't having too much trouble adjusting to the new clothes. He had borrowed a pair of jeans from Mackenzie, and a black shirt from Darien. He brushed a golden strand from Faith's face. "You look . . . " he struggled for a minute, trying to find the right word. "Awesome." He finished. SHE blushed even harder. "You do to." She Said, without taking her eyes off the floor. He smiled and tilted her head up to look her in the eye. She smiled at him, taking her arms from her waist and wrapping them instead around his. He smiled and returned the embrace, then the two walked down the hallway as Silvara stepped into the bathroom to get changed. One by one, Mina did the female Quisalas's hair. Everything from ponytails to buns. After they were dressed and had their hair done, they moved over to the outer senshi, busy looking for winter clothes that would fit them. After they had been fitted, they walked out the front door, which had been cleared earlier by Darien and the generals, then went to help clear the other exits. Hotaru frowned as Haruka placed a hat with ear flaps on her head. "Haruka-papa!" She complained. "I'm nine years old now! I don't need a baby hat!" Setsuna laughed. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a headband with a small picture of Sailor Moon on it instead. "Here." She Said. "Try this." "All right!" Said Hotaru happily. Haruka laughed and put it on her head. "Thank you Setsuna-mama!" She Said happily. She turned and ran out the door. Haruka smiled and stood up. "Does She know you're only staying until this thing with Ebony is done?" She Asked. Setsuna smiled sadly. "I guess I've kinda been putting off telling her." She Said with a sigh. Haruka Said nothing, respecting her friend's feelings by not pressing the issue. She turned and opened the door. She gasped as a snowball came flying toward her. Lightning quick She ducked. Unfortunately, Setsuna was standing right behind her, and the guardian of the gateway to time got hit full in the face. She stood there for a minute, stunned. Then She shook her head to clear and looked out at the startled face of Tanis Fireforge. He swallowed and waved. "Sorry Setsuna!" He called. "I was aiming for Haruka!" Setsuna's only answer was to step outside and pick up a handful of snow. Tanis gasped. "N...now Setsuna, let's not be hasty." He Said, taking a step backwards. "Of course not." Said Setsuna with a grin. "If I was hasty, I wouldn't be able to aim very well." She drew back her arm and launched the ball of snow. Tanis cried out and ducked, the snowball hit Quinn, who fell over into the snow. "SNOWBALL FIGHT!" Screamed Hotaru excitedly. Pretty soon, the snowball fight, had become a war. Terri cried out as Darien hit her in the back of the head with a snowball. She whirled around and tackled him around the waist, sending them both flying. Hope grinned and shoved Rannon in the back, sending him tumbling into the snow. Tanis followed suite, giving Silvara and 'innocent shove' that sent her flying into the snow. The two lifemates picked themselves up, laughing, and ran after Hope and Tanis, who screamed in delight and ran the other way. Serena snuck up behind Darien with a handful of snow. Laughing, She dumped it down his back. he gasped as he tried to shake it out. Once he had gotten it out, he grabbed Serena, who had dissolved into giggles, and threw her to the ground, jumping down with her the two wrestled in the snow for a minute. Darien ended the bout with a kiss. "Do you two mind?" Asked a voice from above them. They looked up into the grinning faces of Rei, Lita, Jed and Maxfield. "Yeah," Said Jed. "You're melting the snow!" Screaming a battle cry, the four bombarded their prince and princess with snow. Hotaru laughed joyfully and jumped onto Michiru's back, sending her plunging into the snow with a laugh. Pluto picked up a handful of snow and formed a snowball. "Hey Mina!" She called. The blonde turned around and received a face full of snow. "What was that for?!" She called out angrily. Setsuna laughed and ducked an attack from Mina. "You'll know someday!" She shouted back. Mina laughed and launched another snowball. She drew her hand back, ready to let it fly when She was hit from behind. She whirled around to face an armed and dangerous Mackenzie. "Tsk tsk," He Said. "A leader should never turn her back on a potential enemy!" She growled and ducked as the snowball sailed over her head. "Turn your back on this!" She shouted, sending a missile of her own toward him. He gasped as it connected with his ear. Ami giggled and ducked behind the mound of snow She was using as a shield. SHE picked up one of the many snowballs She had stored there and looked up long enough to throw it at Zach. He ducked and threw one of his own. It caught Ami in the chest and She fell backwards. She gasped as Zach, taking advantage of the opportunity, charged her fort. She jumped to her feet and ran in the other direction, ducking as She went. But it was no use, Zach was faster than She was, and he caught up to her in no time. He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backwards into the snow. She cried out as She went, but She managed to catch a hold of his arm and pull him down with her. He gasped as he connected with the snow. Ami laughed and jumped to her feet, promptly sitting on Zach's chest. She grinned. "Guess what." She Said. "What?" Asked Zach. Ami laughed. "You're my prisoner." She Said. Zach spread his arms wide. "Do with me as you will." He Said with a laugh. Terri glanced around warily. She took a step backwards, arms up in a defensive position. She heard a twig snap behind her and whirled around, in time to see Quinn McTavish launched himself from the trees, but not in time to avoid being tackled to the ground. She gasped as the snow went down the back of her jacket. "Quinn!" She cried. Quinn got up and started to tickle her. "Quinn!" SHE screamed, laughing. "Stop it! Stop it!" He laughed and stopped, sitting down in the snow beside her. She smiled, and lay her head on his shoulder. "So," She Said. "The wedding is in one week." Quinn nodded. "Do you think Mr. Brown will be able to cater on that short notice?" He Asked. Terri laughed. "With Lita cooking?" She Asked. "Just let her near the kitchen and She's like a demon!" "Speaking of demons . . . " Said a voice from behind them. They turned around and came face to face with a grinning Tanis, and Darien. They jumped to their feet with a start as Tanis and Darien threw their snowballs. Terri gasped as Darien's connected with her, sending even more snow down her back. She launched herself toward him. Darien gasped as Terri grabbed his ankle and pulled him down into the snow. She jumped on top of him and the two began to wrestle in the snow. Quinn picked up a snowball and hurled it at Tanis. The two quickly built up small forts and proceeded to throw their miniature missiles at each other. Tanis dodged one such missile and glanced over at Terri and Darien, still fighting in the snow. "Shouldn't we split them up?" He called over to Quinn, launching a snowball. "Nah." Said Quinn, dodging it. "They do it all the time!" A half hour later, the group had settled down. The snow war was over, and they were making either snow-angels, or snow men, or just basically having a good time. Darien glanced at his watch. He looked up and whistled. "Hey Terri, Serena, Quinn, Lita!" He called. "We better get cleaned up! We gotta go in a bit!" There were groans and complains from all around, but one by one they got up and went inside, laughing the entire way. Getting out of their wet clothes, and finding some dry ones the group got ready to go. On their way out Jed tossed them some keys. "Here," He Said. "Take my car. It's parked out back." The small group thanked him and headed off. "Thanks Mr. Brown!" Called Serena brightly, waving goodbye. "Bye Lita!" She, Terri, Darien and Quinn had just finished their meeting with their new caterer. Serena climbed into the car beside Darien in the front, and Quinn and Terri climbed into the back. They talked animatedly all the way back to the temple. They made it back and found the rest of the group in the same mood. They were all in high spirits, despite the threat of a battle with the Takhissis sometime in the near future. The good mood carried on, even after everyone had gone home for the night, the Quisalas staying at the Temple. The next few weeks went by without incident. Last minute plans for the wedding, now to be held inside due to the snow, were nearly finished, the Quisalas were adjusting well to the time switch, and the senshi had all developed close friendships with the dragons. Terri spotted a familiar silver and a gold head ahead of her, and she jogged forward to catch up with them. "Faith, Silvara!" She called. They turned around and smiled as she approached. "Hi Terri." Said Silvara. "What's up?" Terri smiled and slowed her pace to match theirs. "I know I haven't known you guys for very long," She said, "but would you mind if I asked you a big favor?" Faith grinned. "Ask away." She said. Terri smiled. "Well, as you know, I'm getting married in less than a week," She started. Silvara and Faith nodded. "And, as you don't know, I've only got one bridesmaid." Silvara raised an eyebrow. "What about Hope and Sue?" She asked. Terri sighed. "Hope is my Matron of Honor, and Sue is my Maid of Honor. My only bridesmaid right now is Rei." Faith stopped for a minute, looking confused. "What is the difference?" She asked, still not to familiar with the plans for a modern wedding. Terri sighed. "I don't know, you'd have to ask Serena, she's pretty much planned the whole thing. I know next to nothing about weddings, all I know is, I need a Matron of Honor, a Maid of Honor, and 3 bridesmaids." Silvara smiled suddenly. "And you're asking