Hey! Okay, I've totally gone through this entire story (chapters 1-7) and corrected all the mistakes (at least all the ones I noticed), rewritten a couple parts to make it sound better, and generally done some tidying up. There will be no more author's notes in the rest of the story (for those of you who hate that) until the end of the last chapter, where there will be a desperate reminder to e-mail me with your comments ( sailormask@geocities.com ). Now, the legal, gooble-de-gook: Sailor Moon is the legal property of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, and Toei. English Language adaption, copyright DiC entertainment. What this means is it's not mine, I'm using it without permission, and I'm letting you know so I don't get sued. The song "She's Every Woman" (Garth Brooks) copyright BMG Songs, Inc. (ASCAP)/Major Bob Music Co., Inc. (ASCAP)/ International copyright secured/Used without permission The Song "At The Begining With You" (???) I don't know the exact copyrights for this one, but it's off the end of the movie Anastasia, so it probably belongs to Disney (not me). The stories "As You Wish", "An Ami and Greg Story" and "At the Begining With You" as well as any poems are copyrighted to Sailor Mask. DO NOT use them without my permission. This goes as well for Quartzite/Quinn, Terra/Terri, Hope, Coronus, Tim and Molly Brown, and anybody else who does not fit into the regular Sailor Moon storyline. DO NOT use these characters without my permission. Well, that's about it. Here's the story, enjoy! Arigato minna-chan! Ja ne! Sailor Mask sailormask@geocities.com The Gateway to the Silver Millennium http://lavender.fortunecity.com/loxwood/451/ ********************************************************************** As You Wish part1(revised) Lightning struck and thunder rolled as nursemaids ran around the halls of Maetel Castle. King Coronus paced nervously in front of a large door, engraved with a large rose, the symbol of the royal family of the United Earth Kingdoms. Suddenly, Mary, the head midwife appeared in front of him; in her hands were two newborn babies. "Twins?!" asked the King, incredulously. He laughed joyfully, taking the babies into his arms and staring at them in wonderment. He felt an incredible joy swell up in his heart. His happiness was short-lived, however. "How...how is my wife?" He asked. Mary's face fell. "I...I'm afraid she didn't make it, Sire." The king collapsed, speechless, into a chair, not wanting to what he knew to be true. "It's not true." He gasped. "It can't be!" "She...she was so weak." Continued Mary. "She held on long enough for the babies to be born, but she...she..." Mary couldn't finish, she knew if she tried she could start crying. The king clutched his children closely, as if they too would leave him alone in the world. He looked down at their faces. So innocent. His brown hair falling into his dark blue eyes. Though his face was almost expressionless, inside his heart emotions raged wildly, painfully. "Did she name them?" He asked, his voice just above a whisper. Mary nodded. "Aie, it was her final gift to them." She gently placed her hand on the first child's head. "This is your daughter, Terra." The baby opened her eyes, revealing a blue darker than even the kings. He smiled sadly. "And this," said the nurse, "is your son, Endymion." "They're identical." He remarked. The twins both had dark hair, black as the night, and blue eyes, almost the same shade as each others, Terra's being the darker. Joy battled with grief for supremacy in Coronus's heart. He looked up, King once more. "Prepare Maetel for the funeral. Send for the messengers, spread word of the Queen's death, and of the children's birth." Mary nodded. "Yes, my liege." She said, turning to leave, glad to have something to do to take her mind off of the Queen's death/ "Oh, and Mary," said the King. She turned around. "Send for Kunzite, Jaedite, Zoisite, Nephrite, and Quartzite. Tell them to come to the nursery." She bowed and left. The king regarded the precious bundles he held in his arms. The two children beamed up at him. In their eyes, and in their smiles he saw his wife. He smiled a sad smile. He didn't know how he was going to go on without Maetel, but he knew he had too. For the twins sake. Coronus looked up as the door to the nursery opened. Five boys, no more than four years old entered the room. They stood perfectly still, as they had been taught, and regarded their King with curious eyes. The king smiled at them. "Please, sit down." he said. Jaedite breathed a sigh of relief and plunked himself down quite comfortably on the floor. "Thank you, your highness! I was afraid for a minute there that you were going to make us stand the entire time!" He said. "Jaedite!" Gasped Kunzite. "You're not supposed to . . . " "It's all right Kunzite." Said Coronus, not wanting the boys to start fighting. Kunzite settled down and soon both he and Jaedite were locked in a glaring contest. The king regarded the five boys carefully. Kunzite, the obvious leader of the