Hey peoples! Okay, I am soooooooooo sorry that it's been so long, but I haven't had a whole lot of time on the computer for a while! And unfortunately, it may be that way for a bit longer. I really hope this doesn't put anybody off, but I will still try to get these in regularly, if not often. It's almost done, I figure maybe 2 more parts and an epilouge (keep your fingers crossed^_^)! Well, you all know the legal stuff, Sailor Moon isn't mine, but this story, and every character/thing that doesn't fit in with the regular SM storyline, is mine. I will thanks you not to use them without my permission. Thanks again for all the amazing comments! They help a lot, so keep 'em coming ^_^! That's about it for now! Ja! Sailor mask sailormask@geocties.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/ **************************************************************************** At The Begining With You: PART 3 Terri looked down at the catalogue. Plans for the wedding were coming along smoothly, and She and Serena were trying to decide on bridesmaids dresses, with the others help of course. "I think we should go with orange." Said Mina. Lita shook her head. "No way Mina! Green is the only color for them." The taller girl argued. Rei frowned. "I think you're both blind! The only good color is red." "I like the blue." Said Ami. Terri put her head in her hands. "We aren't getting anywhere!" She sighed. "We can't agree on anything." The girls lapsed into silence. Hope smiled. "Well," She said. "If we can't agree on something, why not combine everybody's ideas into one?" She asked. Terri looked at her, not understanding. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Well," she said, flipping through a catalogue, stopping at a page. She pointed to an off-the-shoulder dress. It was completely white. "Each of the senshi could have one of these..." She started. The senshi were about to argue, but she raised a hand for silence. She pointed to the very top of the dress, where the material folded down slightly. "We could get this section in each of their respective colors, symbolizing their homelands, but also their allegiance to the moon kingdom with the white." They nodded in agreement. Hope turned to face Rei. "Even though you're Terri's bridesmaid, you'll have the same dress, because you are allied with the moon, not the earth." Rei had decided earlier on that she would, as Terri's cousin, be her bridesmaid instead of Serena's. Serena had had no problem with this, as she had plenty of bridesmaids, and Terri didn't have that many. "What about Mica?" She asked. "She's not a senshi." "She can chose whatever color she wants then." Said Hope. "Have you decided who your Maid and Matron of honor are going to be?" Serena took a big breath. "For my Matron of Honor, I chose Molly, because she has been a great friend to me, since before I even knew you guys, and also, it cuts back on you fighting. For my Maid of Honor, I chose, Mina. Because she is the rightful leader of the Sailor Senshi." Serena waited for the cheers from Mina, and disappointment of the others but they never came. She looked up at the senshi's smiling faces. "No matter what you say Serena, you're our rightful leader. Always have been, always will be. Without you, we're nothing." Said Mina. There were nods of agreement, even Rei nodded and couldn't suppress a smile. Serena blushed furiously. Hope, with a knowing smile changed the subject. "How about you Terri?" She asked. Terri smiled. "You would not believe how hard a time I had choosing between you and Sue." She said. "But I decided that you should be my Matron of Honor. Sue can be my Maid of Honor." Hope smiled in pleasure, she hoped Sue would understand. Terri smiled at her longtime friend. Hope returned the gaze warmly, before they dove back into plans for the wedding. Maxfield Stanton looked at the flustered florist. "I want Roses, not carnations, roses." He said. "Yes, b...b...b...but..." Said the man, clearly unsure about what to do. If he angered Stanton, he could be fired, Maxfield Stanton was well known as one of, if not the richest person in Tokyo, and his boss would not be happy if he lost Mr. Stanton's patronage. "No buts." He said. "I don't care how you get them, just get them before this wedding." The flustered clerk nodded. "O...o...okay Mr St...Stanton. I...I'll get the Ro...roses, s...sir." Maxfield smiled. "Good job." He said, and walked out. "What'd you do to get him to listen to you?" Asked Mackenzie curiously. "He wouldn't budge for me." Max grinned. "Sometimes being Maxfield Stanton comes in handy." He said. Terri sighed happily and leaned back against Quinn. The two were sitting in Terri's living room, talking animatedly with Mike and Sue, determined to put all thoughts of battle and dragon's out of their minds, for the time being at least. Quinn looked across the room at two of his newest friends. Mike was tall, with warm blue eyes. He had let his hair grow back to his natural color, a dark brown, almost black. Sue had sparkling green eyes, and blonde hair, cut short, and pinned back with a white barrette. She stood about a foot shorter than Mike. The two were quite a contrast, but somehow, they seemed to fit together. Sue and Terri were chatting about the upcoming wedding, and he and Mike were just sitting back, content to listen. Mike flashed a grin at Quinn. "Do they ever stop?" he asked, loud enough for the girls to hear. Quinn grinned evilly. "I don't know about Sue, but Terri never shuts up!" The girls gasped angrily. In one swift move, each grabbed a cushion off of the couch and whacked the guys with them. In response, they dove to the floor, grabbing their own cushions as weapons. The rolled to their feet and attacked the girls. The battle raged on, until one by one they all collapsed, laughing. Terri sat up a few minutes later, wiping her eyes. "That was the most fun I've had in a while!" She said. Mike grinned, helping Sue up. "I needed that." He said. And suddenly, before they knew what was happening, they were laughing again. Scarlet looked down at the Dark Elf standing in front of her. "Yes Raven," She said. "What news?" A bit of light from one of the torches fell on the Dark Elf's face. "My troops and I will be ready to go above by tonight. We will capture the woman, and bring her back here." Raven's face twisted into a sneer. "With all due respect, oh Great One," She said, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "Why is it I risk running into the senshi, not to mention risking my life for some petty human? Why this particular human?" Scarlet smiled, her teeth glistening in the dark. "Because this human is the Sailor Soldier of life. The solitary protector of this planet. The Dark Queen will reward me for her capture, and I in turn, will reward you." Raven scowled. Dark Elf's were not known for their trust, or trust worthiness for that matter, which is why Obsidian had never bothered with them, but Scarlet was more daring. She was just over 1, 200, not even half the age of Obsidian, and he had considered her wild and reckless. Besides, she and Raven had a grudging respect for each other. "It shall be done." Said Raven, as she vanished into the shadows. Scarlet smiled. In a less than a week, Uranus and Venus would be aligned with the Earth. If all went well, she would be the next to go to the surface. Mike looked at the clock. It was well past midnight, they had stayed much longer than originally planned. "We had better be going." He said. "We've got school tomorrow, and I am going to be beat." Terri nodded, disappointed the evening had to end. Quinn stood up and pecked her cheek. "See you tomorrow." he said. She smiled and kissed him back. "As you wish." Mike and Quinn waved goodbye as they left. Terri grinned at Sue. "Bedtime Susan." She said, mimicking a mother's tone. Sue pouted. "Awwww! but I'm not tired!" Laughing the two changed and tumbled into bed, suddenly realizing how tired they were. Terri's eyes closed as soon as her head hit the pillow. Sue took a bit longer. Her body was tired, but her mind was still wide awake. She looked over at Terri, fast asleep. She thought, almost enviously. Although she knew her friend could fall asleep within seconds, she also knew that she was a light sleeper. She lay awake, thinking, she