us?" She asked. Terri smiled brightly. "Exactly!" She said. Her expression turned serious. "Would you?" Faith smiled and hugged Terri quickly. "Sure we will!" Silvara smiled calmly. "We would love to," she paused. "But you'll have to show us what to do." Terri nodded. "It's not that difficult." She said. Suddenly Quinn, Rannon and Lightning came around the corner. Terri grinned at Quinn. "They said yes." She said. Quinn returned the grin. "So did their lifemates." He said. Silvara frowned in confusion. "Are Rannon and Lightning going to be Bridesmaids too?" She asked. Quinn and Terri started to laugh. Terri shook her head. "No, they're going to be Quinn's groomsmen, them and Mike that is." She explained. Silvara nodded, then she laughed too. Soon, all of them were laughing. Terri looked around her apartment fondly. She had decided to risk going back, if only for a short while. There hadn't been any attacks on her lately, so she guessed it was safe. She just didn't bother telling MacKenzie about it. She smiled at Sue. "It's great Sue, but are you sure?" She asked. "I mean, where will you go?" Sue smiled secretively. "That is none of your business Terri Rose." She said, green eyes flashing mysteriously. "Or should I say Terri McTavish..." Terri laughed. "I'm not married yet!" She said. Sue shrugged. "But you will be, and then you and Quinn can live here." She said. "But sue..." Started Terri, but she stopped when she spotted something on Sue's hand catch the sunlight and sparkle. She inhaled sharply, recognizing the diamond engagement ring on Sue's hand. With a delighted shriek Terri enveloped one of her oldest friends in a hug. "Oh Sue!" She said. "Congratulations!" She cried. Sue laughed. "When did he propose?" She asked. "The night after that Dark Elf attacked you." She said. Terri gasped, looking up from the ring. "That long ago?" She said. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sue smiled. "We wanted to surprise you, but I wanted to tell you early, before we leave." "Where are you going?" Terri asked. Sue grinned again. "We're eloping." She said. Terri gasped again. "Oh!" She said. "That's so romantic." Then she frowned. "Doesn't that usually involve like a ladder and all that?" Sue grinned. "We're doing a modern elope." She said. "But I wanted to tell you." "You're not leaving before the wedding are you?" Asked Terri. Sue shook her head. "Not a chance!" SHE said. "Do you think I would go off and let my best friend tie the knot without me there!" She said. Terri frowned. "But you're gonna get married without me there!" She said. Sue smiled. "We're just having a small ceremony." She said. "Nobody's gonna be there!" Terri smiled and shook her head, She was to excited to stay sad for long. "You're forgiven." She said. "Hey," She said suddenly. "Where are you two gonna live?" Sue swallowed. "Oh well, Zach and Jed said that since Quinn was moving in with you, Zach would move in with Jed, and we could have Mike's apartment." "WHAT!" Shrieked Terri. "You told my brother you were engaged, but you didn't tell me!" "I didn't tell him!" Sue argued. "Mike did!" Terri crossed her arms. "How long has he known?" She Asked. Sue looked down. "Oh, not that long." She said vaguely. Terri frowned. "Sue..." She said threateningly. "Since a week after he proposed." She said. Terri sat down, speechless. "Aw come on Terri," She said. "We had to tell them...how else would we find a place to live?" Terri frowned. "Yeah but did you have to tell Zach?" She Asked. "He's never going to let me hear the end of this you know!" Sue laughed at the pitiful expression on her friends face. Before Terri knew what she was doing, She was laughing too. The two collapsed to the floor, laughing and giggling. Suddenly the door opened and Quinn and Mike stepped in to find their fiancees rolling around on the floor, clutching their sides and laughing so hard tears streamed down their face. Quinn grinned at Mike who smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Later on that day, the two brides and their bridesmaids, Matrons of Honor, and Maids of Honor were all getting the final fittings down on their dresses. Terri held her hair up on top of her head as Setsuna did up her zipper. She smiled at the brown haired girl in front of her. "So," She said. "You're the Molly I've heard so much about." Molly grinned. "And you're the Terri I've heard so much about." The two smiled, liking each other instantly. Terri let her hair fall down as Hope finished with the zipper. She turned around and surveyed herself in the mirror. She had thought the dress had fit well before, but Setsuna had done an amazing job, and the dress looked made for her. Mina immediately took Setsuna's place as the senshi of time moved on to help Serena with her dress. Mina looked at Terri. "How would you like your hair done at the ceremony?" She Asked. Terri smiled. "You're the expert." She said. "Do with me what you will." Mina grinned and got right to it, chatting as she went. Terri glanced around the room at all the girls. Serena's bridesmaids, Ami, Lita and Mica (Sammy's girlfriend), were all dressed in white, off the shoulder gowns. At the top of the dress, where the material folded down slightly, the material was different colors. Ami's was blue, Lita's was green, and Mica's was purple. Her Maid of Honor, Mina, was in a similar dress, the only exception being, hers was yellow, and the section at the top was white. Molly's, Serena's Matron of Honor, dress was identical to Mina's, except hers was pink. Terri's bridesmaids, Silvara, Faith and Rei wore the same dresses as Serena's, but instead of white, they were silver, symbolizing allegiance to the Earth (except for Rei, who was sworn to the moon, hers was white), and the material at the top was red for Rei, Silver for Silvara and Gold for Faith. Hope's dress was like Molly and Mina's, except it was all silver, Sue's was silver and purple. Serena herself was dressed in a gown, almost identical to that of Neo-Queen Serenity's, except, instead of skin-tight, the skirt part flowed out, more like Princess Serenity's. On her head was a red tiara, Neo-Queen Serenity's tiara to be exact. Her mother had given it to her the day She had bought the dress. It was a Tsukino family heirloom. Terri felt a pang of sadness come over her for a minute. She had no family heirlooms. She looked at herself in the mirror as Mina finished her hair and put the veil on top of her head. The dress was made of a silky material and was pure white, embroidered with small pearls. It had a low, v-cut neck, lined with lace, and long, loose sleeves. The skirt part was long, and embroidered with white roses. On the veil was a small tiara made of Sapphires, with a small ruby rose in the middle. The veil was long and white, embroidered with the same roses on the dress. Mina set it carefully on Terri's head, mindful of the hair piled up on top. Terri surveyed herself in the mirror, pleased with her reflection, but felt something was missing. Before she could contemplate it an further there was a knock on the door. Terri turned around as Ikuko opened the door. Zach was standing there with a grin on his face. He whistled at the sight of the two brides. "Not bad." he said. But his eyes went immediately to Ami. Flashing her a smile, he turned back to Terri. "You got some visitors Terri." He said. He winked and left. Two ladies stepped into the room. One had that must once have been red, but was now beginning to gray at the temples. Her eyes were green, and defied the age that the rest of her appearance suggested by sparkling with a youth-like excitement. "Betty?" ASKED Terri in disbelief. "Well, well, well." Said the woman. "If it isn't my little Terri Rose." She smiled. "You're all grown up." Terri laughed and ran forward, enveloping the woman in a hug. Once they separated, Terri turned to the second woman. She had short brown hair that hung down just to her shoulders. Her eyes were silver. Terri smiled. "Mrs. McTavish." She said. The woman smiled brightly. "I've told you a million times my dear." She said. "Call me Monique." Terri pulled the both of them forward. "Guys," She said. "This is Betty Nielsen, Zach's mom, and Monique McTavish, Quinn's mother. Betty, Mrs....I mean Monique, this is Serena, Ami, Lita, Rei, Mina, Molly, Mica, Silvara, Faith, Hope, Setsuna, and you both know Sue." There were greetings all around. Terri turned to her adopted mother and smiled quizzically. "I thought you said you couldn't make it out." She said. Betty smiled. "I changed my mind." She said, dismissing the subject with a wave of her hand. "Besides," She said, "Rose and Jason wanted to meet their mysterious foster sister." Terri laughed. Soon after she and Zach had moved out, Betty had gotten into fostering. At the moment she had two little kids, a 5 and a 6 year old, sister and brother, Rose and Jason. Though Zach had met them, Terri had seen them only in pictures. Terri smiled as a sudden thought struck her. "You know," She said. "We were originally just going to have one flower girl and one ring bearer for the whole ceremony, but I think we could find room for two more fit they're interested." Serena smiled brightly. "Yeah!" She said. "They could be Terri and Quinn's!" Betty smiled "I'm sure they'd love to." She said with a smile. "But have you got a dress and a suit small enough?" Terri smiled. "We'll manage." She said. A little while later, the group had finished up for the day and had changed back into their street clothes. Ami, Betty and Zach climbed into his car and headed home, and all the others found their way back. Terri flashed Monique a smile. "Need a ride?" She asked. Monique nodded. "That would be great." She said. Terri laughed. "Hope you don't mind riding on the back of a motorcycle!" Monique McTavish