Hey again! Here's chapter 5! I can't talk long, because I've got like, 3 minutes to send this in before the deadline! Just for the record, it's it's the 20th, so if this isn't up on the 22, I missed the deadline! Anyways, you know all the legal stuff by now. Any comments, e-mail me! Ja! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocites.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ P.S. Hope you enjoy this part! **************************************************************************** PART 5 Lita hummed happily as she set about creating one of her culinary masterpieces. She smiled as Mr. Brown walked in. He returned the look with a fond smile. "Hello Lita, how are things going with you?" He asked. She grinned. "Better than ever sir!" She replied enthusiastically. How could they not be? She was doing what She loved, and had found a close friend in Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown owned the little restaurant and had taken Lita in as a cook just after they defeated Beryl. She worked part-time for the remainder of high-school and then full time with him. She couldn't afford University, but it didn't matter to her. She was doing what she loved. Mr. Brown on the other hand, had found a companion. He had been lonely ever since his wife had died, and Lita had become the daughter he never had. "Lita dear, would you mind closing up for me tonight, I have an appointment with my lawyer." He asked. She grinned. "No problem Mr. Brown." She said, winking. He smiled again and went out to man the cash register. Lita turned back to her work, but was interrupted a moment later. "Hi Lisa!" Lita said brightly. The girl smiled. "Hi Lita." She said. "You're friends just came in, so I figured you might want to take your break early." Lita smiled. "Thanks Lisa! I won't take long." She quickly undid the ties on the apron and handed it to the smaller girl, before heading out into the restaurant area. Terri, Quinn, Serena, and Darien sat in the small restaurant where Lita worked, discussing last minute plans for the wedding. "Terri," Said Serena. "The wedding is only three weeks away! And you don't even have a dress yet!" Terri sighed. "I know, I know! But I haven't had time to go looking for one!" She said. "In between dragons and the rest of the plans, I haven't been out much!" "What's this about Dragon's?" Asked Lita, coming up to the booth. Terri sighed. "I still don't have a wedding dress." She said. "And the wedding's in three weeks." Lita frowned. "That is a problem." She said. "Well, Maxfeild and I are going to the mall tonight, if you and Serena would like to come along." Terri blushed. "Oh no! I couldn't! Maxfield has been more than generous! He's practically paying for the whole wedding! I couldn't impose." She said. Lita smiled. "It's no problem." She said. "We'll just drop you off, if it bothers you that much!" Serena smiled. "Come on Terri! you might not get another chance!" She prodded. Terri sighed. "How do I let you guys rope me into these things!" She said. Serena and Lita smiled. Suddenly Mr. Brown called from the counter, which happened to be right beside them. "Phone call for Mr. McTavish!" he said. Quinn stood up. "Be right back." He said. He stood up and walked over to the phone. Tim Brown watched him with curiosity as his face grew suddenly angry. "What do you mean you have to cancel!" He said. "The wedding's in three weeks! We can't get anyone else on that short notice!" He listened for a minute more. "Good bye!" He finally said icily, hanging up the phone. He sighed and walked back to the table. "What's up Quinn?" Asked Darien. Quinn put his head in his hands. "The caterer's canceling! apparently they double booked, and now we're stuck!" There were dismayed gasps from all around the table. "Oh great! Now what do we do?" Fumed Terri. Lita put a hand on her shoulder comfortingly. Frowning, Mr. Brown walked over to the table. "I'm sorry." He said. "But I couldn't help but overhear. If you would like, I would be happy to cater for your wedding." Terri smiled. "Does your business do catering?" She asked. He smiled. "It does now." "On such short notice?" Asked Quinn. Mr. Brown smiled. "Let me put it this way," he smiled at Lita. "Any friend of Lita's is a friend of mine, and what are friends for, if they aren't for helping out?" Darien smiled. "If you're sure..." Mr. Brown's smile widened. "I'm sure." he scratched his chin. "I've been meaning to expand my business anyway, and this seems as good a time as any to try it out." Quinn smiled and shook his hand. "You've found yourself some customers." he said. Tanis knocked softly on the door to Hope's apartment. It opened and he smiled shyly at her. "Tanis?" She asked, shocked. He pushed his glasses up. "Hi Hope." He said. "Can I talk to you?" Hope stared at him, debating wether or not to let him in. She thought. She sighed and opened the door. He stepped in and took of his coat. She ran into the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. The two sat down at the counter. "Well." She said. "So, you're a dragon too." She said awkwardly. He nodded, equally awkwardly. "Yep. So are you." "How long have you known I was a dragon?" She asked. He grinned sheepishly. "Since your second fight with Obsidian." He said. She raised an eyebrow. "That long?" She said. "How come you never said anything?" He shrugged. "I don't know." He said. He looked down at his coffee, mustering up his courage. "I guess, 'cause ever since I met you, I've been telling myself, that it would never work, between you and me, because I was a dragon, and you were a human." He paused, his courage momentarily failing him. He said. He looked up at her. "The truth is, Hope, I like you...a lot. And I guess, when I found out you were a dragon too, I kinda chickened out." He smiled. "I think Terri guessed, because she's the one who told me to talk to you." Hope said nothing. He looked up, fearing rejection, but she didn't look upset, just...confused. "I...I like you too." She said. "A lot." Tanis beamed happily. Suddenly he remembered that he had to explain to Hope what he'd told Terri and Darien the night before. "Hope, I have something else to tell you." he said. "It's about the past. Yours and mine." Hope looked up, suddenly attentive. "What about it?" He sighed. Having thought this, he launched into the tale about the first time the dragons had been on Earth. Terri sighed as they reached the final dress store in the mall. "I hope we find something here." She said. Serena smiled, not tired in the least. Terri smiled wryly to herself. "Come on, there's bound to be something in here!" She grabbed Terri's hand and dragged her into the store. Serena gasped as she heard familiar voices. She ran into the room. "Haruka! Michiru! Hotaru!" She exclaimed. The three outer senshi turned around at the sound of their names. The smiled. Suddenly a familiar green haired figure walked out from behind the curtain. "Setsuna?!" Setsuna looked up, startled. She smiled. "Hello Serenity, Terra." She said. Terri gasped and took a step backwards. "How did you..." She started. Suddenly Serena laughed. "Oh that's right!" She said. "You've never met them in normal form!" She smiled. Terri had fought with the outer senshi several times over the past bit, but she didn't have a clue who they were in civilian mode. Terri shook her head, now throughly confused. "What?" Michiru smiled and stepped forward. "My name is Michiru Kaiou, otherwise known as Sailor