didn't know how long. She looked up suddenly, startled. She had heard a strange scratching noise from the living room, near the balcony. She looked over at Terri, who had not stirred. She waited a few more minutes, then, hearing nothing, shrugged and lay back down, closing her eyes. They shot back open as a scaley hand covered her mouth. Raven glared at the noisy dracons as they scaled the balcony, suddenly glad she had cast a spell that had, in a manner of speaking, sound-proofed the room. She jumped up silently after them, giving them a reproachful glare. They shrank back. They had heard rumors of the Dark elf's viciousness and cruelty, and did not want to cross her. She pointed towards the door to the bedroom. The two dracons opened the door slowly and grabbed the first girl, clapping a hand over her mouth before she could scream. Raven gestured for them to tie her up in the living room. She would take care of the senshi. She hovered over Terri's bed for a minute, looking at her unsuspecting prey. Terri slept curled in a tight ball, an old habit from her years on the street. As if sensing the danger she was in, the girl frowned and stirred in her sleep. Raven grinned. Terri frowned and rolled over in her sleep, deep in the thralls of a nightmare. She was running down a dark path, towards a bright light at the end. She was almost there, she could see the land beyond, it seemed familiar somehow. She gasped as suddenly, the light was cut off by something. She couldn't see what. She kept running until she came to a wall. She frowned. There was a type of design on the wall. There was a large circle, made up of little symbols. She gasped as she recognized them. They were the symbols for the planets, but what were the other ones. She frowned. They were familiar somehow. There was a tiny flame, a water droplet, a small tornado, and a golden heart. She gasped. At the top of this circle were two more signs. The sign for the Earth, and the moon. She looked at the center of the circle. Carved into the stone was the shape of a great silver dragon. She ran her hand over the raised surface then stopped at the very center of the circle. There was a small opening. She gasped as she was suddenly transformed into Sailor Earth, and Excalibur was in her hand. Tanthalasa's words rang in her ears. "The one who wields Excalibur must open the gate to the heart of the Earth, the gate that seals the Quisalas, before the Dark Queen awakens." She raised the sword and the darkness seemed to fall back. She placed the sword in the opening and began to slide it in. She gasped as something ripped the sword out of her hand and threw it across the ground. She whirled around, looking for what had taken it. She cried as the ground exploded at her feet and she was sent flying. Something huge began to rise from the rift in the ground. Earth sat on the ground, frozen in fear as the biggest dragon she had ever seen rose from the hole. It was black as ebony. It opened it's mouth and let loose a horrifying cry. Earth was startled back to her senses and she scrambled for her sword, but before she could reach it, the dragon drove her claw into the ground, splitting it, Sailor Earth on one side, and Excalibur on the other. Earth turned back around. Grinning evilly, the dragon turned around, and opened her mouth. Letting loose a stream of flame, she destroyed the strange wall. Earth had a sudden vision of Hope, and all her friends, consumed by flames. Darien, covering Serena, as the two died, the generals, the senshi, inner and outer, all disappeared, even as Terri reached out to them. There was a flash, and Earth had become Terra, arms outstretched. SUddenly there was someone in front of her, a beautiful Pegusus. There was another flash and the Pegusus had changed into a young boy, dressed as one of the priests she knew from a thousand years ago. "You must open the gate," He said. "Or all is lost." "Wait!" Shouted Terra as he began to fade. "What gate? Where am I? What's going on?" But her words had no effect, the oby faded. "Time is running out!" He said, before he disappeared compeltely. Sue trembled, trying to control the fear rising in her throat. She looked at the door to her bedroom, silently praying Terri was all right. She heard a cry of rage from inside the bedroom. Terri's eyes flew open, but she did not move. She was vaguely aware of someone hovering above her. Raven raised her hand, prepared to knock the girl unconscious while she slept, but, much to Raven's surprise, the girl sat straight up in bed and grabbed her hand, throwing her to the ground, and standing over her. The girl grinned at her. "One good thing about living on the streets, you learn to sleep lightly." With an angry cry, the Dark Elf threw her off. The two launched at each other, but Terri was no match for the Dark Elf without her powers. Raven picked her up and threw her out of the bedroom. Terri landed at Sue's feet. She was up in a flash, and jumped toward the counter, where her henshin wand lay. "No!" Shouted Raven. She raised her hands as Terri raised her henshin wand. "Earth Celestial..." She didn't get a chance to finish as a dark bolt of power connected with her wrists, then another with her chest. She gasped and began to slip into darkness. Quinn groaned in his sleep, then gasped and woke up in a cold sweat. He just sat there breathing heavily for a moment, then his eyes widened. "Terri!" He gasped Terri struggled to remain conscious as Raven closed in on her. She shook her head to clear it, and gasped as she saw Raven's taloned gloves heading for her head. In a split second, she had rolled out of the way, but the move left her shoulder exposed. The razor-sharp talons pierced it deep. Darien stirred restlessly in his sleep, than suddenly sat up straight with a cry on pain, clutching his shoulder. he thought in bewilderment. Then immediately banished that idea. This was different, with Serena, it was a feeling. He just instinctively knew she was in trouble. He had never felt what was happening to her. He frowned. He thought, then his eyes widened. Raven hauled her talons out viciously then, prepared to finish off the girl beneath her, when suddenly, the door burst open, and a tall figure stepped in. Wasting no time, he pulled out two daggers. "Shooting Stars Strike!" he said quietly. The daggers flew from his hand, turning into balls of light. One landed in Raven's shoulder. She cried out in pain and fury. In a flash Terri was on her feet. "See how you like it." She said, looking around frantically for her henshin wand. The dagger in Raven's shoulder disappeared and reappeared in Quartzite's hand. he immediately threw them at the dracons's, advancing on the injured Terri. They dissolved into dust as they pierced their armor and scales and lodged in their hearts. Terri swooned and fell against the couch, weak from her injury, which had grown worse in the past few minutes. She spotted her henshin wand on the ground near the balcony. She forced her self to stand and walked toward it. Raven watched the figure in the doorway, recognizing the crest of Coronus on his shield. her eyes widened. She was about to launch a dark bolt when she saw Terri moving out of the corner of her eye. She whirled around and launched at her. Quartzite started to dash forward, but was stopped by a hand from behind him. "Quinn?" Asked Mike. "What's happening?" Quartzite whirled around, as Terri kicked Raven in the gut, and sent her flying. "Mike! What...never mind, there's no time, untie Sue, then get out of here." "But..." "Just go!" He hissed. Mike ran over to Sue and untied her quickly as Quartzite ran over to help Terri with Raven. Terri gasped in pain as Raven landed a solid kick on her injured shoulder. She reeled backwards and dropped her henshin wand. In a blind rage, Quartzite dove at Raven, throwing her to the ground. He rushed over to Terri. Raven picked herself up, glaring at the two. She launched a dark bolt at them, but Quartzite stepped forward and blocked it. The force of the blow sent him reeling though, and he stumbled back behind Terri. Raven grinned. She thought. She quickly recited the words to a transportation spell, and aimed her hands at Terri. Darien took the stairs to Terri's apartment two at a time. The throbbing in his shoulder increased, but