group, had long white hair. His ice blue eyes showed a sense of responsibility unusual in one so young. He commanded the powers of metal, though all of their powers were not yet fully awakened. The second, Jaedite, had blonde hair, which fell into his sky blue eyes, despite the fact he had it cut short. He commanded the force of fire. Zoisite, the third, had long reddish brown hair, pulled back into a ponytail. His green eyes looked eagerly into the kings. He commanded the forces of water and ice. The fourth was Nephrite. His long brown hair fell down around his waist. His brown eyes held the ability to read the stars. He commanded the power of the weather. The last, was Quartzite. He had silver hair that hung down around his ears. His eyes were even more silver than his hair. He had the ability to heal physical wounds, and though he could not heal them, he could sense wounds inflicted on the soul as well. The king snapped out of his reverie. "As you know," he said, "the Queen has passed away." Quartzite looked down. Out of all of them, he had been the closest to the Queen. She had been the only mother he had ever known. Four years before, he and the others had been brought to Earth from their home planet, the planet Melder, becuase their parents feared for their lives. Mettalia had been ravaging the planet, and had eventually possessed their Queen. Afraid that the queen would activate the spell that would rob the young boys of their will, forcing them to be her puppets, their parents had sent them to Earth, under the care of Queen Maetel and King Coronus. The boys had been raised as if they were the King and Queen's own children. Quartzitelooked up as the king continued. "But the gods have blessed us with a Prince and Princess. They will need protection." Quartzite stepped forward. "We would give up our lives to protect them." He said. Though he wasn't exactly sure what the words meant, they somehow sounded right, and Quartzite knew he meant them. The others nodded their agreement. "Let us hope it does not come to that." Said the King. "When they come of age, you will be able to swear your loyalty to them, also breaking the spell that binds you to your old Queen." The king knew that the boys didn't understand very much of what he had just told them, but he knew they would someday. He looked down and noticed that Jaedite and Kunzite had gotten re-involved with their glaring contest and the others were starting to fidget. Coronus shook his head at the apparent boundless energy of youth. "You're dissmissed." he said. The boys stood up respectfully and bowed, each in turn, and then left the room. The king shook his head again and then turned around to face the two bassinets in the corner. He smiled sadly to himself as he watched the now sleeping babies, and indulged himself in the dreams that all fathers dream for their children, vowing to himself that the children would have a happy life. A year later, the ballroom of Maetel Castle was filled with Kings and Queens of various planets, for the celebration of the Prince and Princess of Earth's first birthday. King Coronus approached a tall woman, with long silver hair, done up in two buns on either side of her head. She was wearing a maternity gown, her stomach slightly rounded. "Serenity! How are you?" He asked, as the woman turned around. "Coronus! It's been a while, hasn't it?" She responded. "Congratulations on your marriage to Orion. He's a fine man! Not to mention your child to be!" Serenity smiled. "Thank you." A small girl crawled up to the king, her purple dress dragging on the ground. She pulled on Coronus's pant leg. "Daddy." She cooed. He laughed and picked her up, her already long black hair flying behind her as she giggled. Serenity smiled. "And this must be the little Princess Terra I've been hearing so much about!" Said Serenity, smiling. She tickled the baby. The young girl giggled and reached out to Serenity, who laughed and picked her up. "She's so cute!" She exclaimed. She reached up and pulled a small doll out of thin air. Terra giggled happily as the Queen of the moon handed it to her. She struggled to get down. The Queen let her gently down. She crawled happily up to the young princess Mina of Venus to show off her new doll. The king turned back to Serenity and was about to speak, when Alexis, Queen of Mars, approached them. Serenity smiled. "Alexis, how are you? Where is your husband?" She asked. "Yes, where is that brother of mine?" Asked the King. Alexis smiled. "He's off with Rei, introducing her to her new cousins." She said. "Have you seen Irini, Megera, and Jade yet? They were looking for you a while ago." Said Serenity. Alexis looked around. "No, I haven't seen them yet. I suppose I'd better go look for them." She turned to go, but the King stopped her. "When you find them, tell them I wish to meet with them, and you two as well, at midnight tonight in the court room." He said. Alexis looked confused for a moment. "A midnight court?" She asked, perplexed. "A council of war." Was the sobering reply. At