Hey peoples! And depending on wether or not this is before the deadline (Which I'm not sure, 'cause this is literally last minute!) this chapter may actually be on time! Part 5 will be in at the same time as well too, so there's an added bonus! One chapter and an epilougue to go! You know the legal stuff, Sailor isn't mine, the rest of it is, etc. etc. Any comments? E-mail me at sailoramsk@geocities.com , or visit my homepage at http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451 well, that's it for now! ja! Sailor Mask **************************************************************************** PART 4 18 year old Prince Coronus looked around warily. He couldn't see Tanthalasa anywhere. "Tanis?" He called out softly, using his nickname for the dragon. "Tanis, where are you?" He frowned. He didn't like this. These woods were swarming with Takhissis. Suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder. With a startled gasp he whirled around. "Tanis!" He gasped, recognizing the pale skin, silver hair and lavender eyes. "Sorry Coronus," he whispered. "I was scouting ahead, and didn't realize how far ahead I actually was." Coronus shrugged. "Just don't sneak up on me like that. You know how dangerous this is!" He scowled. "Leave it to Maetel to get herself captured! Now we have to risk our necks to save her!" Tanis hid a smile. Coronus couldn't keep the worry out of his voice, and it shone brightly in his eyes. "Are the other dragons ready to help?" He asked, quickly changing the subject. "Silvara and Rannon are in the air, above the cloud cover, they'll be ready." He replied. "What about the others?" Asked Coronus. "Tirasinian, Saffrilean and Valor are guarding the castle, Silverbolt, Lightning and Pyrite are scattered throughout the villages, and Faith and Revera are guarding the eggs in the Calen Caverns." Coronus nodded. His mind flashed back to the origin of the Quisalas. A few hundred years ago, from what he'd heard, Ebony, queen of the Takhissis, after taking over the unguarded Andromeda Galaxy, had decided that it wasn't enough for her, and she came to Earth. The leaders of the rebellion on Andromeda sent 6 Quisalas to Earth, in the hopes that they would find a home on Earth, and reproduce in order to help stop Ebony. They had, and now their numbers were up to 11, with about 20 eggs and 15 hatchlings nestled in the Calen Caverns. All of the Quisalas were 500-1000 years old. Except Tanis, he was only 400 years old, barely an adult, and still green and breathing lightning instead of fire. The Quisalas did not change colors, or breath weapons, until they had done something to earn it. Silver, gold and bronze were the colors they could turn. Suddenly they came to a small clearing. They could see Maetel tied up in the center, surrounded by dracons. Tanis frowned. Something wasn't right. There should be more guarding her, this was too easy. At a signal from Coronus, the two split up and headed to opposite sides of the clearing, prepared to jump the four dracons in the clearing. <> Asked Coronus, over the telepathic link the two shared. It was a special bond between a dragon and the person he or she chose to be his rider. <> Tanis sent back. <> <> The two charged into the clearing, charging the startled dracons. Within a few minutes they had been dusted. Coronus ran to Maetel and untied her. She fell into his arms sobbing. He stroked her hair, trying to calm her. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. She gasped suddenly. "Oh Coronus! We have to go back!" She cried, her face panicked. "The eggs, the babies!" Tanis gasped, his face draining of it's color. "Maetel, what about the eggs?" He asked, his voice tight. She looked up at him, eyes wide. "The...the Takhissis said that they were going to...to attack the Calen Caverns! They're going to destroy the eggs and the...the hatchlings!" In a flash Tanis transformed into Dragon form. Coronus and Maetel jumped on his back. He was off in a flash, rocketing into the clouds. Silvara gasped as Tanis bolted past her. "Tanis?" She asked. "What's going on?" "Is Maetel all right?" Shouted Rannon, his face taking on a worried expression. "Ebony's going after the eggs..." Shouted Coronus. Silvara gasped and stopped in mid-air. Rannon let out an angry cry and sped up. The two life mates had a few eggs in the nest. They flew the rest of