instead of slowing him down, it caused him to speed up. He saw the door to her apartment standing ajar, and thought he could detect movement, he could hear no sound. He ran into the room in time to see some kind of elf launch a bolt at Terri. Quartzite was on his feet in a second, and he dove in front of Terri, covering her with his body. Darien's jaw dropped as the bolt struck his back and he disappeared. Raven cursed loudly. Then she frowned. Terri got to her feet in a rage, forgetting the pain in her shoulder. She charged the startled elf and threw her into a wall. "Where is he?" She shouted. "Where did you send him?" Raven laughed. "You'll find out soon enough!" She said, the threat in her voice obvious. "Until we meet again!" She disappeared in a flash. Terri punched the wall in rage, then gasped as pain shot up her arm. Darien looked around the room in shock. The place had been torn apart. He looked up as he heard a small cry of pain. He saw his sister collapse to the floor, gripping her shoulder. He ran forward as Sue and Mike came out from behind an arm chair. Sue took one look at the apartment, and Terri, then her face drained of all it's color, and she passed out. Mike gasped and lay her down on the floor when he noticed Darien heading toward Terri. He jumped to his feet with a scowl and stopped in front of Terri. Then gasped as he recognized the blue eyes under the mask. "It's okay Mike." Said Terri, sounding oddly far off. "Go help Sue." Mike shook his head and returned to Sue. Darien Placed his hand on Terri's shoulder, alarmed at the blood showing on the t-shirt she wore, now trickling down her arm, but he didn't show it. "Terri?" he asked. He felt her body shake beneath his hand. "He's gone." She whispered. "I lost him." Darien's eyes filled with sorrow. he turned to Mike, who understood immediately. "I'll take Sue to my place for the night." He said. Darien smiled gratefully, as Sue slowly regained consciousness. A few minutes later they left. Darien looked in growing concern at the wound on Terri's shoulder. "How did you know?" She asked. The shook her head. "Never mind." The two had always been able to feel each other's pain. At least the intense pains. It was kind of an odd bond. Darien sat down and peeled the shirt away from her wound. He winced. "Come on I'll take you to a doctor." he said. She shook her head. "I don't need a doctor." She argued. "Terri, you can't just let that shoulder go. It needs to be looked at, and looked at now." Terri sighed. She suddenly felt very tired. Too tired to argue any more. She made no move to get up. "I'm too weak." She said. He frowned. "Then I'll carry you." Before she could argue further, he picked her up. Her shoulder needed immediate attention. Darien ran towards the hospital, which was thankfully only a few blocks from Terri's. He tried to keep her awake, but to no avail. She lost conscious from loss of blood. Darien detransformed, just before he entered the hospital. Serena awakened to the phone ringing downstairs. She got up groggily and walked downstairs, hoping it didn't wake her parents. She answered it sleepily. "Hello?" "Serena? it's Darien." Serena was instantly awake. "Darien, what's wrong?" She asked, hearing the worry in his voice. "It's Terri, she's been attacked. She's in the hospital." Serena gasped. "Oh my God! I'll be right there. And I'll let the others know." They said a quick goodbye and she hung up. Luna wandered down the stairs, staring at Serena sleepily. "What's wrong?" She asked. "Terri's hurt." She replied. She hit the all call button on her communicator, waking up the senshi. She listened until she heard each of them answer in turn before saying; "We have a senshi down. Terri's in the hospital." Zach watched Darien pacing around the waiting room like a caged tiger. The look of worry on his face, mirrored Zach's own. He wanted to know what happened, but Darien just said to wait until Mackenzie arrived. As if in answer to his thoughts, the doors to the waiting room burst open, and Mina and Mackenzie walked in. Mackenzie's face had an expression of almost guilt. "Where is she?" He asked. Darien frowned. "She's getting her shoulder stitched up. She's going to be okay." Mackenzie relaxed, slightly. Suddenly his eyes widened. "Where's Quinn?" he asked. Darien lowered his eyes. Mina's heart sank. "Darien, what happened?" She asked. he looked up, almost reluctantly. "I'm not sure. When I got there, all I saw, was some weird creature blast Terri with some kind of beam, but Quartzite jumped in the way, and he disappeared." Suddenly the doctor came in, supporting a weak Terri. He transferred her over to Darien. "I really think you should stay, at least for the night. you're still weak from the blood loss." Terri shook her head. "No, I can't." She said. He sighed, then turned to Darien. "Keep an eye on her. Don't let her do anything strenuous." Darien nodded. "She won't." he said, staring meaningfully at Terri, who said nothing. They all got back in their cars and drove to Darien's apartment. Terri frowned. "Take me home." She said. Darien shook his head. "Not a chance Terri. It's too dangerous." He said. One by one, all of the senshi and generals entered Darien's apartment. He looked over at Serena. "Call Hope, Serena." He said. "Her number is written on the pad by the phone." Serena nodded. Terri sat down weakly on the couch. "Terri, what happened?" Asked Mackenzie. "Where's Quinn?" Terri put her head in her hands. "Quinn's gone. I don't know where. I was asleep, and then, this Dark Elf was in my room. I fought with her, but I couldn't transform. Then Quinn showed up, and...and..." He voice cracked. Mackenzie sat back. "It's okay." he said. "It's okay. We'll find him. I promise." Terri sat back miserably, refusing to cry. Mackenzie sat back and mentally kicked himself for letting this happen. Mina frowned, as a dark look passed over Mackenzie's face. Mackenzie looked up at Darien. "Is she staying here?" He asked. Darien looked at Terri, who didn't look like she was going to argue any more. He nodded. "We should go." Said Mina. "My folks are worried enough as it is, and Terri needs to rest." She lay a hand on the older girls shoulder. "We'll stop by tomorrow okay." Terri nodded and forced a smile. "Thanks guys." She said. They nodded and filed out the door, until only Darien and Terri were left. "I'll take first watch." Said Jed. They had decided to take alternating watches through what was left of the night. "I'll stay with you." Said Zach. Mackenzie nodded. "Max and I will relieve you in a few hours." He said. They stood there for a minute. "It's odd, isn't it?" Said Max, it was a statement, not a question. "Protecting them like this...without Quinn." There were nods of agreement. Then, with a sigh, they said their goodbyes and headed home, while Zach and Jed sat down on the steps to the apartment. "A thousand years and the oath still stands." Said Zach. Jed smiled. "Yeah, but would you have it any other way?" Zach smiled. He leaned back and looked up at the sky, the one thing that hadn't changed in a thousand years. "Sometimes I wonder why Queen Serenity sent us to the future." He said. Jed looked at him. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Well, we betrayed her. We were the ones who took out her daughter's guardians, we were the ones who helped Beryl destroy her kingdom, and yet..." He stopped, not sure what to say. "And yet she saved us. She sent us with everyone else, and gave us a chance at a future, when we took away hers." Finished Jed. "Why?" Asked Zach. "Why would she do that?" Jed smiled slightly. "She did it for the same reason that Serena lays her life on the line everyday for people she doesn't know. For the same reason Darien risks everything, to keep her safe. For the same reason Terri would give up her life to protect this planet." He paused for a minute. "For the same reason Quinn never gives up." Zach sat back and looked at the stars again, thinking about that. "For the same reason any of us keep fighting, even when it's hopeless." He said. Jed nodded. "For hope, for friends, for love. Never giving up, no matter what." He said. "That's what it's all about isn't it." Said Zach. "Being a general, protecting this planet. It's about never giving up, and having faith, that somehow, someway, everything will work out." Jed nodded. "That's what I say anyway." Zach looked up at the apartment building. "I hope, for her sake, that's what Terri thinks." Quartzite struggled against the chains that bound him to the wall. He hoped Terri was all right, but didn't have time to dwell on it, as he saw the Dark Elf that had captured him walk in, followed by a large red dragon. The dragon shimmered into a dark skinned human, dressed in a blood red suit, with a flowing red cape. Her eyes were mere slits of black in the torchlight. "This is not who I wanted." She said. The elf scowled. "I was outnumbered, and he jumped in the way of the transportation spell. Besides, I injured Sailor what's her name. Be happy! I won't risk my life just so you can go above." The dragon/woman shrugged. "Well, he's better than nothing." She turned to him. "Who are you?" She asked coldly. Quartzite raised his head high. "I am General Quartzite, of the army of King Endymion and Princess Terra. And you are?" He asked with icy politeness. The dragon/woman grinned in amusement. "I am Scarlet, and you my friend, are going to be very useful." Scarlet turned to Raven. "Find out what you can, but do not kill him, I need him for bait." Raven grinned evilly. "As you wish." She said. Quartzite started when she said that, an image of Terri flashing before him. he shook his head. He told himself. Raven stepped into the cell. "Now." she said. "You tell me who the rest of you little sailor friends are, or I'll do to you what I did to your girlfriend." Quartzite looked up, eyes blazing. "I'll die first." He said. Raven shrugged her shoulders. "Have it your way. No wait a minute..." She smiled evilly, revealing her sharp teeth. "That would be my way." Darien woke up the next morning and wandered into the kitchen, seeing Terri seated on a stool, sipping a cup of coffee. He smiled. "I thought you would have already left." He said. he had half expected her to leave during the night and go back to her apartment. She frowned. "I tried, but Mackenzie and Maxfield stopped me, several times." She said. Darien suppressed a laugh. He should have know that Mackenzie wouldn't leave either of the twins alone after what happened. He peered out the window and saw the two sitting below on the steps. Terri rubbed her shoulder, wincing. "I need to replace the bandage." She said. "Have you got any?" Darien nodded and ran to medicine case. he pulled out a pack of them and handed it to her. She walked over to the sink and slipped her sweater down off of her shoulder. Tenderly she unraveled the bandage and washed her shoulder, careful of the stitches. Darien could clearly see the spots where Raven's talons had pierced her skin. She wrapped the new bandage around her shoulder. She leaned down and picked up her bag. "I'll see you later." She said. "Where are you going?" he asked. She sighed. "I can't stay here." She said. "You can't go back to your place, they know where you live!" He said. "I'm not going back to my place." "Then where are you going?" He asked. Terri didn't answer, she just headed for the door, slipping her bookbag onto her back. He reached out and grabbed her arm. "Terri, you can't leave, it's too dangerous!" Terri glared at him. "Let me go. It's too dangerous to stay here. I won't risk all of Your lives by staying." She said angrily. "So you'll just go then?" He asked. "Why? So you can feel guilty all by yourself? So you don't have to let anyone in? Come on Terri, I know you blame yourself for what happened, but it wasn't your fault." Terri's eyes filled with anger and she wrenched free of his grasp. "What do you know?" She shouted angrily. "You don't know me. You don't know what happened! That bolt was meant for me! If he hadn't taken that stupid oath, he'd still be here! How can you say it wasn't my fault?" "I know he would have jumped in front of you wether or not he'd taken the oath! So why don't you stop feeling sorry for yourself and snap out of it!" He shouted back, losing his temper. She felt hers flare up. "I won't risk losing you and the others too!" She shouted angrily. "So instead of facing your problems, you'll run away from them." He asked, his voice biting. "I've never run away from anything in my life!" She yelled furiously. "You ran away from the orphanage!" He replied. "Reality check Terri, running away won't help you anymore. You have to face this." His voice softened. "You can't run away from this." Terri's eyes filled with tears. She turned away quickly, hiding her face. "How would you know?" She asked angrily, her voice cracking. "How could you possibly understand what it's like losing someone you love, because they protected you. You can't understand!" Darien's eyes flared. "I understand better than anybody! Maybe even better than you!" He shouted. "I've been there! More than once I've watched Serena die, to save me. I held her while she died, and there was nothing I could do about it. So don't you tell me I can't understand, or I don't know how you feel! I know, I know about a thousand times more than I want to! But I never ran away from it! And I'm not going to let you run away from it either." She glared at him. "What are you going to do? Order me?" Tears slipped unchecked down her cheek. Darien shook his head. "I'm your king Terri, but I'm also your brother. Please, don't so this to yourself." He said softly. Terri choked back a sob. In a flash she had her henshin wand in her hand. She threw it viscously at the floor. "Why?" She asked. "Why me? I never asked for this! I never asked to be reborn! I never asked to be a senshi! I never asked to deal with this!" "But you are, you were reborn, you are the protector of our planet and you have to deal with this. Quinn isn't dead, not yet. We can still find him, but we need you to do it. If you put those walls back up around your heart, then it's hopeless. He probably saved your life Terri, don't throw that away. You've still got the chance to save him. Please. Trust me." Terri put her head in her hands and began to cry. She couldn't take this. "I don't understand." She said, collapsing to the floor. She shook her head. "I don't understand." Darien felt what was left of his temper fade away. He sat down and put his arms around Terri. "It's okay." He said. "It's okay. We'll find him. But we can't do it without you." Terri sobbed in his arms, grateful for the shelter. "But what if we don't?" She asked, her voice shaking. "What if we don't find him? What if he..." Darien shook her. "Terri. Terri. Listen to me." He said. He was worried about her. He had never, for as long as he had known her, seen her in this state. Terri looked up, still crying. "Terri, we will find him." Darien's blue eyes flashed. "I promise." Terri nodded. "But what about you?" She asked miserably. "As long as you're with me, you're in danger. It won't take much imagination to see the connection between us." Darien smiled and moved beside her. "I knew this job was dangerous when I took it. I knew it was dangerous, even before I knew who I was. But I don't care. That's part of the job. If I hid every time I thought an enemy might find out who I was, I wouldn't be a very good protector." Terri smiled. "All right." She said. "I won't give up if you won't." Darien smiled. "I'll never give up." She smiled. "Never." Mackenzie sat back from the door and grinned at Maxfield. They had run upstairs at the first shouts from the room, but had stayed outside the door. The two eavesdroppers stood up and walked down the stairs. "Well." Said Maxfield. "That went well." Mackenzie grinned. He looked at his watch. "I have to be at class in a bit, we had better call it a night." He looked up at the lightening sky. "I mean, call it a morning." "Shouldn't someone stay with Terri?" Asked Max. Mackenzie grinned. "If I know Darien, he won't leave Terri alone, and besides, Hope's coming over in a bit. They'll be fine, for now, at least." He didn't add that he thought the dragon's wouldn't attack again. They had what they wanted, he hoped. Quartzite winced as Raven's fist connected with his stomach. The armor protecting him from any serious injury, but not from the pain. "Who are they?" She growled. "Where are your friends?" Quartzite looked up. "They're on Earth." he said sarcastically. Raven roared in