midnight, a serious group was gathered around the table in the court room. The Queen and King of Mercury, Irini and Jason, The Queen and King of Mars, Alexis and Aaron, The Queen and King of Jupiter, Jade and Maxfield, The Queen and King of Venus, Megera and Damien, and The King and Queen of the Moon, Orion, and Serenity. The group was chatting quietly, wondering what this meeting could possibly be about. King Coronus entered the room. All eyes turned to him, and he returned the gaze steadily. "Melder has fallen, as well as all of the smaller planets and moons surrounding it." He announced. The others looked on, aghast. "We need to know the progress of locating the Sailor Senshi." Megera and Damien stood up. "It has been discovered that my daughter Mina is the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Venus." Said Megera. "Can you be sure?" Asked Jason. "I mean, she is only two." "We are sure." Said Damien. "On numerous occasions the sign of Venus has shown on her forehead." King Coronus nodded. "Have any of the others been found?" When no one spoke he continued. "The Senshi are the key to defeating Mettalia." He regarded the group in front of him. Orion stood up. "Do we have any idea where she will strike next?" He asked. "It is my belief that Mettalia will next attack the inner planets of our solar system." Upon hearing this statement, the room erupted in chaos. "You can't be serious!" "What about the outer planets?" "Which one of us will be attacked first?" The king raised a hand, silencing the questions. Jade spoke up. "Not even Mettalia would be bold enough to attack us directly, not with the Silver Millennium at full strength!" She pointed out. "No." Agreed Serenity, "But she may invade subtly, so we won't notice. For all we know, she may have already started!" "Which of us would be her most likely targets?" Asked Maxfield. "It could be any one of us, and we are all likely targets." Answered Jason. "She may even attack all of us at once, preventing us from helping each other." "Which is why we must find the Senshi! They are our only hope!" Said the King. He sighed. "There is nothing more we can do tonight" He looked around at the tired faces before him. "Meeting adjourned." "...and just look at the rip in your dress! How many times have I told you not to climb those trees?! And yet you insist on doing it! Why can't you be more ladylike?!" 15-year-old Princess Terra rolled her eyes, as Nurse Mary continued her scolding. She heard Endymion snicker behind her. She felt her temper flare up. She was usually impossibly shy, but once she cut loose her temper, there was no stopping her. "For God's sake, Nana! I am not a child anymore!" She shouted. "Well you certainly act like one!" Returned the exasperated nanny. Terra glared at her nanny, and turned on her heel angrily. "Ach! I give up! You are impossible!" Shouted Mary, storming off. Terra bristled as her brother and his "generals" approached. "Why can't you be more ladylike?" Said Endymion in a mocking tone. Terra whipped around. "Shut UP!" She shouted, punching him in the arm. "You are SUCH a jerk!" "At least I'm not an amazon!" He shot back. "Too bad you aren't, maybe then you might actually be able to fight!" She returned. "That's IT!" He fumed. The two headed toward each other, fists clenched. "Woah!" Said Quartzite, as he and Nephrite jumped between the two. "Calm down! You know what'll happen if you two start fighting again! What would your father say?" He immediately wished he hadn't mentioned their father. The two calmed down immediately, the anger on their faces replaced by sorrow. "He wouldn't say anything." Mumbled Endymion. "Since he married that Beryl witch, he hasn't been the same." Lamented Terra. "He's always so silent. He never talks anymore." Endymion nodded. "His eyes are so blank, like he's not really there." "He couldn't have picked a worse time either, what with Mettalia's forces advancing, and us the only planet in the Silver Millennium without a Senshi." Terra pointed out. Quartzite looked around at the dejected faces in the circle they were sitting in and decided to change the subject. "Hey Endymion, how'd it go with the moon princess last night?" He asked. Endymion laughed. "She's cute, but a little too flaky if you ask me." Terra's expression turned from sad to angry. "What about you, Jaedite, I hear you and my cousin Rei got along just fine." Jaedite just grinned. Terra's expression got darker. "What about you and the princess of mercury? Ami wasn't it?" Nephrite asked Zoisite. "She was hot, and smart to boot." He responded. Terra got angrier. Quartzite noted the expression on her face. "Uh-oh!" He thought. "This does NOT look good!" Terra stood up. "I CANNOT believe you guys!" She fumed. "Those are my friends you're talking about!" Endymion shrugged. "Relax Terra." He said. She glared at him, then took off through the gardens. Quartzite, having seen this coming was on his feet and after her in a flash. "Where are they going?" Asked Endymion. Kunzite shrugged. "She seemed pretty