Neptune." She said after a quick glance around the store to make sure they were alone. "Neptune?" Haruka stepped forward. "Haruka Ten'ou, Sailor Uranus." She lay a hand on Hotaru's head. "And this is Hotaru Tomoe, or Sailor Saturn." Terri smiled. "Then you would be..." "Setsuna Meiou, Sailor Pluto." Terri shook her head. "What's your name?" Asked Hotaru. Terri smiled. "I'm Terri Rose, soon to be Terri McTavish." She said. "Sailor Earth." They all shook hands. "So what brings you here?" Asked Haruka. Terri rolled her eyes. "I'm getting married in three weeks and I haven't got a dress." Setsuna smiled. "I think I have something for you Terra." She said. Terri blushed suddenly. "Please, call me Terri." Setsuna smiled, and gestured for Terri to follow her. She lead Terri into the back of the small shop. She quickly opened a large closet and ruffled through it. "Ah! Here it is." She reached in and pulled out a white dress. Terri gasped as she looked at it. "Oh, Setsuna, it's gorgeous." The dress was made of a silky material and was pure white, emroided with small pearls. It had a low, v-cut neck, lined with lace, and long, loose sleeves. The skirt part was long, and embroidered with white roses. "Would you like to try it on?" She asked. Terri nodded. Setsuna guided her to a small dressing room, then turned back to the closet, looking for something else. Terri slipped the dress on and stared into the mirror. She smiled at her reflection. Quietly she stepped out into the main room. The others stared at her in shock. "Wow!" Said Serena. "Terri! you look great!" Terri smiled. The dress fit like a dream, almost as if it was made for her. Suddenly Setsuna appeared behind her, looking at the dress with a seamstresses eye. She smiled in satisfaction. "It only needs a bit of touching up to be a perfect fit." She said. She lifted up her hands. Terri stared in shock at the train she held in them. In front was a small tiara made of Sapphires, with a small ruby rose in the middle. The veil was long and white, embroidered with the same roses on the dress. Setsuna set it on Terri's head gently and smiled. Terri looked in the mirror and gasped. "Oh Setsuna! I love it!" She frowned. "But I can't take it. It's too expensive." "Nonsense." Said a voice from the doorway. They all whirled around to see the smiling faces Maxfield Stanton and Lita Kino. "Terri, I told you, I would worry about the cost of this, you just worry about being there." Terri crossed her arms. "Max, I can't ask you to pay for all of this! it's too much! You already paid for the practically the entire wedding!" She said. he grinned at her. "First of all, you didn't ask, I insisted. And second of all, I can afford it." He grinned at her. "You're the Princess of Earth, and you deserve a royal wedding!" "But..." She started. Setsuna lay a hand on her shoulder. "There's no use in arguing with him." She said. "Believe me, I know." Terri sighed. She turned around to survey herself in the mirror again. She had to admit, she did look good. "Well?" Asked Maxfield. She smiled. "All right." She said. "But I will pay you back for the dress... eventually." She said. Maxfield smiled, deciding not to push the issue. "...and that's where Ebony's from." Finished Tanis. he looked around at the faces of the senshi and generals. He had come to the scout meeting along with Terri, Hope and Quinn. Where, once more, he went through his story. "So," Said Mina. "We've got to go to Elysia again." "Again?" Asked Terri. Darien grinned. "We've been there once before." He said. "I'll explain later." "If we're going," Said Luna. "Tomorrow is when we go. The moon will be full, most of your powers will be at their peak." She glanced at Terri. "But last time we went, Elios was the one who took us." Said Serena. "We've never actually teleported there." "Yeah, but this time, we've got Sailor Earth." Pointed out Haruka. "If any one can get there, she can." "I'll help if nothing else." She said. "There's something else." Said Hotaru suddenly. Everyone looked at her. "Saturn aligns tomorrow night." Everyone's eyes widened. "Will she send another dragon to the surface?" Asked Terri. Tanis shook his head. "Her power is almost at it's strongest. By now she's figured out that Hope and I are the only Quisalas actually awakened." He said. Darien paled. "She'll go for Elysia!" He said. "For the rest of the Quisalas." "Then we've no choice." Said Mackenzie. "We have to go tomorrow night." Luna sighed and nodded. "Tanis, do you know how to awaken the Quisalas?" Tanis winced. "No." he said. "All I know is that you'll need Excalibur." All eyes turned to Terri. She nodded. "You can count on me." Mackenzie thought he saw her eyes flicker uncertainly, but the look was gone so fast, he thought he'd imagined it. "It's settled then." Said Artemis. "We all meet in the park as soon as the sun sets tomorrow." That settled, the group got up and left. Terri walked hand in hand with Quinn down the path, lit only by the occasional streetlight and the moon. "So." said Quinn. "Did you find a dress?" he asked. Terri smiled. "Yep." "Can you tell me what it looks like?" "Nope." "Please?" Terri laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "It's white." She said. Quinn frowned. "Come on Quinn, you know it's bad luck for me to tell you!" Quinn sighed. "Fine." he said. "I won't ask any more." Terri smiled and looked up at him. "Good." She said. "Now, what would you like to do?" He smiled. "Be with you." He said. She reached up and kissed him. "As you wish." She said as she pulled away. Smiling the two resumed their walk, talking about nothing in particular, just enjoying each other's company. "It's getting late." Said Quinn suddenly. "We had better head home." They turned the corner of the sidewalk and stopped. Quinn's mouth dropped. Terri smiled. She grabbed Quinn's hand and pulled him into the trees, heading in the other direction. "Wasn't that..." Started Quinn. Terri smiled and nodded. Hope pulled away reluctantly from Tanis. She was blushing. Tanis was too. "I could get used to this." She said happily. He smiled. "No kidding." Tanis shook his head. He couldn't believe this was the hatchling he had been so protective of a thousand years ago. He looked down at her. She'd grown. Boy had she grown. He smiled to himself. Now he knew why Rannon looked at Silvara the way he did. "I love you." He whispered. She smiled happily. "I love you too." She replied. Leaning down he kissed her again. Ami lay contentedly on Zach's couch, her head resting comfortably in his lap. He was stroking her hair. "Well." She said. "Looks like we're in for a face off tomorrow." She said. Zach smiled. "Yeah, but tonight it's just us." he leaned down and kissed her. She smiled. "Just us." She repeated. "Speaking of which, where's Mike?" Zach smiled. "He and Sue are back at her apartment." he said. "She doesn't feel safe there alone, and it's not safe for Terri to go back yet." Ami nodded as well as she could sitting in someone's lap. She sat up and turned to face him. "Zach," She started. "About Terri. Did you notice she seemed a bit nervous today at the meeting?" Zach frowned and nodded. "Yeah actually." He said. Then smiled. "But she's with Quinn right now, he'll figure it out." Ami grinned. "Good, then it's back to just us." She lay back down and picked up her book, while Zach read it over her shoulder. She smiled. This was how they spent most of their time, just reading together, or talking. Ami liked it that