fury, kicking him viciously. She regained her composure a moment later, glaring down at him. "Have it your way, fool." She snarled. "But I'm not finished with you yet." Quartzite watched her vanish in a flash, then, grinning painfully set about healing himself. Terri paced about Darien's living room. Hope watched her. "Terri, stop that! You're going to wear out his rug." She said. Terri sat down with a frustrated sigh. "This is the most boring thing I've ever done in my life." She said. Hope smiled, glad to see her friend getting back to normal. She looked at the clock. They had been here all day, and Terri was ready to tear down the walls for something to do. Terri frowned. "I should be out looking for him, not sitting here, waiting." "Where would you look?" Asked Darien, coming up behind them. "We haven't got the slightest clue where he is." Terri scowled. "So we sit here, waiting for the dragon's to make the first move." She said. Hope sighed. "Terri, be reasonable." She said. "There's nothing we can do right now. The dragon's won't kill him. He's too valuable. Sooner or later they're gonna slip up, then we can rescue him." Terri sighed again and slouched down in her seat, her face growing dark. Frustrated, she got up and stalked out onto the balcony. Hope looked at Darien and shrugged. Darien shook his head. Feeling frustrated himself, he sat down and turned on the TV. He looked up startled, as Terri's communicator began to beep on the coffee table where she had left it. Taking no chances, Luna had ordered Ami to make one for Terri, and they were working on ones for the generals and Darien. He picked it up and pressed the button. "Hello?" He said, uncertainly, not quite sure how they worked. "Darien? This is Lita. We're having some trouble with Dracons near the starlight tower." "I'll be right there." He said. He looked at Hope, who nodded. "What about Terri?" She asked. Darien groaned. "I'm coming." She said from behind them. Darien stood up. "No way. It's to dangerous, and you're still weak from last night." Terri glared at him. "Terri please." Said Hope. "Just this once." Terri looked her friend in the eye, and saw nothing but concern. She looked over at her brother, and saw the same thing there. She screamed in frustration and stalked back onto the balcony, slamming the door. Darien grinned at Hope. "I take it that means she's staying." he said. Hope smiled thankfully. "Let's go." She said. Up above the Earth, Uranus and Venus slowly made Their way through space. The sailor soldier of love and justice screamed and hurtled herself to the ground, as Raven dove for her. Raven missed, but instantly caught herself and dove for her again. This time she was cut off by a stream of fire. "MARS VOLCANOES ERUPT!!!" Raven cried out and backed up quickly as Sailor Moon jumped to her feet and glared at Mars. "Think you could cut it any closer?" She shouted. Mars just shrugged and turned around as Raven and Jupiter began to fight. The Dark Elf was a skilled fighter. Undefeated among her race. In fact, the only opponents who had ever defeated her was that wretched general and the silver senshi. She was determined to save face and redeem herself in front of the dark queen, by defeating the other senshi. She thought to herself. She gasped as Jupiter landed a solid punch to her gut. She thought ruefully, concentrating once again on the fight at hand. "JUPITER THUNDERCLAPS CHARGE!!!!" Shouted Jupiter. The bolt flew by Raven as she ducked, singeing the edge of her ponytail. Reacting instantly, the Dark Elf launched out with her leg before Jupiter could recover. She caught the startled senshi behind the knees and she feel down with a cry. Moving quickly, Jupiter rolled away before Raven had a chance to finish her off with her talons. As she rolled away, Nephrite jumped up and engaged the elf in battle. Hauling out his Ninja Stars, he hurled them at the Dark Elf. "HEAVENLY CYCLONES ROAR!!!!!" The stars spun over her head, creating a cyclone, that lifted her off the ground. She gave a startled cry, trying to fight off the wave off dizziness that threatened to overcome her. Forcing her hands in front of her, she concentrated, creating a large ball of dark energy, even as she was being spun around. Nephrite gasped as the cyclone stopped, and a large bolt of black energy struck him in the chest. He collapsed back to the ground as Jaedite jumped up to face the Elf. He noticed out of the corner of his eyes that Rei was inching her way behind the distracted elf. Jaedite, fearing the Raven would notice, threw a few insults, allowing Raven to work herself into a rage. She threw herself at the insolent general. "MARS FLAME SNIPER!!!" Shouted a voice from behind her. Raven cried out in pain as a flaming arrow struck her shoulder. Before she knew what was happening, Jaedite had his crossbow out. "PHANTOM FIRES BLAZE!!!" He shouted. A second arrow struck the Dark Elf. She roared in pain. Scarlet walked into the cell where Quinn was chained. She looked at him, surprise registering in her eyes at his perfectly healthy appearance, but it faded so fast Quinn wasn't even sure he had seen it. She grinned evilly. "Your friends are waiting." She said. "It's time to go." Quartzite glared at her. "Where are my friends?" He asked. Scarlet smiled. "Raven's taking...care of them." In a sudden move she blasted Quartzite with fire from her hands. He gasped, then blacked out. Scarlet smiled and undid his chains. "The time has come." She said. Then they both disappeared. Far up in space Uranus fell into position, followed immediately by Venus, aligning with Neptune, Pluto, and the Earth. Terri looked out over Tokyo feeling frustrated and helpless. Angrily she walked into the living room and sat down on the couch. She gasped, recognizing the sudden intense feeling of pain and evil that overwhelmed her. She thought. Making a split second decision, she jumped to her feet. She called for her henshin wand, raising it high. "EARTH CELESTIAL POWER!!!" She shouted. In a flash, she had transformed and ran out to the balcony. Launching herself to the ground below, she took off through the streets, as the moon came up. Raven glared at the masked man. he had just stopped her attempt to get to Sailor Moon with a rose. She recognized him as the one who had been in the room the night before. Suddenly the figure gasped and gripped his head, a feeling of extreme evil running through him. The others seemed to feel it as well. Suddenly she grinned. She knew what was happening. She looked at the senshi spitefully. "So long." She said, smiling evilly. "I know I won't be seeing you again." She disappeared in a flash, leaving only the startled senshi, as the ground began to shake. Serena and Darien gasped, realizing what was about to happen. Hope, who hadn't had time to transform, did so now, feeling the familiar hatred creeping over her. "Everybody GET BACK!!!!" Yelled Sailor Moon, as the ground erupted, and a flash of red burst from it. The senshi stood paralyzed as Scarlet rose high into the air, and screamed triumphantly. Sailor Earth ran as fast as she could through the dark streets, trying to shake the feeling of foreboding that spread through her like wild fire. She gasped as suddenly connected with something else, running just as fast as she was. She hit the ground but was on her feet in a second, adopting a fighting pose. She gasped as she saw who she had run into. It was a man. The moonlight shone on his silver hair as he picked up his glasses and turned to face her. His lavender eyes widened in shock as he saw her. She narrowed her own blue eyes, and looked at his. She gasped as she recognized him. "It's you!" They both said simultaneously. Hope lunged for the red dragon before she could get her bearings. Letting loose a long stream of fire, she knocked into Scarlet and sent her reeling through the sky. The senshi watched in horrified fascination as the battle carried on above. They couldn't risk using their powers, for fear of hitting Hope. Prayed Darien, but Hope seemed to be holding her own. Scarlet fought fiercely, but so did the Quisalas. The battle raged on for a few more minutes, neither of the massive dragon's gaining any ground. Scarlet scowled. She spotted her down below and smiled. Breaking free of Hope's grasp she flew higher