the way in silence. Tanis's eyes widened in horror when he saw smoke billowing out of the cavern's entrance. The three dove out of the sky like streaks of lightning, Tanis stopping to let Maetel and Coronus off, before flying into the cave. Inside they were met by three Takhissis, and a lot of destruction. There were broken eggs scattered all over, Faith and Revera lay unconscious on the floor. Tanis looked around desperately for any surviving eggs or hatchlings while the older dragons took on the Takhissis. He gasped and whirled around at the sound of a hatchling's frightened cry, he moved forward to challenge the red attacking it, but she whirled around and blocked him. "Get out of my way." he growled, baring his fangs. "Now, now Tanthalasa." She said tauntingly. "Is that any way to speak to a lady?" "The only ladies I see hear, Scarlet, are Silvara, Faith and Revera." Scarlet scowled. "We'll see about that." She said. She opened her mouth, prepared to deal him a blow of fire, but was cut off by another blast from Revera, who had recovered. "Get the baby out hatchling!" She shouted. "I'll handle Scarlet." Tanis was too caught up in the fury of the moment to notice Revera had called him a hatchling again, something that usually infuriated him. He dove past Scarlet towards the young dragon. Dragging her behind, he made as fast as possible for the exit. Coronus stared sadly around the ruined caves. He stared angrily at the shattered remains of the Quisalas's young. "Those eggs were their future!" Said Maetel. "Their hope." She looked around, but quickly looked away when she spotted the charred bodies of baby dragons. Coronus said nothing, there was nothing to say. Rannon was trying to comfort Silvara, Saffrilean and Pyrite were in the corner, heads down, looking as depressed as could be, Valor and Tirasinian were stumbling around, trying to comfort the others and each other at the same time, Silverbolt and Revera were trying to salvage what they could, which was next to nothing, and Faith and Lightning were nowhere to be found. Coronus lay a hand on Tanis's shoulder. Tanis was miserably trying to piece together the shattered remains of an egg. "There's nothing more you can do." He said. The pieces fell from Tanis's human hands to the floor. Coronus felt him shudder underneath him. "Why?" He whispered. "Why this? They didn't have a chance." Coronus shook his head. "Because they wanted to destroy you!" He said. He forced him to turn around. "Look what this is doing to you! But you can't let it! You can't let this shatter you! Don't you see! Ebony knew this would happen! Maetel's capture was a trap, she wanted to hurt you, she wanted to break your spirit! But you can't let her! You're Earth's only chance!" His voice softened. "There's still a hatchling left, will you let it's future be taken away like the others? She's only 160 years old, she's not even named yet!" Tanis looked up, smiling slightly as he remembered the origin of his own name. It was custom not to name the hatchlings until they were adults, at about 200 years old. He vowed then that the hatchling would live to receive her name. The hatchling was their only hope for a future. Maetel came up and stood behind him. They were startled by a surprised cry from behind them. "King...king Japanen wishes to meet with you in the council room." Said the messenger, his eyes filled with horror at the sight of the Calen Caverns. King Japanen looked around the council room at the sober faces surrounding him. "This is a grave time." He said. "The whole kingdom grieves for the loss of your young." The Quisalas all bowed their heads, except for Tanis, who's eyes were on the young hatchling. "Something must be done about Ebony and her cursed Takhissis." He said, his voice cold. "But what can we do?" Asked Rannon. Coronus looked around the table as the argument continued. His eyes resting on each of the Quisalas. First was Rannon. A strong, calm Gold Dragon. Rannon was the obvious leader of the group. A careful fighter, but a dangerous one. He had been one of the first 6 Quisalas to arrive on this planet. Beside him sat Silvara, his lifemate. She was also a gold, and just as calm. She had arrived with Rannon on Earth. She was not the most skilled fighter, and she would much rather talk than fight, but she could hold her own. She looked at the small hatchling, her