way. She didn't feel rushed, or pressured. She could take things at her own pace, slow and easy. Zach, she knew, felt the same way. Lita and Maxfield walked out of the Movie theater, smiling and laughing. "That was the most horrible movie I've ever been too!" Exclaimed Lita. Maxfield laughed. "Have you ever seen such awful acting?" The two laughed again. "So," She said. "What should we do now?" he shrugged. "Would you like to spar?" he asked. She grinned. "Would you like to get your butt kicked?" He laughed. "Only if you're the one doing the kicking." Grinning Lita jumped into the passenger seat of his car. They drove back to his house, well, it was more like a mansion, but it had a gym in the basement, and that was all Lita needed. The two changed into uniforms and bowed to each other. "Ready?" Asked Maxfield. "You bet." She said. "Let's go then!" The two combatants launched at each other. Each landing a few solid punches. A few minutes into the bout, both were sweating. They circled each other for a minute. Lita grinned. "I beat you last time, you know, you'd be wise to give up now." Maxfield returned the grin. "Maybe so, but I beat you the time before that, so I'd say we're evenly matched." He was right. Despite the fact Lita was stronger than even him, he made up for it with speed, agility, and height. Not to mention having been trained in the martial arts since child-hood. The two were definitely evenly matched. The battle continued, slowly, the tide began to turn in Maxfield's favor. He was landing more blows, and seemed reinvested. But Lita was not done yet, she paced herself, waiting for him to get overconfident, as he often did, and make a mistake. She didn't have much longer to wait. He launched his fist, and Lita dodged. Before he could recover from the miss, Lita had his arm in both her hands, twisting her arms, she flipped him over in the air and had him on his back on the mat. She quickly dropped to her knees and pinned his arms to the mat. She smiled. "Give up?" She asked, letting her guard down. In a quick move, he rolled over, sending Lita sprawling onto her back. It was his turn to pin her. "Not on your life." Smiling he leaned down and kissed her gently. "Wow," She said when they pulled apart. "I can't compete with that." Mina walked across the street, peering around for Mackenzie. The two had agreed to meet at the corner, near the Crown Café. Unfortunately she was so wrapped up in looking for him, she wasn't watching the street. Suddenly she heard a car blaring it's horn at her. Whirling around, she screamed as she noticed the car barreling towards her. She gasped as two strong arms circled her waist and threw her out of the way. She lay, panting on the sidewalk. She looked up into Mackenzie Sabre's grinning face. But despite the grin, there was a remnant of panic in his eyes. "Have we been here before?" He asked shakily. She smiled but couldn't answer. Suddenly she started laughing. "What's so funny?" He asked, confused. "I...we..." She started laughing again. He looked at her. "Mina, did you hit your head?" He asked worriedly. She shook her head. "No, it's just...here we are, worrying about going into battle tomorrow...and...and..." She suddenly started laughing again. Suddenly he understood. "Fine pair of warriors we are!" he laughed, standing up. "We've faced everything from monsters to dragons, and we nearly get taken out by a car!" Mina was laughing so hard tears were streaming from her eyes. "And a Volkswagen Beetle at that!" The two burst into laughter again. Slowly they walked down the street, feeling a hundred percent better. After a bit they found a 24-hour coffee shop and stepped inside, still grinning. They sat down in a secluded booth and ordered. A coffee for Mackenzie, a Hot chocolate for Mina, who had never passed up chocolate in her life. They smiled at each other. "So." Said Mackenzie. "I hear you got accepted into medical school." He said. Mina blushed a bright red. "Who told you?" She asked. He grinned. "I managed to squeeze it out of Serena." he said. "So how come you never told me?" She looked down at her cup. "Well, I as going to surprise you." She smiled and looked up. "Truth is, I don't really believe it myself." He looked at her. "Mina." He reprimanded. "You know perfectly well you're more than qualified to get in." She smiled. It was true, her marks had improved drastically, right around the same time as Serena's. With careful coaxing from Ami and the others, she had done better, almost at the top of her class. Towards the end of high school, she had set her sights on a medical career. not a doctor, of course, but a nurse. She liked helping people, and making them feel better, and she had gotten better at it from the first time she had tried when the scouts were sick with the flu. They would testify to that she knew. She had a part time modelling job that would help pay her way through, plus her college fund. Mackenzie smiled as she blushed at his compliment. He took hold of her hand. "An accomplishment like that deserves a reward." He said. Making sure there was no one watching, he leaned over in the booth and kissed her. They didn't pull away until need for oxygen demanded it, and even then it was with reluctance. Mina looked stunned. "Wow!" She said. "I've gotta get accepted into university more often!" Rei opened her eyes and stared at the fire. "Nothing." She said, frustrated. She had been trying to find out about their battle the next day, but the fire was keeping whatever secrets it had. She felt a hand on her shoulder. "Rei," Said Jed. "Give it a break, will you." he said. "Your not going to be in any state to fight tomorrow if you keep this up." She sighed. "I hate going into battle unprepared." She said. "Not knowing what we're up against." Jed grinned. "First of all, you know perfectly well what we're up against. A big bunch of red, black, and blue dragons, who are out to kill Terri and Darien, for something their father did, and rule the world." He paused for a moment. "Secondly, who says the Takhissis are even going to be there?" He asked. "Tanis doesn't know for sure, and even if he was there's no use worrying about it now, so you may as well put out the fire and get rested up." Rei smiled as a sudden thought came to her. "Jed," She said. "How long have you been waiting for me to finish?" He smiled sheepishly. "A few hours." He said. "I was starting to get worried since it was so late." He was accustomed to her spending several hours in front of the sacred fire, but never this late into the night. She smiled at him. "You're so sweet." She said. He blushed again. She stood up on her tip-toes and kissed him lightly. He smiled and leaned down to return the kiss, taking a bit longer to let go. "So," he said, after they had left the temple and were walking around the grounds. "Are you nervous about our battle tomorrow?" She sighed. "Not nervous really, just..." Just what? She wasn't sure. Apprehensive. Unsure. "Just..." Prompted Jed. "I just don't have a good feeling about it is all." Jed frowned. He had learned to trust Rei's feelings. They had proved right, time and time again. Forcing the thought from his mind he turned to her and smiled. "Let's not worry about it 'till tomorrow, okay." he said. "There's nothing we can do about it now. We'll just have to wait and see." Rei sighed again. Jed leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Don't worry." he said. "We can handle a couple dragons." But Rei