upset, Quartzite's probably gone to calm her down. You know how protective of her he is!" Though they wouldn't admit it, they were all protective of her, despite the fact she could handle herself as well as any of them. "Almost as protective as you, Endymion!" Needled Jaedite. "I'm not that protective of her!" Argued Endymion. Zoisite rolled his eyes. "Sure Endymion! And I'm a purple Parakeet!" He tormented. "I am not protective of her!" Exploded Endymion. "Why would I be protective of that skinny little brat?" "I don't know. Why don't you tell me?" Pestered Jaedite. Nephrite sighed as the four continued to argue. Quartzite watched as Terra cried silently in a secluded section of the garden. He had decided to hang back and let her calm down before he approached her. He could sense her confusion, and hurt. He listened as she started talking to herself. "Why did I blow up like that?" She wondered aloud. "That's not like me." She stared at her reflection in the pond, tears running silently down her cheeks, catching the moonlight and reflecting it. One slid off her face and hit the water, creating a ripple in the pond. She angrily wiped her eyes. It was times like this she wished she had her mother back, even though she had never known her. She was startled out of her thoughts by a sound behind her. "Who...who's there?" She asked. Quartzite stepped out from behind the trees. "Quart...Quartzite?" She narrowed her eyes. "How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough." He answered vaguely. "Are you okay?" She shrugged. "Sure." She answered lightly. He shook his head. He moved over and sat beside her on the ground. "No you're not." She turned away. "Come on Terra. Please tell me what's wrong." She was silent for a long time. Quartzite decided to let her have her space. She'd tell him when she was ready. She was tracing the outline of her dress with the tip of her finger. "Quartzite?" She said quietly. "Yes?" He answered. "What do you remember about my mother?" He looked at her, surprised. He hadn't expected this. "Well, she was nice. Almost always smiling. And she really cared about her people. She made sure there was enough food to go around, and no one was hungry." He smiled at the memory. "She treated me and the others like we were her own kids. She took us in, no questions asked." He looked down at her, genuine concern showing in his silver eyes. There was an odd expression on her face. Almost like guilt. "What was it like?" She asked. "What?" "Having a mother." He looked thoughtful. "It was like..." This was a tough question. He thought about it. "It was like having a safe haven. A place where you could go, where no one could hurt you, like, you were shielded from the world outside. Why do you ask?" He turned to her. "I want to know." She said softly. "Why?" He asked. This had never bothered her before. He was worried. "Because," she said so softly Quartzite had to strain to hear her. "It was my fault." Quartzite stared at her, startled. "What was your fault?" He asked. He didn't understand what was bothering her. He usually did. Despite the four-year difference, him being 17, her having just turned 15, the two were best friends, and had told each other everything. He repeated his question when she didn't answer. "What was your fault?" She looked away from him. "It was my fault that she died." Quartzite's eyes widened in surprise. "Oh no! Terra no!" He said. "It wasn't your fault! It was nobody's fault!" He narrowed his eyes. Well that explained what was bothering her, but the question now, was where she had gotten the idea. "Who told you that?" She looked down. "Beryl," she said. Quartzite looked confused. Why would she worry about what Beryl said? She hated Beryl. He got his answer a minute later. "And Daddy." She finished. His eyes widened. He pulled her into a tight hug. "Oh Terra! It wasn't your fault! Your mother was weak, and she had been for a long time! If anything, you're the reason she was able to hang on for as long as she did." Terra looked up at him, her face tear-stained bathed in moonlight. "Really?" She asked. He smiled down at her. "Really." He assured her. He reached down and tenderly picked a rose. He handed it to her. She smiled. She looked up at the moon. Quartzite decided to change the subject. "So, are you looking forward to seeing your friends again?" He asked. "They're coming to the ball tomorrow you know." She smiled. "Yeah!" It had been almost two years since she had last seen them. She suddenly laughed. "I can't believe little Ami is Sailor Mercury!" Quartzite smiled. He looked down at her. He thought. He looked down again. Terra looked up at him. She thought A silver bang fell into his eyes. She wanted nothing more than to reach up and brush it out of his face. She flattened that urge before she had time to act on it. She thought horrified. She forced her eyes away from him. "Ummmm...It's...uh...getting late." He said. "We had better head back." "As you wish." She said, hoping he wouldn't notice the blush creeping up her cheeks. Terra and