hatchling, with a mixed expression of sadness and love. On the other side of the table was Revera, a bronze dragon. She was well known for her temper, and when she fought, she was fast and furious, finishing the enemy before he even knew what had hit him. Her lifemate, Silverbolt, was a silver and as serene as they come. He was also the only thing that could calm Revera down when she was in a foul mood. Every move he made was deliberate, and well-thought out, unlike his impetuous mate. Next to them were Faith and Lightning. Faith was a gold, and extremely protective of the young hatchlings. She refused to fight unless something threatened the young. Right now, though, she looked defeated. Lightning had his hand on his lifemate's shoulder. He was a bronze, named for his speed in the air and on land. Nothing could catch him when he started. He fought like Revera, though not so impetuously. Valor and Tirasinean were silver and bronze. They too had come from Andromeda. Valor, the bronze, was named for the fact that he would sacrifice everything for Kin and Kingdom. He was a magnificent fighter who, although hesitant to fight, was one of the first to go to battle. It seemed to Coronus that Tirasinean was quiet and sometimes withdrawn. In battle though, she fought fierce as any other. At the end of the table was Saffrilean and Pyrite. Saffrilean was a bronze. She was kind and gentle, and always willing to help. She had a special liking for Maetel, and, Coronus though anyway, that the two were exactly alike. Pyrite, a gold, was the total opposite of his mate. He was incredibly impatient, possibly more so than Revera, and the two tended to get on each others nerves, though much more friendly and agreeable, as far as Tanis was concerned. He was a skilled fighter though. And last, but not least, was Tanthalasa, or Tanis. Tanis had not yet earned his color, but as far as Coronus was concerned, he deserved it. The two had been best friends, for as long as Coronus could remember. They worked and fought well with each other. Tanis, though, was impossibly shy, possibly because he felt inferior to the other Quisalas. He was the youngest of all of them, and still breathing lightning. But Coronus didn't care. He liked Tanis the way he was, and had tried on more than one occasion to explain that to him, but to no avail. "We aren't strong enough to take her on alone," said Rannon, breaking into Coronus's thoughts. "The Takhissis outnumber us 2 to 1! How can we possibly beat those odds?!" "Good question, Rannon." Said a hissing voice from the doorway. All turned to face the new arrival, Tanis instinctively clutched the baby closer. Coronus's hand went to the hilt of his sword, but his father lay a hand on his arm. "Good evening Rafliean." He said. "If you have any counsel that would be of use to us, we would welcome it." Coronus snorted beside him. It was well known that the dark-souled magician hated dragons, all dragons, wether they be Blue, red and black, or Gold, silver and bronze, good or bad, Quisalas or Takhissis. His family had been killed by an ancient blue dragon named Obsidian when Ebony had first arrived on the planet, long after the Quisalas. The loss drove him half-crazy, and into the black arts. Coronus didn't know why his father had kept him around. Despite the constant pressure of his father's hand, Coronus's hand never left his sword. The mage laughed. "I have no counsel highness, I have a proposal for Rannon and Silvara, as leaders of the Quisalas." Rannon regarded him curiously, yet cautiously. "We're listening." He said slowly. "I have forged a weapon that, in the right hands, will be able to defeat the Takhissis, and though it can't destroy them all, it can seal them away, beneath the Earth." Answered Rafliean. "And what do you ask in return?" Asked Silvara. "That when the Takhissis are sealed away, the Quisalas are sealed away." Coronus jumped to his feet. "No way!" He shouted. Maetel stood up. "This is totally unreasonable Rafliean!" She said. "There is no chance." While the two argued with the mage, Silvara and Rannon looked at each other, then at the others at the table, communicating through telepathy, each nodded in resigned agreement. "That's enough! Coronus, Maetel! We have decided." Shouted Rannon. Japanen looked at his friend, and his mount, and slowly nodded. Coronus gasped, suddenly