wasn't so sure. "You're not worried?" Asked Darien, his tone light. "Not at all." "Nope." Said Serena, smiling and popping a cookie into her mouth. "You sure?" he asked. She swallowed it whole and smiled at him. "I told you." She said. "I've faced everything from killer aliens, to killer senshi, not to mention some of the weirdest monsters this side of the galaxy, a couple of dragons aren't going to worry me." She frowned for a moment. "That is, until I actually have to fight them." The smile returned so fast Darien wasn't sure it had ever disappeared. "But that's not until tomorrow, so in my opinion, there's no sense in getting worked up about it." Darien smiled. "I thought so." He said. She sat down beside him on the couch and leaned her head on his shoulder. "What about you?" She asked. "Are you worried?" He looked down at her, staring into her blue eyes, once again marveling about how much he loved her. "My only worry is wether or not you'll be safe." he said truthfully. She grinned then. "How could I not be safe with a worry-wart like you to protect me!" She smiled up at him. "Besides," She said. "I'm 19 now, I can take care of myself." He smiled too. "I know." he said. "But you're so important to me. I don't want anything to happen to you." She made a face. "Now you're starting to sound like my father." She said. Darien frowned, not quite sure how to take that remark. Her smile returned. He felt the corners of his own mouth turning upwards again. He just couldn't stay anything but happy around her. He leaned down and kissed her deeply. "Never change, Meatball-head." He said. She smiled dreamily. "Only if you don't." Quinn felt his eyelids grow heavier. He looked down at Terri, who lay fast asleep in his arms. The two had decided to go to his apartment, since Jed was at the temple, and Terri didn't want to intrude on Darien and Serena. He smiled. He thought, looking down at his fiancee. Slowly he began to drift off to sleep, content his love was safe for the night. A little while later he woke up to a noise. Startled, he looked around, trying to figure out what had woke him. He felt Terri shudder against him. Looking down, he noticed she was sweating. He thought. "Quinn!" She suddenly gasped. "No! Darien! Serena! Quinn!" Alarmed he reached down and shook her gently, but persistently. She woke with a start. "NO!" She shouted. "Terri!" Said Quinn, gripping her shoulders, looking into her frightened eyes. he was startled to notice that she was crying. "Terri, calm down! I'm right here." She looked at him for a moment, breathing heavily. Then she groaned and put her head in her hands. "The same dream!" She said, shaking her head. She was still trembling. Eyes wide, Quinn gathered her close and held her until she stopped shaking and calmed down. "What dream Terri?" he asked softly. "What did you dream about?" She sighed and looked up at him. "It's...it's nothing." She said. "I'm..I'm okay." Quinn frowned. "No you're not." he said. "Something about that dream scared you." He said. "What was it?" She didn't answer. "Terri?" he prodded. She sighed and leaned back against him. He wrapped his arms protectively around her. "I've been having...this dream. Ever since Raven attacked me in my apartment." Slowly she explained to him her dream. Her voice broke at the end of it. "I...you...you all, died." She said. "The black dragon, she killed you all." She looked up at him, remembered fear in her eyes. "Even you." His only answer was to kiss the top of her head and hold her tighter. "Then, there was this boy." She said. "He...he said I had to open the gate before it was too late. That...time was running out. And then he disappeared, and then I always wake up." Quinn frowned. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" he asked. She sighed. "I didn't want to worry anyone." She said. "You all had enough on your minds, between the Takhissis, not to mention the wedding...I really didn't think it was all that important. But when Tanis said we had to go to Elysia, I...guess I kinda panicked. I mean...it was so vivid! What is it comes true?" She asked. Quinn forced himself to smile. "It won't." he said. "I promise, it won't." Terri smiled back, feeling a little bit better. She snuggled in closer to him. "Thank you Quinn." She said. Within seconds she was fast asleep. Quinn up for a little bit, to make sure there were no more nightmares, then settled back, keeping his arms around her, almost as if to keep the nightmares, dragons, and dark elves away from her. "I promise." he said again, falling asleep. Jed walked sleepily into the apartment he shared with Quinn. It had taken Grandpa's insistence to part him and Rei, and even then it took a while to leave. He closed the door silently and hung up his coat, just as noiselessly. He tiptoed into the living room, heading for his bed, when he spotted Terri and Quinn curled up on the couch. He grinned, noticing his arms around her. He thought, shaking his head. Reaching into the closet he hauled out a blanket and threw it over them. That done, he walked into his bedroom and fell fast asleep. Scarlet looked over the remaining Takhissis. With Obsidian out of the way, she was now their commander. The first was Mirage, an illusionist. One of the magic-users of the Takhissis. She was the color of the night, symbolizing this. Beside her was Dread, well named. Just the size of him was enough to petrify any human. He was a huge red. Next to him was Gravestone, a blue. One of the younger Takhissis, he was a skilled fighter, merciless, and quick. The third was Amber, another blue. She was quick-witted, and a good fighter in the air, but not on the ground. After her was Ashley, Amber's twin, also a blue. She had a temper as quick as any, and would kill without a second thought. Next to the two of them was Quartz, a black. Meaning he was a magic user. Skilled at the black arts, he and Mirage made a formidable pair. Melancholy was a red, skilled at battle on the ground, and though not incredibly fast in the air, she was skilled with breath weapons. After him stood Noir, another red. He was a double-crossing traitor as far as Scarlet was concerned, but he was also a valuable fighter. Then was Blitzkrieg, a blue. Named because of his lightning quick reflexes and speed, both in the air and on the ground. The last important one was Agate, another black, but unlike Mirage and Quartz, who liked working in pairs, he preferred to work on his own. Those mentioned were her top fighters. There were 7 or 8 others who were expendable. "Now is the time for revenge!" Shouted Scarlet. "Remember how the Quisalas killed out kin! Our brothers and sisters! Remember how Prince Coronus trapped us in this wretched hole!" She was met with angry roars. "Now, is our turn!" She said. "Tomorrow night, we attack Elysia, where Coronus sealed the Quisalas!" She shouted. "Her highness, Queen Ebony has informed me of her vision. Not only will we have a chance to destroy the Quisalas where they sleep, but also, Coronus's children, Terra and Endymion will be there! Along with the senshi! Now is the time for revenge!" She repeated, pausing for the Takhissis to roar in agreement. "You're free to go, but Quartz, Agate and Mirage, I wish to speak with you." The Takhissis left, leaving the three magic-users and Scarlet behind. "The only way to reach Elysia is through magic." She explained. "So we need you to come up with a transport spell." Mirage smiled. "There is no problem Scarlet, I have