Quartzite caught up with the others outside the castle doors. They went in and came face to face with a very distraught Nurse Mary. "Nana!" Asked Terra. "What's wrong?!" "Oh Princess! I'm sorry!" Sobbed the Nurse. "I've been discharged!" Endymion gasped. "What! When? Why?" Quizzed Kunzite. "Just now!" She sobbed. "The King told me to pack my stuff and leave!" She put her face in her hands. "Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" She wailed. Zoisite offered her a handkerchief. She blew her nose hard then started to hand it back, but Zoisite shook his head. "Ehhhh, you can keep it." He said. "Come on Nana. We'll go straighten this out." Said Terra. "Yeah! This whole thing must have been a mistake! I'm sure the King didn't mean it." Offered Nephrite. "Thank you, but I don't know if it's such a good idea." Said Mary. Terra grew impatient. "Nana, we are going to talk to my father, wether you like it OR NOT!!!" She ordered. The flustered nanny nodded sullenly. They headed down the hall. Terra walked boldly up to her father and Beryl. "Daddy, why did you discharge Nurse Mary?" She demanded. "Her services were no longer needed." Said Beryl flatly. "You are no longer in need of a nanny." The sound of her voice sent a chill down Endymion's spine. He hated the way Beryl looked at him. As if he was some piece of property she wanted to own. He heard his sister speak up. "With all due respect, Queen Beryl, I did not ask you." Said Terra coldly. She turned back to her father. "How dare you speak to me like that?!" Ranted Beryl. Terra ignored her. "Daddy?" Her father finally spoke. "Beryl has already given you an answer. I will not have you speaking to your mother in that tone of voice..." He started. "SHE IS NOT MY MOTHER!!!" Shouted Terra, suddenly losing her temper. "And you CAN'T fire Mary!!!!" "You ungrateful little brat!" Shouted Beryl. "Get out of the way!" Terra stepped in front of Mary and refused to move. Endymion stepped closer to his sister. "I won't." She said flatly. The King spoke again. "Dare you disobey your mother?" He roared. "She is NOT my mother, and yes I do!!!" Terra responded coldly. "Insolent girl!!!" Her Father raised his hand and brought it down hard across her face. She cried out and stumbled back into Endymion, a hand on her cheek, her eyes wide with shock. Beryl turned to Mary. "Get out before I throw you out!!!" She hissed. Mary, still in shock, stumbled out of the room. Beryl turned back to the group. Terra looked up, eyes wide, suddenly afraid of the man that used to be her father. "Please Princess." Called a maid through the door to Terra's bedroom. "Come out." Endymion came up behind her. "What's the problem?" He asked. "It's the princess, my lord." The maid responded. "She hasn't eaten a thing all day, and she refuses to come out of her room!" Endymion sighed, he knew what was wrong. "I'll take care of it." He said. The maid nodded and left the hallway. Endymion tapped lightly on the door. "I told you already I'm not hungry!!" Shouted Terra, her voice slightly muffled "Terra?" called Endymion softly. "Terra, it's me, Endymion. Can I come in?" There was silence for a minute then he heard Terra call to him to come in. He walked in and approached the bed. He sat down on the side of it. "Terra?" He asked lightly, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay?" She sighed and rolled over. Her eyes were red from crying. "He...he hit me!" She murmured. She looked up at her brother, a fearful expression on her face. "Endymion, what's wrong with him? What did Beryl do to him?" Endymion shook his head. "I don't know Terra. I just don't know. But I intend to find out." He had been wary of Beryl since day one. But after Quartzite had told him what she had told Terra, he had decided to find out as much as he could about her, and what she wanted. "How?" She asked. He shook his head again. "I wish I knew!" He looked down at her. "Are you ready to come out yet?" He asked. She nodded. "I'll let you get cleaned up then." He said. "Don't forget the ball tonight." "Oh my God! The ball! Oh no! I must be a mess!" She bolted out of bed and ran to the vanity starting to fix her hair. Endymion laughed and left her room. "General Tormenite!" Called Beryl. A figure materialized in front of her. "Yes my Queen?" He asked. "You called?" "I want you to dispose of the princess Terra. She is of no use to me." The man looked startled. "But I thought you said..." "Dare you question my orders?!" Demanded Beryl. "N...No my Queen." Stammered Tormenite. "Good." "And what do I do with her brother and their body guards?" He asked. "Their body guards are actually generals of the nega verse, like you. They were stolen from me when they were born. Leave them. As for Endymion, leave him to me." Tormenite bowed low. "Yes my Queen." He disappeared. Terra sat down and watched the dancers twirl around her. She sighed. "God this is boring!" She looked around for Serenity. She was in the mood for mischief, despite the events of the night before, but couldn't see her anywhere. All of