realizing what was going on. "No! Rannon! You can't! I...it's..." He stopped, seeing the resolve on Rannon's face. "We will agree, on one condition." He said. Rafliean raised an eyebrow. "You must let the hatchling stay behind." He said. Rafliean didn't look happy, but finally agreed to it. "It's agreed then." Said Rannon. "Where is this weapon?" Rafliean reached under his cloak and pulled out a magnificent sword. "This is Excalibur." He said. He walked towards Japanen and started to hand him the sword, but it began to glow brightly. Rafliean smiled slightly. "Well," He said. "It seems the sword has a mind of it's own." Slowly the sword floated out of the mage's hand and floated in front of Coronus. The mage's smiled turned to a sneer. "The sword has chosen you to be it's owner." he said. "Use it well young prince." In a flash, he was gone. Ebony looked at the Takhissis before her. "The time has come!" She said. "We attack when the moon reaches it's zenith in the sky!" There were roars of agreement. Turning around, Ebony launched herself into the air, followed by the rest of the Takhissis, along with an assortment of Dracons, Dark Elves, and other monsters. Coronus and Maetel walked hand in hand through the palace gardens, the silver hilt of Excalibur occasionally glinting in the moonlight. "What are we going to do?" Asked Maetel. "We can't just let the Quisalas be sealed away!" Coronus shook his head. "There is nothing we can do. They decided." He looked down and ran his finger over Excalibur. "All we can do, is find somewhere to seal them, where they'll be safe." Maetel inhaled sharply. "Coronus! What about Elysia?!" She asked. He looked at her, startled. "Elysia is just a legend! Isn't it?" He asked. "Every legend is based on fact, your highness." Said a soft voice. gasping, the two whirled around. In front of them was a young boy with white hair. He was dressed in the white ceremonial garbs of a priest, yet Coronus sensed some kind of power around him. Thought Maetel. Coronus stepped in front of Maetel, and gripped Excalibur. "Who are you?" He asked. The boy smiled. "My name is Elios, I am the guardian of the place you seek." Coronus narrowed his eyes, but his hand left the sword. "You mean Elysia actually exists?" He asked. Elios nodded. "It does." He said. Maetel stepped forward. "Pardon me, good sir, but how do we know we can trust you?" She asked. The boy smiled. "I will prove it to you after the battle." he said. "Battle? What battle?" Asked Coronus, but the boy had vanished. "What was he talking abo..." He was interrupted by an explosion coming from the direction of the palace. His face paled. "Ebony!" "To the skies! The palace is under siege!" Shouted Rannon, as King Japanen jumped onto his back. One by one the dragons were mounted, and took to the skies, while the soldiers poured out of the palace to face the dracons. "Tanis!" Shouted Coronus, running into the palace. The young Quisalas turned at the sound of his name. "Coronus! Hurry! The Takhissis are attacking!" He said. "Nah, ya think?" Said Maetel. "Maetel, stay put!" Ordered Coronus. "Don't leave the palace!" He launched himself onto Tanis's back, and the two rose into the sky. Maetel watched them with worry. "Be safe." She said, before turning her attention to those already wounded. Tanis launched into the sky, and quickly picked a black dragon, chasing him into the night. The black, realizing he was being chased, whirled around to meet his challenger. The black let loose a blast of fire. Tanis skillfully dodged it, and let loose a streak of lightning, though not nearly as strong as fire, the lightning could do some damage if it hit it's target. Tanthalasa's lightning was not exception. The black howled in agony and dove for Tanis, who dodged to the side. The black was going to fast to stop, and as it passed, a hairs breadth from Coronus, it's chest was exposed. It was well known that there was no weapon forged that could pierce the scales of a dragon, but for some reason, Coronus pulled out Excalibur and raised it high. He plunged it into the exposed chest, piercing the black's heart. He pulled the glowing blade from the dying Takhissis as it fell from the sky and looked at it in amazement. Tanis gasped. "Wow, when Rafliean makes a sword, he doesn't joke arou..." He didn't get a chance to finish, as a large red attacked him