grinned. "I am not be as young as I used to be, but I'm not that old!" Laughing the two climbed on Terri's bike and headed off. In a few minutes they had reached Quinn's apartment. Monique smiled and climbed off the bike. She thanked Terri and moved to turn to go inside, but paused for a minute. She turned back around and pulled a small box out of her pocket. "Terri my dear," She said. "I wish you would do me a huge favor." She said. Terri smiled in puzzlement. "Anything Mrs. McTavish." She said. "I would like you to have these." Said the older woman, opening the box and pulling out a long string of pearls. Terri inhaled sharply. "Oh no!" She said. "I...I couldn't! It's too expensive." Mrs. McTavish waned her hand in the air, dismissing the notion. "Don't be silly." She said with a smile. "Besides, they aren't real pearls, they're just glass." Terri looked about to object again, but Monique McTavish raised her hand to stop her. "Now you stop that Terri." She said firmly. "You will soon be marrying my son, and you will become part of my family," she paused for a minute and her eyes grew misty. "I never had a daughter you know, and I never had anyone to hand these down to. My mother gave them to me, and my mother's mother, gave them to her, and I'll not hear another word. The pearls are yours." Without another word, she placed the pearls in Terri's hands and turned and walked into the apartment building. Terri looked in amazement at the pearls in her hand. "Part of a family..." She repeated, liking the way the word family sounded on her lips. She returned her gaze to the pearls. They may not have been real, but at that point they meant more to her than anything else. Terri launched her fist as hard as she could at her opponent. He dodged gracefully, and countered with a round-house kick. "So," said Darien, dodging another blow. "are you nervous about the wedding, I mean, it is tomorrow." Terri arched her stomach away from Darien's foot and dropped to her knees, lashing out with her own, she tripped him up and sent him sprawling to the ground. "Are you?" She asked, aiming an Axe kick at his prone chest, but he rolled out of the way and jumped to his feet before it connected. he grinned. "I asked you first." He said, dodging and punching as he went. "Well," she said. "Not really nervous, just kinda..." "Terrified?" Darien supplied, lashing out with a karate chop. Terri nodded. "That's the word. I mean, this is a big step," she paused to launch a front-snap kick before resuming. "I've never really let anything have this much control over me," she said. "I work to hard to call my life my own." She gasped as Darien connected with her shoulder, she immediately launched a counter attack, which he blocked and followed up with one of his own. Darien nodded in understanding, even as his foot flew towards her head. "I mean, since the time when I woke up in the hospital, I managed to make myself a...a world where no one was allowed in, and it worked so perfectly, as long as I didn't get close to anybody, I wouldn't get hurt." "But..." prompted Darien, as Terri blocked the blow and kicked his side. "But...well...I've never been in love like this. I'm helpless to do anything about it. Every time I see him I feel happier, and my heart skips a beat," She smiled to herself. "He's so considerate, and protective, and sweet, and..." she sighed. "But it's still a big step, it means opening up totally and letting him in." She frowned. "I've never done that before, every time I ever let anyone in, I got hurt." "Yeah, but you've come a long way since then," Said Darien. "I mean, you're not alone anymore, and Quinn would rather die than hurt you in any way." Terri smiled. "I know," she said. "It's just kind of like a reflex action I guess. When you live on the streets and in orphanages for most of your life, you don't let anyone in." Darien nodded. he understood what she was saying completely. She sighed. "What about you?" She asked. Darien just grinned and shook his head. "I have wanted nothing more than to marry Serena since the day I first met her, and there is no way I'm going to be nervous about it now." Terri smiled. "You really love her don't you." It was more a statement than anything. Darien paused in his fighting and grinned at his sister. "More than life itself." He said. He glanced up at the clock. "What say we call it a night." he said. "We are getting married tomorrow after all." Terri smiled. "Good idea." She started towards the door, than turned back to him, "Thanks Darien," she said. "I needed that." She opened the door, feeling confident that she could handle whatever the future could throw at her. Terri sat, fidgeting nervously, as Mina made the final adjustments to her hair. "I can't believe I'm actually going through with this." She said nervously. "Having second thoughts?" Asked Mina, twisting a rose into her hair. "No!" Said Terri vehemently. "I want this! It's all I've wanted, for a long time!" "But your still nervous." Said Mina. Terri nodded. Zach laughed and sat down beside her. "Now here's something I thought I'd never see." he said. "The invincible Terri Rose, not only getting married, but afraid too!" He laughed again. Terri's only answer was to drive her fist into his shoulder. Serena laughed, as Mina moved over to finish her hair. "Would you two relax!" She said. "Today is supposed to be a happy day!" Darien proceeded slowly out from behind the alter behind his groomsmen, and beside Quinn. He glanced up at the pew where his family was supposed to sit. Instead sat Rita, Andrew's wife, and Andrew's parents, the closest to a family he had ever had. He noticed with a smile the outer senshi, all in regular clothes, standing in various points around the church, guarding the proceedings. He, Quinn, and the priest stopped at the alter, as the groomsmen and best men kept walking to the back of the church. He flashed Quinn a smile and stood, waiting, as the sun set outside the window, the moon began to rise, and the wedding march started. Ebony growled in anticipation. "It's almost time!" She called to her assembled troops. 12 Takhissis, including herself, 16 Dark Elves, and plenty of dracons. In response, 12 of the Dark Elves mounted the Takhissis they had been training with, and the other four turned to the unit of dracons they would be commanding. "When the moon aligns," said Ebony, her voice echoing across the silent hall. "We attack!!" Quinn watched as the two flower girls, Rose, Mrs. Nielson's foster daughter, and Jessica, one of Andrew and Rita's twins started down the aisle, spreading rose petals as they went. Beside them were Jason, Rose's brother, and Jordan, Jessica's twin brother, holding the rings tightly. Behind them, the two sets of bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. On Darien's side was Mica and Sammy, Lita and Maxfield, Ami and Tanis, and then Mina and Mackenzie, and Molly and Andrew. On Quinn's side was Faith and Lightning, Silvara and Rannon, Rei and Mike, Sue and Zach and Hope and Jed. They walked down the aisle and stopped once they reached the front. Each leaned over and gave the other a kiss on the cheek. Zach kissed Hope then turned around and walked back down the aisle to stand at Terri's side. The second wedding march started, the guests stood up, and the two brides walked down the aisle. Serena on Kenjii's arm, and Terri on Zach's. The reached the front of the church and the families stood up. Kenjii kissed Serena's cheek and shook Darien's hand. Darien wrenched his hand free of the brutal grasp and turned to Serena who simply shook her head. Zach kissed Terri and whispered; "Good luck sis!" He said. He shook Quinn's hand with a grin, then took his place as a groomsman. Ikuko stepped forward and kissed Darien on the cheek and hugged her daughter, Mrs. Nielson and Mrs. and Mr. McTavish did likewise. Quinn took Terri's hands in his and smiled at her, she blushed. Darien took Serena's and did the same. The priest raised his hands and everybody sat down. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two couples in holy Matrimony..." Scarlet felt the tenseness in the room, as the group prepared to go to the surface. The dark elf on her back was practically trembling with excitement. The Dark Elves were known for their lust for battle. Not so high above the Earth, the final planet moved closer and closer to aligning with the Earth. "Repeat after me." Said the priest. "I, Serena Tsukino, take you, Darien Chiba to be my lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, in good times and in bad, for better or for worse." Serena repeated the phrases. Then Darien said them. Terri and Quinn, one by one repeated it. Ebony tensed, preparing to call out her battle cry that would lead her to victory. "Do you, Serena Tsukino, take Darien Chiba, to be your lawful wedded husband?" "I do." She said, eyes shining. "And do you, Darien Chiba, take Serena Tsukino, to be your lawful wedded wife." "I do." He replied softly. The priest turned to Terri and Quinn. "Do you, Terri Rose, take Quinn McTavish to be your lawful wedded husband?" "I do." She said, looking into Quinn's eyes. "And do you, Quinn McTavish, take Terri Rose, to be your lawful wedded wife?" "I do." Replied Quinn. "Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Up in space, there was a blast of power as the moon aligned with the Earth. Quinn lifted Terri's veil and leaned towards her, when a sudden expression of pain ran across her face. She gasped and gripped her head. "Quinn!" She gasped. "The planets have aligned!" Suddenly, the ground beneath the church began to shake, and a large crack split the alter in half. "Everybody OUT!" Shouted Darien, but it was too late. A troop of dracons had sealed the doors. Ebony did not want her prey escaping. Desperately, Serena