ad let out a trumpet call, signaling to Raven on the ground below, then before Hope knew what was happening, Scarlet plunged into the trees. Hope followed, but the dragon had disappeared. Quickly she turned and flew back to the senshi. She shrugged as they looked at her. Suddenly, Mercury gasped behind them. "Quartzite!!!" They all whipped around, coming face to face with Raven, holding an unconscious Quartzite, her talons at his throat. A figure dressed in red stepped out of the shadows and stood beside her. She smiled at Hope. "Ah, ah, ah!" She said. "Don't even think about attacking me, or he doesn't live to see the dawn." Hope scowled, but backed down. Scarlet's smiled broadened. "Good girl." The smiled turned into a sneer. "Now, transform into a human." Hope growled, but obliged, shimmering human. Scarlet smiled again. She turned to the senshi and generals. "Now," She said. "All of you, detransform." "Are you sure you should be fighting?" Asked Tanthalasa, glancing at Sailor Earth who was rubbing her shoulder. She glared at him. "If you ask me that once more..." She cut off threateningly. He sighed and turned around. "We're almost there." He said. A minute later he could make out the ones They sought. He frowned. "What is it?" Asked Earth. Tanthalasa looked at her. "They've got some kind of hostage." he said. "A man in silver armor." He squinted, trying to see better. To his surprise, Earth reacted instantly. "Silver armor?" She gasped. "Who's got him?" "A Dark Elf I think. They're distant cousins to the Takhissis." But Sailor Earth wasn't listening. her eyes were trained on the scene ahead of them, not that she could see it. he eyes widened as she recognized Quartzite. She felt her heart soar and sink at the same time. Thinking fast, she gestured to a grove of trees behind the elf and the strange woman. "Land there." Tanthalasa obliged. And shimmered human. Earth looked at Tanis Fireforge. "Does Hope know who you are?" She asked, assuming he knew who Hope was. He shook his head, blushing slightly. Earth smiled, then abruptly turning around and running into the woods, her mind focused on one thing, Quartzite. The senshi and generals hesitated, but Raven tightened her grip on Quartzite who had managed to regain consciousness, bringing the tip of her taloned glove to his throat. "Stop!" Shouted Sailor Moon. She whirled around. "Detransform." She ordered. "We can't risk his life." She glanced out of the corner of her eye and saw a flash of silver through the trees, hiding a smile she turned around and tried to stall. Darien's eyes widened as he saw his sister approach Raven from behind, but other than that he hadn't let on he had seen her. He frowned, realizing Sailor Moon had seen her too. He thought. He turned to Sailor Moon. "Why should we detransform?" He asked, then winced, hearing the generals gasp in disbelief behind him. "Why should we risk all of our lives, for his?" Sailor Moon barley managed to conceal her grin. "What do you mean why? He's your general! Your protector!" She gasped, feigning anger. Darien shrugged indifferently. "I have four others. One doesn't matter to me." He glanced towards his enemies. There was a flash of steel as two shadowy figures snuck up on the unsuspecting Raven and Scarlet. Terri grinned at Tanis and called for Excalibur. The blade began to glow as she powered up. She grinned evilly. Tanis tensed, ready to pounce. "Excalibur's..." She whispered. "Blade..." The two crept closer as Serena and Darien argued. "STRIKE!!!!!" She shouted, launching her attack at Raven. Raven cried out and flew forward, letting go of Quartzite who collapsed. Earth ran up to him, and with quick glance at the inert form of Raven, dropped to her knees and put his head in her lap. "Quinn, Quinn! Come on Quinn. Talk to me." She said, shaking him. He opened his eyes and smiled up at her. "Am I in Heaven?" He asked, grinning weakly. Terri smiled, intense relief flooding through her. "I thought I'd lost you!" She exclaimed. He suddenly smiled and took her hand. "Like you told me once, a thousand years again, you can't lose me." She smiled happily and kissed the top OD his head gently. "Are you okay?" She asked wordily. "You don't look so hot." "I'm fine." He said then winced. "I'm just kinda hurt. But I can handle it." He looked up at her. "Take care of Raven." Terri smiled worriedly. He smiled reassuringly, moving into a sitting position and set about healing herself. Terri cast one last look at him, then stood up to face to recovering Dark Elf. Scarlet whirled around to see who had attacked her. She gasped at the sight of the silver haired man behind her. She snarled. "Well, Tanthalasa. It has been a while, hasn't it?" She asked. "Tanis?" Said an amazed voice from behind them. They whirled around to see Hope, staring at him, eyes wide. "What are you doing here?" "Tanis?" Scarlet laughed. "How...human!" Tanis scowled. "I'll explain later Hope." he said. "Right now I have to deal with Scarlet." Hope frowned, then gasped as he transformed into a huge silver dragon. "He's a...a...a dragon!" She gasped, not sure how to react. She knew a second later when Scarlet also transformed. She could feel that familiar hate rising in her. She transformed. Scarlet glanced around uneasily. Now she was facing two Quisalas. The odds were not good. Raven growled, slowly circling her enemy. "Now I'll finish what I started with your shoulder." She said menacingly. Terri smiled. "We shall see." She said. In a split second, Raven had lunged at her. Using Excalibur to block the razor-sharp talons, Earth quickly dodged the blow, and focused her power. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!!!" She shouted, sending the power through Raven's talons before she could get them loose. Raven screamed in pain, trying desperately to dislodge her hand from Earth's blade. Earth finally pulled away, letting Raven fall to the ground. Raven rolled over painfully and glared up at the 'silver senshi'. Sailor Earth's blue eyes blazed, glittering with a hatred she had not felt for a while. "I am the Sailor Soldier of life." She said quietly, as Raven made her way painfully to her feet. "I fight for the lives of everything on this planet. In the name of The Earth, I will punish you." She raised Excalibur agin, it began to glow brighter than before. "Excalibur's Blade..." Knowing what was going to happen, Raven made a final lunge for Earth. In a swift move, Earth thrust her sword out, piercing Raven's chest. "Strike." She said. Raven didn't have time to scream before the power consumed her. Earth was temporarily blinded by a bright white light. When she opened her eyes, all that was left of Raven was a pile of dust on the ground at her feet. Scarlet backed up slowly, edging away from the two angry Quisalas. It barely registered when Raven was destroyed. Noticing the senshi approaching slowly, she sent a mental signal to her troops, hidden in the Starlight tower. She had not come unprepared. Within Seconds, about a dozen dracons poured out of the tower, and circled the senshi and the generals, with the exception of Earth. In one swift move, the had positioned themselves back to back. Earth stood torn. It was obvious her friends were in trouble, but she didn't want to leave Hope. True, Scarlet wasn't nearly as skilled a fighter as Obsidian, but she was cunning, and strategic. Sailor Earth had a feeling she wasn't done yet. Her choice was made when Rei and Jaedite took out two dracons, and Scarlet knocked Tanthalasa down with a swipe of her tail and took to the air. Hope waited long enough for Earth tp jump in the saddle before taking off after her. "Terri no!" Shouted Tuxedo Mask angrily, as he watched his sister in hot pursuit of the red dragon.. Fuming to himself he glanced back at Serena. Quartzite threw a dracon to the ground and turned towards him. "Darien, go! I'll take care of Sailor Moon!" He shouted. Tuxedo Mask shot him a grateful glance and ran towards the recovering Tanthalasa. "Quickly!" Said the dragon. "If you're coming climb on!" Without a word Darien catapulted himself onto the massive back, and drew his rapier. He gasped as Tanthalasa flapped his wings and lifted off the ground. He suddenly understood why Terri liked this so much. They quickly flew after the retreating forms in the