without warning. Coronus gasped as the world was suddenly turned upside down. From his new vantage point, he could clearly see his father battling on Rannon with a huge black dragon. He frowned, then gasped as he was once again righted in his seat. He turned his attention back to the fight at hand. Japanen and Rannon battled the huge black fiercely. Mettalia she had said her name was. Rannon blasted her with fire, but she responded with a blast of her own. Rannon rolled in the sky, neatly avoiding the blast, but the move left him vulnerable to attack from above, and the attack came. Mettalia took advantage of the opportunity and blasted him in the stomach. The blast sent Rannon reeling through the sky. Mettalia followed, diving after them. She turned to her rider, a Dark Elf. "Raven, take care of the King." She ordered. "It shall be done." Said the elf, slipping on a pair of taloned gloves. Once they were close enough to the weakened Quisalas, Raven jumped onto it's back. Japanen gasped and jumped to his feet to face this new opponent. Coronus finished off the red neatly, and searched the sky frantically for his father. He gasped as Rannon was hit by the black he was fighting. "Tanis!" He shouted, but Tanis had already seen and was flying towards them. He had a great respect for Rannon, as a friend and as a leader. He flew as fast as he could. Coronus kept his eyes trained on the scene. He watched a dark elf jump off the Takhissis's back and onto Rannon's. He watched in horror as his father fought futilely with the dark elf. "No! Dad!" He shouted. Moonlight glinted off of razor sharp talons for a spilt second, before they were brought down. Coronus shook his head in disbelief. The king was dead. Coronus fell back onto Tanis's back. Despair and desperation turned to burning rage. Fighting against tears, he urged Tanis forward. Mettalia prepared to finish off the weakened, grief stricken dragon. Rannon closed his eyes, waiting for the blow that would send him to join his lost friend, but it never came. The night was shattered by a furious cry, and a blur of green descending on Mettalia, ripping through her scales with teeth and claws. Mettalia screamed in pain. Tanis jumped off her back a moment later. Rannon moved to help, but was stopped by Silvara. "No Rannon!" She said, her eyes full of grief. "It is time for both of them to grow up. The fight belongs to them now." Tanis fought with a hatred he'd never felt before, he could fell Coronus's grief, as well as his own. <> Coronus sent via their telepathic link. Tanis did not argue. He blasted the black and maneuvered into position for Coronus to finish her off, but Mettalia was not to be defeated that easily. She folded her wings and dove out of the sky. Tanis followed, landing on the ground and starting off in pursuit of the black. Finding her, the two began to fight with teeth and claws, rather than fire and lightning. Coronus jumped off of Tanis and pulled Excalibur from it's scabbard. "I swear by the soul of my father, King Japanen, that his death will be avenged!" Suddenly Tanis went flying backwards from a blow from Mettalia's tail. He lay still. "NO!" Shouted Coronus. He ran towards Mettalia and lunged for her with his sword. Mettalia started to laugh, but was cut off as the sword ripped through her scales and pierced her stomach. She gasped as Coronus jerked it out. He glared up at her. She growled, and reared her head. "You will pay for that fool!" She howled. Tanis opened his eyes groggily. He could see Coronus attack Mettalia and watched him pull out the sword, now wet with blood. Suddenly Mettalia opened her mouth. Tanis rose instantly to his feet. "Coronus!" he shouted. "Watch out!" He ran forward, landing over Coronus, just as Mettalia attacked. Tanis gasped in pain when the fire struck, and passed out. "Tanis!!" Shouted Coronus, as the massive dragon toppled over with a crash. Mettalia smiled and moved forward to finish him off, but was stopped as Tanis was surrounded by a bright light. Coronus gasped and shielded his eyes. He looked down, stunned, as Excalibur grew warm in his hands. When the light had faded, Tanis stood up. Coronus stared at him in disbelief. "T..Tanis!" He gasped. Mettalia took a step backwards. She had not expected this! Tanis raised his head, the moon reflecting back off of his silver scales and wings. He opened his