a simple one that even amateurs," she said, with a scathing glance at Agate, "will be able to cast. It will get us there." Scarlet smiled. "Excellent." She said. "We fly tomorrow." Terri walked through the day in a daze, her minds focused on one thing, tonight. She quickly packed her books into her bookbag, though she wasn't sure wether or not she was actually going to get homework done tonight. But, still, she was feeling so much better today. Last night had been the first night in a long time she had slept soundly. She smiled at the memory of feeling Quinn's arms around her as she drifted off. She could almost feel them wrapped around her waist. She gasped as something did wrap around her waist. "Quinn!" She gasped, turning around to face the silver eyes. She smiled at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked. He grinned. "I have it on good authority that Darien drove you to school this morning because the brakes on your bike aren't working, and I'm here to replace him as you drive home." Terri grinned. "Well thank you." She said. "Would you mind if I brought my bike to your shop to get is checked out?" Quinn grinned. "Any business is welcome business." He said. She laughed. He reached over and pulled the bookbag off of her back, slipping it onto his own. "Allow me, my lady." He said. She smiled at him and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks Quinn." She said. He smiled down at her. "Anytime." He said, taking her hand and heading towards the parking lot. Far above the Earth, Saturn inched it's way towards allignment with the Earth and all the other planets. Terri watched as the sun set behind the trees, just as Darien and Serena burst through the trees, running hell-for-leather. "We made it!" She gasped. "Next time, we come straight here." Panted Darien. Serena shrugged. "It wasn't my fault I got thirsty." She said, slightly miffed. Darien sighed. "Don't worry about it Serena." He said. "It's no problem." She smiled brightly at him. Terri leaned over. "She's got you wrapped around her little finger, you know." She whispered to him. He shrugged. She laughed. "And you're loving every minute of it!" He grinned. She looked up as the last rays of sunlight faded behind the trees, sudenly serious. "It's time." She said out loud. Luna nodded. "Let's get this over with." Said Serena. "Moon Eternal...MAKE UP!" "MARS CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "MERCURY SELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "VENUS CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "JUPITER CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "URANUS PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "NEPTUNE PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "PLUTO PLANET POWER...MAKE UP!" "SATURN PLANET POEWR ...MAKE UP! "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER...MAKE UP!" "BY THE SPIRIT OF EARTH!" "FOR THE HONOUR OF EARTH!" "WITH THE WISDOM OF EARTH!" "WITH THE STRENGTH OF EARTH!" "FOR THE FAITH OF EARTH!" There was a brilliant flash as all 18 standing in the square transformed. Not wasting any time, they joined hands. One by one they said their henshin phrases again, powering up for the teleport. Earth looked as one by one the warriors all closed their eyes and began to glow. She was the last. "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER!" She shouted. A few seconds later... "SAILOR TELEPORT...ELYSIA!!!" They all shouted Simultaneously. There was a flash, and they were gone. Terri opened her eyes slowly. She was standing in a forest glade, the senshi were all in various positions on the ground around her. Sailor Mercury stood up and shook her head. "Whoah!" She said. "That was rough!" "It's not always like that?" Asked Earth. Mercury shook her head. "It's usually smooth, but we've never done it with so many people, not to mention so much power." There was a flash as her VR Visor appeared over her eyes and she whipped out her mini-computer. "If my calculations are correct," she said. "We're in a far corner of Elysia." She looked up and pointed in a direction. "We have to go that way to get to where we're going." By now the rest of the senshi had shaken themselves awake and were looking around, perplexed. Mercury explained quickly as the group climbed to their feet. "Well," Said Artemis. "What are we waiting for?" That was all the prodding the young warriors needed. They took off down the path Mercury had pointed too. Earth looked around as she ran, this path seemed familiar she couldn't place where she had seen it before. She suddenly gasped and stopped short. Quartzite gased behind her and swerved to avoid hitting her. "Terri, what is it?" he asked. She looked at him, realization in her eyes. "Quartzite," She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "This is the path from my dream!" She said. Quartzite's eyes widened. "Are you sure?" He asked. She nodded, taking a few steps forward, she noticed a light at the end of the path. She paled. "This is it!" She gasped. "My dream!" Quartzite took hold of her hand and ran forward, determined to spend as little time as possible on this path. He watched as one by one the senshi passed through into the light. He started forward as Earth stumbled, letting go of his hand. He stopped short and whirled around to help her, he grabbed her hand and pulled her up. "Come on." He said. The two burst through into the light, safe. Slowly they walked forward, alert and ready for anything. They met up with the senshi who were staring at a boy who had just appeared. "Elios!" Said Darien, smiling. Earth paled a little bit more. "Let me guess," Said Quartzite. "The boy from your dream." Earth nodded. Suddenly Elios noticed her and smiled. "Hello Terra." he said, smiling warmly. She nodded a nervous hello. "Hello." She said, curtsying slightly. He smiled again and turned to Sailor moon. "Princess." he said. She smiled sweetly. "I take it you are here to free the Quisalas." he said, his expression turning grave. "Is it that time already?" he asked. Pluto smiled. "A millenium feels like a second when you live outside of time and space." She said. Elios smiled in understanding. He lead them to a large pavillion. "This is where Coronus sealed the Quisalas." he said. Before they could ask him any more questions he had disappeared. Shrugging, Haruka stepped up into the pavillion, exclaiming at the floor. It was a circular flat stone, except for where there were signs engraved on it. "It's the signs of the planets!" She said. Slowly the senshi stepped onto the pavillion. Earth coming last. She sucked in her breath sharply. "Quartzite!" She whispered. He nodded solemly. "I know." he said. he had recognized it instantly. The scouts and generals all stood over their respective signs. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask stepped over the signs for the moon and Earth, and were imediately transformed into King Endymion and Neo-Queen Serenity. Eternal Sailor Earth slowly approached the center of the floor, trying to calm the fear that was rising in her stomach. Flashes of her friends dying ran through her mind. She thought she saw Pluto glance at her sympathetically, almost understandingly, but she wasn't sure. She approached the large, almost alter like stone in the center of the floor. On the top was an engraved dragon. She looked up at Quartzite who shrugged helplessly. She told herslef. She called for Excalibur. Raising it over the hold in the center. She thought again as she plunged the sword into the stone. Far up in space, Saturn alligned with the 8 other planets. It never made it all the way in. Before it could, she was struck with an intense feeling of evil, one she recognized immediately. "Saturn's alligned!" She gasped in alarm. Moving quickly she tried to push the sword into the stone before it was too late, but she didn't have time. She gasped as the top of the pavillion was sent flying by a burst of fire. A large black dragon swooped down and scooped her up in her claws, sword and all, before Earth could react. "Sailor Earth!" Shouted Quartzite. There was a burst of light as the Daggars of Spirit appeared in his hands. he hurled them with all his might at the black. "SHOOTING STARS STRIKE!" The daggars flew straight and true, hitting there mark and tearing into her wing. She gave a startled cry and landed shakily. Taking advantage of the oppourtunity, Earth raised Excalibur. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!" She shouted, driving it into the dragon's claw. Screaming in pain, the black threw Earth to the ground, sending Excalibur flying out of her grasp. Ignoring the burning pain in her back, Earth forced herself to her feet and dove towards her sword, but was stopped as the black rose up to it's full height. She began to chant in a language Earth recognized as Magic, as another black, this one slightly larger, landed beside her and added his voice to the chanting. Earth made one final try to reach her sword, her only means of defense against the dragons, but as she dove for it, the ground bagan to shake, and she fell to her knees again. Suddnely, the ground split apart, her on one side, Excalibur and her friends on the other. Frantically, Earth tried to remember what had happened next in her dream. After the ground spilt apart, the dragon had destroyed the stone! "Quartzite!" She screamed, as a red flew down towards the destroyed pavillion. "Quartzite! Don't let them destroy the stone! It's our only hope!" Quartzite forced his eyes away from Earth, seperated by a rift in the ground. He had heard her shouting and knew...somehow...she was right. They had to defend the stone, and the Quisalas. He raised his hands as the red closed in. "STARLIGHT SHIELDS DEFEND!" He shouted, raising the shield over him and the others. Earth gasped in releif as the dragon's fire bounced off of Quartzite's shield. Quickly, she focused her attention back on the blade. She looked up as the two blacks opened their mouths, prepared to blast her into oblivian. She thought. She rocketed to her feet and ran as fast as she could towards the edge of precipe. Hope glanced over at where Earth was fighting the two dragons. She gasped as Earth ran straight towards the edge of the rift. Hope thuoght in dismay and horror. She glanced over at Tanis, struggling with the third black, dodging spells and fire alike. She wqas torn between helping him, or helping Earth. Tanis risked a glance over at Hope. <> He telepathically cried. <> She started. <> Hesitating for only a second, Hope whirled around and jumped into the air. Earth pushed herself off the edge of the rift, knowing at the same time that there was no way she could make it across a rift that wide. She looked back at where the dragons behind her unleashed their deadly fire. She thought as she sailed into the air. As she had guessed, her jump came up short. Frantically, she reached out for something, anything she could grab onto to keep from falling down into who knows what. She gasped as something grabbed her. She looked up into Hope's smiling human face. "Need a hand?" Asked the girl, pulling her up. She smiled gratefully at her friend. "Thanks Hope!" She said, once she was safely on top of the cliff. Suddenly the ground exploded between them as Mirage and Quartz's fire struck the grass beside them. With a startled cry, they dove in seperate directions, Hope transforming back into Dragon Form and Earth searching frantically for Excalibur. She spotted a glint of fire off metal a few feet in front of her. She dove for it, but was cut off by a large red she recognized instantly. "Scarelt." She growled. Scarlet laughed. "Now much without your sword, are you?" She asked. "I can hold my own." She replied coldly, wondering exactly how she was going to accomplish that without a weapon. Hope watched as Scarlet landed in front of Earth, cutting her friend off from her weapon. Suddenly an idea struck her. Earth stood alert, thinking frantically for a way to battle the fierce dragon. Suddenly Her train of thought was interrupted by Hope's. <> She said telepathically. Terri frowned, keeping an eye on the red in front of her. <> She argued. <> Suddenly realizing the wisdom behind her friend's words, Earth decided to risk it. The fact that Scarlet was preparing to blast her helped her move a bit faster. She brushed a hand over her brooch, detransforming back into Terri. Scarlet halted her attack and laughed. "You couldn't defeat me as a Sailor Senshi, and you think you can defeat me as an ordinary human?" She said incredulously. Terri laughed. "Who says I can't defeat you as a senshi?" She said, raising her hand, hoping this would work without a henshin wand. "EARTH POWER MAKE UP!" She shouted. She felt the familiar warmth of her old transformation, and her old fuku around her body. She smiled at the familiarty of it. She grinned up at Scarlet, who appeared taken aback, and called for her staff, reveling at the way it still balanced perfectly in her hands. She thought, She raised it high into the air. "TERRA FIRMA VIBRATION!!!!" She shouted, slamming the staff into the ground. A long crack appeared in the ground underneath Scarlet's legs. The dragon laughed again. "That's it?" She asked. "Not quite." Replied Sailor Earth as the ground underneath Scarlet erupted in the familiar power. Earth raised an eyebrow at the force of the power. She thought surprised. She didn't have time to mull it over, as Scarlet stumbled from the Light, and nearly collapsed, not destroyed, but not in perfect health either. She gasped and glared at Earth, who, taking advantage of the oppourtunity, had dove towards Excalibur and picked it up. She raised it high. "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER MAKE UP!!!!!!" She shouted, and, in a flash, was Eternal Sailor Earth again. Scarlet dove towards her, but was intercepted by Tanis. "Go!" Shouted Tanis. "Free the Quisalas! They're our only hope of winning this and saving Earth and Elysia!" He turned back to Scarlet, as Earth cast one worried glance at him, and ran to help the others. "Hello Hatchling." Scarlet said, sneering. "I'm no hatchling anymore." Snarled Tanis. Scarlet laughed. "Maybe so, but this time, Neither you little hatchling friend, nor Revera is here to save you." Earth ran as fast as she could towards the practically destroyed pavilion, where her friends were fighting. The pictures of them dying in the flames from her dream flashed through her head for the umpteenth time since she'd arrived in Elysia. She caught up to Mercury, who was busy battling with a blue dragon. She lay a hand on the younger girls shoulder. "Ami!" SHe shouted over the din of battle. "Can you distract him?" Ami nodded as the two dodged a fireball. "I think so!" She shouted back. Earth disappeared with a nod. Ami ran to her right, shouting insults at the dragon as she went. Outraged, the dragon responded exactly as Earth wanted. She had manouvered herself behind the unsuspecting blue, and raised Excalibur, as it began to glow. She launched herself forward, and climbed up onto the dragons back. The dragon, suddenly noticing the pest on its back, turned from Mercury and proceded to try and shake it off, but Earth held on tight. She raised Excalibur. The blue gasped as it recognized the blade she held in her hands. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE...STRIKE!" She shouted, driving it in between his shoulder blades. The enchanted blade found his heart, even before the dragon began it's downward fall towards the ground. Earth jumped off and rolled to safety. She got up and stared at the sword in wonder. Ami was suddnely at her side. "Earth!" She shouted. "We can't win against this many Takhissis! We've got to free the rest of the Quisalas!" Suddenly rememebring what she had come to do, she nodded. "Gather the others at the pavillion." She ordered. "We've only got one shot at this." She looked around for Hope, spotting her a minute later. She thought. Suddenly she remebered the telepathic link the two shared as rider and mount. She grinned to herself at the simplicity. <> She cried. <> <> Came the response. Earth nodded and ran towards the pavillion, where the others were already gathering. She ran to the center as Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask took their place and joined hands with the rest of those in the circle. Earth lifted Excalibur and tried to drive it into the stone in the center, but it wouldn't go in. She gasped and tried harder. "Sailor Earth, hurry up!" Shouted Tuxedo Mask, eyeing the approaching Takhissis. "Tanis and Hope can't hold them off much longer!" "It won't go in!" She shouted back, feeling panic starting to rise in her throat. She hauled the blade out and looked at it, then tried to put it back in. Agin it only went in half-way. Suddenly, one of the Takhissis, Agate, if she wasn't mistaken, blasted Hope and Tanis and flew towards the pavillion. Desperately Earth rammed the sword into the opening, as the words of a spell drifted on the still air towards them. Suddenly, a dark-dome of power surounded the pavillion, and was soon filled with black lightning. There were gasps and cries of pain from all around Terri as the lightning increased intensity, and suddnly became fire. She gasped as the senshi were surrounded in flames. *Earth had a sudden vision of Hope, and all her friends, consumed by flames. Darien, covering Serena, as the two died, the generals, the senshi, inner and outer, all disappeared, even as Terri reached out to them. There was a flash, and Earth had become Terra, arms outstretched.* Thought Earth. "The one who weilds Excalibur...my father closed this gate,> She thought quickly. She looked down at herself. She looked up and noticed, that despite the heat, flames and pain, the senshi, inner and outer, had refused to break the circle. She concentrated, and was surrounded by light. When it faded, she had become Princess Terra. The sword immediately began to glow in recognition of it's weilder. She raised it high, feeling it's power running through her body. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE..." She shouted, she drove the sword into the engraved picture of a dragon on the stone, and this time, it went all the was in. "STRIKE!!!!!" She finished. The senshi all began to glow with power, and the dark dome dissapated. Terra began to glow with a bright light, as did the stone, then the floor, until the light grew so bright, thos not part of it, had to shield their eyes. "NO!" Shouted Scarlet, suddenly realizing what was happening. She opened her eyes, so accustomed to darkness, and stared with dread that grew as the light did. Suddenly a large, silver shape shot out of the top of the light. Followed by a gold one, then a bronze, one by one until there was 10, glowing shapes in the sky. Slowly the light faded, and the shapes formed into Dragons. Scarlet frowned as she recognized her enemies. Her rested...powerful...angry enemies. Seeing no other choice she whirled around to what was left of her troop. The most powerful of the Takhissis were left, but the others had been destroyed by either the senshi, or the two Quisalas. "Quickly!" She shouted, as the Quisalas slowly began to get there bearings. "Retreat!" Noir was about to argue, when a large gold dragon dove from the sky towards them, and he realized the sense behind Scarlet's words. Mirage, Agate, and Quartz chanted the words to a teleportation spell, and the Takhissis were gone before the gold landed. Terra felt the light grow, then slowly fade. She weakly pulled the sword out of the stone, and started to turn around, but collapsed to the ground. She gripped the sword tightly as she blacked out. Hope looked up in awe as the Quisalas landed gracefully on the ground, changing into human form. She and Tanis followed suite. She heard a grown from behind her and turned around as Terra collapsed to the ground. "Terra!" She gasped. She nudged Tanis and ran off towards the fallen warriors. Tanis started forward after her, but was cut off as something gripped him around the waist and lifted him into the air. He gasped, trying to breathe. "Tanis!" Exclaimed Pyrite. Saffrilean frowned as Tanis's face started turning blue. "Um...Pyrite, I don't think he can breathe." She said. Pyrite smiled and let Tanis go. Tanis gasped, drawing in breaths greedily as he turned around and looked at his long lost friends. "Pyrite! Saffriliean!" He said happily, returning his friend's exuberant embrace. The rest of the Quisalas approached. "Tanis?" Asked Revera in disbelief. "You've grown." Her voice had the same old condenscending edge, but Tanis noticed a glint of approval in her eyes. Rannon clapped him on the back. he cried out and gripped his shoulder which had been injured in the battle against the Takhissis. Rannon grinned and aplogized. "So," Said Silvara, looking around the circle. "We're all here." "Where exactly is here?" Asked Tirasinian. Tanis opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by a cry from behind him. "Tanis, I need some help! They're all unconscious!" Shouted Hope. Tanis nodded, and jogged towards the platform, which disappeared as he walked towards it. Rannon caught up with him. "Who's unconscious?" he asked, worried. Tanis frowned. "My friend's, the ones who set you free." He glanced up at Rannon. "Coronus and Maetel's children and their guradians." Hope ran up to Terra and quickly felt for a pulse. She sighed in relief when she felt it. It was weak, but it was there. SHe called out to Tanis to come over. She glanced up as Quartzite groaned and shook himself awake, followed shortly by the others. He looked around, confused for a minute, before spotting Terra. He gasped and bolted forward, some what shakily. "Terra!" He gasped, falling down beside her. "She's okay." Hope reassured him. "Just exhausted I think." Nonetheless, Quartzite leaned over and checked her out. Darien appeared behind him, Sailor Moon leaning on his shoulder. "Is Terra okay?" She asked worridly. Quartzite nodded. "Just tired I think. That must of taken a lot of energy to pull off, she had to hold the gate open long enough for all of them to get out, look at how much it drained us." Suddenly Terra opened her eyes. She looked up at her. "Hey Sere." She said with a grin. "Did it work?" Darien grinned. "We're alive aren't we?" He asked. "Shut up Endymion." Said Terra. She sat up weakly, as Tanis led the Quisalas, all