a sudden she felt someone lay a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and whirled around. "Sere!" She gasped. "Don't scare me like that!" Princess Serenity grinned. "Sorry!" She apologized. "So, how come you're not dancing?" Terra made a face. "I am a horrible dancer! I have the grace of an elephant!" "Oh I don't know, I've seen you dance your way out of a quite a few sticky situations!" said a voice from behind them. Terra grinned as Quartzite approached them. "So," he said, "What have you two been up to?" Terra pouted. "Nothing. This ball is so boring!" Quartzite opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by Endymion. "Hey Quartzite!" He called. "Meribeth, the head decorator, has decided that the tables should be moved a teensy bit more to the left, and all the servants are busy. Kunzite and I need your help to move them." Quartzite groaned. "She is never satisfied, is she?" He muttered under his breath. He turned back to the two princesses. He looked at them. "I'll see you later." He grinned at Terra. "Stay out of trouble this time." He said. "Trouble?" She asked innocently. "Me? Never." Quartzite rolled his eyes. "Sure Terra." He walked off with Endymion. Terra and Serenity surveyed the crowd before them. Terra watched as her friends danced around, none of them really enjoying themselves. "Hmmmm." Said Terra. "Wouldn't it be funny if Zoy and Ami were paired off with each other?" "No kidding!" Said Serenity. "They're perfect for each other." All at once, a thought struck the both of them. They grinned at each other. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Asked Serenity. Terra nodded. "If what you're thinking is that the two of them might just happen to meet, then yeah, I guess I am." The two reached out and grabbed a dancing partner, slowly making their way to where Ami and Zoisite were standing. Serenity ducked away from her partner, at the same time as Terra did. The two walked stealthily toward the unsuspecting pair. Serenity walked up to Ami. "You'll thank me for this later, Ames." She said. "Thank you for what?" Asked Ami, as Serenity shoved her backwards. Terra walked up to Zoisite just before Serenity pushed Ami. "Hey Zoy," she called. "Turn around." Zoisite obliged as Ami fell toward him. She cried out as he caught her in his arms. Terra and Serenity took off into the crowd. Ami blushed furiously, as Zoisite helped her to stand up. "I...I'm sorry, I was.." Stuttered Ami. "Pushed by Serenity?" Asked Zoisite. "How'd you know?" She asked, surprised. He grinned. "Terra told me to turn around just before you fell, so I put two and two together and figured the two were playing match maker again." He said. Ami smiled. "Those two will never change!" She said. "So," said Zoisite. "They went to so much trouble to pair us up. We may as well dance right?" He asked. "I suppose. It would be a shame to disappoint them." She took Zoisite's hand and the two danced off through the crowd. Serenity and Terra grinned and gave each other a high five. They looked around, and spotted Mina standing next to Kunzite. They turned back to each other and laughed. "Shall we?" Asked Serenity. "We shall!" Said Terra. A few hours later, Serenity and Terra collapsed on the side of the ballroom, having successfully paired Mina and Kunzite, Ami and Zoisite, Lita and Nephrite, and Rei and Jaedite. "So now what do we do. We've paired up almost everyone." Terra said, peering around the room. "Except..." "Endymion and Quartzite." Finished Serenity, as the objects of their conversation closed in on them. "Oh, I don't think Endymion will be a problem." Said Terra with a mischievous grin. "Terra, what are you thinking?" Asked Serenity nervously. "Hey guys!" Said Quartzite coming over, dragging a reluctant Endymion behind. He looked around the room, noticing the four new couples on the floor. "I see you've been busy." Terra grinned. "Oh, I'm not done yet." She said. Quartzite raised an eyebrow. "Oh Endymion." She said. "Why don't you show Sere, here, the rose gardens? I'm sure she'd love to see them. They don't have roses on the moon." Serenity and Endymion glared at her. "That's quite all right, Terra." Said Serenity through her clenched teeth. "I'll see them some other time." "Nonsense! They're never more beautiful than at night. Especially during the full moon!" Said Terra. She focused her gaze on Endymion. The expression on her face told him he had better not argue. He sighed resignedly. He knew better then to argue when she got that look. If he didn't she'd make sure she got him later. "Would you like to see the gardens, Princess?" He asked. Serenity glared at Terra, then suddenly grinned. "I'd love to, but I couldn't leave Terra alone." She pretended to think. "Quartzite!" She said suddenly. "Would you mind dancing with Terra while I'm gone?" She asked. "Oh no! I don't dance!" Said Terra. Endymion grinned, also sensing a chance for revenge. "Nonsense! I've seen you dance plenty of times!" He looked over at Quartzite, who glared back. Seeing no other way out he turned