mouth and let loose with a blast of fire, equal to that of any other dragon. Mettalia screamed as it connected. "Now Coronus!" Shouted Tanis. Coronus raised Excalibur and jumped onto Mettalia's back. Shouting a battle cry, he drove Excalibur in between the massive shoulder blades. Mettalia screamed again, then collapsed, and lay still. Mettalia screamed as the young prince drove his strange sword into her heart. But she was not to be outdone. Mettalia knew the black arts, and she was powerful. She used the last of her strength, to cast one final spell. She looked up at The silver dragon and his rider. "My body may die," She said, losing strength. "But my spirit will not! I will have my revenge!" Coronus stared in amazement as the body of the black dragon faded, leaving only an oddly shaped cloud of energy. "I will have my revenge!" It said, sounding a lot like Mettalia, and it flew off. Tanis and Coronus stared at the spot where the body had been, then turned around to go back to the battle. Coronus gasped as Elios suddenly appeared in front of him. "Elios!" He gasped. The boy's face was serious. "You must seal the Takhissis now!" He said. "But I don't..." "Yes you do!" Insisted Elios. "Deep inside. You know what to do!" Coronus looked at him, then, slowly, nodded. "Hurry!" Coronus mounted Tanis and the two flew to the center of the battlefield. Coronus raised Excalibur slowly, as it began to glow. "Please." He said. "Please, give me the strength! Elios, Elysia, father. Please!" He reversed his grip on the sword, pointing the blade downwards towards the ground. He whispered a few words that Tanis didn't understand, and opened his eyes. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!!!" He shouted, driving the blade into the ground. Tanis gasped as the ground began to shake. Sounds of battle were replaced by frightened cries as the shaking grew more violent. Suddenly a crack appeared in the ground, stretching out from where the sword was embedded. The crack began to widen, and as it did, a brilliant white light poured out of it. One by one, the Takhissis were pulled into the light. Some fell in, others tried to fly, but were pulled back down by some magical force, and yet, the Quisalas were unaffected. Coronus began to tremble, but he refused to let go of the sword, he wouldn't let go until every one of those cursed creatures were underground. Slowly, the light faded, the ground closed back up again, as if nothing ever happened. Coronus didn't remember what happened next. Blackness overtook him, and he passed out. When he woke up, he was somewhere strange. Strange, but not evil. He decided. In fact, he felt totally at peace here. He looked around at the worried expressions of his friends. He shook his head and sat up, only to be thrown to the ground again by a thankful Maetel. "Oh! Thank God you're okay!" She said. Then, realizing she had an audience, she blushed a bright red and pulled away from him. He smiled at her. "I'm fine." Suddenly his face fell. "The Takhissis?" He asked. Tanis smiled. "Gone. you defeated them." Coronus's face fell. "But that means..." he started. "Aye lad," Said Pyrite. "It's time to say goodbye." The gold dragon shimmered human and helped him up. "It's a shame we'll miss your coronation." Said Faith. "Coronation?" Asked Coronus, then he remembered what had happened. "The king is dead." Said Valor. "Long live the King." Said Tanis. Coronus was silent for a minute. Then he looked up as Elios approached. "Are we..." he started. Elios nodded. "This is Elysia." Coronus nodded. "I guess it's time." Slowly He and Maetel went around the circle, saying their goodbyes, somehow managing to cry and laugh at the same time. Coronus stopped When he reached Tanis. "Um...I'm going to miss you." He said, his voice cracking. Rannon gestured to the others, and they left the friends to say their goodbyes in peace. "I'll miss you too." Said Tanis. "You...you were the best friend I've ever had." Coronus smiled, wiping his eyes. "You were the only friend I ever had." He said. The two hugged tightly. "I may have been the only friend you ever had, but I'm not anymore." He pointed to where the Quisalas sat with Elios and Maetel. "You've still got Maetel!" Coronus nodded sadly. "Coronus, about the hatchling..." "I'll take care of her." He said. "I promise." Tanis smiled. "Goodbye my friend." He