looked around, then, seeing no other choice, she raised her hand. "EVERYONE TRANSFORM!" She shouted, as the first of the dragons rose into the air. All around, people were screaming and panicking, but all eyes turned to the people at the alter as 15 voices rose above the panic. "MOON ETERNAL...MAKE UP!" "MARS CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "MERCURY CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "VENUS CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "JUPITER CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP" "URANUS PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "NEPTUNE PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "PLUTO PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "SATURN PLANET POWER ...MAKE UP! "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "BY THE SPIRIT OF EARTH!" "FOR THE HONOUR OF EARTH!" "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" In a flash all the senshi and transformed, in front of their stunned friends and family. Kenjii was stuttering. "Se...Se...Serena's...." "Sailor Moon!" Shouted Sammy in disbelief. By then, all 12 of the Takhissis had arrived, and were floating in the sky, above the ruined church. Terri stepped forward and whistled. "HOPE! TANIS!" She shouted. "LET'S GO!" In a flash, the stunned Quisalas were overtaken by a rage so familiar to them, and had transformed, managing to level the building completely. "EVERYONE PICK A RIDER!" Shouted Rannon. He glanced at Quinn who nodded and jumped up on his back. Sailor Earth jumped on Hope's back, and Darien jumped on Tanis's. Silvara lifted Sailor Moon up in her claws and set her on her back. "Hang on!" She said, as she took to the air. Mars jumped on Revera's back, Venus launched herself onto Tirassinean's back, Jupiter jumped on Faith, Mercury on Safrillean, Jaedite was on Silverbolt, Kunzite on Valor, Nephrite on Lightning, and Zoisite on Pyrite. They all took to the air. The outer senshi turned their eyes from the battle in the air, and focused on the battle ahead of them. "WORLD SHAKING!" Shouted Uranus, killing three dracons. She turned to Kenjii and Sammy. "You!" She shouted, they looked at her. "Get these people out of here! I'll clear the way!" She whirled around before they could object and whistled to Neptune who nodded. "SPACE SWORD BLASTER!!!" "DEEP SUBMERGE!!!" They shouted simultaneously, launching their combination attacks and sending dracons flying. Ami held on tightly to Safrillean's neck as the dragon jumped into the air. They were immediately attacked by a blue. The blue roared and charged them. Safrillean turned in the air to attack, but a second blue dragon attacked from behind. Safrillean gasped as the seconds talons tore through her scales. She cried out in anger and flew above her two attackers. "Amber! Ashley!" She gasped. They smiled. "Hello Safrillean." Said Amber. "How have you been doing?" Suddenly the two twins dove for Safrillean. Amber connected with Safrillean and sent the older dragon flying backwards. Ashley moved to finish her off but was cut off by a silver streak, followed by several golden rings. "Venus!" Shouted Mercury. "Tirassinean!" Cried Safrillean. Tirassinean and Venus turned and attacked Ashley. Safrillean and Mercury turned their attention back to Amber. "MARS VOLCANOES ERUPT!!!!" Shouted Mars, launching her attack at Mirage, the black Takhissis they were fighting. Mirage dodged easily and laughed. "Is that all you can do?" She asked. The Dark elf on her back stood up and threw a dagger at Mars, who gasped and duck. Revera opened her mouth and let loose a stream of fire. Mirage, instead of ducking, began to chant, and cast a spell of darkness. Revera pulled up straight. She couldn't see! Jupiter battled with the Dark elf. She had managed to jump from Faith's back, onto Melancholy's, and was now fighting with her rider, as Faith and Melancholy battled with breath and claw. She launched her fist, and felt it connect with a satisfying thump. The elf staggered backwards, but regained it's balance almost instantly. It scowled and launched forward in a surprise move, and struck Jupiter in the stomach with her shoulder. Jupiter staggered backwards, and toppled off the dragon. Zoisite and Pyrite flew through the air, looking for a target. Zoisite called out and pointed straight ahead. An extremely large red was heading for Sailor Moon and Silvara. Pyrite recognized the red. He called out a challenge. "DREAD!" He shouted. "Why not pick on somebody your own size!" The red whirled around and grinned when he spotted Pyrite. The dark elf on his back glowered at Zoisite, who returned the look grimly. Dread and Pyrite flew towards each other, each roaring out challenges in the old tongue. Zach's knowledge of the ancient language was poor, he didn't remember much of it, but he remembered enough to realize what they were saying was not very nice. The two dragons met in the middle and began to fight. Valor scanned the sky. One minute he'd been fighting Gravestone, the next, the blue had disappeared. He gasped as Kunzite cried out on his back. Gravestone slammed into the older Quisalas and the two went tumbling to the ground. Valor jumped to his feet, as Kunzite jumped off his back and ran to face the dark elf who had also jumped off. Wasting no time, Gravestone's claws snaked forward and dug into Valor's neck. "Cowardly beast!" Growled Valor. "Where's your honor?" He lashed out with his tail. "I left it on Earth the day your 'king' sealed us beneath the ground!" He growled, jumping over Valor's tail. Kunzite dodged the talons of the Dark Elf and pulled out his sword. "FORTIFYING STEEL ASSAULT!" He shouted, slashing at the elf. The elf dodged, but the move left his leg exposed, and Kunzite's blade slashed through it, leaving a big gash just above the knee. The elf cried out and crumpled to the ground. Silverbolt opened his mouth and let loose with a stream of fire that struck Noir in the chest and sent the Takhissis backwards. Jaedite gasped and gripped the dragon tightly as Silverbolt sped up and barreled towards Noir. Noir quicky recovered and dodged the silver streak aimed towards him. Jaedite called for his crossbow. "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!" He shouted, launching the flaming arrow. His aim was true and the Dark Elf toppled, lifeless, from the back of the dragon, dissolving into dust before it hit the ground. Lightning gave chase. Blitzkrieg sped away, confident that no one could keep up with him, unfortunately, he'd forgotten about Lightning. Lightning kept up with him. letting loose the occasional stream of flames, as Blitzkrieg led them in circles, in and out of other battles, down on the ground, back up in the air, until Lightning's aching wings were demanding oxygen. Blitzkrieg, in much the same condition finally gave up trying to outrun his opponents and whirled to face them. Nephrite pulled out the Stars of Strength. He launched them towards the exhausted Takhissis. "HEAVENLY CYCLONES ROAR!" He shouted. The winds surrounded Blitzkrieg and spun him around. His Dark Elf rider clung to it's mount. Lightning opened his mouth and added fire to the winds, creating a blazing tornado. Blitzkrieg screamed. Rannon launched out of the way of the black dragon barreling towards him, careful to make sure that an indignant Quartzite didn't fall off his back. "His name can't be Quartz!" Argued Quartzite. "I'm Quartzite! He's evil! He doesn't deserve to be named Quartz!" Rannon laughed despite the desperate situation. Quartz, he knew, was a magic user, and though the black preferred to use tooth and claw, he would willingly convert to magic if need be. Rannon launched a blast of fire and followed it up with a snap of his jaws, feeling scales tear and rip between his teeth. He had to defeat the Takhissis quickly, before he could get any spells off. Scarlet roared in anger as Silvara dodged yet another blast and launched one of her own. Dodging this blow, the red turned to tooth and claw to hopefully finish this fight. Eternal Sailor Moon raised her scepter high as it began to glow. "SILVER CRYSTAL POWER KISS!!!!" She shouted. The staff shone brightly as a beam of pure light shot from the top and struck the dark elf on Scarlet's back. The Dark Elf screamed, but managed to deflect the blow with a blast of dark energy. Growling, the dark elf tensed. It waited until Silvara was close enough to Scarlet, then jumped from Takhissis to Quisalas in a split second. Sailor Moon gasped and stood up on Silvara's back. Silvara turned to face Scarlet, unable to help Sailor Moon. Tanis looked around uneasily. All the other Quisalas were engaged in battle, except for him. <> He transmitted to Darien. <> Darien did a quick head count and nodded grimly. <> Tanis scanned the skies quickly. <> <> Tanis whirled around at the warning, just as he heard chanting behind him. He gasped as a sticky substance surrounded him. He heard Tuxedo Mask cry out behind him as the stuff, resembling a spider's web, surrounded them both. It pinned Tanis's wings to his side, and the friend's tumbled out of the sky. Agate followed, landing gracefully. Tuxedo Mask forced his arm up and gripped the hilt of his rapier. Struggling against the web, he thrust the blade upwards, slicing through it. Quickly he freed himself, as Agate approached them. He hadn't yet noticed Darien was free, and Darien took full advantage of that fact. Creeping around to Tanis's leg, he sliced through the web, freeing his claw. Just as Agate arrived, Tanis lashed out with his claw, slicing through the Takhissis's side. Moving quickly, he slashed through the web trapping him and was free in moments. He jumped to his feet and attacked Agate before the Takhissis could recover. Darien launched towards the Dark elf, and finished the