to Terra. "May I have this dance?" He asked. She sighed, defeated. After glaring at her brother and friend once more she agreed. "As you wish." She said, taking his hand, trying to ignore the sparks flying through her body as their hands connected. Terra tried to pull her thoughts away from her dancing partner, but found they stubbornly refused to budge. She couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked in a tuxedo. Then again, she thought he looked handsome in anything. She looked into his silver eyes, then turned away blushing. Quartzite looked down at the Princess of Earth. Her long black hair was brushing against his fingers. He noticed how silky it felt, desperately trying to resist the urge to run his hand through it. "Shoot!" He thought. He shook his head. She looked up into his eyes. He felt electricity run through his body. Her blue eyes were looking right through him. They were like two deep oceans. He wanted to drown in them. He wanted to become trapped in them and never escape. He thought. He forced himself, once again, to resist the urge to kiss her right then and there. She looked away and blushed. He smiled nervously. All of a sudden, he felt something on his foot. He winced. "Oh my god!" Terra exclaimed, pulling her foot off his. "Oh Quartzite! I'm sorry. Oh, I'm such a klutz!" She looked up. "Did I hurt you?" He shook his head. "No. I'm okay." He noticed how embarrassed she was. "I don't really like dancing anyway." She smiled. "Terra," he said uncertainly. "Would you...Ummmm...like to go for a...ummmm... walk?" He asked. She smiled nervously. "As you wish." She said, cursing herself for not being able to come up with anything better. Why was it, that lately, whenever she was around him, she got tongue tied. The two headed, hand in hand, out into the gardens. They eventually wound up where she had been crying the other day. They sat down in front of the pond. Terra sighed contentedly. She leaned back against Quartzite. "Terra, I..." He looked down at her. She tilted her head back and looked into his eyes. "Yes?" She whispered, unable to pull away from his gaze. "I...Ummmm..." His mind went blank as he stared into her eyes. All he could think about, was how much he wanted to kiss her. Slowly, they leaned closer together, until their lips were touching. They stayed like that for the longest time. The entire world stood still, and for a moment, everything revolved around the two. Finally, need for oxygen forced the two apart. "Oh wow!" Murmured Terra. She had been kissed before, but they had been nothing compared to this. Quartzite's expression mirrored her own. "Better enjoy that kiss!" Sneered a voice from above them. "It's going to be your last." The two looked up. Above them hovered a strange man. He was dressed in some kind of gray uniform. Terra gasped as she recognized it. "The nega verse!" They rocketed to their feet. Endymion and Serenity leaned toward each other. Thought Endymion. But he knew that was a lie. He liked her. A LOT. Thought Serenity. But it was, and she didn't want it to stop. Their lips were almost touching, when an ear splitting scream tore through the night. The two looked up. Endymion's face paled. "Terra!" He gasped. "Who are you? What do you want?" Asked Terra from her position on the ground. The man had blasted her and Quartzite a moment before. She crawled forward to where Quartzite was recovering. He had jumped in front of her, just before the blast had hit them, and taken the full brunt of the blow. "I am General Tormenite!" He said. "I am here to carry out Mettalia's will. I have my orders." Terra glared up at him. "Oh yeah, and what would those be?" She growled. "To destroy you!" He laughed cruelly. Endymion and Serenity ran as fast as they could. They finally arrived where they had heard the scream coming from and took in the scene before them. Terra and Quartzite were on the ground, and a man was hovering above them, forming some sort of dark energy in his hands. "A nega verse General!" Gasped Endymion. Thinking fast he reached out and grabbed a rose off a bush. "Hey you!" He shouted. The general turned around. "Catch THIS!!!" He threw the rose with all his might. It flew like a bolt through the air, and grazed Tormenite's cheek. Endymion's mouth fell open. "How did I do that?!" He gasped, peering in amazement at his hand. "It was just a rose!!" Tormenite started to form another ball of energy as the others arrived. "Molten Silver ERADICATION!!!!" Shouted Kunzite, launching his attack. Tormenite barely had time to dodge, as the attack flew by. He growled and threw a ball of energy at them, blowing the back. He turned back to Terra. A glowing whip formed in his hands. He thrust it toward Terra. It wrapped around her midriff, pinning her arms to her sides, and lifted her into the air. Sailor Jupiter lined up to attack, but Tormenite stopped her. "Come one step closer and she gets it." He said menacingly. To demonstrate his point, he sent black energy coursing through the whip. Terra screamed as it connected. Jupiter