said. "Good-bye." The two raised two fingers in a farewell, then walked over to join the Quisalas. "Ready, Tanis?" Asked Revera. Tanis looked up at her. She hadn't called him hatchling. Slowly the Quisalas all walked over to a pavilion with a stone floor. They stood in a circle around the outside of the circular floor. Coronus walked into the middle. Taking out Excalibur, he drove it into the center of the stone. "Excalibur's blade strike." He said quietly. The floor began to glow, and one by one, the Quisalas disappeared. The last to go was Tanis. Tears streamed down his face. He waved to Coronus as he faded out of sight. Finally, Excalibur disappeared. Coronus gasped. "What..." he started. "It will appear again When it is needed." Said Elios. "But right now, there is a planet that needs a king." Maetel grabbed Coronus's hand. He nodded slowly. He looked up at Elios. "Where did they go?" He asked. Elios smiled reassuringly. "They are asleep. But don't grieve your majesty, they won't sleep forever." Coronus nodded, not quite understanding. He turned around to ask another question, but Elios, and Elysia began to fade. Coronus closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he and Maetel were standing among what was left of the palace. "Tanthalasa, Tanthalasa!" Said a voice. Insistent, urging. Tanis struggled to open his eyes. Slowly they obeyed. He looked at the maroon eyes staring back into his, a hint of relief in them. The woman stood back. She was tall, with long, green hair. She was dressed in what looked like a version of some kind of Sailor Suit, with a black collar and extremely short skirt. Around her waist was a ring of keys, and she held a staff shaped like a key in her gloved hands. "Who...who are you?" He asked. She smiled. "My name is Sailor Pluto." Said the woman. Tanis looked on, confused. "Where am I?" He asked. "You were sealed in the heart of Elysia, the heart of the Earth, remember?" Replied Pluto. "How did you know?" He asked suspiciously. "I am the sailor soldier of time and space. The guardian of the Gateway to time. It is 800 years after you were sealed." She said. "Then Coronus? And Maetel?" He asked. She nodded sadly. "But, soon their children will be reborn, and you will be needed." "Their children?" he asked, confused. Pluto smiled. "I will explain, but first..." She waved her hand and a large doorway appeared. Tanis looked first at the woman, then the doorway, then to his sleeping comrades. "What about..." "They will awaken When the time is right." She said. "But you are needed now." "Why me?" he asked suddenly. "I'm only 400! Why not take Rannon, or Pyrite, or Valor, or..." Pluto raised a hand to stop him. "Because you are needed." She said. "Now come, you have a lot to learn." Still incredibly confused, Tanis followed the strange woman through the door, it closed and vanished. "...so I've been on Earth now for 200 years since then." Tanis looked up from his cup at the stunned twins in front of him. "And that's how it happened." He finished. Terri sank into a chair, trying to absorb what she had just learned. Darien just sat in silence. "I...you...does Hope know about all this?" He asked. Tanis shrugged. "I don't think so." He said. "But," said Terri. "You said that father...Coronus, kept the hatchling. How come we never saw her? Never heard about her?" "Pluto said that after the battle, Rafliean managed to make the people forget about the good dragons, all they remembered was the bad. Coronus didn't think it was safe for the hatchling, so he kept it a secret. Suddenly something dawned on Terri. "The hatchling!" She gasped. "The hatchling was Hope! That would explain how Beryl managed to capture her and make her her slave!" Tanis looked up. The thought had never occurred to him. He smiled as he remembered his thoughts in the destroyed Calen Caverns, "She's our only hope..." "Who named her?" he asked. Terri smiled. "I did. Just after we met her." he smiled. "Hope Draco." he shook his head and laughed. Darien was suddenly serious. "I think you should talk to Hope." he said. "She's got a right to know this." Tanis nodded. "We'll explain to the rest of them." Said Terri. She glanced at the clock. 