sky. "Where's Tuxedo Mask?" Shouted Sailor Moon, smashing a dracon with her staff. "He went after Earth and Hope!" Quartzite shouted back, throwing his dagger, which the dracon dodged. Cursing loudly, Quartzite called his dagger back and it reappeared in his hand. Suddenly Kunzite was behind him. "Where's the prince and the princess?" He asked, looking for them. Quartzite threw his daggers again, this time they hit, dusting the dracon. "They've gone with the dragons after Scarlet!" "THEY'RE WHAT??!!" Shouted Kunzite. "HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEM WHEN THEY'RE UP THERE?" "Relax Kunzite! They can take care of themselves! It's not like they're defenseless. Besides, they won't to do anything stupid!" Shouted Quartzite. "SINCE WHEN!!!???" Shouted Kunzite. Quartzite stopped to consider that. He frowned, the two had been known to get into trouble when they paired up. He thought. He gasped as he was suddenly broken out of his reverie by a dracon charging him. He hit the ground, but was on his feet instantly. Hope opened her mouth to attack Scarlet but was cut off by another stream of fire from behind her. She looked behind her. "Tanis!" She said. Earth turned around. "Darien?" She said. Darien grinned. "You didn't think I was going to let you have all the fun?" He asked with a grin. Earth quickly returned it before turning around and rasing Excalibur. "Let's show this dragon what we can do!" She shouted. Darien laughed and stood up, somewhat shakily, calling for a rose. "Let's do it!" The two dragons opened their mouths and roared in agreement. Scarlet, realizing she couldn't out run the dragon's, turned to face them. Hope opened her mouth, but Earth cut her off. "Wait Hope." She grinned evilly. "This one's mine." Excalibur began to glow brightly, Darien raised his rose. "EXCALIBUR'S BLADE STRIKE!!!" She shouted, launching her attack at the same time as Darien hurled the rose. The attack struck the rose, but instead of destroying it, the rose began to glow with a brilliant white light. It suddenly sped up, leaving a trail of light as it sped towards Scarlet. Scarlet opened her mouth to laugh, she found the thought of a tiny rose doing any damage at all amusing, but the laugh never left her lips. The rose struck her chest, piercing her heart. She screamed as the light spread through her, tearing her apart. Suddenly realizing that if she stayed she'd be destroyed, she made a quick decision. "I'm not through with you yet!" She shouted, vanishing before the attack had a chance to destroy her. Darien and Terri fell back onto the dragon's with a groan. But they were grinning. "We gotta work together more often!" Said Darien. Terri shook her head. "You said it bro, you said it." Down on the ground, the senshi weren't doing nearly so well. Every time they destroyed a dracon, it seemed another came to take it's place. Already they had destroyed more than a dozen, but they kept coming out of the tower. Sailor Moon was fighting with a dracon when she heard someone yelling. Looking up, she saw a familiar head sticking out of one of the top story windows yelling for help. "Dad?" She said out loud, paling. "There's people in there!" Shouted Sailor Moon. "We have to get them out!" Mercury's eyes widened. "But it's after hours!" She shouted back, freezing a dracon. "Yeah but they're holding some kind of big bash, and my dad's there!" She said back, looking desperately for a way to get in. Momentarily distracted, she didn't notice the dracon coming up behind her until it had tackled her around the waist and threw her to the ground. Darien gasped and started forward, but was cut off by a dracon, Mercury was having the same problem. "Hang on Serena!" She yelled, stepping back to avoid the sharp talons aimed for her face. Serena stared up as the dracon prepared to finish her off. She closed her eyes, waiting for the blow...but it never came. Curiously, she opened one eye and looked up at the grinning face of Sailor Uranus. "Now's your chance! Take the others and get inside the building, we'll handle the dracons out here." Sailor Moon just sat there, shocked for a moment, then nodded and jumped to her feet. She whistled sharply. "We gotta find a way inside!" She shouted. "Leave it to us!" Shouted Pluto, she and Saturn Raised the Garnet Orb and the Silence Glaive. "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!!!" "DEAD SCREAM!!!!" They shouted. The dracons either scattered or were destroyed. The inner senshi and generals all ran towards the building, leaving the outers to handle the remaining dracons. They ran into the building, dusting Dracons along the way. "Where is the party?" Asked Sailor Mercury. "It's up on the top floor." Said Sailor Moon. Mercury nodded. "The fastest way up is the elevator." Said Mercury. "It hasn't been turned off yet." Sailor Moon stopped short, shaking her head. "There is no way I am getting in that elevator!" She said. "Not this time." The inner senshi stopped and stared at her, suddenly remembering what she had gone through the last time she was in this building. Shrugging Mercury pointed to a door beside the elevator. Walking over to it, Jupiter opened it, and immediately closed it. "No good!" She said. "There's about tonne of Dracon's on their way down these stairs." She turned to Serena. "We have no choice! We have to take the elevator." Sailor Moon paled but nodded. They all climbed into the large elevator, Sailor Moon coming last, and more slowly, her face drawn as Mercury hit the button. "So why exactly are you so freaked out?" Asked Nephrite. Serena sighed and launched into the story of the first time that she and Darien had met as Endymion and Serenity. "DEAD SCREAM!!!" Shouted Pluto, raising the Garnet Orb. Three dracons screamed as they were reduced to dust. "What are these things?" 9 year-old Sailor Saturn asked, slicing through one with her Glaive. "Dracons!" Responded Pluto. "One of Ebony's many creatures, though hardly the brightest." "WORLD SHAKING!!!" Screamed Uranus, finishing off one. "Whatever they are they're persistent!" "You're telling me! DEEP SUBMERGE!!!" Neptune gasped as she was tackled from behind. Lashing out with her elbow, she whirled around to face the dracon. "SPACE SWORD BLASTER!!!" shouted Uranus, destroying it. "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!!!" Shouted Sailor Saturn, taking care of the last one. She turned around as two large shadows passed over them. She gasped as two large dragon's touched down in the small area. Raising her Glaive quickly, she prepared to blast them, when two familiar figures hopped off. "Saturn wait!" Shouted Darien. "It's okay! They're friends!" Relaxing slightly as Earth, Darien, and the now human Hope and Tanis walked over to them. Earth walked up to Uranus. "Sailor Uranus, isn't it?" She asked. Uranus flashed a grin. "Sailor Earth?" The two shook hands. "Um...where are the others?" Asked Darien. Pluto gave him a sympathetic glance and pointed to the Tower. Darien paled slightly, but remained calm. Earth nodded at Uranus, after casting a worried look at her brother. "Into the tower!" Ordered Uranus. In a flash they had taken off towards it. Serena let out a long held breath as they reached the top, unharmed. She gasped as she heard a scream coming from somewhere down the hall. She gestured forward with her hand. "Book it!" She shouted, all at once they were off, running down the hallway. The dracons, alerted by Serena's cry, rushed out into the hallway. They gasped and ran back inside, slamming the door and bolting it. Serena pounded on the door. "Get back!" Said a voice from behind them. They turned around see Jaedite, flames flowing like water between his hands. They hurriedly stepped back as he launched the fire, blasting the door down on the first go. One by one they stepped inside. Sailor Mars's eye widened at the sight. She thought. Everything was in a disarray, chairs and tables overturned, a punch-bowl broken, and a chandelier, on the verge of falling off the roof. There were gasps of amazement from all over the room at the sight of the senshi. She looked up at Kenji Tsukino and fought back a grin. It quickly turned to a frown however, as the dracons began to approach. She nudged Kunzite who nodded. He whispered something in Mina's ear. "Get the people out of