of them in human form, towards them. She wondered briefly where Hope was. She suddenly looked around in confusement. She noticed that the Stone floor and what was left of the pavillion had disappeared. A tall man stepped forward. He looked a lot like Tanis and Hope, with the same lavender eyes, but his hair, instead of silver, was gold. He bowed low. "We are in your debt." He said. "How can repay you for setting us free?" Terra smiled, and forced herself into a standing position, and nudged her brother, reminding him of his manners. Darien sighed, deciding that as Darien he didn't remember enough of royal protocal to remeber his 'royal' manners, so he quickly changed into King Endymion. Sailor Moon followed suite, changing into Princess Serenity and standing up. Terra curtsied. "You could start," She said, "By telling me who you are." Though she already had a pretty good idea from what she had heard from Tanis. The man smiled. "My name is Rannon." he said. "I am the leader of the Takhissis." He turned to the group behind him. "This is Silvara, Revera, Tirasinean, Safrillian, Faith, Valor, Pyrite, Silverbolt, Lightning and Tanthalasa." Terra smiled. "Tanis and I are aquainted." She said. Suddenly Rannon and the other Quisalas, with the exception of Tanis gasped. She turned around and saw Hope, standing shyly beside her, looking at her feet. Terra smiled. "This is Hope." She said. "If I'm not mistaken, before you were sealed here in Elysia, you left behind a small hatchling." She looked over at Endymion and winked. He grinned and gave Hope a little push forward. Terra bit her toungue to keep from laughing at the amazed expressions on the Quisalas's faces. Silvara stepped forward. "Is it possible?" She asked. "Could our baby have survived all these years?" SHe looked at the shy young woman, not daring to hope. "Your...your baby?" She asked in a small voice. "You...your my mother?" Tanis smiled happily as mother and daughter were reunited. Rannon stepped forward and looked at Hope in amazement. "Hope." he said softly. "A finer name could not of been chosen." he said. Hope hugged him hesitantly at first, then fiercly as she started to cry. Terra smiled. Revera stepped forward, her bronze hair glinting in the twilight. "We've told you our names." She said smiling. "What about yours?" Terra smiled and nudged Serenity, who smiled as well. She gestured her senshi forward. "These are my guardians," She said, pointing to each one in turn. "Sailor Venus, leader of the inner senshi in my absence, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Mercury." She turned to the outer senshi. "These are the guardians of the moon kingdom, Sailor Uranus, leader of the outer senshi, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto, Guardian of the gateway through time, and Sailor Saturn." She looked back at Revera. "And I am Princess Serenity, heir to the throne of the moon kingdom." She heard an indignant puff beside her and looked down at Luna and Artemis, almost forgotten in the battle. She grinned. "And this is Luna and Artemis." She said. The cats bowed low, as did the senshi. The Quisalas returned the bow and turned to Terra and Endymion, standing side by side, with the generals behind them. Endymion remained silent and let Terra handle teh introductions, she had always been better at this than he had anyway. She smiled. "This is General Kunzite, leader of the king's generals, General Zoisite, General Jaedite, General Nephrite and General Quartzite of the kings army." Revera noticed the look that passed between Quartzite and the mysterious princess with a knowing eye and smiled. The princess turned to the man beside her. "This is my brother, King Endymion, of Earth, and I am Princess Terra, pleased to meet your aquaintance." Rannon looked startled. "King Endymion?" he asked. "Then Coronus..." His voice trailed off. Terra smiled sadly. "You've been asleep for a thousand years." She said. "There is much you don't know." "Princess Terra and King Endymion are Coronus and Maetel's children." Said Serenity. "They were...we all were reborn now, in the twentieth century, after a battle a thousand years ago." The Quisalas looked stunned. Endymion sighed and stepped forward. "Come," he said. "We will explain everything." "Oh no!" Gasped Terra suddenly, as the sun started to come up over the trees of Elysia. All eyes turned to her. "We're supposed to meet with Mr. Brown to discuss the catering plans this morning!" She said. She closed her eyes and turned into Terri. Rannon raised an eyebrow. He looked at her clothes. A long purple sweater that kept slipping off of her shoulder, and black leggings, with sneakers. She looked at Rannon's face, then down at herself and suddenly started laughing. One by one, as the senshi detransformed, they started laughing too as the Quisalas took in their stlye of dress. Everything from Skin tight leotards, to short skirts. Tanis and Hope also started laughing. Pluto only smiled, biting back a laugh at the startled expressions of the dragons. She compared the dress of a tenth century woman, to that of a twentieth. She turned to Terri. "Don't worry about your appopintement, time works differently in Elysia, it's still night on Earth, and as for you," She turned back to the Quisalas. "You have much to learn, and only a short time to learn it in." Rannon nodded, still eyeing Hope's skirt, which at first he had thought had been ripped in the battle, but that he know realized was designed above the knee. She giggled, feeling her tension lift. Suddenly Elios appeared. "I know a quiet place where you can explain." He said. "There is a temple over that hill." He said. He smiled at Pluto. "You know where it is." Pluto nodded and motioned for the others to follow her. She looked back over at her shoulder as the senshi pulled a few items out of thier purses to show the Quisalas as they walked along. Mina brought out a tube of lipstick, which Tirasinean examined eagerly. Lita produced a small cell phone, which brought a look of perplexed amazement from Faith. Ami placed a set of head phones on Safrilliean's ears and pressed play. Safrilliean cried out and jumped back, throwing the head phones off her ears and staring in shocked dibelief at Ami. Tanis and Darien walked beside Terri and Hope, all carrying on an animated conversation as if they hadn't just won a big battle a half hour before. Each of the Generals was paired up with a male Quisalas, who were asking tonnes of questions, that the generals tried their best to answer. Serena showed Silvara a Game Boy that Darien had given her for her birthday. She flicked it on and handed it to the curious dragon. Suddenly the Sailor V music started and Silvara gasped and dropped it like a hot rock. Serena gasped and picked it up quickly, making sure it wasn't broken before reassuring Silvara that it wasn't bewitched. But most interesting had to be Rei's camera. Revera turned it over in her hand, not sure what it was. Rei picked it up and paused for a second to flash the dragon's picture. Revera and all the other Quisalas, save Hope and Tanis, gasped as the flash went off and dove to the ground. The senshi and generals choked back their laughter and helped the frightened dragons up, explaining what it was. Uranus turned back to the other outer senshi and Pluto. "It's going to be an interesting day." She said as the outer senshi laughed their agreement. ****************************************************************************