2:00 a.m.. "But we'll explain in the morning." Tanis nodded. Darien had a sudden thought. "Tanis," He said. "When I rode you, in the woods, does that mean..." Tanis nodded. "You're now my rider." He smiled shyly. "If you want to be." Darien grinned. "I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. Tanis grinned happily. "So, do you two have that telepathic link?" Asked Terri. Tanis nodded. "So do you and Hope." Terri looked startled. She was tempted to try it out now, but then she figured Hope wouldn't like being woken up in the middle of the night by a voice in her head. Tanis stood up. "I had better go." he said. The twins smiled. "Bye Tanis!" Said Darien. Terri grinned. "So, are you gonna start sticking around after our battles now?" She asked. Tanis smiled. "You got it." He raised two fingers. "Bye!" The twins waved, and Darien shut the door after him. Forgetting about nightmares for the moment, Terri tumbled into bed. "Darien are you sure you want to sleep on the couch?" She shouted out to the living room. "Don't worry about it!" he shouted back. "I've done it before!" Shrugging, Terri closed her eyes. Terri ran down a dark path, towards a bright light at the end. She was almost there, she could see the land beyond, it seemed familiar somehow. She gasped as suddenly, the light was cut off by something. She couldn't see what. She kept running until she came to a wall. She frowned. There was a type of design on the wall. There was a large circle, made up of little symbols. She gasped as she recognized them. They were the symbols for the planets, but what were the other ones. She frowned. They were familiar somehow. There was a tiny flame, a water droplet, a small tornado, and a golden heart. She gasped. At the top of this circle were two more signs. The sign for the Earth, and the moon. She looked at the center of the circle. Carved into the stone was the shape of a great silver dragon. She ran her hand over the raised surface then stopped at the very center of the circle. There was a small opening. She gasped as she was suddenly transformed into Sailor Earth, and Excalibur was in her hand. Tanthalasa's words rang in her ears. "The one who wields Excalibur must open the gate to the heart of the Earth, the gate that seals the Quisalas, before the Dark Queen awakens." She raised the sword and the darkness seemed to fall back. She placed the sword in the opening and began to slide it in. She gasped as something ripped the sword out of her hand and threw it across the ground. She whirled around, looking for what had taken it. She cried as the ground exploded at her feet and she was sent flying. Something huge began to rise from the rift in the ground. Earth sat on the ground, frozen in fear as the biggest dragon she had ever seen rose from the hole. It was black as ebony. It opened it's mouth and let loose a horrifying cry. Earth was startled back to her senses and she scrambled for her sword, but before she could reach it, the dragon drove her claw into the ground, splitting it, Sailor Earth on one side, and Excalibur on the other. Earth turned back around. Grinning evilly, the dragon turned around, and opened her mouth. Letting loose a stream of flame, she destroyed the strange wall. Earth had a sudden vision of Hope, and all her friends, consumed by flames. Darien, covering Serena, as the two died, the generals, the senshi, inner and outer, all disappeared, even as Terri reached out to them. There was a flash, and Earth had become Terra, arms outstretched. Suddenly there was someone in front of her, a beautiful Pegasus. There was another flash and the Pegasus had changed into a young boy, dressed as one of the priests she knew from a thousand years ago. "You must open the gate," He said. "Or all is lost." "Wait!" Shouted Terra as he began to fade. "What gate? Where am I? What's going on?" But her words had no effect, the boy faded. "Time is running out!" He said, before he disappeared completely. Terri sat bolt upright in bed, breathing hard and sweating. She put her head in her hands. "The same dream!" She said softly. Sighing she got up and walked out to the balcony, not bothering to put on a robe. She knew she wouldn't get back to sleep. She thought. Though she had never been there, she somehow knew that's where it was. She wondered. She pictured all her friends dying in the flames. She thought vehemently. She frowned as the sun came up over the now awakening city of Tokyo. ****************************************************************************