here." He whispered. "We'll handle the Dracons." Mina nodded and repeated the message, the generals placed themselves between the dracons and the people. Quickly the senshi worked their way over to the terrified people in the room. Serena ran over to her dad. "Da...I mean, Mr. Tsukino, come with me, we’ve got to get you guys out of here." Kenji Tsukino looked up in amazement at the Sailor Suited girl before him. He thought. She grabbed his arm and helped him to his feet. He stumbled shakily after her, clutching his camera to his chest. He’d probably get a raise if he could hang on to these pictures. He heard a groan from behind him and turned around to see a silver haired man in silver armor get hit by one of the monsters and fall backwards. Sailor Moon turned around quickly and gasped. "Oh no! Quartzite!" She hesitated, turning to look at him. Suddenly five more Sailor Senshi, and a tuxedoed figure appeared in the doorway. The tall, green haired one carrying a staff smiled at Sailor Moon. "Help Quartzite, we’ll get them out." She smiled gratefully. "Thanks Pluto!" She said with one last look at him, then running off to join the fight. Kenji followed the others out, but after they had left, he quickly turned around and headed back. He thought. He stuck his head around the corner and watched the scouts fight. Sailor Earth jumped forward as Kunzite jumped forward and tackled the dracon. She turned to face another that was charging her when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Need some help?" Asked Sailor moon. Earth grinned. "You betcha!" Slowly they circled the dracon, who watched with growing apprehension. "Silver Crystal Power Kiss!!" "Excalibur’s Blade Strike!!!" The dracon didn’t have time to scream before the attacks consumed him. Sailor Moon grinned. "Well," she said. "That was easy." "Sailor Moon! Watch out!" Shouted Sailor Earth suddenly. Reacting instantly, she he whirled around, in time to see the dracon hurtling towards her. Kenji snapped another picture. The senshi, wrapped up in their fight, hardly seemed to notice. He gasped and stopped suddenly as Sailor Moon was thrown to the ground by a monster. Sailor Earth began to rush to help her, but was immediately confronted with a second dracon. With an angry cry, the Tuxedoed figure, Tuxedo Mask if he’d heard right, slashed through a dracon with his rapier and was at Sailor Moon’s side in an instant. He grabbed hold of the dracon’s armor and pried him away from Sailor Moon. Angrily, the dracon pounced on Tuxedo Mask, who stayed in front of Sailor moon, protecting her. Kenji watched the fight with a horrified fascination. He thought, raising the camera to snap a few more pictures as Tuxedo Mask finished the dracon. In a few more minutes, they seemed to have cleared the room of dracons. Kenji, seeing the danger passed, turned around and walked out of the building. Terri finished off the melody with a sigh. Frowning she lay the flute down in her lap and looked up at the sky. She was on the roof of Darien's apartment. She had recently developed the habit of spending time up here when ever she had some thinking to do. She stretched and yawned, rubbing her eyes. She had had little sleep the past month, not since their fight with Scarlet. Her days had been spent planning the wedding, less than a month away, her nights had been spent fighting the dracons that had become a regular sight in Tokyo, when she wasn't fighting, she was trying to sleep, but she had given up on even that. She was tormented by the same nightmare every night. She shook her head and tried to think about something else. Unwarranted, her thoughts wandered to trying to track down the dragon's that had been appearing. She frowned as she thought about the dragons. Lately, judging by the huge holes in the ground as the senshi had yet to get there in time to catch them, they had been coming in twos and threes. Jupiter, Mars and Mercury had aligned with the Earth. If Ami was right, there were about 8 Takhissis roaming the skies above Tokyo, including Scarlet. Ebony had realized the mistake of risking a direct confrontation with the senshi after Obsidian and Scarlet's failures, as soon as the senshi were aware of their presence, the dragons disappeared. Terri's frown deepened. She picked up her flute and began another song. Finishing this one she sighed again. "Mind if I join you?" Asked Darien from behind her. She shrugged. "If you want." She said. He walked over and sat down beside her, looking up at the stars. "What are you thinking about?" He asked. She sighed. "Nothing, just wondering what this whole thing is about. I mean, why does Ebony or whatever her name is, want revenge on us? What did we do to her? And what does all of this have to do with King Coronus? Where did Tanthalasa come from? Where are the rest of the Quisalas? Why isn't Hope the last, like we thought? Like she thought?" She frowned. "I don't get it." Darien sighed. "Well, sitting out here and freezing isn't going to help your brain any." He said, grinning wryly. She smiled. "And since when do you care wether or not I freeze?" She asked. He smiled at her and shook his head. She shrugged again. "Besides, the wind doesn't bother me." Darien looked thoughtfully at his twin. No, the wind had never bothered her. Now that he thought about it, hardly any weather did. It was almost as if the Earth refused to harm her in any way. He shook his head, suddenly realizing he didn't feel all that cold either, despite the biting wind. He shook his head again. he told himself. "What do you suppose happened to Tanthalasa?" Asked Terri, breaking into his "crazy" thoughts. He shrugged. Tanis had disappeared just after their fight, as usual, and they hadn't seen him since. "I don't know. I would like to ask him a few questions though." "So would I." Said Terri so low he wasn't sure he heard her. He sighed, putting it off. "We had better go back down." He said. "We both need some sleep." Shaking her head dejectedly, Terri stood up. Curious, but not wanting to press the matter, Darien just let her go back down in silence. Suddenly feeling very old, he climbed down slowly after her. Terri sighed as she stepped into the apartment. She winced when her shoulder hit the edge of the door. She had gotten the stitches out already, but it was still a little bit sore. She had refused to let Quinn heal it, since everyone already knew she was hurt, it would be kinda suspicious if she showed up the next day, perfectly fine. Sighing again, she walked into the bedroom and changed into one of Quinn's old T-shirts. She smiled as she slipped it on over her head and smelled the familiar cologne. Feeling a little better, she walked out into the living room to watch some TV. She didn't want to fall asleep. Darien sighed when he saw her come out of the bedroom. "Are you sure you don't want to sleep." Terri shook her head fiercely. Darien didn't argue. He knew what nightmares were like. He looked up, startled by a knock on the door. He glanced quickly at the clock. 11:00. He walked over to the door and opened it quickly. his eyes widened at who he saw standing there. "T...Tanis?" He asked. hearing him gasp, Terri ran in. "What's up, Dar..." She never finished. Darien stepped back to let Tanis in. He smiled sheepishly at Terri, who blushed when she realized she had forgotten to put on her robe. "I'll be right back." She muttered, rushing to the room. When she came back, Darien and Tanis were seated at the counter in the kitchen. She poured herself up some coffee and looked at Tanis expectantly. He sighed. "I realize, that most of the planets have aligned." he said, then paused. "I...I've been kinda hesitant to tell you this, though I don't know why, but, I...think that you need to know." Terri looked at him, not sure what he was getting at. "This whole issue, with the Takhissis, and the Quisalas, I'm sure it doesn't make much sense to you, so I'll try and straighten it out." he took a deep breath, adjusted his glasses and launched into his story. "It all started, more than a thousand years ago..." **************************************************************************** Whoah! That was a long chapter! Did you like it? Let me know! Once again, arigato minna-chan! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/loxwood/451/