startled rider before it knew what had hit him. Tanis battled fiercely with Agate, and for a few minutes, it looked as if neither would win. But Tanis knew what he was doing. His attacks came swiftly, without giving Agate a chance in between to get off a spell. Agate, used to relying on his magic, was failing fast. He gave one last desperate swipe with his claw, which Tanis dodged gracefully. The attack left Agate off balance, and Tanis took advantage of the opening with a blast of fire that struck Agate in the chest. The black dragon tumbled over, and didn't get back up. Slowly, it faded until it had completely disappeared. Tanis's triumph was momentary however. He was interrupted by two familiar screams from the sky. Both Tanis and Darien looked up to see Hope get struck by Ebony's fire and stagger backwards in the sky. Tanis gave an angry cry and Darien barely had time to jump on his back before the enraged Dragon took to the air. Sailor Earth and Hope flew through the melee, looking for somewhere to help. They looked around, all the senshi were engaged in a fight of some sort. Suddenly Hope felt Earth tap her back. She glanced backwards. Earth shouted something and pointed ahead, but the wind tore the words from her lips. Frustrated, she reverted to telepathic communication. <> She cried. <> Asked Hope. Earth smiled grimly. <> <> Suggested Hope with a smile. Earth nodded and called for Excalibur. "Let's go!" She shouted, this time the wind carrying her words across the air. Hope flew towards the massive black dragon, launching occasional spells to help out her minions. They stopped just behind her. Earth stood up. "Ebony!" She shouted. The Queen of the Takhissis turned in midair, she shielded her eyes as Excalibur began to glow brightly. "Who are you to challenge me?!" Shouted Ebony. "Pitiful human!" "I am the Sailor Soldier of Life, Eternal Sailor Earth! Protector of this planet!" She raised Excalibur and stood up in the golden saddle on Hope's back. "Foolish human!" Snarled Ebony. "Only a descendant of the lone of Coronus can wield that . . . " She paused in mid-sentence, suddenly realizing the truth behind Earth's identity. "So, you are Princess Terra. Coronus's fool hardy daughter. And who's this Quisalas? Just a hatchling?" Hope growled. "This is Hope Draco! Daughter of Silvara and Rannon!" Ebony's eyes widened slightly at this last statement, but other than that she seemed unimpressed. She growled something in another language and the dark elf on her back leapt onto Hope. Earth gasped and dodged the sword the elf swung at her. She regarded her opponent closely. A male dark elf, standing only slightly taller than her. He was well muscled, and was obviously a trained fighter. She frowned. He reminded her of someone. "Who are you?" She asked, countering a blow. "You'll find out soon enough." He growled, the threat in his voice obvious. Terri felt the all to familiar feeling of de ja vu. *Terri got to her feet in a rage, forgetting the pain in her shoulder. She charged the startled elf and threw her into a wall. "Where is he?" She shouted. "Where did you send him?" Raven laughed. "You'll find out soon enough!" She said, the threat in her voice obvious.* "Raven!" Gasped Earth, recognizing the high cheek bones, dark eyes and long white hair on the male elf before her. "So, you do remember my sister." He growled. "Now you will pay for her death!" Earth's temper flared, her eyes flashed with remembered worry and pain. "No!" She said. "You're the one who's going to pay!" The two jumped at each other. Hope regarded Ebony with worry, though she didn't let it show. She knew she was no match for the Larger, older, stronger Takhissis. She looked around quickly to see if anyone could give her a hand, but they were all busy, including Terri, who was preoccupied with the dark elf on her back. She hovered in the air, not wanting to move for fear of sending Earth flying off of her back, but it didn't look like she was going to have much of a choice. Ebony began to chant. hope's eyes widened, and she attempted to move forward, but found her wings wouldn't obey her. She was paralyzed in the air, but she wasn't falling. She realized. She tried to call out to warn Earth, but her mouth wouldn't form the words. She inhaled sharply as Ebony opened her mouth and let loose with a blast of fire that struck Hope square in the chest. The spell came undone, and Hope flew backwards through the air. She was only semi-aware of Earth screaming behind her and falling off. Earth gasped and dodged another well-aimed blow. Suddenly both fighters paused. Hope had stopped moving, and sat perfectly still in the air. Something wasn't right. Suddenly Earth heard Chanting. She gasped and looked up. "No!" The elf took the advantage and charged her again, slashing viciously at her. The sword cut through her fuku, just below the protective armor, leaving a long gash in her side. Earth cried out in pain and fell to her knees, just as Hope went reeling back in the air. The dark elf, preparing to finish Earth off was thrown off balance as both he and Terri toppled off the dragon and went falling through the sky. "MERCURY GALES VANQUISH!!!" Shouted Eternal Sailor Mercury, launching the blast. Amber gasped as one of her wings was struck and froze over. She tumbled out of the sky. Safrillean and Mercury followed quickly, landing gracefully in front of the shaken blue. She climbed slowly to her feet, shaking the ice off of her wing. Safrillean attacked before Amber had a chance to take to the air. Mercury held on tightly. Amber's dark elf rider was no where to be found, having been killed on the tumble out of the sky. Safrillean and Amber battled fiercely, but Amber was not skilled in fighting on the ground. She swung her claw clumsily at Safrillean, which the Quisalas dodged gracefully. Before Amber could recover from the blow, Safrillean opened her mouth and dispatched the Takhissis with a blast of fire. The body vanished within seconds. Mercury laughed triumphantly and leapt from Safrillean's back. She turned to congratulate the Quisalas when something grabbed her from behind. She gasped as the dracon threw her to the ground. Acting instinctively she whirled around launched an attack. "MERCURY GALES VANQUISH!!!" She shouted. The frozen dracon toppled to the ground, turning to dust a second later. Mercury looked up, suddenly realizing there was a growing crowd of bystanders, watching the battle in the air with wide eyes. She gasped a dracon launched itself into the crowd. She jumped to her feet and ran forward and jumping in front of the small girl the dracon was aiming for. "MERCURY AQUA RHAPSODY!!!" She shouted, sending the dracon flying backwards and into the waiting arms of Sailor Pluto, who dispatched it quickly. "We've got to protect them!" Shouted the sailor senshi of time. Sailor Uranus and Neptune ran forward, shouting for the people to get back. "If only Zoy were here . . . " Said Mercury, a plan forming in her mind. "POLAR WINDS RAGE!!!" He shouted, raising his shield to block a counter-attack from the dark elf on Dread's back. Pyrite dodged a blow from the large red and launched one of his own. Dread ducked, but the move left his rider exposed. The dark elf screamed as it toppled from the Takhissis's back in flames. Zoisite grinned and turned his attention back to the fight at hand. Pyrite and Dread battled fiercely, neither willing to give an inch. Soon, both had been injured, Pyrite in the worst condition. He lashed out with his tail, but the move left his left side open to attack. Dread didn't miss the mistake. He roared in triumph and dove to finish the kill, but was cut off by a bronze streak. Safrillean's teeth found flesh and she dug in. All three dragons dropped to the ground. Mercury jumped off of Safrillean's back and ran to meet Zoisite who had jumped from Pyrite's. The two ran towards the outer senshi, who were trying to hold the crowd back, confidant that the two Quisalas could finish Dread. Mercury briefly let Zoisite in on what was happening and what she planned to do. Camera's flashed and camcorders ran as the press began arriving in drones. "We've got to build a wall!" Explained Mercury. "Of ice, to hold them back. They're going to get hurt if we don't!" She paused to destroy a dracon that had escaped from Pluto and Saturn. Zoisite nodded. "How exactly are we going to do this?" he asked. "I've done it on a smaller version with my Shine Aqua Illusion before." She said. "Concentrate on it." She gestured around the main battle field. "There's nothing we can do about the dragons, but we can keep the dracons away from them." Zoisite nodded in understanding. "Let's give it a shot then." He said. The two joined hands and closed their eyes. "MERCURY GALES . . . " "POLAR WINDS . . . " They shouted, building up their power. Slowly they opened their eyes focusing all their energy into one area. "VANQUISH!" "RAGE!" A blast of frigid air erupted from the two and stopped just in front of the crowd. Slowly, a wall of ice formed a large circle around the senshi and the battle, keeping the people safely out of harm's way. The camera's kept flashing through the transparent wall. Sailor Uranus and Neptune turned from the people and added their efforts to the fight on the ground. Mars gasped as darkness closed in around her. She couldn't see anything! Frantically she brought forth an anti-evil scroll, forcing herself through years of training to calm down and concentrate. She waited until she could sense the location of her enemy before throwing the scroll. "Evil Begone!" She shouted. Mirage screamed as the scroll stuck to her forehead, breaking both her concentration and the spell. The darkness lifted and Revera was on her in an instant. She gasped and fought back with tooth and claw, Revera would