backed up. "You win!" She shouted. "Now stop! Let her go." "Let her go?" Said Tormenite, sneering. "I don't think so." He blasted them back again and increased the flow of energy in the whip. Terra screamed again. She shut her eyes tight, trying to shut out the pain. The others looked on horrified. "Stop it!" Shouted Serenity, running forward. "Leave her alone!" "Serenity NO!" Shouted Endymion, trying to catch her. Tormenite laughed and blasted them both back. "Endymion! Sere!" Shouted Terra. She turned her gaze back to Tormenite. Her eyes filled with pain. "Leave us alone!" She struggled to break free of the whip. She screamed as Tormenite blasted her again. She suddenly felt the pain lessen, as power began to rise up inside of her. "What?!" She gasped. All of a sudden, the grove was filled with light. When they looked up, the sign of the Earth was emblazoned on Terra's forehead. In a flash of light, Tormenite's whip snapped. The light from Terra's forehead kept growing, brighter and brighter, slowly surrounding her. When it had finally faded, in her place stood a Sailor Soldier. Her fuku was silver, with a purple bow. In the center of her bow, was a rose. Her boots came up to just below her knees. Like Mercury's, she had white triangles on the tops of them, but hers pointed downward. On her forehead was a tiara, with a small purple jewel in the center. In her hand was a long staff. On the top was a transparent heart made out of crystal. Coming off the sides of it were a set of wings. Inside of it, glowing brightly, a red rose. She opened her eyes slowly. She suddenly grinned and looked up at Tormenite, who paled. "Bye-bye!" She said. "No!" Screamed Tormenite, as she raised her staff. It began to pulse with power. "Terra Firma..." She concentrated, bringing her staff high. "VIBRATION!!!!" She screamed, as she brought her staff down. The minute her staff struck the ground, it began to shake, as a long crack opened up. Tormenite, now on the ground, screamed as the crack ran under his legs. All of a sudden, the ground erupted in power. Tormenite was surrounded by a purple light. When it had faded, all that was left, was a pile of dust, which was blown away by the wind. "Oh wow!" Gasped Serenity. "Terra's Sailor Earth!" Sailor Earth grinned and looked at herself in amazement. "No way!" She said. "Oh I can't wait to tell my mom!" Said Serenity. "No!" Earth said, making a split second decision. "No? Why not?" Asked Jupiter. "Because, now that we have a Sailor Senshi, we may have the edge we need to defeat Mettalia! If she doesn't know I exist, we may be able to surprise her. She wouldn't be expecting me." The others nodded in understanding. "Besides." Said Sailor Earth. "We don't know who we can..." She felt a wave of dizziness wash over, and she groaned and collapsed, de-transforming. Quartzite reached out and caught her before she could hit the ground. "Terra!" He gasped. He quickly placed his hands on her forehead. They started glowing. "Is she going to be okay?" Asked Mars. Mercury reached into her sub-space pocket and pulled out her minicomputer. She quickly scanned Terra. "A few minor injuries. Nothing serious. Just exhaustion I think," Everyone sighed in relief. All of a sudden a large group of people came running around the corner, having been alerted by the sounds of the battle. Beryl was in the head of the group. Endymion watched her as she noticed the unmoving Terra. An evil smile slowly spread over her face. Endymion narrowed his eyes. "She's okay." He said, watching Beryl closely. Her smile faded and was replaced by a scowl. "We were attacked by one of Mettalia's generals, but the...uh...Senshi defeated him." The crowd erupted in cheers. The Senshi were blushing furiously at the lie. Quartzite lifted Terra off the ground, and the group headed off toward the palace. Terra woke up an hour later. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at her friends. "Hey guys!" She said, sitting up. Her expression changed to one of worry. "What happened? Does anyone know?" Quartzite smiled. "You collapsed, is all. And no, no one knows. Your secret is safe." Terra smiled and settled back down. She looked up at Quartzite, he returned the gaze. Mina suddenly grinned. "Ummmm... Kunzite, didn't you say you wanted to show me the...uhhhh...library?!" She said. "No, I don't remember saying that, I thought..." Mina's elbow cut him off as it found its way to his stomach. "I...oh yeah! Now I remember!" He said catching on. "I'm...ah...sure that the others have things to do as well, so we'll..um..leave you to get some rest." The others nodded. The group slowly filed out, leaving only Quartzite and Terra. "Hey, where are Endymion and Serenity?" She asked. Quartzite grinned evilly. "They said something about, unfinished business." Terra grinned back. "I'll bet!" She smiled up at him. "And what about our unfinished business?" She asked slyly. He grinned. "Would you like to finish it?" He asked. "As you wish." She responded. The two connected, and didn't separate for a long time. ****