not give her the chance to get off anymore spells. "MARS FLAME SNIPER!!!" Shouted mars, sending the flaming arrow into the heart of Mirage's dark elf rider. Mirage gave a startled cry as another arrow buried itself in her shoulder blade, a second tore through her wing, and a third struck her snout. Angrily she lashed out with her claw and struck Revera's side, tearing through the bronze scales. Revera roared in anger and opened her mouth, letting loose with a stream of fire, striking Mirage's good wing and burning it to the bone. This was followed immediately by scalding lava which struck Mirage in the chest. Mirage's body disappeared before it hit the ground. Jupiter cried out as she began her descent to the ground. Desperately, her arm shout out and grabbed a hold of the dragon. She clung desperately to the scales and tried to climb back up. She gasped as the dark elf appeared above her grinning evilly. It raised its taloned glove, prepared to send her falling to her doom. But it hadn't prepared for Jupiter's strength. The sailor soldier of protection thrust herself upwards and into the unsuspecting elf. It gave a startled cry and tumbled backwards, teetering precariously on the edge of the dragon. "JUPITER THUNDERBOLTS CHARGE!!!" Shouted Jupiter, sending a blast that sent the elf toppling off of the dragon. Suddenly Jupiter was presented with a problem. How to get back on Faith's back. She gasped as Melancholy tore through Faith's vulnerable back. Furious, the antennae on Jupiter's tiara rose up to the sky, as the sky began to cloud over. "JUPITER THUNDER CRASH!!!" She shouted. The electricity struck Melancholy's back as Jupiter jumped to safety on the injured Faith. Melancholy screamed as the electricity surrounded her and dug into her. Once it had faded she glared at Faith and Jupiter through one eye, the other now permanently shut thanks to Sailor Jupiter. She opened her mouth and let loose a stream of fire, but she was too weak for it to do any damage. Faith dove in, finishing Melancholy in one, swift move. Kunzite dove in to finish the wounded elf, but she had different plans. Turning, she lashed out with her good leg, sending Kunzite sprawling to the ground with a startled cry, his sword flying from his grasp and landing at the elf's feet. Grinning though the pain in her leg, she struggled to her feet as Kunzite regained his own. She reached down and picked up his sword. Suddenly her eyes widened in pain as the Sword of Honour began to glow with an incandescent light. She screamed and dropped the sword, which disappeared before it hit the ground, and materialized in Kunzite's hand. The elf looked at her charred hands in dismay. "This sword may only be held by those who posses the virtue of honour." Said Kunzite. "Those who attempt to hold it, who do not have honour will be punished." He finished with a gesture at her hands. She glared up at him, then bowed her head in defeat. "Finish it!" She ordered, but Kunzite shook his head. "What honour is there in killing a defenseless enemy, even if they are an enemy." He put his sword back in his sub-space pocket and turned to help Valor fight Gravestone. The elf grinned in disbelief and got to her feet again, raising her burnt hands and chanting. Kunzite turned around in time to see a ball of dark energy form between her hands. She prepared to launch it, but was cut off as the flaming body of another dark elf fell out of the sky and landed on top of her, causing the bolt to back-fire and ricochet back at her. Both bodies dissolved into dust. Kunzite looked up as a bleeding Valor finished Gravestone with a claw. Jaedite took his eyes from the falling form of the elf and looked back at Noir, who had begun chanting. Silverbolt dodged the blast of magic with grace and skill and followed immediately with a blast of his own. Noir gasped as the fire struck him in the neck and sent him reeling in the sky. He recovered instantly and responded with tooth and claw, deciding that magic was the wrong course to take with this Quisalas. The two battled fiercely, with neither side gaining a clear advantage, and all Jaedite could do was hang on for dear life as the dragon's writhed, turned and twisted in the air. Unfortunately, unlike Terri, who was a skilled dragon rider, and Hope, who was used to fighting with someone in tow, Jaedite had never ridden a dragon until that day, and Silverbolt had never been ridden until that day. The result of which, was Jaedite toppling off the dragon's back and landing on Noir's. He gasped and jumped shakily to his feet, immediately falling back onto his knees as Silverbolt attacked Noir. Neither of the dragons had noticed him, they were too involved in their fight, and so, Jaedite found himself in a very opportune position. Grinning (still somewhat shakily) he called for his crossbow. Standing up, he aimed the arrow in between Noir's shoulders. "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!" He shouted, letting loose the crossbow. Unfortunately, he hadn't stopped to consider the dangers of killing the dragon you happen to be riding. Two seconds after Noir began to fall it occurred to him that maybe he should have waited until he was safely on Silverbolt to shoot. He cried out as he toppled from the sky, Noir's body disappearing underneath him. He closed his eyes and waited to hit the ground. Suddenly realizing he had hit something, but that it wasn't the ground, he opened one eye and looked up into the smiling face of Sailor Mars. "Need a lift?" She asked as Revera flew to join Silverbolt in the sky. Lightning and Nephrite watched in satisfaction as Blitzkrieg and his rider were spun around in the flaming tornado. It slowly faded away revealing a blackened Takhissis, with bits of blue beneath the charred scales. His rider was gone. The furious blue bellowed in rage and dove for Lightning, striking the bronze in the chest and sending them both tumbling to the ground. Lightning hit the ground with a thud, landing right in front of the ice wall Mercury and Zoisite had created. He got to his feet quickly and lashed out with his tail, tripping Blitzkrieg up and sending the blue to the ground, but despite his injuries, Blitzkrieg was still fast, and he jumped to his feet. He opened his mouth and let loose with a blast of fire, that struck Lightning in the chest. He cried out as the force of the blast propelled him backwards into the wall. It shuddered but it didn't give way. Moving quickly, Blitzkrieg moved forward to finish Lightning off. "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!!!" Shouted a new voice. Black ribbons surrounded Blitzkrieg, until he couldn't be seen. Once they had faded, he was gone. Nephrite climbed weakly off of Lightning's back, or rather, fell weakly. He smiled at Saturn. "Thanks." he said. She smiled and moved to heal Lightning. "Where's Quartzite?" She asked. "I could use his help." Enraged, Quartz threw Rannon off of him and slashed downward with his claw. Quartzite gasped as the huge talons whistled by, too close for comfort. He growled and called for his daggers. "SHOOTING STARS STRIKE!" He shouted, throwing the daggers with all his might. They formed into balls of light that struck Quartz before the dragon could get any spells off, breaking his concentration. Rannon followed this with a blast of fire. Quartz, realizing the danger he was in, met Rannon's blast with one of his own. For a moment the two stood stationary, each being equally strong, but Quartz had already been injured inn this fight, and Rannon's fire struck home. The black tumbled out of the sky. Rannon was about to follow, when he saw the outer senshi arrive and finish off the magic-user. Suddenly he heard Quartzite gasp on his back. "What's wrong?" he asked, worried. "Sailor Earth is in trouble!" He shouted back, looking around to see her. He spotted her tumble from Hope's back, but realized that he was helpless to do anything. "No!" He cried. Suddenly he noticed Tanis and Darien taking off from the ground. He watched anxiously, hoping they would be able to catch her, but his gaze was torn away as Rannon sped forward. He looked up to see what was happening and he spotted Sailor Moon and Silvara being beaten by Scarlet and her rider. Scarlet raised her claw, prepared to deal Silvara the final blow, but she was cut off as Rannon plowed into her, sending her flying through the sky. Quartzite jumped from Rannon's back, to Silvara's, intent on helping Sailor Moon. He called for his daggers again and threw them, one at a time. "SHOOTING STARS STRIKE!" He shouted, the first struck the Dark Elf's shoulder, the second lodged in his leg. He whirled to face Quartzite, but in doing so, turned his back on Sailor Moon. Quartzite saw the scepter come up, and smash down on the elf's head. It crumpled to it's knees, falling off Silvara's back. Sailor Moon checked her scepter for dents and grinned. "I've always wanted to do that." She said with a grin. They looked up suddenly as a very angry Scarlet charged Silvara. Quartzite called for his daggers again. "SHOOTING STARS STRIKE!!" He shouted. "SILVER CRYSTAL POWER KISS!" She shouted, her blast striking Quartzite's daggers and changing the silver glow to white. The twin attack struck Scarlet in the chest, and buried in her heart. She stopped short in the air as her mouth opened in a silent scream. Slowly she fell from the sky, fading even as she fell. "TERRI NO!" Shouted Hope, realizing Earth was no longer on her back. She started to dive after her, but was cut off by another blow from Ebony. Earth toppled off Hope's back and into the sky. She closed her eyes and lost consciousness just as Tanis flew under her and Tuxedo Mask caught her in his arms. He gasped when he saw the gash across her abdomen. He looked up in alarm as Hope fell out of the sky. Tanis gasped and shot down to the ground, landing just after Hope who got to her feet painfully. "Terri?" She asked with worry. Darien jumped off and searched frantically for Quartzite. He arrived a moment later, took one look at Earth and started healing her. She opened her eyes slowly. "Quartzite?" She asked. Suddenly she sat up. "Where's Hope?" She asked, fighting back a wave of dizziness. "I'm here." Said Hope, looking relieved. Terri glanced up at the sky, where the other Quisalas were fighting with Ebony, and losing. The senshi and generals had all been set on the ground before the Quisalas attacked Ebony. They were busy finishing off the last of the dracons and the dark elves. Venus and Tirassinean had defeated Ashley and now the sailor senshi of love and beauty was busy dispensing the final dark elf. She looked up at the battle above with growing worry. She ran over to them. "We've got to help them!" She cried, as Hope and Tanis both flew to join the fight above. "Ebony will kill them!" Within seconds all the senshi and generals had gathered. They all watched with growing worry as Ebony slashed and tore at the Quisalas. "Oh no!" Gasped Zoisite. "Pyrite!" He ran forward as the great gold tumbled from the sky, one wing slashed from shoulder to tip. Quartzite started forward but was stopped by the sound of chanting. Horrified, he looked up as a bright light filled the sky. When it faded, Faith, Valor and Safrillean dropped from the sky. One by one the Quisalas attacked Ebony, and one by one they fell. Either to her claws, or her magic, until only Hope and Tanis were left to fight. But it was hopeless. Hope screamed as a blast of dark energy crashed into her and sent her tumbling to the ground, Tanis tumbling after, a similar attack striking him. "Hope!" Screamed Earth. "Tanis!" Cried Tuxedo Mask. But before either of them could run forward, Kunzite and Nephrite had grabbed them, and held them back. Zoisite also returned. "They're not dead!" He said. "Just hurt!" "But we can't help them until Ebony's gone!" Said Quartzite. Earth looked at Hope with anguish obvious in her eyes. She whirled around, the anguish replaced with anger. "Then Ebony dies." She growled. Darien turned and nodded his agreement. "But how?" Asked Sailor Moon, asking the question no one knew how to answer. Kenjii held Ikuko close and watched with a horrified fascination through the ice wall as the gold, silver, and bronze dragons fell from the sky. He turned his attention back to the senshi as they regrouped and seemed to be arguing about something. He noticed Sailor Moon--Serena was quiet for a bit. Suddenly she spoke up, the wind carried her words up and over the wall. "--We have to use our crystals! You all have them now, you got them when you powered up into eternal!" "But what about the Outer senshi?" Asked Jupiter. "We have to power up!" Said Uranus. Pluto nodded. "Raise you Talismans!" She ordered. Uranus lifted her jeweled sword, Neptune, her mirror, Saturn her Glaive and Pluto the orb. Sailor Moon nodded in understanding. She raised her hands above her head and a shining ball of light appeared in them. Kenjii shielded his eyes from the glow. When it had faded, Sailor Moon held a shining crystal in her hands. It suddenly transformed into a 16-pointed star. "COSMIC MOON POWER!!!" She shouted. Four beams of light burst from the crystal and struck the outers talismans. They were instantly surrounded in a bright light. When it faded, they were dressed in outfits similar to the inner senshi, white wings adorned their backs. The talismans started to glow. They shrank, forming crystals of different colors, the same shape as Sailor Moon's. With a flash they disappeared. A horrified gasp went up from the crowd as the black dragon landed on the ground in front of the senshi. Eternal Sailor Uranus looked up in shock as Ebony landed on the ground in front of them. She shimmered and became a human, resembling the Dark Elves they had fought earlier. Her Skin was black as Ebony, with hair even darker. She was dressed in a long black dress and cape. Her eyes were the only thing on her that wasn't black. They shone with a demonic light that drew the senshi into them. Shaking their heads they looked away. Mercury thrust her hands in front of her and tried to call for her crystal. but it wouldn't come. "What the . . . " She said, She looked up and noticed the others having the same problems. Earth frowned. Suddenly she heard chanting. Earth's head shot up as Sailor Moon was thrown backwards into her. She gasped as both she and Sailor Moon hit the ground. Within seconds the rest of the warriors were on the ground. Kunzite was on his feet in an instant, followed immediately by the generals. "FORTIFYING STEEL ASSAULT!!!" "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!" "POLAR WINDS RAGE!!!" "HEAVENLY CYCLONES ROAR!!!" "SHOOTING STARS STRIKE!!!" All 5 attacks hit Ebony at the same time. There was a brilliant flash, and when it faded, Ebony still stood. She laughed and dropped the weapons she held in her hand. A sword, a staff, a crossbow, a pair of ninja stars, and a pair of daggers. The generals gasped and stepped backwards. "Fools!" Snarled Ebony. "You cannot defeat me!" She spoke a word in another language and Sailor Moon floated up into the air. "Sailor Moon!" Gasped Tuxedo mask. He ran towards her, but Ebony gestured with her hand and the leader of the Sailor Senshi flew towards her. Laughing still she gripped Sailor moon around the throat. The senshi's eyes widened, they were helpless to do anything. Suddenly, Ebony threw Sailor Moon across the ground and into the glass wall. The Tsukino's watched in horror as the dragon/human picked Sailor Moon up by the throat and threw her into the wall right in front of them. Sammy cried out and dropped to his knees beside his sister on the other side of the wall. Sailor Moon shook her head and climbed to her feet. She looked back at her family and tried to smile reassuringly, but her smile faltered. Suddenly she whirled around as the sound of chanting again filled the air. She gasped as another bolt of dark energy flew towards her. "Sailor Moon!" Screamed Sammy. Suddenly the tuxedoed figure, Darien, jumped forward. Moving faster than Kenjii had ever seen anyone move he was beside Sailor Moon. He picked her up and jumped over the ice wall, even as the bolt hit his back. He landed on the other side, set Sailor Moon down, and collapsed to his knees. Earth watched in relief as Tuxedo Mask made it over the wall safely. The relief turned to worry as he collapsed behind it. She realized. She snapped back to attention as Venus and Kunzite began shouting out orders. "Quartzite, Sailor Earth, over the wall!" Shouted Kunzite. "Help Darien and then get them back to this fight! We're gonna need them!" "The rest of you, fan out! We've got to keep her away from those people!" Shouted Venus. The senshi and generals quickly spread out into pairs, blocking Ebony from the retreating figures of Eternal Sailor Earth and her husband. Earth jumped up and over the wall, followed immediately by Quartzite. "Get back!" She yelled at the people crowding around Tuxedo mask and Sailor Moon. The crowd parted, half of them watching the battle, the other half watching the senshi in their midst. Quartzite dropped to his knees beside Tuxedo Mask. "Where did you get hit?" He asked, you can never be quite sure with magic. Darien gestured painfully to his back and Quartzite set to work. "Sailor Moon, are you okay?" Asked Earth worriedly. The younger senshi nodded shakily. "Is Tuxedo Mask . . . " Earth nodded. "Just a minor wound, Quartzite will have him fixed up in no time." She looked up as Kenjii and Ikuko began pushing their way forward, but they stopped as Earth glared forcefully at them, shaking her head. The last thing they needed was more people knowing who they were. Tuxedo Mask stood up a second later, shaking his head. They exchanged glances then leapt over the wall, back into the fray. Venus was frustrated. Their most powerful attacks were having no effect. She whistled to the outers who nodded. "URANUS ASTEROIDS CRASH!!!" "NEPTUNE SEA BREEZE STORM!!!" "PLUTO VORTEX SEVER!!!" "SATURN RIBBONS SILENCE!!!" All four attacks hit Ebony, but she spoke a word and raised her hand, and the attacks ricochet off of her and hit the senshi. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!!!!" Shouted Sailor Earth, leaping at Ebony's back. The sword glowed fiercely and pierced Ebony's skin. She screamed in pain. Earth tore the sword from Ebony's back as the queen of the Takhissis whirled to face her, eyes blazing. Several attacks came at her from behind, but they all disappeared before they could reach her. Excalibur still glowed brightly. "That cursed sword!" Growled Ebony, rage obvious in her eyes. Earth's own eyes widened as she recognized the helpless expressions on her friend's faces. "Uh-oh!" She said, raising Excalibur. Ebony launched at her, raising a sword that appeared out of nowhere. The black blade struck Excalibur with such force it drove Earth backwards. She cried out as she stumbled backwards, but regained her balance in time to block another attack from Ebony. Her eyes narrowed. She realized. She countered with a thrust of her own, following it immediately with a kick that connected with Ebony's stomach. The queen stumbled backwards, but other than that, it hadn't affected her. Ebony chanted again, launching a black bolt. Earth gasped as the bolt flew towards her, but for some reason, it dissipated before it reached her. She looked down at Excalibur, glowing brightly in the moonlight. She thought suddenly. Tuxedo mask watched in dismay as all the attacks disappeared. He thought dismally. Suddenly he spotted Tanis's still body. He gasped when he thought he saw it stir slightly. Earth cried out in pain as Ebony's sword pierced her shoulder. The black metal was so cold it burned. Ebony watched pain flood her opponents face with satisfaction. She ripped the blade free and shoved Earth to the ground. Earth fell, Excalibur clattering from her hand. Ebony grinned in triumph. "First I'll destroy the guardian, then I'll destroy the planet." She said. Earth glared up at her. "I thought you wanted to rule!" She growled. Ebony scowled. "Rule over what? You've killed my Takhissis! That demands revenge! You kill my people, so I will kill yours! This planet is doomed!" Insane, desperate rage twisted Earth's face. She jumped to her feet with a strength she didn't know she had. "Over my dead body!" She shouted. "So be it!" Ebony raised her sword to strike down this impudent human but was cut off by a roar from behind her. She gasped as dragon fire hit her and threw her backwards. Earth looked up at Tanis in shock as he collapsed to the ground again. "It's up to you now!" He shouted to the senshi and generals. "You have to defeat her!" Then he was silent. Quartzite ran up to Earth and dragged her back to the other senshi before Ebony had a chance to regain her balance. Once she did, the dragon/human glared at the guardians of the planet. "You are fools!" She shouted. "The only one who has ever defeated me was a guardian of the Silver Millennium! With the aid of the Quisalas!" Something clicked in Earth's mind. Guardian of the Silver Millennium. She thought suddenly. "You are nothing!" Ebony roared, transforming back into the huge black dragon. "Wrong!" Shouted Earth, smiling now. "We are the Silver Millennium!" She closed her eyes and concentrated. She was surrounded by a bright light, when it faded, in the place of Eternal Sailor Earth, stood Princess Terra, holding a glowing Excalibur. Darien's eyes lit up in sudden understanding. He closed his eyes and transformed into King Endymion, holding the golden crystal. "We are the Earth!" He shouted. One by one the generals lined up behind their king and princess, weapons in hand. Sailor Moon closed her eyes and transformed into Neo-Queen Serenity, gripping the Silver Imperium Crystal tightly. "I am the Moon!" She shouted. one by on the senshi transformed into princess's, each holding a shining crystal of their respective colors. "I am Mercury!" "I am Mars!" "I am Venus!" "I am Jupiter!" "I am Uranus!" "I am Neptune!" "I am Saturn!" "I am Pluto!" They joined the generals and formed a circle around Serenity, Endymion and Terra. "And you . . . " Said Terra. "Are moon dust!" Shouted Serenity. Terra turned to her brother and and his wife and bowed low. "My life and service are yours to command my king, my queen." She said. Endymion smiled and raised the golden crystal. Terra raised Excalibur. "Focus your energies in the sword!" She shouted. "It's the only thing that isn't affected by Ebony's magic. "MARS CELESTIAL POWER!" "MERCURY CELESTIAL POWER!" "VENUS CELESTIAL POWER!" "JUPITER CELESTIAL POWER" "URANUS CELESTIAL POWER!" "NEPTUNE CELESTIAL POWER!" "PLUTO CELESTIAL POWER!" "SATURN CELESTIAL POWER! "BY THE SPIRIT OF EARTH!" "FOR THE HONOUR OF EARTH!" "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" "COSMIC MOON POWER!" "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER!" All 16 beams of power shot forward and struck Excalibur. The sword began to glow brilliantly, like moonlight on ice. Terra struggled to keep all the power under control. Ebony, realizing the danger she was now in, began to chant and launched spell after spell at the senshi, but her magic was reflected by a stronger magic, the magic of honor, faith, wisdom, strength, spirit, protection, peace, knowledge, love, time, hope, the sky, the sea, and life, all combined. The light from Excalibur grew surrounding the entire area, covering the still bodies of the Quisalas. One by one, they heard the call of the sword they gave their freedom to have, and one by one they stood up, completely healed. Terra struggled to hold all the magic in, as the Quisalas added their own, breathing fire that changed to light as it struck the blade. "Now!" Whispered Endymion. Closing her eyes, Terra pulled the sword back. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE . . . " SHE shouted, getting ready to hurl the blade as Serenity spoke up behind her. "Rulers of the Silver millennium, now is the time to come together! Bind your powers! Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Earth . . . UNITE!!" "STRIKE!!!" Shouted Terra, She threw the sword at Ebony with all her might. Ebony screamed as Excalibur buried itself to the hilt in her heart. The power spread through her body, destroying her from the inside out. She screamed as the power finally burst through to outside in a bright explosion of light that threw the senshi backwards and shattered the ice wall. When it had faded, Ebony was gone. Slowly the senshi climbed to their feet, reverting back into senshi form. There was silence for a minute, before frantic cheering broke out from the gathered crowd. The senshi looked at each other and grinned. "Smile," said Earth. "You're on candid camera!" They all laughed and climbed up on the dragons, grinning and laughing and waving, just happy to be alive. "Are you sure you don't want to stay?" Asked Hope sadly. Rannon shook his head. "We don't fit in the twentieth century." He said. "But don't hesitate to come and visit us anytime." She smiled and hugged him and Silvara. "I will." She said, turning and walking over to Terri before She started crying. "Hope, are you sure about this?" Asked Terri, feeling a lump rise in her throat. "I mean, all your life you thought you were the last, and you just wanted a family, and someone who was a dragon, like you, and now you've got it, but you're going to leave it all behind . . . " She stopped, blinking back tears. She didn't want her best friend to go, but She didn't want her to make the wrong decision either. The Quisalas had decided that they didn't like twentieth century life, and wanted to return to Elysia, without being sealed inside it of course. Elios had happily given them a place to live, glad for the company. Hope smiled. "Terri, you are my best friend, you're the closest thing to a family I had until now. I would never abandon you." Terri frowned. "Yeah but are you sure, I mean, you aren't the last anymore. You have a mother, and a father, and friends of your own kind . . . " Hope sighed. "Terri, I made my choice a thousand years ago when I followed a renegade princess and her brother and guardians into the woods. You are my own kind. Besides, Tanis is staying too, so I'm not the only dragon on Earth anymore, and I can still come and visit when I feel like it." Terri laughed happily and threw her arms around her friend. Nearby, Tanis and Darien were having a similar conversation. "I'm sure. They were the only people I had for a while, but now I've got Hope, and I know she wouldn't abandon Terri for anything." he smiled as he watched the two old friends hug. "Besides, where would I be without my rider?" He asked with a grin. Darien returned the grin with one of his own. A few hours later the senshi had all aid their goodbyes and Elios transported them out (having decided earlier they still needed practice on their improved Sailor Teleport), until Hope, Tanis, Darien and Terri were the only ones left. "Thank you Silvara," said Terri. "For helping us out." Silvara smiled warmly. "Don't hesitate to ask if you ever need help again." She said, hugging Terri. "And take care of my daughter." "Will do." Said Terri with a laugh. "Take care of yourself Tanis." Said Pyrite, as the others nodded in agreement. Revera stepped forward, struggling with the words. "You did well," She began. "Tanis winced, waiting for the 'hatchling' that always followed when Revera spoke to him. "Tanthalasa." She finished. He looked up, shocked. Silverbolt smiled approvingly. "Thanks." he said quietly, hugging her quickly before running to join the others to be teleported. They all waved as Elios teleported them out of sight. " . . . and that's how this whole thing came about." Said Luna. She looked around at the varying expressions on her audience's faces. Everyone who had been at the wedding, the senshi's parents (or grandparent), as well as the generals, and all their closest friends now sat in the Tsukino's crowded living room. They had just finished listening to the story of the moon kingdom and all the senshi's exploits since then. "So let me get this straight." Said Sammy. "My sister, is the queen of this planet, and the moon, and these are her guardians?" He looked unsure of how to react to that. Finally he shrugged and grinned. "I can live with that." A little while late, after most of the questions had been answered, the senshi went home with their parents and friends, for a bit of quality time. Darien stood in the Tsukino's living room. Kenjii swallowed hard and looked at him. "I saw the way you risked yourself for my daughter." He said slowly. The he sighed. "I'm sorry. I misjudged you. From now on, you're welcome here anytime." Darien smiled happily and Serena kissed his cheek. "So this is the end." Said Quinn, wrapping his arm around his wife and sitting on the couch in their new apartment. "No." Said Terri with a little smile. She tilted her head up to meet his eyes. "This is just the beginning." **************************************************************************** Well? What did you think? Would you like an epilougue? Do you not want an epilougue? Please e-mail me with your comments, suggestions and wether or not you want an epilougue. Arigato minna-chan! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ The Gateway to the Silver Millennium P.S. Many thanks to anyone who e-mailed me with support! Arigato!